Eldest Twin of Fidha, Oldest Child of Morrigan and Loghain.
Eithne and her twin younger sister Fidha, were left on a Chantry's doorstep, without even a blanket between them, still covered in blood, the umbilical cords barely tied properly, which could have ended the sisters right then, but neither died. Not really, their spirits may have, but their bodies continued. The Chantry, always looking for labor, gave them to a mid-wife to raise, until they were capable enough to push a broom, to carry laundry -- and as soon as they showed the signs of magic, both were immediately sent to the Circle.
There they were taught to hate all that they were. Taught to hate all that they would become. And after years of abuse, and torture, sometimes at one another's hands, they were forced to hunt others like them. Apostates and Maleficar that didn't know the way, that deserved less than the clean death they were given if they were lucky, and more when the order was to capture and return.
Eithne was doing the work she was made for. In every way, her skill set had been twisted into what would best help her hunt her own kind. Mind magics, to change her face in a crowd, to put others at ease, to gain their trust. To tell them to sit down and be meek and quiet as she sawed their head free of their shoulders, and for those that struggled? Time stoppage, to feel every single second in sheer horror and agony as she pulled all the water from their body, drop by drop.
And then, mages were accepted. No longer abominations, no longer weak willed and horrific to all. No, they could live, and as this spreading acceptance took hold, there were no more hunts, no more apostates to hunt down, to cleanse like scourge from the earth. She struggled, in those first few months, the loss of power that came from no longer being a sanctioned killer... the loss of knowing if someone annoyed her too much, she could label them apostate and make them vanish.
She decided it was best for her to leave civilization for a while, and so she fell in with a rag tag crew, another Circle mage, an old contact, a Crow pirate, and a mercenary. They traveled, they fought together, they all nearly died together, and when it had come down to it, Eithne had been saved by them. None of them were good people. Killers, thieves, they all owed the world a debt that would never be paid back -- Eithne's part in a genocide against her own kind, she would never be able to pay it back, but, the Five assured her she could try.
And while not perfect, she decided she would try.
In a single word, Self-Loathing. The woman has and continues to hate everything about herself. Traumatized, guilty, unable to show even the slightest bit of mercy to herself. She pushes hard, to be better, do better. She hates everything she is, but sees so much beauty in others, in everything around her, and perhaps that is the smallest bit of hope that she carries in her. Hope that at this point she might finally atone for what she did in her past. And yet, she carries herself with an easy confidence that never shows the inner struggle, the self doubt and absolute fear that those she counts as friends she's manipulated into staying with her. Rage rounds out the major personality traits, rage that she herself contributed to a basic genocide against others like herself. But she is loyal, and courageous, and damnably idealistic, regardless of how much horror she faced in her youth.
Marcel Fontana - (More than) Friend, used to sell her apostates in the day, part of the original Fab Five, her partner in crime.
Gabe Poulin - Friend, In the same circle at one point, they helped one another live through the horrors that happened to them, part of the Fab Five.
Nolan Reid - Friend, Part of the Fab Five.
Celine Vonn - Friend, Part of the Fab Five.