Kaczor Tilani
Czora, Kac, Arrogant Bitch, Arrogant Bastard
Golshifteh Farahani
Demon of Pride
Tevinter Imperium
Tevinter Imperium
Tilani Heir and Lawyer
Kaczor was born the eldest son of the Tilani family, an old name, and even older magics. Raised in a secure, loving environment, he was allowed to pursue his passions, learning about the arts and sciences, as well as forms of etiquette and business that would be needed when he headed the family after his mother. He and his brother spent many days being well, and truly loved. Their family had always been close, but they knew their closeness was because those outside the family would tear them down any way possible. Such was the price to pay for advanced thinking, for having a strong voice in the Senate.

Some called him an idealist when he left for school. Some knew he was an idealist before he even left the front door of his family home. At school, he excelled in his studies, his mastery of magic praised by his teachers, and other students alike. And it wasn't as if he was disliked, far from it, he was equally popular with the other men as he was the ladies. He stretched his fair share of students over their bedsheets, all while being the top of her class.

When she graduated and returned home, she very quickly fell into the familiar social circles with other progressive minds, but her family's voice had been somewhat dampened from all the incoming politicians, each eager to carve themselves a legacy. And perhaps it was legacy that had her turning away several suitors, in the beginning.

Suitors that had been flung in front of her as a means to an end, wives and husband's like, but each she had sent running with their sense of entitlement tucked between their legs. Now, her parents have found match that could help secure an alliance that would help move Telvinter progressively forward, and keep their line fueled for another generation with magic blood.

This fiancé, she can't run off. Not easily, anyway…


If there was one word to sum up Kaczor, it would be arrogant. She's been called arrogant her entire life. And she doesn't mind that. It's fitting, and she doesn't try to dissuade people of the idea that she believed in herself as much as her bravado would lead one to believe. She can be cunning, when a plan requires it, playing her part, until the job is done -- she has a problem telling lies after the fact though, once her role has been made redundant, or her efforts are no longer required. She's highly loving though, and loyal to her family, and anyone else she sees fit. A Libertine at heart, she'll be the flame to ignite the powder keg of revolution, if needs be.

Unfortunately Kaczor can be prone to theatrics, and depressions that drag her down into the depths of madness, so much so that her Pride Demon, Orion, is able to tempt her into letting him have control of their shared body for however long the demon can take the reins. Much of her arrogance and smooth swagger from from the confidence that Orion has given her over the years, but, with her reconciliation with her wife, this may change into Kaczor having her own font of confidence instead of relying on the demon.


Novella Tilani - Wife - Intimately Entwined (Ivy)
Malachai Valentius(Meg) - De-facto Father-in-law - Complicated
Seraphine Salvo (Meg) - Friend, the best she has at the moment, burgeoning friendship
Malik Vrai (Me) - Brother-in-Law -- Complicated as Fuck Demetrius Arvina (Bach) - There could be a joke here of Executioner, but .. surprisingly a good relationship thus far.

The Family Slaves:
Benson (40s) - Slave - NPC (Open!) - Butler of the Tilani's household, he works in Kaczor and Ella's manor house.
Sari (60s) - Slave - NPC (Open!) - Head Maid of the Tilani's household, Benson's mother.
Mishel (70s) - Slave - NPC (Open!) - Former Head Butler of the Tilani household, Mishel now gardens at Kaczor and Ella's manor house.
Unnamed Wife to Benson (40s) - Slave - NPC (OPEN!) - Lady's Maid in the Tilani household.
Unnamed Son to Benson (18-21) - Soldier (Serving his mandatory military, as was born non-mage)/Slave NPC (OPEN)


