The calm before the storm.
If there was something that Aelynthi hated was sickness.

The elf could face challenges, tasks anything that she put her mind to; years of training had polished her skills in ways that made her proud but all the training in the world couldn’t change that in the end she was just a mortal being that could come down with the flu like anybody else.
Aelynthi tried to excuse her sour mood with the fact that she couldn’t work while sick, that she felt as if she was wasting time when the truth was simpler. She felt miserable while bedridden, too sick to even wake up to prepare a soup. She couldn’t remember the last time that she had been sick since she had a pretty good health but now it had hit her with full force.

She had only managed to place a glass of water next to her and had even found hard to swallow it due to how inflamed her throat felt.
Well, it’s not like her peers would come here to look after her, she was a pawn in the board and she was on her own as always. She hoped that no one came down her ass because she hadn’t worked for two days.
Rian missed Ely when she wasn’t around, though he hadn’t fully wrapped his brain around the fact that it meant he like liked her as more than just a friend. No his subconscious was still ignorant to the fact he had feelings. When he heard she was sick, he immediately set about putting a care package together to bring her.

One stop in preparing it brought him to the healers, looking for some potions that would aid in the sick symptoms, like sore throat and cough. For all their magic, they didn’t really have anything that would simply cure the cold outright, so treating the symptoms seemed the best he could do. Then he got some of her favourite soup from the local tavern they frequented, and some bath salts that would help with any possible congestion. Because he knew when he was sick, he liked to take a real hot bath.

Once the basket was all put together, he went to Ely’s room and knocked on the door. Ely, you awake? He didn’t want to just enter in case she was sleeping.
Fever made her feel as if she was both on fire and covered in ice at the same time; everything felt hazy and her sight was unfocused. At times she heard a lullaby and she wondered where she had learned it; definitively not from her parents, no one had cared enough to sang to her when she was a child.

In her fever dream she had almost missed Rian’s voice, or perhaps it was a part of the fever dream? What was Rian doing here anyways? Her voice creaked “Yes but I am sick, it might be flu so perhaps it’s not a good idea for you to enter” the last bit was slurred perhaps he would not hear it properly but well, if he decided to enter that was on him. She wasn’t feeling well enough to care.
Rian, standing firm at the door, knocks once more before calling out, Flu or no flu, I'm not leaving you to handle this alone. He gently pushes the door open, stepping inside with a reassuring smile. Friends are here for each other, no matter what.

He sets the care basket down on a nearby table and moves closer to his friend, assessing her condition with concern in his eyes. I've brought some supplies to help you feel better: soup, herbal tea, some medicine, and a few other things. And if you need anything else, just let me know.

Rian pulls up a chair and sits beside her bed, his determination unwavering. You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I'll keep my distance if it makes you feel better, but I’m staying right here to make sure you have everything you need. So, what can I do for you first?"

@Aelynthi Loraronna
There was a half hearted protest murmured under a blanket about her not being a child who needed to be coddled. With Madelaine she was a bit more pleasant, willing to offer a sweet side in order to become a trusty individual but Rian always managed to go past that and to see the real her, despite of that it was likely less flattering.

“Medicine and tea, I don’t trust my stomach to keep food down” she said finally emerging from under the blankets to sit straight on the bed. Her head felt full of sand and her eyelinds were heavy “But really don’t mind me, aren’t you sure of that you don’t have more important stuff to do?”
Rian chuckled softly at her half-hearted protest, a gentle warmth in his eyes as he looked at her. You're right, you're not a child, but everyone needs a bit of care now and then, he said, his voice calm and reassuring.

He watched as she emerged from under the blankets, noting the weariness etched on her face. Medicine and tea it is, he replied, moving to prepare them for her. I’ll make sure it’s something that’ll be gentle on your stomach.

As he busied himself, he glanced back at her, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. And as for important stuff, there's nothing more important than making sure you’re alright, he said firmly. Everything else can wait.

He brought the tea and medicine to her, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Here you go, he said, offering them to her.

@Aelynthi Loraronna
“Shh you are making me soft, if we keep going like this we will end up like making eyes at each other or holding hands” she said with a frown.

“Well, the good thing about medicine is that even if it comes up it never tastes as bad as when you take it” she said remembering how disgusting cold medicine tended to be, and the worst was that most of the time if you added anything to change the flavor it reduced the healing properties.

“You say that because you haven’t seen the pile of stuff I need to do” she said with a sigh before drinking the medicine first and quickly after the tea in order to reduce the bitter flavor of the healing herbs “Creators, it always tastes like shit” she said with a sigh.
“So, how are you? Holding up well?” asked the woman after she finished the tea; her tongue was burning but at the least her mouth didn’t taste anymore as if she had chewed grass.
Rian couldn't help but chuckle at her comment about getting soft. He knew she had a tough exterior, but moments like these made him appreciate the person beneath it even more.

Making eyes at each other and holding hands? Sounds scandalous, he teased lightly, his tone playful but warm. But don't worry, I'll make sure you keep that tough reputation of yours intact.

He watched as she downed the medicine and tea, wincing slightly in sympathy as she grimaced at the taste. Yeah, medicine never tastes good, does it? But at least it should start helping you feel better soon.

When she mentioned her to-do list, Rian shook his head, still smiling. That pile of stuff will still be there when you're back on your feet. Right now, your only job is to rest and get better. Everything else can wait.

He leaned back a bit, making himself comfortable on the chair beside her bed as she asked how he was doing.

I'm holding up alright, he answered, his tone shifting slightly, becoming more reflective. Things have been... different, you know? A lot on my mind, but nothing I can’t handle.

Rian didn’t want to burden her with his worries while she was sick, but he also knew she could see through him if he tried to pretend everything was fine.

But don't worry about me. Right now, I’m more concerned about getting you back to your usual self. Anything else on your mind? Anything you want to talk about? He offered her a chance to vent or share, knowing that sometimes, talking could be just as healing as any medicine.

@Aelynthi Loraronna
“Exactly, besides just in case you haven’t noticed half of the female population, and a few of the male, want my head on a pike because you are my friend. If we were caught holding hands there would be a pogrom.” She said with a smile “I don’t mind ruining my reputation but I don’t want to argue with idiots.”

“Like if being sick had ever stopped us, when was the last time that you ever asked for a sick leave mhh? Aren’t we in a pot meet kettle case?” she said with a small smile, braiding her hair in order to be a bit more comfortable.

“Well you look admittedly less spooked than the last time that we discussed your new condition but… still it’s been recently, I would understand if you weren’t 100% on your feet.

There was plenty that she wanted to talk about, and nothing that she could share with Rian. Her superiors were growing restless at her admittedly slow pacing. Past Ely would have ruined Madeline’s mind by now. She was running out of time before more drastic measures were taken “I…am just worried; once the fuss ends and I am no longer needed here I have nowhere else to go.” She lied, or half lied at the least.
Rian chuckled at Ely's remark about the potential scandal of them being seen holding hands, the levity helping to ease the tension in the room. Well, we'll just have to keep our scandalous hand-holding to ourselves then, he replied with a grin. No need to give the gossips more fuel for their fires.

He listened as she called him out for never taking sick leave, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. You’re right. I suppose I’m not the best example of taking it easy when I'm under the weather, he admitted. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the chance to rest when you need it.

Her comment about his recent condition made him pause, the weight of his new reality settling over him again. He appreciated that she was concerned, even if she was the one who was supposed to be resting. I'm getting there, he said, his tone more serious. Still figuring things out, but it's getting easier to manage, bit by bit.

When Ely mentioned her worries, Rian's expression softened. He could hear the uncertainty in her voice, and it tugged at him. The thought of her feeling lost, without a place or purpose, didn't sit well with him.

You know, Ely, you're needed here more than you think, he said gently. Not just because of what you do, but because of who you are. You’ve got more people who care about you than you realize, myself included. So even when things settle down, there will always be a place for you here. I promise you that.

He reached out, his hand hovering for a moment before resting gently on her arm. It wasn’t quite the scandalous hand-holding she joked about, but it was a small gesture of comfort, one that showed he was there for her, no matter what.

And if you ever feel like you’re losing your way, just know you don’t have to face it alone. We’re in this together, okay?

He offered her a reassuring smile, hoping to ease some of the worries she was carrying, even if she didn’t share them all with him. Rian knew there was more she wasn’t saying, but he wasn’t about to press her for it. He’d wait, and be there when she was ready.

@Aelynthi Loraronna
“Exactly, I hear enough bullshit about our friendship on a daily basis to give them material to make it worse. Creators know that I am half tempted to tell them that the reason of you not dating them is not me, it’s their incapacity to flirt with you successfully”

“I will rest today and two days more which is the average time needed to recover from something like this, after I am back on track, that’s my compromise” the full recuperation would be seven days but who had time for that? Not her definitively.

“The potion has definitively helped but my research hasn’t found anything else that could be useful for your problem, sorry” she said with an apologetic smile.

“Well you say that now but perhaps someday we will argue or things will go wrong as they tend to go. It’s…complicated, life has taught me to not take things for granted.” She said in a low voice, keeping her façade was hard while sick.

“Yeah, thanks” she said, not sounding entirely convinced despite of her words.
Rian smiled at Ely's sharp wit, a chuckle escaping him despite the underlying seriousness of their conversation. You should tell them that. It might save us both a lot of headaches, he teased, though the warmth in his eyes showed how much he appreciated her standing by him, even in the face of rumors.

When she laid out her compromise to rest for a few days, Rian nodded approvingly. Good, that’s a start. Just promise me you won’t push yourself too hard when you’re back on your feet, alright? I know you’re tough, but even the strongest of us need to take it easy sometimes.

He felt a pang of disappointment when she mentioned the lack of new findings in her research, but he quickly brushed it aside, not wanting her to feel bad about it. You’ve already done more than enough, Ely. The potion has made a difference, and I’m grateful for that. I didn’t expect you to find all the answers overnight. This is something we’ll figure out over time.

As she voiced her concerns about the future, Rian’s expression softened, understanding the fear of uncertainty that she was hinting at. He knew she was trying to protect herself, to keep her expectations low in case things went wrong. It was a feeling he knew all too well.

I get it, Ely. Life is messy and unpredictable, and things don’t always turn out the way we want them to, he said, his tone gentle. But that doesn’t mean we have to face it all alone. I’m not saying everything will be perfect, but I’m willing to face whatever comes our way together. And if things do go wrong, we’ll deal with it. That’s what friends do, right?

@Aelynthi Loraronna
“So now your army of fans is my responsibility? Why so? It’s not my fault they want to marry you, go and settle it with them like a big boy” she teased back as she reclined on the pillows “or pick one of them so that the rest shut up, that will do” she tried and almost managed to not sound jealous as she joked.

“Okay okay, but I still stand by my point of that this is a pot meet kettle situation” she grumbled.
There was a brief moment of hesitation “And what will you do if there’s no other…remedy? I mean, you seem to manage the wolf quite well by now, do you control it when you shift?” she asked curiously; she had never met a werewolf before Rian, her knowledge came from theory.

“We have each other, at the least for now” she said smiling softly at him, the lightheadness of the fever getting to her “Don’t mind my ominous words handsome, I just have learned to not take good things for granted forever” the compliment slipped naturally from her lips and in her tired state she didn’t even feel ashamed by it.
Rian couldn’t hide his grin at Ely's teasing, amused by the way she joked about his supposed “army of fans.” Her half-muttered suggestion to just pick one and be done with it sounded playfully exasperated, and—though he probably shouldn’t read too much into it—he caught a hint of jealousy beneath her tone.

If I settle it, that only leaves more time for them to try and win you over instead, he shot back, his smile widening. Or maybe I’ll just let them keep guessing. Besides, what would I do with a whole crowd of admirers? One stubborn friend is already keeping me busy enough.

He took a breath, his expression shifting to something more serious as she brought up his condition. Her question hung in the air, both practical and deeply personal. It reminded him of how much he appreciated Ely’s straightforwardness; she wasn’t afraid to confront the hard questions. Honestly? I don’t know, he admitted, his voice lower. I can feel it, especially when the moon’s full…like it’s just waiting to get loose. But so far, I’ve managed to hold it back, even if it’s hard. I keep hoping that, with time, I’ll learn to control it completely.

He glanced at her, grateful for the concern he saw there. He’d never really shared these fears with anyone else, but with Ely, he didn’t feel the need to put on a brave face.

When she softly commented about not taking good things for granted, followed by that unexpected “handsome,” his expression warmed. He couldn’t resist teasing her, just a little. ‘Handsome,’ huh? You sure that fever isn’t making you delirious? he quipped, though there was a genuine fondness behind his words.

Settling back in his chair, he softened, looking at her with steady sincerity. And you’re right—nothing good should be taken for granted. That’s why I’m here, stubbornly making sure you know I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. So, whatever comes next, we’ll face it together. Promise.

@Aelynthi Loraronna