King and Queen of Hearts
Things were now in motion with the date settled and the invitations sent out for the party.

They’d decided on separating celebrations and ceremony, the privacy of their vows to be shared between them and the ancestors alone. Other important details like the dress and such were coming along, but there was still plenty of fine tuning to be worked out.

It was why she was in the garden, pulling out weeds overgrown in her absence as High Keeper. She was not being gentle about it however, frustrated by questions, mutterings in hallways over her choice in partner. How could the High Keeper marry a veiled villain? Would he have a voice in how Arlathan’s business was conducted? Their concerns were valid of course, though unfounded, Megara would never believe Nairn to have such ill intentions, his advice would only improve things.

Hauling herself up with a bundle of weeds, Meg dumped them into the bucket nearby a table stacked high with samples, decorative knick-knacks and a few notebooks with scribbled lists, crossed out sketches. A small model sat at the end with a scattering of carefully carved figures, one dressed in white with a small crown and another in a contrasting suit, but with his missing. Noticing, Meg's head tilted, Now… where’d your crown go? asking and picking up the crownless figure to inspect him more closely before scouting her eyes around. Don’t tell me I lost it.. bugger…

Nairn had seated himself, while his wife-to-be was pulling weeds. He'd heard the murmurs, seen the way people glanced at him and whispered; Danny had been reporting back on what was being said. The people of Arlathan worried about their Keeper marrying a veiled villain. It irked him, to no end, and eventually he'd slipped into the house to study the mountain of wedding samples she'd had.

And that was how he came to be rolling the little crown between his fingers, distracted by her quiet murmuring. Mmm, s'pose I stole it, he held the crown out towards her, as he pushed himself out of the ground, just out of sight where he'd been laying nearly underneath the table. He'd not wanted to be disturbed by anyone but her.

The man stretched, slipping to settle an arm around her. One hand splayed across her middle, the other held the little carved crown. I am a villain, don't'cha know? He scoffed softly, and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

@Megara Fern
Meg’s gaze found him as she began her search for the missing crown. Lips curled slowly into a laugh, Mmm, did you now? Well, you have completely stolen my heart, so what's a crown? Her brows bobbed as another chuckle pulled her back up to standing, quietly admiring how her life mate-to-be stretched and reached for her. Meg hummed, moulding herself into his hold until he called himself what half the council dared only mutter amongst themselves.

Not to me. Not in Arlathan either, they just… Meg shrugged, it was just gossip, rumours. In time they’d understand that the Coterie boss posed no threat. As long as you save being one till our wedding night then I think we’ll be fine, she giggled, lifting her head to plant a peck against his cheek.

Have you decided who’s joining the Ceremony for you? Gonna pretend Ruth’s the flower girl, just to get his reaction, but then he might think it the perfect revenge for whatever reason.

Nairn snorted, Y'know, you've gotten corny with age. He teased, as she settled into his arms. He leaned around her to place the little crown back on the table, and shrugged. Doesn't matter what they call me. Or think of me. They're right, he reminded her.

He murmured against her ear, Don't be delusional, Meghren. I've killed people for less and you know it. He pressed a kiss to her temple, after allowing his gaze to sweep around, checking their surroundings. Likely for anyone who might see them.

And then she was talking about the wedding. Mmm, thought Haulean and the new mechanic. In case somethin' goes wrong. Apparently, he rapped his knuckles against the heated metal, it was put in wrong. He assumed she'd talked to Dora, though. But he wasn't certain if Dora had made it clear just how much danger there was with the current model.
She gasped, then immediately changed tracks by blowing out a raspberry at him. You calling me old now? teasing back with a grin. It all too quickly sobered with his reminder, her hands tracing along his arms to reach around his neck.

I’m not blind, or delusional, Nairn. You said it yourself. I know all the good and bad about being an elf. I know you. That’s all that matters.

Haulean was expected, but the engineer? Meg tilted her head some, her grin becoming lopsided until he hesitated. Sabotage? She blinked, focus shifting from his eyes to the chest piece with a frown, her voice quiet. I put it off as just the sound, but… dropping a hand from his neck she drug her knuckles over his, nodding in understanding. He was taking precautions, and after meeting Dora, a sense of ease settled some the already unhealthy amount of stress she had.

But, now they were on the topic of the engineer. This… also wouldn’t have anything to do with our Flower Girl by chance? What’s your read on that?

Not old just... mature, he smirked at her, as her hands traced up his arms, her own arms settled around his neck eventually. He listened, humming under his breath. To onlookers, he looked positively disinterested in whatever the Keeper was yammering about, but his gaze was attentive.

Yeah? You gonna keep a monster in your bed 'cause you like him? He teased, nuzzling her cheek. Another shrug, though his grin faded. Mmm, I don't expect any problems. But I'd rather not leave you a widow for a second time, because he recognized that was, in fact, what he'd done when he'd feigned dead for a decade.

Slipping an arm around her, he'd pull her to him. Hah, you notice that too? He respects her. Almost as much as he respects you, but maybe more? He tilted his head in thought.

And she seems to care about him. I think he'll run from it, though. He squeezed her midsection, and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, mumbling into her hair, He didn't let me run from you, so I'm not gonna let him run from her.

@Megara Fern
Meg’s eyes narrowed playfully at his comment, her nose even scrunching with the cheek of it. She’d hum, then giggle as his skin tickled against hers. There’s no monster. Only my husband, my Vhenan. Even as his faded, Meg’s turned thoughtful and then teasing. Good. Cos I’m sure I can find a Necromancer to bring you back just to plant you again.

Her body moved as guided, grin spreading to a smirk before she nodded slowly. Oh I most certainly did. He gave her a nickname and one that isn’t lewd for that matter. Meg smiled, though it didn’t quite meet her eyes, knowing all too well that Ruth wasn’t the easiest person to predict.

She does, met her the other day, and he will probably do his best to bolt, she’d sigh in agreement while her arms slipped down to wrap around his waist. His quiet mumblings and press of lips to her head had her turn to look up at him. I mean this affectionately, but he’s dumber than you when it comes to relationships. I haven’t said a thing, cos the last time I did, well, it didn’t work out well for him. Her heart had been in the right place when it had come to Nell, encouraging Ruth to take the chance with the old clan mate. The resulting disaster from that traitorous bitch had strained their friendship for a time.

... Wanna take bets on how stupid he is?

Nairn flashed her a silly grin, as she called him her husband. I'm not quite a husband, not yet. But he liked hearing it; likely more than he cared to really admit.

Mmm, she seems nice. And then he snorted, because she declared Ruth to be dumber than he, I dunno, he's got... better charm. But yeah, he'll definitely make a run for it. Or do something stupid. Has he RSVP'd for the engagement party? Curious, if the dwarf was his plus one.

...y'know I'm a gamblin' man, 50 bronze bits to start?

@Megara Fern
<@megthepict> (for the @ on discord)
Meg snickered at his look, brows wiggling at him, Hus-ba-nd. Hubby. Love of my life. The… spark of creation, she teased, giggling.

She does. Seems like she could give him a run for his money too, Meg agreed, but soon snorted, already knowing something he didn’t when he asked about the invitation. Oh he’s already running. He’s taking Wilhelmina as his plus one, not Dora. She’d never met the elf, but Ruth had talked about her… though that was a stretch given the only thing Meg understood for certain was that Mina had a talented mouth according to Ruth.

Rolling her eyes she let out a sigh, leaning into him. See. Dumber than you… you sure you don’t wanna rethink your bet, or was that for him to fuck it up? It was the thing that would most scare him when it came to having a serious relationship. I call 75.

Nairn chuckled, Are you d-r-u-n-k, my Keeper? He was teasing, and he sing-songed the letters to spell 'drunk'. Just as goofy as she, at times.

Mmm, that was for him to fuck up. He stated, tugging one of her braids. Glad I'm the smart one, in this discussion.

@Megara Fern
Meg’s head shook much like a childs, too much excitement in the swing, Noooo, but I do like the way my Keeper sounds. Laughing, Meg pulled at his shirt, letting it fall back against him. I’m drunk on being happy, ma Vhenan.

Pfft, however he fucks it, it will certainly be a show. He doesn’t do things by half's… we should use it. As a distraction I mean, and then snea- she didn’t finish, voice cutting off with a squeak tampering to a soft moan with that tug. Meanie. ...Y-You are. In this instance anyway… her nose wiggled defiantly, turning back to the wedding table.

Do you want me to give Danny the party layout so he can post the patrol that I know you’ll have going on?

Nairn's grin was smug, even as chatter returned to their wayward friend. Ruth had done a lot for them both; and they'd never leave him behind. But they'd certainly watch him hit rock bottom, if it came to it.

He'd tugged her hair, and that smug grin shifted to something more amused, as she moaned under her breath and turned back to the wedding table. You're always makin' my life easier, he mused, as he followed her lead; her suggestion about giving Danny the party layout beforehand was smart.

He'll thank you for it later, he commented, grinning as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. What're we having for dinner? I've gotta go back to Kirkwall, check on some shit.

@Megara Fern
Ruth had become her brother, family. For an elf who claimed to never stick around for anyone had certainly performed the opposite when it came to pulling them both out of the rubble. She’d seen sides to him that few rarely saw, the softer, quieter side that simply wanted some peace despite his front for chaos.

Smirking, Meg leaned back into him, Becaaause, I don’t want anything to distract you from enjoying it. It’s a day for us, not just for me silly. Her greatest wish was for him to feel as relaxed as possible, not an easy feat, but any adjustment was a small thing to see him smile unmasked.

It’ll put everyone at ease, not just Danny. Hands pushed papers around, pausing when he’d plant a kiss on her head. She’d push back against it, while eyes searched for the food list. It’s a big open buffet banquet, so you eat pretty much anything you like. Even me. She’d snicker, shaking her head a little. No it’s pretty sorted, and all the leftovers will be shared out among the poor houses of our neighbours.

Then he said he was leaving and Meg swayed in his hold, nodding and only asking the important question. Home for dinner today, or…? The Coterie wasn’t her business unless it became her business, and luckily, since the wizard, she had not had to butt her nose in. She had faith in Nairn to keep her informed when needed and tonight he confirmed he'd be home with her.

Oooo you'll be pleased then. You'll get to taste cake some cake... just, don't smash it in my face, ok?
