Goodbye, my almost lover
Maika looked at the sights of Antiva city, for what would be the last time in many years or even forever. Zevran was running to her over and over the last details of the plan but she couldn’t focus, driven by an unexpected sadness as she looked at the man and the home that she would say goodbye to.

“Zevran I am tired can we just…spend five minutes without repeating the plan?” she said leaning her head on his shoulder, stifling a yawn. She was starting to show physical symptoms of pregnancy like fatigue and nausea and tiredness felt so heavy on her shoulders.

“It’s going to be a young lady and she will be called Arissa” she said quietly “Ill gift her two things each birthday and tell her that one comes from you and the other from me” she said offering her hand for his to entwine his fingers with hers.

“And if someday, when she’s older, it’s safe…” safe enough? It would never be safe enough to meet Zevran again “I will miss you. I will never love someone like I do you.” With Zevran she could be open, say anything, he was the only man that she trusted with all her heart.
Zevran's usually light-hearted demeanor softened as Maika leaned her head on his shoulder. The weight of the situation, normally something he would shrug off with a joke or a clever remark, settled heavily on him now. This wasn’t just another mission, another plan to be executed with precision—this was something far more personal, something that tugged at the heart he so often claimed was impervious to sentiment.

He let out a quiet sigh, wrapping his arm around her, drawing her closer. Ah, Maika, you wound me, he said with a soft chuckle, though there was no real humor behind it. But I suppose you’re right. The plan is as solid as it can be, and I would rather spend these last moments with you than discussing details we both know by heart.

Zevran gently entwined his fingers with hers, savoring the warmth of her hand in his. Arissa, hmm? It’s a beautiful name, perfect for a beautiful girl. And I will hold on to our memories and my dreams of my daughter, and I will hold them close, even if I cannot hold you. His voice was tender, the usual playful edge replaced by something deeper, something more genuine.

He turned his head slightly, pressing a kiss to her temple. You will be an amazing mother, Maika. And one day, when it is safe, perhaps our paths will cross again, and I can meet this lovely Arissa. But until then, you must promise me to stay safe, to stay hidden. For her, and for yourself. The thought of the Crows getting their hands on their daughter, was more than he could bear to think about.

Zevran's gaze drifted out over the city, the place he had called home for so long. He had seen so much, done so much, but nothing quite compared to this moment. I will miss you too, my love, he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. More than words can express. And I will never forget you, never forget what we shared. But you know me, I cannot help but add a touch of humor even now—so let’s make this promise, shall we? When we meet again, and we will, I expect you to have taught our little Arissa all the ways to outwit her old man. She should be a master of stealth, charm, and of course, the art of the blade.

@Maika Arainai
"Mhm, guilty as charged on the wounding" said with a soft smile the brunette as she pressed a kiss to her lover's arm. Usually they would be more guarded with the public displays of affection but this was their last night together. "Of course I am right; I would propose alternative forms of relaxation but I doubt that it's a good idea to exhaust our bodies like that the night prior to the plan."

"If its a boy I would call him by your name, but that's a bit too much on the nose so I will think about a proper alternative" she said moving one hand to play with a lock of blonde hair. "Just don't forget to live the present in all the dreaming alright? I would rather think that even if I don't see you again, you will be happy".

"i am a crow, or rather I was. I know what I am doing trust me, Arissa will be safe" said the brunette, despite of the confidence in her words she was afraid, to be safe from the crows was quite the complicated task.

"Arissa will totally destroy you next time that we see each other, I plan to raise an Aranai, that's something" she joked. "You won't even see it coming, I promise"
Zevran chuckled softly at Maika's playful remark, the sound a bittersweet melody that danced in the night air. He relished the warmth of her kiss against his arm, savoring every moment of this final night together. Though their future was uncertain, and the dangers they faced were all too real, he found solace in their shared humor and the love that bound them.

Ah, my love, always the practical one, Zevran teased lightly, his golden eyes glinting with affection as he looked down at her. But I can’t argue with that logic, especially when we have a plan to execute. Still, you know I would be more than willing to exhaust ourselves in other, more delightful ways if it weren’t for the circumstances. He gave her a sly smile, though there was a hint of sadness in his eyes that even his charm couldn’t fully mask.

He listened as Maika spoke of names, of their future child, and of the life she would build in his absence. The mention of naming a boy after him made his heart swell with pride, but he quickly masked it with his trademark wit. Zevran the Younger, hmm? A bold choice, but you’re right—perhaps something a bit more subtle is in order. Still, I have no doubt that whatever name you choose, our child will wear it proudly.

As she played with a lock of his hair, Zevran leaned into the touch, closing his eyes for a brief moment to commit this feeling to memory. The way her fingers gently tangled in his hair, the warmth of her presence, the sound of her voice—it was all he could take with him when they parted, and he wanted to remember every detail.

Her words of reassurance, her confidence in her ability to protect their child, filled him with a mixture of pride and worry. He knew Maika was more than capable, a former Crow with skills that rivaled his own, but the dangers they faced were relentless. Still, he trusted her, as he always had.

I have no doubt you’ll keep Arissa safe, Maika. And if there’s anyone who can outwit the Crows, it’s you. He squeezed her hand gently, offering what comfort he could. But don’t think for a moment that I won’t be doing everything in my power to keep an eye on both of you from the shadows. I may not be by your side, but I’ll be watching, protecting you in whatever ways I can.

Zevran laughed at the thought of their future daughter, an Arainai in the making, inheriting their cunning and skill. Oh, I have no doubt that she will be a force to be reckoned with. And when the day comes that I face my own daughter in a test of skill, I will gladly accept my defeat, knowing she learned from the best. He winked at Maika, his playful nature shining through even in this somber moment. But let’s keep that our little secret, shall we? Wouldn’t want her getting too cocky.

He fell silent then, simply holding her close as they looked out over the city they both loved. The world around them was changing, and soon they would be separated by necessity, but in this moment, they were together, and that was all that mattered.

Whatever happens, Maika, know that you will always have my heart. I will miss you every day, but I will carry the memory of this night with me, always. He pressed a tender kiss to her lips, a promise and a farewell wrapped in one. And when the time is right, when it is safe… we will find each other again. Of that, I am certain.

With that, he fell silent, savoring these last precious moments with the woman he loved, before the dawn broke and the path ahead of them diverged into uncertain futures.

@Maika Arainai
“Well one of us has to be practical, otherwise we would be all the time distracting ourselves with sex, which admittedly is what got us here in the first place” she said with a smile. “Not complaining, the sex was admittedly amazing” she said tapping his arm playfully “definitively worth the trouble”

“I will make sure to pick a nice name, like Adrian for example” she had always liked that name, it sounded very regal in her opinion.

“Takes a crow to know another” she said quietly. It would be hard to keep Arissa safe, but worth it. “We will thank a little bit of help, I am sure.” She doubted that Zevran would have much possibility to help but the thought was nice nevertheless. She didn’t voice out loud the fact that perhaps he wouldn’t live long enough, that he was also in danger by just being a crow. Zevran was an absolutely skilled man but due to that he tended to get sent to the most difficult missions which tended to end up poorly.

“If you go against her I am cheering in her team, sorry mi amor but I am Arissa team here” she said playfully “I expect you to do the same if we ever reunite and you see us training.”

“If you find someone I won’t hold it against you. Life is hard, specially as a crow and I don’t want you to be alone and sad because I am gone” she said sincerely. It wasn’t nice to imagine Zevran with someone else but Maika was fair, she didn’t want to steal Zevran’s chances of enjoying himself, of obtaining pleasures in life “Just knowing that you won’t forget me…that you won’t forget us…that’s enough” she concluded, very grateful to have him for a few moments before the dawn.
Zevran couldn’t help but laugh at Maika’s remark about their proclivity for distraction. It was a light, genuine sound, one that cut through the heaviness of the moment and reminded him of why he’d fallen for her in the first place. Her wit, her resilience, the way she faced the world with a smile even when things were darkest—it was all a part of who she was, and he loved her for it.

Ah, yes, our delightful distractions, he teased, his tone light but filled with affection. I wouldn’t change a thing, Maika. Every moment we’ve had together has been worth it, even if it means facing what comes next. And for the record, I completely agree—the trouble was worth it. He grinned, the playfulness in his eyes returning as he gently tapped her nose.

The mention of the name Adrian brought a nod of approval from Zevran. Adrian is a fine name, regal and strong. It suits the child of someone as remarkable as you, my love. Whether it’s Arissa or Adrian, I know they’ll grow up to be someone special—someone who carries the best of both of us. He spoke with a certainty that belied the uncertainty of their situation, as if willing their child’s future into something bright and full of promise.

Her quiet acknowledgment of the challenges ahead, of the difficult road she’d have to walk to keep their child safe, sobered him again. Zevran knew better than anyone how relentless the Crows could be, how difficult it was to escape their shadow. But he also knew that if anyone could do it, it was Maika.

I’ll do what I can from the shadows, as always, he assured her, his voice dropping to a soft murmur. We’ve both been on the other side of this game, and we know how it’s played. Just remember, you’re not alone in this. Even if you can’t see me, I’ll be there, watching over you both.

@Maika Arainai
“I wouldn’t either. Life in the crows is not easy and definitively not something I would wish lightly on someone but you were only of the few good things that came with it” she said giving him a brief kiss as she tried to fit as many as she could; likely this would be the last time that she could kiss her lover.

“I want them to have your smile, but not your charm because honestly I doubt that the world could sustain two people like you” she said joking “and I hope that he has better ankles than I do” she added laughing.

“Focus on staying alive yourself, maker knows that within the crows that will be a challenging task” she said quietly. “I just…if something happens to me I hope you can save them”. She knew that if she was found they both would be dead but it was nice to imagine that if she got caught there was a chance for the child to survive.
Zevran chuckled, savoring each kiss, each touch as if it would be etched into his soul forever. He’d memorized every detail of her—the tilt of her smile, the way her laugh softened the hardest edges of his heart. And though he kept his trademark lightness, the truth of the moment weighed on him in a way he’d never admit.

Ah, well, I suppose two of me might be too much even for the Maker, he said, matching her joking tone, but his smile softened at her words. But I hope they do inherit something from me, aside from good looks, naturally. Perhaps a touch of charm—but nothing so dangerous as my old habits, hmm? Just enough to make life a little more interesting.

He brushed a strand of hair from her face, his fingers lingering as he met her gaze, his expression shifting to one of rare seriousness. Maika, I promise you, I’ll do everything in my power to survive, not just for me but for both of you. And if—if something does happen… he hesitated, the idea almost too painful to speak aloud. If it comes to that, I swear to you, our child will be my priority. I’ll find them. I’ll protect them with everything I have.

@Maika Arainai