And in her smile I see something more beautiful than the stars.
Rian was worried, ever since he’d gotten bit by the wolf a few days ago, he just hadn’t felt right. The wound didn’t act like a typical wound either. It was healing in a way that just didn’t make sense, he’d been gashed and now you could barely tell he’d even been bit.

Despite his best efforts to ignore it, a sense of unease had wormed its way under his skin. The world seemed sharper, smells stronger, and his dreams were filled with running forests under a moonlit sky.

His appetite had changed as well. He found himself craving meat, and not just any meat, but the raw, bloody kind that he would have previously recoiled from. His senses were becoming more animalistic by the day, and he could feel something stirring within him, something wild and untamed.

It was this primal instinct that he found himself grappling with, a beast inside him threatening to claw its way to the surface. He was both terrified and fascinated by this transformation, unsure of what it would mean for his future.

He had to tell someone what was going on, he was still too unsure to tell Madeline, so he went to seek out Aelynthi. He didn’t expect her to have answers, but he couldn’t keep it to himself any longer, not when he could eventually be a danger to others.
Aelyenthi was gathering some flowers to do a crown, the only happy memory that she had kept since her childhood. The few moments that she had spare time, she would run to the meadow near her home to gather a few flowers in order to craft a crown and name herself “Princess of her future”. She didn’t want gold or possessions back then, just to be loved and safe.

She had learned that she couldn’t achieve love and that the safety depended on her skills.

The woman had never let anyone know about her little guilty pleasure in fact as far as she plucked one she hid them in her basket in order to not let people gossip about what she was doing. If she had paid more attention she would have seen Rian approaching her, but her focus was on a beautiful daisy that was growing beneath her feet. Aelyenthi was pondering if it would be a good suit or if she should look around to see if she saw something that fitted more the crown palette.
As Rian drew near to Ely, he cleared his throat to announce his present, as it seemed like they were deeply focused on what they were doing and not on who was around them, and he didn’t want to startle her.

Hey Ely! I was wondering if we could go somewhere to talk? He wanted to talk, but he wanted to talk somewhere, anywhere, that they wouldn’t have anyone accidentally eaves drop on them, or on purpose for that matter. He was ready to tell her, but not the world just yet.
When she heard Rian clean his throat he threw away her flowers, as if that could cover what she was doing. There was an initial scowl on her features, she was low key embarrassed of how easily she had left her guard down but she softened it quickly, putting the mask of “always ready to help and serve quickly” in mere seconds. “Of course, whatever you need Rian” she said kindly as she got up from the ground “ lead the way please,” she said signaling her surroundings; she was a bit intrigued this was the first time that Rian had requested to speak alone with her.
Rian nodded, grateful for Ely's understanding, and led the way to a secluded area. His heart pounded in his chest, anxiety gnawing at his nerves as he prepared to share his strange plight.

They walked in silence, the tension thick in the air. As they arrived at their secluded spot, Rian turned to face Ely, his expression serious.

Thank you for coming, Ely, he began, his voice heavy with worry. There's something...strange happening to me.

He proceeded to explain the changes he'd been experiencing since the wolf bite - the heightened senses, the animalistic cravings, the unsettling dreams. He watched Ely's reactions carefully, waiting for signs of disbelief or, worse, fear.

I don't know what's happening to me, Ely, Rian finished, his voice barely more than a whisper. I'm scared. He wasn’t making a whole lotta sense, but he was finding it harder than he thought it was going to be to explain it all to Ely.
“No problem, you have helped me in the past, it’s the least I could do” she said calmly as she listened carefully to Rian’s plight. Besides of an experienced spy she was a experienced healer and despite of the small odds there was a “disease” or “condition” that fitted perfectly with Rian’s description.

“Werewolf” she plainly said. “I mean, that’s what likely bit you and what you are turning into” she said in a low voice as she pinched the bridge of her nose “There’s little we can do, there is no cure for it. We can only pray that your will keeps you from harming people when you shift”. She could have used a softer approach but she was a direct woman.
Perhaps a bit too direct, she realized as she eyed at him. There was an awkward silence and she patted his back “I trust you to be good at holding back, if there’s someone that could restrain a wild urge it would be you.”
Rian listened intently, his heart pounding as the words sank in. The term "werewolf" echoed in his mind, bringing with it a flood of confusion, fear, and anger. He'd heard tales, of course, but never believed he'd be part of one. He took a deep breath, trying to process what she'd said.

Thank you for being honest with me, he said, his voice steady but with an edge of tension. I guess I knew something was seriously wrong, but this... it's hard to wrap my head around.

He looked away for a moment, gathering his thoughts. The silence between them felt heavy, but her pat on his back was a small comfort. He forced a small smile, appreciating her directness despite the gravity of the situation.

I've faced a lot of challenges in my life, but this is... different, he admitted. I suppose all I can do is take it one step at a time, try to understand what this means for me, and how to control it.

Her words of confidence in his ability to restrain himself brought a measure of hope. Thank you for believing in me, he said quietly. It means a lot, especially now.

Rian's mind raced with questions, but he knew there were no easy answers. Do you know if there's anyone who can help me... guide me through this? he asked, looking at her with a mix of determination and desperation. I don't want to hurt anyone, and if there's any way to learn control, I need to find it.

He straightened, resolve hardening in his eyes. I've never backed down from a fight before, and I won't start now. I'll find a way to live with this, to control it. And I'll make sure no one gets hurt because of me.

@Aelynthi Loraronna
“You know me; I am not one to tell sweet lies which doesn’t help my popularity but I prefer a low profile anyways.” She said in an attempt to joke before placing a hand on his arm, her fingertips barely brushing the fabric of his sleeve. She had touched many men and women to sway them to her favor but for some reason she seemed to be unable to do that with Rian.

“If I know someone that could write a manual on self control that would be you” she said with a smile “I can make potions to tame it down a little. They are not miracle workers but it will help”. She really believed that if someone could control it and not abuse his new acquired status for power that would be Rian.

“Not really but I can research more if you wish” she offered genuinely “I promise I won’t even ask you to pay me back for the favor” she added in a attempt to lighten the situation.

“I guess that now that I know the secret we are in this. I promise I won’t tell a soul” stupid, she could use that information to harness power on him and instead she was offering her help without expecting something in return; she was definitively a fool.
Rian looked down at the hand Ely had placed on his arm, feeling a warmth that contrasted with the cold fear gnawing at his insides. Her attempt at humor, though subtle, brought a faint smile to his lips—something he hadn’t felt since the bite. He appreciated her straightforwardness, the way she didn’t dance around the truth. It was a quality he had always admired in her.

Thank you, Ely, he said, his voice soft but sincere. Your honesty... it’s exactly what I needed right now. I can handle the truth, even if it’s hard to hear.

He listened as she offered to help, her words giving him a sliver of hope. Potions to tame the beast within him—he’d take any help he could get. And the fact that she was willing to do this without expecting anything in return, it touched him in a way he hadn’t expected.

I’d really appreciate that, he replied, nodding at her offer to research more about his condition. If there’s anything out there that could help me keep control, I want to know about it. And don’t worry—I won’t forget this. I owe you, more than I can put into words.

Her promise not to tell anyone was a relief, though he had never doubted her discretion. Rian knew how much trust she valued, and the fact that she was willing to keep his secret meant more to him than he could express.

We’re in this together, then, he said, meeting her eyes with a determined gaze. I won’t let this... thing control me. And I’ll make sure that no one ever has to pay for what’s happening to me.

He hesitated for a moment, then added, You’ve always had my back, Ely. I’m not sure I deserve it, but I’m grateful. More than you know.

The bond between them felt stronger than ever, forged in the fires of this new, terrifying reality. Whatever came next, Rian knew he wouldn’t face it alone—and that made all the difference.

@Aelynthi Loraronna
“Well you’d do the same for me right? Aren’t this what peers are for?” she asked, trying to use a neutral word to define their relationship. In the past she would have batted eyelashes and caressed his arm while saying that sentence, but there was something else, she couldn’t bring herself to play so openly with Rian’s affections.

Or perhaps she was also a bit afraid of rejection.

“For now w I will do that; let’s see if the research brings out something else” she said with a nod “yes, you owe me a big one indeed”. She said half heartedly, past Ely would have wiggled at the perspective of having pulled so easily a favor from him but she was deflated now.

“No need to thank me” she said with a smile, wondering what would happen once betrayal struck with him. Would the anger delete the good memories too? Or would he mourn moments like this?.
Rian nodded, acknowledging Ely's words with a soft, thoughtful expression. Her use of the word "peers" felt like a safe choice, a neutral term that downplayed the complexity of their relationship. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more between them, something deeper than just a shared sense of duty.

Of course, I’d do the same for you, without hesitation, he replied, his voice steady and sincere. We look out for each other, that’s how it’s always been. And how it always will be.

He appreciated her offer to continue researching, the hope of finding something to help him control the beast within him. But more than that, he appreciated her presence—her support at a time when he felt more alone and scared than he had ever been.

I guess I do owe you a big one,] he said, allowing a small, rueful smile to touch his lips. [q]But you know I’m good for it, whatever you need.

Her dismissal of his gratitude didn’t go unnoticed, but he chose to let it slide for now. He could sense a shift in her, a subtle change that made him wonder if there was more she wasn’t saying. But for now, he was grateful—grateful for her help, for her promise of discretion, and for the quiet understanding that passed between them.

Thank you, Ely, he repeated, his tone softer this time. I mean it. You’ve always been there when I needed someone the most. I just hope I can return the favor someday, in a way that truly matters.

@Aelynthi Loraronna
“I think you shouldn’t say stuff like that so easily and so quickly, you never know what someone could ask out of you” she said with a small uncomfortable small that turned into a playful one in a matter of seconds. She hoped that Rian hadn’t noticed that small lapse, otherwise she would need to come up with an excuse because obviously the truth was out of the cards.

“For now maybe I will cash the favor for something small; perhaps a good wine or a nice wool coat; maker knows that only Fereldans are good at enduring this country’s winters” she said joking in a way to lighten up the mood.

“Yeah well, just be careful to not get too attached, you never know how long my work here will last, maybe someday they will not need an apothecary, or will hire a cheaper one” she said with a small chuckle.
Rian couldn’t help but notice the brief flicker of something in Ely’s expression—a hint of discomfort quickly masked by her usual playful demeanor. It was subtle, but Rian had always been good at reading people, especially those he cared about. Still, he let it pass, deciding not to press her on it. There were enough heavy things on his mind already, and he didn’t want to add to them.

You’re probably right, he replied with a soft chuckle, picking up on her playful tone. But you know me—I’m nothing if not overly generous with my promises. If you ever do decide to cash in, just know I’ll deliver, no matter what it is. Even if it’s just a good bottle of wine or a cozy coat to get you through another Ferelden winter.

Rian appreciated Ely’s attempt to lighten the mood, and it worked, if only a little. The weight of their conversation still hung between them, but her humor eased some of the tension in his chest. He knew she was trying to protect him in her own way, even if it meant deflecting with jokes.

When she mentioned not getting too attached, Rian’s expression softened into something more serious. He met her gaze, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of his words.

Ely, I don’t think I could ever not be attached, no matter how long you’re here or what happens next, he admitted quietly. You’ve been a constant for me when everything else felt like it was falling apart. I know you like to keep your distance, but you should know by now that I’m stubborn. He offered a small, wry smile, trying to convey the depth of his appreciation without making things too heavy.

So, if you ever decide to move on, I’ll understand. But until then, you’re stuck with me. I’m not going anywhere.

He glanced away briefly, taking a deep breath before looking back at her. And for what it’s worth, I hope you do stick around for a while. We’ve still got a lot of winters to get through, and I can’t think of anyone better to share them with.

@Aelynthi Loraronna
“Well the cozy coat sounds amazing but I am going to keep the favour for now, such a gift shouldn’t be wasted, even if the idea of a fluffy coat sounds lovely, especially if it’s teal, it’s my favourite color” she said with a smile.

“Be careful, you never know when someone is going to disappoint you, blind affection is never a good thing” she said with a small smile. “But your words warm my heart, I think that I have never met someone that believed in me like that.” Because her boss didn’t believe in her per se, he just used her because if she failed she was disposable. Rian made her feel…worthy.

“Even if I left it would be hard to forget you” she admitted with a fond smile “Ack, don’t remind me of the winters, that’s definitively not something I am looking forwards to!” she said with a chuckle.
Rian took a steadying breath, letting Ely’s words settle over him like a balm. Her playful request for a teal coat and subtle attempt to guard him with advice both touched him deeply; there was a quiet strength in her humor, a way of showing she cared without saying it outright. He didn’t miss the shift in her expression, the softness in her eyes when she spoke of him being the one who truly believed in her. For all of her guarded nature, there was a vulnerability there—one he felt privileged to glimpse.

Teal coat, got it. I’ll have to remember that, he said with a faint smile, matching her lightness but with a note of sincerity beneath it. But don’t think that promise is off the table; if you ever need it, it’s yours, no matter how big or small.

He was quiet for a moment, absorbing her warning about blind affection. It was a gentle reminder of something he already knew: that trust could be a fragile, dangerous thing. But he felt, more than ever, that Ely wasn’t someone he needed to guard himself against. She’d been by his side in more ways than he could count, and he couldn’t imagine walking away, even if it meant risking the pain of losing her trust someday.

Ely, I know what you’re saying. But I think we both know that trust like this… it doesn’t come around often, he said softly. And if it’s a mistake to trust you, it’s one I’ll gladly make.

His expression softened into a smile as he chuckled at her complaint about winters. Well, there are worse things than getting through winter here together, he teased. And if you decide to brave another Ferelden freeze, you can count on me to be there, teal coat and all. After all, we’ve got a lifetime of bad winters to complain about, right?

Rian held her gaze, the weight of everything they’d said binding them together in a way that felt almost tangible. Whatever might happen with this beast inside him, with his uncertain future, he knew that he wouldn’t face it alone—and that made the path ahead feel just a bit brighter.

Well, I should be getting back to it I suppose. He didn’t want to, but there was work to do, and he couldn’t step away from it indefinitely.

@Aelynthi Loraronna