My Home is a Person...
He smiled at her, the bond between them unspoken but understood. She was like a daughter to him, and the years they had spent together had solidified that bond. Hearing her talk about snack cakes brought a wave of nostalgia. Ah, the snack cakes. I remember those. You'd always light up when I brought them to you after a tough match. We'll find a bakery, no worries.

Bajie nodded in agreement about traveling light. You're right, we’ve always traveled light. Just the essentials—food, weapons, and a good sense of where we’re heading. Hammocks, though, that’s a good idea. Better than sleeping on the hard ground. Let’s pick up a couple before we leave.

He paused, looking at Flea with a serious but affectionate expression. We’ve got a long journey ahead of us to Arlathan. It won’t be easy, but I know we can handle it. We’ve been through worse.

With a final nod, Bajie and Flea began to gather their things, preparing for the journey ahead. As they walked through the bustling market, they found the hammocks and a few supplies, making sure they were ready for the road. Together, they set off towards Arlathan, the bond between them unbreakable and their determination unwavering.

@Little Flea