[Past] You, Me and a Pitcher of Cream
No Triggers
Nairn shrugged, I'm smarter than that. Don't worry, and why, pray tell, was he making mental note to taper his use? Because this girl was worried about him? Ugh. Ruth was going to laugh him out of the tavern next time they met up.

She warned him, that she was going to get up onto the couch so she'd have a better angle on his injury. But that did not help him save face, not when he felt her weight behind of him, felt her hands settled over his shoulder.

He tensed, ears red, wishing very much that he'd taken her offer of a smoke. Or that he was drunk... Stoic, sitting upright as straight as he could be, he fixed his gaze ahead and all conversation ceased.

But all of this, did nothing to hide the quiet, pleased murmur he made as she worked to massage the scar tissue. Too quiet to be legible, and most certainly unnecessary to understand.

@Megara Fern
Megara chuckled, climbing over the couch to get behind him. Healer’s prerogative I’m afraid. We’ll always find something to fuss about, but I’m glad, don’t wanna see you like those poor souls in Darktown. Lyrium was a slippery slope.

Her touches began gently, appraising the injury while also observing his tensing reaction. Her gaze wandered his back, noting the scars here and there that had been treated haphazardly in her eyes, it caused a small frown to form. Questions came to mind, but unwilling to cause him more discomfort the healer refrained from asking. Instead she hummed, the soft waltzing melody replacing conversation for the moment.

Narrowing down the main knot her hands and fingers focused on unwinding the muscle group. She surmised that if he was this reluctant to be touched, magic was out of the question, but as she unwound a particular coiled nerve bundle the relief vibrated through.

There we go, making headway now, Meg chuckled softly. See, doesn’t always have to be magic that fixes things. A few more minutes and you’ll feel like a new man. I could fix it fine with magic, but we can do this over a few sessions if you prefer my wee hands.

Nairn flushed, as she massaged the knot in such a way that he was unable to stay quiet, groaning in appreciation. She was talking... but her hands felt so good and—

Ah... I don't mind magic that might be the better choice. You... have other patients to see, and shouldn't spend all of your time with me, anyway. He was speaking so fast, he couldn't quite think about what he was saying.

He just knew she needed to leave. Her hands felt too good on his back.

@Megara Fern
Sitting behind him provided shelter from him seeing the grin spreading across her face. Though, as he began to nervously babble her sweeping touch paused, Oh... okay. This'll feel really warm for a bit, but you'll feel a whole lot looser. After readjusting her seat and arranging her hands Megara settled, letting the magic flow easily into his shoulder.

I don't have any more, but yeah, I should get some sleep. Be fresh for tomorrow. There weren't any assignments for her, but he had given her an idea to run past old Bertie. A herb garden would make a fine addition to the groups wellbeing, maybe even make them a bit of money on the side.

Shifting off the couch she'd slowly gather her things all while she gibbered about the garden. And we'll obviously need pots and soil... Oh. I should get some fresh seeds too... She'd pause at the hatch threshold, her head still poking out to smile up at him. I hope it feels better, Nairn. If you need anythin' just come by yeah? Thanks for the idea too.

Her hand left the rung to give him a small wave and then casting a look back, slowly began to work her way down the ladder and home.
