With the meat of their business over, Adaria relaxed back into her chair, leisurely taking sips as he stepped up the plate. Amusement filled her face, his eagerness infectious even if she wasn’t one to care often about the frivolous scandal of the day. Minds were so easily read to find the truth of such things, but being in Orlais her picking’s paled to the resources of home. Orlesian’s may believe themselves to be the winners of gossip, but Antivan’s came into their element when a scandal was brewing.
Adaria scoffed, her eyes rolling briefly as she took the cup back towards her lips.
Even if the trope was a common one, the players involved were a treat to the ears.
Setting the cup back into the saucer, Adaria returned it to the table and poured herself some more as she listened.
@Zevran Arainai
Adaria scoffed, her eyes rolling briefly as she took the cup back towards her lips.
A not-so-galant-knight is hardly anything new. Chevalier’s are pigs who mask their own quest for glory behind the guise of nobility. I hope none of them, cousin’s wife included, don’t suddenly pop out in six months.
Even if the trope was a common one, the players involved were a treat to the ears.
It’s as if none of them have heard of discretion before,she chuckled, then shrugged at his next rumour.
An accident, surely, what a pity.Hunting was terribly dangerous, a beast could appear from anywhere and fell the unprepared.
Setting the cup back into the saucer, Adaria returned it to the table and poured herself some more as she listened.
Trade is likely, though we both know the Princes crave more power than they are due, or can handle. No fanfare? Then they are certainly scheming something of scale… best keep a watchful eye. Scuttle a few of their ships, see what it stirs in their circles. With any chance it’ll disrupt what little trust they have in one another and give us time to understand their scheme better.
@Zevran Arainai
11-07-2024, 04:45 PM