Aye, aye, that I am, Mistress of the Parts, don't get too excited there, my parts aren't on sale currently, as you well remember Ruth, I got a new bit of machinery I'm working on now.Of course she wouldn't rise to the bait he laid in place for her, but took the time to acknowledge Horus' adding into the conversation.
Keep dreaming, Ruth, and maybe one of these days I may let you finally take me to bed, but you, sir, are you flirting?She looked over to Horus, and inclined her head, grinning back to the both of them,
Oh I don't know, he and I are both keeping your company aren't we, Ruth? Does that make it good taste or the worst taste?It was a tease, and she made sure to indicate that it was made in jest as much as possible, she didn't want him falling from that happy mood of his, even if she could smell the liquor on him. That was nothing new for her, but she did like the easy banter and sharp wit both of them had. And she was still sober-ish, so it would be easy for her to tease them worse than she got, as long as she kept her wits about her.
Hmm, in orbit hmm? He's had his hands all over my body a few times, and the last time I nearly stuck my ass up in the air like a cat in heat for him. Did you know that some of the spiders in Arthlan have a toxin in their blood that acts as an aphrodisiac? Ask me how I know.She refilled the mug that Horus held out, and then refilled Ruth's too in the process, and then her own as she climbed up into one of the chairs that would set her feet off the floor. Thankfully she was used to it, not bothering her as much in her older age than it had in her youth.
Chains are a thoughtful idea though, what say you Ruth? Do you think you'd like be chained in my little cottage? Let you read while I worked at the forge? Then again, you'd probably like that a lot.
She sucked on her teeth a moment before she took a large quaff from the mug, letting the light headedness that came from too much beer too quick to settle over her. She could hold her alcohol, and she was just at the right place with those one and a half mugs, it would be staying there for the rest of the night now, as it seemed like the place was just starting to get started.
And you, good Ser? How did you come into our mutual lover's orbit, trapped as much as I am?She had missed having a night out like this for so long, she was almost certain, though, that she was going to pay for it in the morning.
@Ruth Yoesif
12-31-2024, 05:40 PM