There was a dwarf nestled somewhere in his brain, he could almost swear it. The blows were that of a hammer and the elf grit his teeth, summoning a wave of magic to soothe some, but not able to alleviate the root cause of his self-inflicted suffering. Letting out a sigh, his eye finally focused enough to work out his mistake, the horseshit finally hitting his nose and clearing some of his senses.
His stomach lurched again, but with its contents already emptied his stomach cramped painfully instead.
The smell of toast though, brought on a wave of other, more familiar cravings, though he begrudged overstaying the frigid welcome he’d been granted. While he was visually impaired, his ears were another matter, one twitched as the crossbow loaded with a resounding click, firmly catching his attention. Still, he continued to lean, unfazed by her caution with a stranger. Smart. It's what he’d do in her place.
Disappointment with her answer quickly gave way to pleasant surprise at her prosthesis. Interesting choice. Brows rose, lips pursed to whistle out, slightly impressed and curious of the craftsmanship. He knew a few engineers and blacksmiths who’d be curious of the mouldings, the design and techniques to craft such a thing.
His stomach lurched again, but with its contents already emptied his stomach cramped painfully instead.
I’m not having a great day... the one eye doesn’t really help either,he’d bitterly admit with an apathetic shrug. His life was a series of rolling shitshows and this was just another day, it was almost normal to the elf.
The smell of toast though, brought on a wave of other, more familiar cravings, though he begrudged overstaying the frigid welcome he’d been granted. While he was visually impaired, his ears were another matter, one twitched as the crossbow loaded with a resounding click, firmly catching his attention. Still, he continued to lean, unfazed by her caution with a stranger. Smart. It's what he’d do in her place.
Disappointment with her answer quickly gave way to pleasant surprise at her prosthesis. Interesting choice. Brows rose, lips pursed to whistle out, slightly impressed and curious of the craftsmanship. He knew a few engineers and blacksmiths who’d be curious of the mouldings, the design and techniques to craft such a thing.
That’s a nice piece of hardware…and I don’t just mean the lyrium leg, but payment? I’ve various ways to pay. Healer by trade, Scholar and Tomb raider on the side. Gold I have too and I’m not above doing a favour depending on the circumstances.
05-02-2024, 01:31 PM