Kiss with a Fist
No Triggers
The crude wording was at this point, something he long should have expected. A drawl of words, a look of familiar amused passed upon the young mage's face. Even a snicker that followed along with such words caused him far less bother then he originally thought. Perhaps he was just starting to grow used to such quips, to the one sitting across from him, and his constant attempts to provoke a wide variety of reactions. It was not a bad thing, necessarily, just different. In a way that was best left unsaid or thought about. As I have told you, I have no intention of falling into bed with anyone simply because they might be willing. Until the state of the world calmed a little, when more things began to return to how they should be, then perhaps it was worth re-considering. But until then, there was too much to be done.

While he listened without comment to the story of heartbreak and what seemed to be a particularly scornful woman, he did not bother trying to conceal the snort that left him when the other spoke of not meeting many women. Though he stopped rather swiftly. If only he knew. For what little it may be worth, I am sorry you were treated it such a way. I have found plenty who are too stuck in their ways to change, and those who were capable of it after some time. What matters I would think, is that you no longer allow her to affect you, yes? Or at least he could assume as such, given Ruth even speaking to someone such as him about it in the first place. A piece of his past that no longer mattered.

Victory or not, that particular quip was one that went mostly ignored with little but a shrug and a small shake of his head. He wasn't sure he wanted to know either way, and talking about it would likely only encourage further prodding on the subject that was best left well enough alone. It was in this time that he shifted slightly, not to read, such focus would allude him with the younger here in his current state. But to stretch out muscles held tense, as they often were, it hardly seemed likely that he'd be travelling far this evening now. Yet no matter what he did to try to ease the tension that remained rooted down to his very bones, Revas did not stop listening.

I am sure there is little I can say, that you have not already said to yourself. Or to him even, about such a matter. Time may not heal all wounds, but it does give perspective beyond simply acting in the moment. Perhaps your father will realize that now that he is here. Either way, you have my sympathies, it cannot have been simple to endure. A chance to reflect perhaps, if Ruth wished to do so, or even if his own father wanted that. It was not his place to say one way or another, but perhaps just hearing it, speaking about it to another would be enough for tonight. Unfortunately, I am not someone who can really speak on the matters of family if it is advice you are seeking, those that brought me here perished a very long time ago by Elgar'nan's hand. I was made to watch him tear them apart. Such memories are, difficult, as I am certain you can understand. A flicker of something, mouth curled downwards then pulled tight together, regret and guilt alike seeps into his tone. Hands curled so tightly they turn white, before slowly relaxing. Just for that moment, before he pushes it aside. Banishes such thoughts as quickly as they call to his memory.

The change of topic thankfully, came swiftly after a short pause, much needed no matter the matter being discussed. A much needed distraction. So much so that he cannot stop the sound that leaves him, a disbelieving snort. While broadly speaking you may be right. But have you never in your life met those who are exceptions to such a rule? I know I have, a handful of times. Some were those he had chosen, others chosen for him - a target in every sense of the word. And games can be terribly dangerous things, sometimes.
Ruth gave an exaggerated roll of his one eye, bored with the repeating answer of remaining a tightarse. Your loss then, and that would be all he’d comment further, the conversation long waned.

Perhaps his ranting of love and betrayal would spark a different reaction than Ruth’s own lack of control. He scowled at the apologies, scoffed at what he perceived as hollow advice. I don’t need you to feel sorry for me. And she doesn’t affect me, no what she did, was that she only proved what I already thought. He should have listened to the little voice of doubt, but no, everyone had been encouraging and look where that had got him? Nowhere.

Him? Me? Talk? At that, Ruth’s laugh loudly rumbled out of his chest. Oh that would be something to behold. I don’t even think we spoke much when my mother was alive, I’m certain he communicated mostly in grunts and glares of disappointment which only deepened with every day I breathed. No, his father wasn’t here to reconcile with him, merely doing what was expected of him, as a Keeper, a leader for his clan to follow and trust in. Ruth never understood why he wasn’t afforded the same luxury. Families are usually better being those you choose to be anyway, and I can count maybe two people on that list. He was still debating on Nairn after this whole fake death cop-out.

Still, Ruth wasn’t too far in his cups to not catch the sense of something crossing the man's face during their discussion of family. Ah, so there was a tortured backstory, just too close to the surface for the man to share… Ruth frowned at the similarities, even if slight. Doubling down on the notion that they were nothing alike. Not all monsters wield such magic, and for some wounds, no amount of time can heal them he quoted, some philosopher whose name he couldn’t recall at the moment.

Fortunately his mouth rescued the mood, Revas’s further prodding only fueling his turning mind over onto his often adventurous nights. There is a whore near Kirkwall. Willie. The elf smirked remembering their first night. She’d show you a good time, Gramps, no word of a lie, but I’m not interested in a shackle, I’m interested in a good fucking time. And this was by far, one of the worst soberings he’d had in a while. Life is a game, the only rule is to not let it fuck you over too early you miss out on it all.