In Dreams, He Came
Haulean was dreaming. He had to be, because he'd never seen such a beautiful place in all his young life... A lush wooded area, with vibrant flowers of all sorts; a lot of which, he'd never even seen before. Anywhere there weren't flowers, it was so green... he just wanted to roll around in the soft clover, or climb one of the leafy trees. But he was... searching. For what? Or whom? He didn't know... but maybe he'd know when he found it?

The petite, freckled youth wandered through the flowers, gently skimming the tops of them with his fingertips as he passed. It was so lovely, here... Not a care in the world. No pain. It seemed almost familiar, though he knew he'd never been here before. Or had he? He couldn't remember.

Eventually, the boy decided to curl up in a sunny spot, created by an opening in the trees above. A secluded little alcove of sorts. Was that the right word? Probably not. Did it matter? Not in the least. Haulean sprawled in the softness beneath him, freckled face turned up toward the sun's rays. His pale hair gleamed golden in the light, and he closed his eyes for just a moment. He wanted to take in the feeling of serenity, before he got back to exploring what appeared to be his own little world.

What was that silly song he'd been taught, when he was little? One of his 'Aunties' had taught him... Oh... that was it! Idly and softly, the boy began to sing aloud:

"Cats and rabbits
Would reside in fancy little houses
And be dressed in shoes and hats and trousers
In a world of my own

All the flowers
Would have very extra-special powers
They would sit and talk to me for hours
When I'm lonely in a world of my own

There'd be new birds
Lots of nice and friendly how-de-do birds
Everyone would have a dozen blue birds
Within that world of my own

I could listen to a babbling brook
And hear a song that I could understand
I keep wishing it could be that way
Because my world would be a wonderland..."
hop along, little rabbit. scurry, scatter, bound, and canter but no one escape death's patient, mournful hand in the end.

even within a realm of dreams, falon'din held the upperhand. it was a seldom used tactic to shape, mend, and break the minds of those who refused to give into his loving embrace.

it had clearly been some time since the god had last created such a realm - a lush, wooded, and vibrantly colored affront to his prevalent means of slowly stripping away one's mind. unless this was considered the chosen's form of torture, there was something not quite right about it all..

very slowly, the elf began to pick over the brush and dense foliage that sprung up all around him, the cacophany of woodland denizens drilling against his sense of peace, of safety - as if protecting whatever lay within. yet, within the same breath, he was beckoned forth, a beacon just beyond crown shy giants that allowed soft rays of light to dapple through their canopy. be this a dream?

through wither and bloom, the foliage fell before his hand, taking him further and further into what felt like a labryinth of his own making. it all seemed to coalese within the heart of whatever this may be - dream, nightmare, there was something that the god craved enough to manifest it into reality. now? he just needed to find it - the hunt had begun.
After the song had come to an end, Haulean felt un inexplicable urge to once again get up and... follow. Something was drawing him, but he knew not what or where. He couldn't remember whom or what he was looking for.

"Hello?" he called out, as he wandered toward that little beacon that seamed just out of reach.

"If someone's there... don't be afraid. M'not gonna hurt ya, I'm just kinda... lost I think. But it'll be okay."

Further and further he went, and his limbs were once again getting tired. He just wanted to sit and rest... maybe he could find a tree to lean against for a bit?

"If someone's there... don't be afraid. M'not gonna hurt ya, I'm just kinda... lost I think. But it'll be okay." from somewhere beyond the foliage felled at his fettered touch, the god did hear the bleat of his unfortunate prey.

how long had uthenara claimed his ability to control the scope of his own realm that he could no longer will himself to any location? an irate grit in his yellowed teeth rippled through the dense foliage that still stood before him and watched with a pleased expression as they contorted into something grotesque.

"that's more like it," he purred lowly as a withered, skeletal hand reached out to gently cup the petals of a now fanged tulip; now it felt a bit more like home. finally pleased with his addition to this still strange realm - finally the god had a path to whatever lie at the heart of his labrynth.

"fear not, little one. you will come to no harm here." the god's voice apppeared from behind the bewildered little rabbit that just couldn't seem to escape his trap. it dripped with velvet promise, acrid to those who were familiar of such a foul stench; friend one second, foe the next.
Haulean had said things would be okay, but it was more to comfort himself. All of the pretty flowers and trees had turned into something more... unnerving. Dead-looking. Eerie. Was he having a nightmare, now? He didn't want to... and he had always been told by his mother that dreams would only be what you let them be. If you gave in to fear, they would be frightening.

The confused Haulean tried very hard to think of the vibrant, fragrant flowers, and keep that light within himself. It was just... he was going through so much loss and pain when awake that... it was hard. He began to feel afraid... until a deep, soft voice spoke from behind, and the bewildered boy spun to see just whom the comforting words came from.

With a voice that sounded so... inviting... the boy prayed silently that the figure he beheld would match. And when he beheld the figure behind him, the boy's jaw dropped and freckled cheeks blushed vibrantly. Eyes of ever-changing shades of blue were wide as saucers, and the petite youth was momentarily stunned.

"Y-you're really pretty." he blurted. "I-I mean h-handsome. But... b-but also pretty. Um. Hi. S-sorry." His blush deepened, and roses of pinks and reds bloomed around him, some petals fluttering in the breeze. He'd certainly never had a dream like this before.
