Like fat Prophets, Profits? Profits.

The floor that had been there a moment earlier was gone as Mariam cursed and yelled for her partner on this run.  They had done jobs like this in the past, so it should have been an easy in and out, grab the item, and then turn it back into the buyer.  The dossier had been pretty simple, and Mariam had instantly thought of Gabe when it came down to who she'd want as her second on this one.  She could plan easily for the stuff she could see, her bow very rarely missed, but it was the stuff she couldn't see, or worse yet, wouldn't be aware of, like a massive trap floor that was triggered off by a spell she had foolishly just set off by lighting a torch in the underground tomb.

She was twisting in mid-air, pulling her bow from her back, and praying she had enough rope, as she fired an arrow into the roof of the tomb, knowing that the jerk that was about to happen was going to be enough to dislocate her shoulder.  And as predicted, as soon as she felt the fall arrested, she felt the muscles pull, and the bones move against one another in a way that had her letting out a low groan.  But, she had stopped the fall, and she was hanging about twenty feet over a floor of spikes.  "[color=#ff4136]I'm alive![/color]"  She called up, and waited to see if he had noticed her gone yet.

She'd need his help getting pulled back up, she realized, as she looped the other arm around the rope, to take some of the pressure off her other arm.  Thankfully, she knew she had done well in making sure it had been Gabe on this one.  She trusted him to pull her up, and to be the muscle until she could get her shoulder back in socket.  Couldn't pull a bow string with a dislocation after all.  Setting it back in socket and a quick potion, and she'd be right as rain -- and now they'd know to watch the damn floor.  "[color=#ff4136]If you'd be as kind ta pull me up, I'd appreciate it![/color]"
Gabe spent a good deal of time travelling, even after things got a bit better for mages, he still preferred a nomadic lifestyle than one of settling down. Things got even crazier after the Veil fell, he got a bit busier with the whole demon hunting gig, but he still always found time for his friend Mariam. She wasn’t an easy one to say no to. Plus doing jobs with her helped pay the bills a lot better than hunting demons did.

Gabe had been a few steps behind Mariam when Mariam suddenly dropped from view. Gabe threw down the bag he had over his shoulder and ran towards the edge. A few seconds felt like an eternity as he suddenly realised a lot of things all at once and was desperately worried about Mariam.

He breathed a sigh of relief when she yelled out that she was alive. He kneeled down by the opening in the floor. Well isn’t this a grand ol’ pickle. What have I said about lighting torches we didn’t bring in ourselves? He said, sarcastic as always. Feeling a lot better about the situation, and putting some thoughts away to the back of his mind. Things he wasn’t ready to face or think about really, but in a moment of thinking Mariam had fallen to her death, well that was different. He reached down and did his best to pull her up as quickly as possible. How’s that shoulder? He asked, healing magic wasn’t exactly his fortitude, but he knew enough between that and general field medic knowledge.
When she saw his face come into view, her heart just barely started to beat a little bit faster.  Her ma had always told her that a person becomes more lovely to one, as their heart grows a little more fond, and in that moment, Gabe's face was the best looking face she had ever seen, never-mind that she forgot about her shoulder in the moment, even as he worked to bring her up.  It was the first pause in the smooth pull of her dead weight that had the dislocation screaming, and the butterflies in her stomach flutter even faster.  She didn't blush easily, but the small scolding coupled with the absolute question of why did even his fussing make her feel a little topsy-turvy, coupled with the way his eyes held the faintest trace of fear in his eyes had her turning as red as her hair.

"[color=#ff4136]Yes well, you weren't up here with me in the moment to say no quick enough now, were you?[/color]"  She rolled her eyes, but the small smirk never left her lips as he finally got her topside and she went to get to her feet, holding the arm finally with a terse look on her face.  Brows drawn and lost in thought a moment, she was able to push the pain aside long enough to slide the ball back into the socket before she let out the briefest of yelps.  Hurt when it left the joint, hurt going back in, she'd feel this weeks from now.  "[color=#ff4136]A little pep-me-up wouldn't go amiss, but I think I'll be fine to get us the rest of the way in, and back out again.[/color]"

If she wasn't, they'd figure that out later, and after they were back out of danger and she could go back to wondering when his eyes had become so lovely with that small bit of concern showing in them -- she also needed to remind herself to stop staring before he noticed.  Why was it always in the middle of a job she'd find him attractive?!
Gabe gave her a quick, worried glance before his usual humor returned. Always the brave one, aren't ya? he joked, his voice betraying the relief he felt. He quickly helped her to her feet, a soft sigh of relief escaping him as she confirmed she was okay to continue. He looked at her shoulder though, and decided he ought to say something.

We should probably take care of that shoulder before we continue. I’m not saying I don’t think you can’t handle the pain, but I’d like you to have a functioning left arm for the rest of our little excursion. It wouldn’t take much to set, though it would be a bit painful, but it was easier for him to set it manually and then use healing magic to dull the pain, than to try and heal the dislocation directly with magic.

With a light, teasing tone, he added, I'd hate to see your aim thrown off because of an injury. Remember, we're in this together. His concern for her was evident behind his humor, proving that their bond went beyond mere professional camaraderie.
Mariam beamed widely as he called her brave -- it was a thing for her, what most people called recklessness, Gabe actually saw for what it was, bravery.  She adored that about him, and if he looked too closely, he might actually see the color start to flush along her chest and neck, even as he pay attention to her injury.  Later.  Later, she reminded herself, later she could think about having him a bit closer, how his breath would feel against her skin, and all the other things that she couldn't really let her mind focus on in the here and now.

They were sent to find something, and he was just concerned for her shoulder, professionally concerned.  Nothing along the lines of where her mind wanted to go -- his interests were professional.  She was the fighter after all, he was the mage, even if he could fight too, she had been the one hired for muscle on this one.  So she nodded permission when his tone went softer.

Was it more than professional?  "[color=#ff4136]Alright then, a quick heal spell, and then no more touching torches in here for me.  After all, you're the one along to make sure nothing we do touch is going to blow up on us.[/color]"  She grinned up at him as she reached over to pull her hair out of the way, to give him clear access of the skin above the muscle that was still making itself known to her even after she had slid the bone back into socket.
Gabe nodded, his face serious as he agreed with her. That's right. From now on, I'm the official torch toucher, he jokingly declared, but his hands were gentle as they hovered over her injured shoulder, magic glinting in his eyes as he prepared the healing spell. Just hold still for a moment, he instructed, his focus entirely on healing her.

I’m going to snap it back into place, it may hurt a bit love, but the healing magic should have minimised it, but it’ll heal faster once it’s back in place and it’s faster doing it by hand than magic. He carefully moved her arm, then looked at her again. I’m going to count to three. One, two….. Before he got to three, he suddenly pulled her arm quickly and forcefully in the appropriate direction until he felt the thud.
Mariam would never be able to look away from him when he tapped into his reserve of magic, to see his eyes glow like they did when he summoned up whichever school he was going to use, healing this time, she knew, but it never failed to give her pause, to make her gaze be drawn to those orbs that normally held mischief and sorrow deep within their glassy depths. The ozone smell that followed, and the charged feeling along her skin, the way the small hairs on her body would stand up when that tap was made -- all of these things that held her captivated by him in that moment.

Ach, alright. You touch all the torches now. I trust ya, Gabe.

She squared up with him, trying to relax her body, as she laid her forehead on his shoulder to let him work. Breathing out, she knew it wouldn't be on three, it'd be one the single count or a few moments after the lat count to keep her off kilter, and as expected, the second count came and she couldn't help the cry that came from her as he finished sliding the bone back into the socket properly. She knew it would only be for a few more moments, so as she waited for that soothing touch of his magic, she hummed to keep her mind occupied. Ya owe me an ale after that, and one day I will collect.

She teased between clenched teeth, her forehead still resting on his shoulder. Or any other way you plan on paying that back.
With a soft chuckle, Gabe nodded, his fingertips glowing as he worked the magic to soothe the pain in her shoulder. An ale it is, Mariam, he teased back, keeping his voice steady. And if there's any other way you have in mind for me to pay you back, you just let me know. The back and forth between them was often, mixed, but then Gabe wasn’t all that great at relationships. He partially blamed how hard things had been coming up in the Circles.

He continued to work on her shoulder, concentrating on his magic as he kept her distracted with their conversation. You know, I'm always open to suggestions, he said with a smirk, his eyes meeting hers as he finished healing her shoulder. Dating in the Circles hadn’t been easy, when the Templars weren’t exactly fans of the mages having social lives, and if anything resulted in a pregnancy the mages wouldn’t be allowed to raise their children. Gabe got good at the one night stands, but not at the opening up of real feelings.
Better watch out, ya never know when it'll be a kiss I'll be asking for as pay back. Her brain screamed at her that she was being silly, being an idiot to expect anything to ever happen. But they worked good together as adventurers, why wouldn't they work good together otherwise. Cause she was less than brave when it came to him.

Thinking about him vanishing from her life because she couldn't keep it in her pants, well. That would never do, and she wouldn't let it happen. She couldn't lose Gabe now that they could work wordlessly like they could. She wouldn't go back to walking the road alone, not when she had found someone who made her feel complete. And if this was the way it would be between them for that, then she'd deal with it.

Promises, promises, Gabe. The magic was helping, helping her brain not be overwhelmed with the pain and shut down her ability to not pop her mouth off. You'll have to let me think on that and see if I can come up with something really creative now. Thanks, that's feeling a lot better than it was before. She could flex her fingers now, which was a good sign, it meant she'd be able to pull the bow string accurately again.
Gabe chuckled, shaking his head with a playful smirk. A kiss, huh? Well, I'll be sure to keep my lips ready just in case you come collecting, he teased, giving Mariam a light tap on the shoulder.

He then turned his attention back to the dimly lit tomb, his expression shifting to one of focused determination. Alright, let's get back to the task at hand. That treasure isn't going to find itself.

Gabe scanned the room, his keen eyes searching for any hidden mechanisms or clues. We need to be extra careful from here on out. No more injuries, okay? Let's see if we can figure out this next puzzle without setting off any more traps.

@Mariam DeTyne
Mariam froze a little as she lifted her head up off his shoulder, her gaze focusing on those said same lips, before gliding upwards to his eyes, before she smirked. The tap on the shoulder had her give a little jump, and then a snorting laugh. Alright. We'll see then.

And that was that. They were back on the mission, her hand flexing before she tested the rotation of her shoulder. Everything felt back in order properly, as she rolled it a few times and then did a test pull of her bow. Draw weight seemed normal, and as she made a little pchw sound as she let the string go, her aim would still be true. She was good there to have his back again, meaning they had one another's.

She fell back into step behind him now, letting him scan for the magic, while she scanned for anything mechanical, anything that bled. She could dispatch an arrow fast enough that something jumping out at them would be dead before it hit the floor. It's why they worked well together in a job like this. You're the brains, remember? At least when it comes to this stuff. Gimme something to brute force and I've got you covered.

@Gabriel Poulin
Gabe chuckled softly at Mariam's reaction, a playful glint in his eyes as he watched her get back into her element. He admired her focus and skill, always appreciating how seamlessly they worked together. Perhaps if not for the trauma in his past, he might have realised by now that his feelings for her went beyond the obvious, but he’d refused himself any sort of romantic entanglement for so long, it came like second nature. He adjusted the strap of his satchel, ensuring his tools and supplies were within easy reach.

Alright, Mariam, he said, a grin spreading across his face. Let’s get this done. There’s a bottle of whiskey with my name on it at the nearest tavern we come to after we leave here.

He moved forward, his senses attuned to the arcane energies around them. The ancient ruins they were exploring held secrets that could be unlocked only by someone with his expertise in magic and someone with Mariam's precision with a bow.

He paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he detected a faint magical aura coming from a nearby chamber. He motioned for Mariam to follow him, his tone becoming more serious. I think I’ve found something. Stay sharp.

As they approached the chamber, Gabe whispered a few incantations under his breath, his fingers tracing intricate patterns in the air. A soft glow emanated from his hands, illuminating the dark corridor ahead. Looks like there’s a ward up ahead. I’ll need to dispel it before we can proceed. He turned to Mariam, his expression confident but cautious. Keep an eye out for any traps or hidden enemies. This place is bound to have a few surprises.

Gabe began working on dismantling the magical barrier, his hands moving with practiced precision. As he focused on his task, he felt a reassuring presence behind him. Mariam’s steady breathing and the slight creak of her bowstring as she remained on high alert were comforting.

Just a few more moments love, he murmured, his concentration unwavering. With a final gesture, the barrier dissipated, and the path ahead cleared. Gabe let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding and looked back at Mariam with a satisfied smile.

There we go. All set. Let’s see what treasures or trouble await us on the other side.

He stepped aside, allowing Mariam to take the lead once more. He knew she preferred to be at the forefront, ready to take down any threats that might arise. Together, they moved forward, each trusting the other to have their back.

@Mariam DeTyne
Before he moved, she nodded, there was in fact a bottle of whisky with his name on it, and her's too, once they made it back alive out of this. Her fingers lingered on his forearm, giving it a small squeeze as he took the lead. Following behind, Mariam nocked an arrow, but left the string loose, ready to shoot should Gab light something up with magic. This was now his realm of expertise. And so Mariam did as she always did, make sure to cover their asses as he worked.

It was a fine arrangement with them, they had worked well like this for many years in the past, and Mariam couldn't imagine her life without him now -- not after he left his group of friends to adventure with her. Sharp as an arrow head. She calmed, breathing steadily, keeping her heart rate under control, falling into that almost trance like state she did when she entered into combat. Hmm, I do like when you call me that.

She hadn't always -- she had once slugged him across the face for calling her love -- in another life time. But now, after all this time, she enjoyed the term of endearment, and she grinned back to his satisfied smile as the ward came down. Ripe for the picking, or shooting one. We got this. She reassured him as she moved into the lead now -- Gabe could only cast if he had the protection to, and while yes, he could put a shield up, her being in front when they kicked in the door made sense -- it left him open to throw up a barrier and her free to shoot at will without worrying about what ever was on the other side aiming for him first.

Of course she knew that it had to be as nerve wracking for him to let her be up front. Neither of them could really admit it, but this was it -- the two of them -- it was end game for them both once they figured it out and realized that the best sort of arrangements when it came to affairs of the heart oft began as the strongest of friendships as their foundations. But as she stepped into the room, senses keen on figuring out what was beyond that threshold she paused, feeling like all the air was starting to be drawn from the room, as columns of flames erupted from either side of right inside the door, giving her just a half second to turn and push them both back some. Trap!

What ever was inside the room, better be worth all this.

@Gabriel Poulin
Gabe barely had time to react before the flames burst forth, the heat licking at their faces. He stumbled back, his heart pounding in his chest as he felt the rush of adrenaline surge through his veins. Mariam’s quick reflexes had saved them both from being scorched, and he couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride in her.

He glanced at her, concern etched in his features. You alright? he asked, his voice tight with worry. He could see the determination in her eyes, and it reassured him that she was as focused as ever.

Turning his attention back to the doorway, Gabe began to analyze the trap. The flames had subsided, but he knew better than to assume it was safe. Looks like a classic warded trap, he muttered, more to himself than to Mariam. Triggered by pressure or proximity.

He took a deep breath, gathering his magical energies once more. Alright, let’s try this again, shall we. He extended his hand, fingers weaving intricate patterns as he whispered an incantation. A shimmering barrier of protective magic enveloped them, a translucent shield that would hopefully ward off any further surprises.

Stay close, he instructed Mariam, his voice calm but firm. I’ll try to neutralize any other traps, but we need to move quickly.

With the protective barrier in place, Gabe stepped forward, cautiously leading the way into the chamber. The room was dimly lit, shadows dancing on the walls from the flickering torchlight. Ancient symbols and runes were etched into the stone, their meanings lost to time but still radiating a faint, ominous energy.

As they moved deeper into the chamber, Gabe’s senses were on high alert. He could feel the presence of magic all around them, the air practically humming with it. Keep your eyes open for any more traps, he warned, glancing back at Mariam. And for anything that looks out of place.

Their progress was slow but steady, each step measured and deliberate. Gabe’s focus was split between maintaining the protective barrier and scanning for any signs of danger. It was a delicate balance, one that required all of his concentration.

They reached the center of the chamber, where a large, ornate pedestal stood. Upon it rested a small, intricately carved box, the object they had been sent to retrieve. Gabe’s eyes narrowed as he studied it, sensing the powerful enchantments woven into its very fabric.

This is it, he said quietly, gesturing to the box. But be careful. It’s heavily warded.

He began the process of dispelling the protective enchantments, his hands moving with practiced precision. The magic resisted at first, but Gabe’s determination and skill gradually wore it down. The wards began to dissolve, one by one, until finally, the box was free.

Got it, he breathed, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. He reached out and carefully lifted the box from the pedestal, turning to Mariam. Now let’s get out of here before anything else decides to explode.

@Mariam DeTyne
In another lifetime, those symbols and runes that had been carved into the walls had been put there in warning -- their meaning clear to those who would come to that place and try and take things from inside. In another lifetime, she and Gabe may have been able to read that language, but it was lost to time, and thus, the warnings had gone un-heeded, as they had both pressed forward into the chamber, her hanging back from the dias just a little, to make sure no man sized spiders or centipedes came crawling out of the various different pathways that lead into that central dias. It all looks out of place at this point Gabe, who puts some of this shite in a tomb like chamber? Gammy mages that's who.

She would have understood, as she circled the room, the grooves in the floor that she thought were there for bringing carts into this room -- like old stone roads, the grooves that would be cut into them over time by the rolling of wagon wheels -- it was a track for something to roll along, of course there would be a track for something to roll along, it was probably how they got their treasures into this main storage room. She wrote them off in her mind, because even if something had rolled along them in the past, they were partially filled with dirt and mud now, and there was no way a sled or anything was traveling along them any time soon.

So she turns her eyes back to watching out for threats she could kill. Those were the types of threats she was good at taking care of. When she heard his exhalation, confirming that he had the prize, she turned to tell him good work on his unraveling of the magic, but she didn't have the chance as the place rumbled, as if something had just shook loose from being set in place for way too long, and the last piece of the puzzle fell into place for her. Those tracks were for bringing things in.. they were for something to roll out on, and probably trap them in this place for good, if they weren't killed by the trap itself in the mean time. She raced up the dias to him, and turned around to give him access to her pack. Quick, toss it in and let's get the hells out of here before this place is the last place we get a chance to see ever again!

@Gabriel Poulin