Missing Kitty - Stray Cat Strut
On the whole, Tiberius felt the evening was winding down. He sat with Enzo on one of the exterior balconies – pleasantly drunk – people watching with an excellent view of the front gardens. The Archon’s excellent whiskey had numbed his anxieties into submission and he felt generous toward the world. He smiled at Enzo over the thick rim of his glass.

“So then. Copper for your thoughts? Will she leave me to go become a nun like your’s did? What was that girl’s name? Something with a—’” He trailed off. Strange, the atmosphere had begun to change. Something was wrong. Eyes in their gloomy blacks moved at some speed among the bright party goers. The flow of people through the gates slowed to a clot, milling about nervously. Tiberius stood and turned his attention toward the ballroom, ears pricked, a creeping tension headache threatening to wrap his head in a vise. He gave up the thread of teasing his ex-lover entirely, lapsing into silence.

Malachai appeared soon after, just like the ill-omened specter of death. Courteous but distant all night – and Tiberius just about knew better than to pester people while they were working.

“The Archon’s cat? Really?” He’d seen at least half a dozen of them tonight. One of those funny hairless ones, at least one that was gray and sorta stripey … He wiped his face with his hand, coming to the slow realization that no one was leaving until the animal was found. The man who kept dozens of people to watch dozens of individual felines probably wasn’t fucking around. Lovely.

“Very well. Can you at least describe this cat we’re looking for?” Hopefully all the others were contained somewhere by this hour. Or else there would be a lot of false positives in this search.
It was a blessing and a curse how he had found himself in this position. When the alarm had been raised he had at first just stared at the servant for such a long moment that it had the lad beginning to shake uncontrollably even after Mal had strode past him to find Demetrius. There was never a moment's peace for the Chancellor it seemed and now his role of protecting the Archon now meant ensuring the safety of 32 felines.

Forming and leading the other party was now his responsibility and knowing two abled bodied and trustworthy men, Mal went in search for them first. His frustration was palpable just from how he strode over, flopping into the empty chair like in their youth. That’s it. I’m making a phylactery of every single one of them. It would negate this spectacle from happening ever again. Sitting up quickly and leaning in, he’d relay the orders more politely than those near the doors were likely enjoying and he sighed.

Saxton the Blind. He has a helmet and all sorts. He raised a hand, stalling any further questions and continued to describe the pesky creature. I knew politics was messy, but this is ridicul- His words failed to finish as his wandering gaze fell on a familiar academic, aware she’d be in attendance but as of yet, hadn’t laid his own eyes on her. Too busy herding the cats.

Under the mask, Mal grinned, shifting to stand and include the woman. Madam Jolfey? Well, don’t you strike out well.

Saxton, the Blind
News had spread quickly of all the cats that were homed here in building, with their caretaker, the Deme, a lovely older man whom Lia hadn't gotten the chance to interact with yet, but she was quite certain that he wasn't as nefarious as ones would make him out to be, and there was the fact that she was a visiting academic, invited because she hoped that her old soldier friend had been left either an impression, and then a cat was missing. In the crush of people getting grouped together, she was separated from Rene and away from the lovely tall woman she had spoke much of the night with. Very libertine and free-thinking like herself, and an absolute flirt, even if the flirting felt hollow, like a show.

Well, she through, smoothing the nice green dating of her dress down, a missing cat, they couldn't have that, it would cause such an uproar if it turned out any harm came to said kitty, it would look suspicious that the poor thing went missing when all these visitors from outside the country were there. That fact wasn't lost on her, at all. It could push an already precariously tense line, calling for war, over into a full out blood bath -- and academics were usually the first to die in such a horrible fate. That and the clergy, and dissidents, and those free thinkers. And she was not about to be caught in the middle of a scandal and bring down her actual family name in the process. She was still living as a Jolfy, but Beauvais had been discovered to be her true name, and she would do absolutely everything in her power to make sure that no more harm came to the name through any carelessness of her own.

So her relief flooded through her quickly when she heard the familiar tone, and cordial greeting of her friend, Mal! I didn't know if I was going to get to see you or not. I'm sad that we're having to meet like this, but happy that it's brought me to you, my friend. She reached out a hand to Malachai, intent on giving his own a small squeeze, the smile on her face wide and welcoming. Now, I hear that it's one of your leader's furry charges that has been lost, and I'll do my utmost to try and help track them, has cat herb been sent for to set out as bait? She looked around the man to the other's and smiled, a small curtsie to show she acknowledged them, Evening gentlemen, Ophelia Jolfy, from Orlais University. She paused and then in a lowered voice to the only other man she knew with any sort of familiarity, Since I seem to have lost my chaperone, I commend myself into your attentive care as we undertake this search, Mal.
The air was cool on the balcony, a welcome relief from the body heated ballroom. The festivities had reached their peak some time ago and many were now taking their leave. Enzo, warm with drink and good company, hummed as he sat watching the exodus of guests. The song was something remembered from his days in service, tragically hopeful.

"I will build my love a bower
By yon clear and crystal fountain..."

He'd mumbled the lyrics, then trailed off, the next line eluding his memory. But the song was quickly forgotten at Tiberius' words. His own mind had been on love, it seemed, and Enzo smiled at what appeared to be worry in his question. That is, until Tiberius turned it into a jab. Rolling his head to the side to give him what Enzo hoped was an indignant stare, he sighed. It had been a long time since he'd thought of that particular embarrassment. There were so many more recent to brood on.

"You might have seen Sabina more recently that I." he said, an amused frown adorning his face for a moment. "She ran off to Orlais, after all."

He was still chuckling at that thought when Tiberius stood, looking about. "What's this?..." he grumbled, also picking up on the shift in the air. Enzo followed Tiberius to his feet and then Mal was suddenly there with them. Enzo's eyes moved back and forth between his two friends, while his mind split its attention among the surface thoughts anyone he could catch. It all came back the same.

A bloody cat?

"You can't be serious." he said.

Enzo was still disbelieving it all when another approached. Apparently some acquaintance of Mal's. He gave the woman a quick bow of his head as she dipped her curtsy, but he was unable to stow the incredulous look on his face.

"He has servants for every damn one of those things." he said, turning back to Mal, as if that would end the matter. But apparently it would not. He sighed. "The kitchens?" He offered. He just wanted to go home and go to bed.
Cat phylacteries. What a thought. A motivated blood mage could accomplish some rather nasty magic on a target at a distance – if only they had the target’s phylactery in hand. Surely Mal had said that in jest. All the holes in tonight’s security would probably be keeping him here at work long after the last of the guests had gone home.

“As convenient as that would be …” On the other hand, it wasn’t a half-bad reason for some nefarious sort to temporarily mislay one of Arvina’s pets. Steal a little blood, strike sometime later once the beloved pet was safe at the Archon’s side. Similar thoughts had driven Tiberius to some distraction, coordinating the logistics of bringing a southern mage into his household.

And then a woman with fair skin and light hair introduced herself, going so far as to touch Mal and whisper something in his ear. Her first name roused an old memory – but no, the look of her was not the same at all. And the University of Orlais?

“Valentius, you incorrigible copycat. Just because I brought home an Orlesian lady doesn’t mean you should as well.” He turned his best smile on Ophelia, noting she seemed of a similar age to Lyric. “Tiberius Umbra, at your– Well, at the Archon’s service presently.”

Saxton the Blind – and in a helmet of sorts. Presumably Mal would command the acquisition of whatever cat herb was. Enzo’s suggestion of the kitchens seemed as good a place to start as any, so Tiberius began walking. He still knew the layout of the public areas from a lifetime of visits – and some of the servant passages from being a young ne'er do well.

“I don’t want to be hit with a ladle this time – you’d better go first, Mal.” Hanging back, Tiberius placed a hand on Enzo’s shoulder.

“Now, do you think a blind cat is likely to wander far? Assuming the honorific was literal and not one of our Lord Archon’s eccentricities.”
Blood seemed the most reliable way. The servants weren’t cutting it, but Mal knew it would have to be a discussion for a later date. Perhaps Deme would come to the same conclusion given the current situation, for the moment Mal tabled the idea given that future solutions were unhelpful currently.

A lightness though, passed through him as Jolfy acknowledged him, drawing herself into his side and whispering into his ear without his usual distant guard. Underneath the mask his grin spread quickly into a smirk, a brow arching quizzically to then furrow as again, they had met with her unchaperoned. Even her addressing of his comrades had irked him, but brushing it aside for now. Again? Again, the Mathematician abandoned you. Should I have words? his voice lowered, talking to her quietly before dear Tibby interrupted.

A look was cast in the man’s direction conveying clearly that Tibby needed to mind his tongue. The bristling mellowed by deep breath and long exhale regarding the outside company before gently explaining. Do ignore Tibby, he’s spent a great amount of time in the South so has already wasted the opportunity to get to know you, my dear Madam. This other gentleman is Enzino, you can try to ignore him, but he’s a rather chatty sort. Both gentlemen you may also count on, as much as I’d prefer you let me do the honours.

He paused briefly, introducing her properly, Madam Jolfy is too modest. She is a talented botanist, and has been kind enough to extend her research towards Tevene scholars and healers. But to the matter at hand. Yes. The kitchens would be the most likely place to locate this herb, or at least information on the whereabouts of some. Guiding Ophelia’s arm into the crook of his own, he’d lead the two after Tiberius and when nearing the threshold between Ballroom and Servant’s passage rolled his eyes.

Because a ladle thrashing is the least of our concerns. Gods help them if they couldn’t find the blasted thing. Deme was sure to hold someone accountable and that could become troublesome given the political instability. One wrong move could plunge them all down a dark road.

But then it was just a cat? Do you think we could fool him with a replacement? A foolish question, but deep down, Mal had known this event was never going to go smoothly.
Tiberius was the first to return a reply and she was instantly impressed that he would tease Malachai at all. Her impression of Mal, that he could be quite imposing at times must be off then, or, the men were truly close to allow such familiar banter. Either way, the exchange had her hiding her smile behind a hand, before she addressed the rebuff of her chaperone.

I am sure he was pressed into service himself and is probably with a different group. I just caught by a rather tall lady, she had the most interesting dress, so I had to complement it, other wise I probably would have stayed glued to his side. Lia's shoulders immediately eased as her hand was tucked onto an arm. Something familiar and easy to deal with, and this was familiar enough, inside, as long as she was inside the agoraphobia didn't kick in too badly. It was outside, with open sky, and throngs of people...

She took note of names and smiled widely to each in turn as she was introduced, all of them so much taller than herself. Statuesque, she'd say. She herself so short she was mistaken as a child at times, so she was used to the markedly taller men-folk. It appeared, at least, to her, the men tried to keep a jovial wit around them, perhaps she was wrong to worry that it could turn into a massacre quickly if one of the outside dignitaries had done something unbecoming with the animal. She listened to the back and forth some, blushing at the recognition and praise that was offered. She didn't want to draw too much attention to herself though, this was not her party, and so she knew that her place was to be a pretty accessory to the evening. And the less she offered outside of what was common knowledge about her, was probably for the better.

Is being smacked with a ladle a common occurrence here? She raised an eyebrow as she was brought along, thankful that the men seemed to be glib about the missing cat. It helped her keep her own worries in check. The first time the Tevene had outside guests in their borders for as long as she could remember, and of course something like this would happen. It was comically, painfully, predictable even. It was the perfect way for anyone who wanted to see a war started, to get exactly what they wanted.
"Forgive me, madam." Enzo said as Mal introduced them all.

He shot Tiberius a look and a half smile at the tone Mal's voice took. A touch possessive. If it weren't for the incredibly serious task at hand, he might think about needling that feeling just a bit, offering Madam Jolfy his own arm, perhaps. Grazing his lips over her knuckles as he introduced himself properly. Maybe, once they had this cat thing sorted, he might still.

With the thought of teasing his friend buoying his steps, Enzo followed along behind Tiberius toward the kitchens. His suggestion had been that the cat himself might be in the kitchens, in search of scraps or a saucer of milk. But if this cat herb would help then... he hoped they found that there, at least.

"Oh, yes." Enzo said in response to the lady's question. "You don't get as tall as these two without sneaking extra tarts every chance you get. As you might have noticed, they didn't often leave any for me." He gave Madam Jolfy a smile and a wink, then allowed Tiberius' hand to slow him.

"To be honest," he whispered in reply to Tiberius, leaning unconsciously into his touch, "I don't know a damn thing about cats. He could be on the roof for all I know." He tilted his head even closer, furrowing his brow. "And I'm a little too drunk to know if I should be taking this seriously or if it's someone's strange idea of a game..." he smiled, trying not to laugh.

Hearing Mal's question, Enzo decided that this situation required at least mock seriousness. "My good man," he said, turning to Mal with touch of offense on his face. "Could you fool me with a replacement of one of my beloved dracolisks? Of course not! Now..." he looked around the kitchen, finding it rather empty. He cleared his throat and tucked one had neatly to the small of his back. Then, with all the decorum of a nobleman, he called out.

"Here, kitty kitty. Here, little..." he glanced back at Mal. "What did you say his name was?"

A door on the other side of the kitchen swung open. A young page stopped in his tracks, staring at the unexpected group of nobles.

"You there." Enzo said, gesturing the boy forward. He complied after a moment of hesitation. "Cat herb. Do you know it?" The boy nodded. "Good man. Run and fetch us some, yes? Off you go, quickly now." As the boy rushed to comply, Enzo turned back to the others. A self satisfied smile pulled at the right side of his mouth as he held his hands out, as if to say there's that settled.
“Alas, despite spending six years in the south, I never found an occasion to visit the University. Or their Chantry. My loss, I am sure.” But it was oh so curious, to get that sort of reaction out of Malachai. A touch defensive, presenting the lady’s accomplishments as if there were anything to prove. It was rare indeed to crack the half-elf’s sarcastic detachment in any way.

And that pleased Tiberius, truly. If he could still get under Mal’s skin after all this time, then the years away began to feel less significant. Home was – if not exactly the same – then at least recognizable.

“You see, before they shipped us to the academy, I was determined to steal a bottle of something from the old Archon’s cellars – it must have still been Davan then. His master cook had big meaty arms and fucking hated me. I still have the scar.” Tiberius probed his hairline to demonstrate, abruptly giving up as one of the Archon’s servants came up behind them. Perhaps he ought not to swear in the presence of Malachai’s lady friend, as well.

“The Archon requests sentry wards to be placed …”

Well, the command behind that was clear enough. He knew all three of them were skilled with wards but Mal most likely would stay here with the main party – he lended it some legitimacy. And it wasn’t often you got permission to cast freely in the Archon’s palace.

“I’ll be right back, gentlemen. Lady.” Tiberius stepped into the nearest shadow and reappeared on the balcony. He made quick work of laying wards that would exclude all cats – as he’d never met Saxton the Blind, there was no opportunity to be more specific. A faint glowing boundary marked out the space, a stick figure cat hovering in the air to make the spell’s purpose obvious even to the ungifted. Coming back through the servant passages, he repeated this over twice more. It would get quite tiring if he had to cover the whole palace like this. Manageable, perhaps, if split between them.

Assuming Archon Arvina didn’t lose his patience first. No feline missiles came running out from under any furniture, much to his disappointment. By the time he rejoined the others, it seemed like they’d found the plant Madame Jolfy had suggested. A page thrust a bundle out to him.

Huh. It smelled nice enough, sweet and minty. But what did it have to do with cats?
Perhaps he became lost in an equation, he’d tease, attempting to lighten his mood.

If left unattended the innocent dove would find herself babbling her way into the hands of their enemies. His comrades could think what they wished, if the Archon kept up this gradual spiral and flip flop mood unchecked they were all doomed. Her paper had left the aids scrambling at its findings, life breathed back into their sails with a renewed purpose in finding whatever would cure Deme. There was a sensation he’d admit, a glimmer of optimism among the fob of lies, but he’d crush the idea of her being anything more than an asset.

Only if you get caught, he lightly chuckled, adding to the bouts tossed out. But our cook also hated me, at least Davan didn’t throw knives. Shrugging his brows Mal’s pace soon paused with Enzo’s adorable attempt to look offended. Amusement creased the skin around his eyes, I bet I’d make a fantastic dracolisk, but no, I wouldn’t let you sit on me.

A servant came by, dispatching orders sent on from Demetrius. He nodded to Tiberius as the man took charge to set the first and turned himself and Ophelia to join Enzo in the kitchens.

Guiding her to the opposite side from Enzo, Mal answered the man’s question flatly, Saxton, helmet head and not the first time the feline had caused such a ruckus. Using the advantage of height, and musing that even blind the cat could still jump, Mal checked the shelves until finally a servant came by. Curious, that even at the end of such an evening it should be this quiet.

Another trail to follow up on later since Enzo’s inquiry would soon procure the Lady’s herb. He was looking over the bundle presented to him, glancing at Ophelia and asking, So how does this work? Do we burn it and the smoke attracts them? Mal paid attention to their mortality, nothing to do with their entertainment and the only plant based knowledge he had were poisons and that wasn't going to help them any.
Oh, Ophelia realized, she was going to have to apologize to her big brother later, Rene was getting a ribbing that she couldny help but smile about, because, it was, of course, so easy for him to get lost in an equation. The University is lovely, you could come and visit, I could show you the botany department, and the trees I recently had the chance to add to the inner gardens. She addressed Tiberus, while flashing an accepting smile to Enzo, nodding her head, in acceptance of the apology.

A stolen bottle eh? And growing tall by stealing tarts, yes I can see why Cook probably would have smacked hands and heads with a ladle now, it seems that you all were adventurous spirits. I don't suppose your Archon ever minded the antics though? He seems very kind, what little interaction I've been afforded. Almost fatherly the way he's concerned for his animal companions. Then there was the mention of knives being thrown, and she regarded Mal from behind her lashes for a moment. She may have been drunk, but she remembered that the two of them had similar youths, both raised in kitchens and bastard children. I hope yoy gave them hell.

She chuckled as the servant that had been tasked by Enzo returned with some of the nip, and she smiled widely. Fresh, absolutely fresh, she had had no doubt that the Archon would have it fresh, for his beloved animals. It only made sense. Oh no, not smoke it, although I've heard rumor that it can give one a bit of a euphoria much like pipe weed, but I don't think the right psychotropics are there for a humanoid brain. Might be a case of "if you believe it hard enough". No we're going to crush this up, and carry it with us. Since Saxton is blind, his other senses will have heightened to account for the sense he has no use of.

She bundled the weed up, and twisted it several times to rupture the cell walls in the leaves and stems, before fishing her handkerchief from her purse and wrapping the bundle up in that loosely, so that the smell could permeate, but she didn't have to carry the seeping plant itself. Now, we can search, and have a little bait in the process. Might not have to get down on our hands and knees to tempt him out of a hiding spot, may come to the scent all on his own.
"...but no, I wouldn’t let you sit on me."

Enzo smiled wide, then looked to Madam Jolfy. "His loss." he said with a shrug.

It appeared this Saxton helmet head was not the sort to come when called. How incredibly inconvenient. But, no matter. The boy was back with the herb the Lady has spoken of, and Tiberius was back from setting the wards in their wake. Surely, a combination of the herb and wards would either lure the creature out, or trap him in. Either way, something interesting was bound to happen.

"A clever plan." Enzo said, crossing the room as he crushed his own bundle in a handkerchief, following her example. "It is our good fortune that you happened upon us, Madam. What a terrible shame that our dear Mally did not introduce us before tonight." he said, glancing in Mal's direction. "You don't suppose he did so on purpose...?"

Letting that marinate, Enzo pocketed his kerchiefed bundle of herb for a moment so that he could put up a ward in the kitchen so that they could move on. Once it was complete, he returned to Ophelia's side and offered her his arm. "If I may," he said, smiling, "I'd love to hear more about those trees in the... inner garden, was it?"
While the group is talking, a servant enters the kitchen, looking slightly worried and whispering, not so quietly, to another servant in the kitchens. This is what is overheard.

I can't get into the woman's servant quarters, something has the door jammed shut. I was looking for Elaria's little sister to make sure she's ok, with Elaria being missing and all. Elaria is the name of the servant in charge of Saxton.

Suggestions of what you could find in this location:

1. a pair of servants having locked themselves in for a quickie
2. Alyssa, Elaris's little sister, hiding and scared of someone she won't identify
3. Clues that suggest Alyssa is possibly being held against her will, is she a pawn in some bigger game to use Elaria and one of Deme's cats against him?
4. an unidentified dead body
5. Saxton's collar

The window is open, where someone could have fled through.

Things you won't find here.

1. Elaria the servant
2. Saxton the cat
If Tiberius ever went back to Orlais, it would be primarily to kill his in-laws. He’d have to figure out how to get away with the crime, of course, and also first get over his crippling fear of getting locked out of the country again. But, uhh … Trees were very nice too? Tiberius crumpled the catnip into his jacket pockets with a regretful thought for whoever would have to clean his clothes later.

He followed behind the others at a leisurely pace, thoughts churning slowly as he peeked into dark cabinets. Dear Malachai seemed a touch more frazzled than defending a potential conquest from his charming (and not at all serious) friends could account for alone.


This cat situation was quite serious. For some reason. Was the Archon’s temperament really that unstable? That did not bode well for Tevinter – or their searching band’s immediate future.

“Oh, Mally-cat does everything on purpose. Wouldn’t know spontaneity if it bit him.” Another servant entered the kitchen, the conversation they struck up with their fellow immediately drawing his attention. A jammed door was a better lead than anything they’d had so far. He’d been about to suggest the cellars where they probably would have gotten lost.

“This way, all.” Tracing that servant’s path, he climbed a steep set of stairs. The women’s quarters were sets of long barrack style rooms stuffed under the palace’s slanting roof – uncharted territory. At the blocked door, he cast an apologetic glance back at the others. Surely Arvina wouldn’t mind the loss of a door if it helped locate the missing feline?

Tiberius conjured a lattice of light and forced it through the door, cutting the wood and the iron bar that had jammed the door into tiny pieces.

“Step carefully.” Climbing over the debris, he stepped into a dark hallway, dusty air lit strangely by moonlight through an open window. He tried the first door available, almost directly in front of the stairs. Inside was a row of cots and footlockers, a basin and a vanity. There, at the end, a shape halfway shoved under one of the beds. The spreading darkness beneath them was only a different texture in the dark.

“Valentius. I don’t think you’ll want her to see this.”


I picked options 2 & 4. Tiberius found a mysterious corpse and Alyssa is hiding on this floor.

@Malachai Valentius
The back and forth between his comrades were reminiscent of their time in service. Nostalgic as it was to dwell there, the present and future were always put front and centre of Mal’s mind. But then came the nicknames and it felt like a bucket of cold water to the system with how abruptly he pushed a kitchen pot too far. He’d shoot Enzo an ice cold look, fleeting instantly if observed by anyone else.

I’m instantly regretting it now, but here we are, gesturing with a roll of his eyes. The Madam and I met only recently on my Ambassador assignment to Orlais. He could trust Enzo to understand the underlying meaning. She was not a distraction, or a new toy to be paraded around then eaten, but an important asset.

He’d follow Ophelia’s instruction only tying it to his belt instead for added effect. I’m afraid not, Short King, he’d smile under the mask, shoulders straightening to gain his full height. Sparing Tiberius a glance, he continued. They are the ones I managed to acquire for Madam Jolfy, as a token of thanks for openly sharing her findings. Perhaps another time, or we go together, how does that sound?

Their soiree was interrupted though with the arrival of the servants pointing in a new direction. His list was growing ever longer, notation of faces, names, roles and jobs all collected for further investigation later.

Then, as if this evening couldn’t get any worse, someone was dead and no Eyes had witnessed it? Mal’s shoulders stiffened, this was more than just about a mere cat.

I know you’ve all been enjoying yourself, but some of us have been working diligently to make sure this… he refrained from cursing, adding more gently, [q[didn’t happen.[/q] Sucking in a deep breath, Mal moved he and Ophelia further down the corridor towards the open window where curtains framed the seat. A sudden whimper from behind the fabric then caught his attention over the breeze drifting through. Pulling his arm free of Ophelia’s, Mal crouched, fingers peeling the edge of the curtain to reveal the wide wet eyes of a trembling child.

Now you’ve had a fright now haven’t you? tone instantly placating, though a tad playful. My friend here is much friendlier than I, I’ll be honest. Madam, if you wouldn’t mind. Retreating a little, Mal made room for her to check on the girl believing her fear would be better soothed by a female presence than three intimidating men.