That’s the price of secrecy
Shenanigans will ensue, no telling how crazy it could get
Dora had traveled up into Arlathan to see Meg and deliver some spare parts for a reserve she created for Meg, simple ones that could snap in and out of the housing in Nairn's chest without the mechanic needing to be there, and drop off done, she had realized it was too late into the night to head back to her cottage outside of Kirkland, so she wandered trying to ignore some of the creepy trees that looked like people, before she heard something that caught her attention. She pushed her way into the bar about the time that Jenny and Screech had met in the alley way, shaking her head at the song -- one she had heard before, but not from Ruth's lips before -- he did have a nice singing voice, she'd give him that, but from the raucousness of the bar, she figured everyone was nice and inebriated, but she wasn't exactly keen on the way the story of Jenny and Screech went, as she made note of the table the man calling up to Ruth was.

Stopping by the bar, she ordered three mugs of beer, and a pitcher to boot, gathering all hour handles in her calloused hands, used to the heft of a hammer or an axe, the beer was simple for her to carry along, making the table about the time that the men converged on the table both again, an eyebrow raised somewhat as she set the mugs and pitcher down, Didn't think I'd find anyone I knew out in this bar tonight, but well met gentlemen, I've brought beer.

This was either going to be a good night of drinking, or she was about to get fussed at, either way, she had her beer, that she raised up and drained, wiping the froth of the pour away from her upper lip with the back of her hand, the appreciative sigh rising from her as she set the mug back down to the table top.

@Ruth Yoesif
His grin was wolfish, his cheeks flushed from both drink and the sheer thrill of a captivated audience. His eyes flicked to Horus, who was raising his mug in mock reverence. Smirking, Ruth leaned on the back of a chair, his weight barely supported as he lazily replied, Careful now, Horus. Some fine, sober husband might catch my eye, and then where would I be? Tied down? Perish the thought! He let the innuendo hang in the air, accompanied by a wink that sent ripples of laughter through the nearby patrons who overheard.

As the mood simmered and Ruth reached for his own drink, his attention turned to a figure approaching their table. Dora. A broad grin split his face as she set the pitcher and mugs on the table.

If it isn’t the mistress of parts herself, Ruth declared, raising his hands in mock surprise. Was it a play on words, perhaps, but he was well on his way, well oiled by the liquor and lyrium snorted in the restroom. His gaze lingered on her as she downed her mug with practiced ease. And here I was thinking this night couldn’t get any better. Bringing us beer too? You’ll have me thinking you’re sweet on me.

The cheeky glint in his eye was unmistakable, but Ruth quickly chuckled and waved his hand as if dismissing the thought before it could linger. Though I reckon you’ve got better taste than this scoundrel. Still, cheers for fueling the fun. He raised his mug in a gesture of thanks before draining it with gusto.

Straightening, Ruth gestured between the two. Dora, this is Horus, incorrigible rascal, and the finest sailor on any sea you can name. Horus, meet Dora. I’ve probably mentioned her once or twice.

@Theodora Oridotti
Horus tilted his head, giving Dora a once-over with the exaggerated curiosity of a man halfway through his fourth—or was it fifth?—drink. His braided hair swung lightly as he did, and his grin, lopsided and rakish, widened to match Ruth’s introduction.

Ah, so you’re the famous Mistress of Parts, are you? he said, voice lilting as though the phrase was a title of noble standing. He leaned forward on his elbows, his mug still in one hand. Must say, love, I’m impressed. Bringing beer to the table like that? You’ve already won me over. Ruth, you’ve been holding out on me.

He shot Ruth a mock-accusatory glance before turning back to Dora, extending a hand with a flourish that was somehow both gallant and absurdly theatrical. Horus, as the rogue over there mentioned. Captain, scoundrel, occasional lute critic. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mistress Dora.

Settling back into his chair, he took another sip from his mug, his eyes sparkling mischievously. Now, I’ve got to ask. How’d you come by Ruth here? Normally, he’s too slippery for decent company, but somehow you’ve managed to keep him in your orbit. Magic? Chains? Or just good ale?

Horus gave Ruth a sly grin, clearly enjoying the interplay as he gestured to the new pitcher of beer. And don’t let me distract from the most pressing matter at hand. Pour me a refill, and we’ll get this party to full tilt.

As he leaned back, he tapped his fingers on the table in rhythm with the bard’s music now filling the room, his mood light and entirely too confident—just the way he liked it.

@Theodora Oridotti
@Ruth Yoesif
Aye, aye, that I am, Mistress of the Parts, don't get too excited there, my parts aren't on sale currently, as you well remember Ruth, I got a new bit of machinery I'm working on now. Of course she wouldn't rise to the bait he laid in place for her, but took the time to acknowledge Horus' adding into the conversation. Keep dreaming, Ruth, and maybe one of these days I may let you finally take me to bed, but you, sir, are you flirting? She looked over to Horus, and inclined her head, grinning back to the both of them, Oh I don't know, he and I are both keeping your company aren't we, Ruth? Does that make it good taste or the worst taste? It was a tease, and she made sure to indicate that it was made in jest as much as possible, she didn't want him falling from that happy mood of his, even if she could smell the liquor on him. That was nothing new for her, but she did like the easy banter and sharp wit both of them had. And she was still sober-ish, so it would be easy for her to tease them worse than she got, as long as she kept her wits about her.

Hmm, in orbit hmm? He's had his hands all over my body a few times, and the last time I nearly stuck my ass up in the air like a cat in heat for him. Did you know that some of the spiders in Arthlan have a toxin in their blood that acts as an aphrodisiac? Ask me how I know. She refilled the mug that Horus held out, and then refilled Ruth's too in the process, and then her own as she climbed up into one of the chairs that would set her feet off the floor. Thankfully she was used to it, not bothering her as much in her older age than it had in her youth. Chains are a thoughtful idea though, what say you Ruth? Do you think you'd like be chained in my little cottage? Let you read while I worked at the forge? Then again, you'd probably like that a lot.

She sucked on her teeth a moment before she took a large quaff from the mug, letting the light headedness that came from too much beer too quick to settle over her. She could hold her alcohol, and she was just at the right place with those one and a half mugs, it would be staying there for the rest of the night now, as it seemed like the place was just starting to get started. And you, good Ser? How did you come into our mutual lover's orbit, trapped as much as I am? She had missed having a night out like this for so long, she was almost certain, though, that she was going to pay for it in the morning.

@Ruth Yoesif
The tavern was alive with the usual hum of conversation, the clink of tankards, and the faint crackle of the fire in the hearth. The world seemed to soften, with the warm amber flowing through his system and his thoughts wandered between the two and Ruth held a mischievous glint in his eye as he sat there. His gaze grew hazy from the steady flow of ale and a deep laugh bubbled up from him, louder than he probably intended, as he slapped Horus on the back. More like putting out. I’m not a simp, ‘Rus.

It was a jest, one that Ruth found hard to resist. There was always a bit of fun to be had at the expense of his friend, though Ruth knew well enough not to reveal too much of himself, he preferred to keep certain things close to the chest and most understood that. He waved off Horus’s protests with a dismissive flick of his hand as he flirted with Dora.

Then, just as the conversation threatened to become more serious, a barmaid passed by, her hips swaying in that way that caught the eye. Ruth’s gaze followed her movement without a second thought, his attention wandering naturally.

There’s treasure’s walking past us, Ruth said with a smirk, his voice low and teasing. It was the kind of comment that Ruth couldn’t resist making, but Dora’s words were too good to miss a cheeky wink. Parts eh? Bet it’s a filthy toy. Pink and vibratin’ too, typical crafty Dwarf.

His gaze drifted back to the barmaid for a moment longer, but he pulled himself away quickly, unwilling to linger too long. There was something amusing about the way Dora thought she could outquip him, but Ruth had learned long ago to appreciate the craft, rather than to get too lost in the details. He lived and breathed this kind of shit, and with an exaggerated roll of his eye, he’d huff. Medically speaking. I’m a good boy when on the job. A lie, but not a complete fabrication, he could behave… on occasion, when it mattered. He had his own craft to uphold.

Taking another sip of his drink, Ruth leaned back in his chair, balancing it on two legs while the warmth of the alcohol spread through him. His eye flickered briefly to the barmaid once more, thoughts suddenly interrupted by a carefully painted image from Dora began running unbridled through his mind. He muttered to himself, the chairs legs landing back on all fours with a thud. Don’t threaten me with a good time.

The words hung in the air for a moment, half to himself, half as a challenge to anyone who might dare to make good on the implied offer. But Ruth didn’t mind. In fact, he found himself quite enjoying the little tease, the possibility of mischief lingering in the back of his mind. You’d have to catch me to do it, and I’m a slippery bastard at the best of times. Just ask Horus here, he’s seen it. Me all oiled up and slipping the noose on a few of our… excursions. Brows wiggled intentionally, grin filthy and lopsided before the tankard came back to his lips.

For now, though, he was content to let the world spin around him, he was in no rush to see the night end early. He’d a barmaid to woo the knickers off of. Unless? Na. She’d probably try and hang him with them…. though…

Shaking his head of the image, Ruth turned the mug about itself. So is that why you’re here? Looking for a punter to chain up? Or just here to pry out ole Horus’ secrets?

@Theodora Oridotti