House of the Salamander
The House Of Salamander
Just a band of simple individuals making their way through the galaxy.

[Image: Neology-Salamandarallwigglessmollest.png]

Name • The House Of Salamander
Scope • Regional - Free Marches, but known to travel continentally
Headquarters • Kirkwall, The Free Marches
Leader • Caro Byrne
Values • Camaraderie, coin, and cajoling
Goals • Mint gold, cause the good kinds of trouble, deck the worst kinds in the nose, and try not to die in the meantime.

Allies • Varied based on the current job.
Enemies • Varied based on the current job.
Rivals • Give ‘em a minute.

The House of Salamander’s a small outfit, meaning relationships amongst the members are just as personal as they are professional. Rarely if ever actively recruiting, prospective members typically have to happen upon the mercenaries either while they’re working or off on their own endeavors. If a rapport can be struck with one, then the task becomes striking a rapport with the rest until there’s a consensus. At that point, if you have some sort of skills to offer the band, have earned their trust, and can muster a unanimous vote, then you can bear the toasty lizard crest.

  • Salamanders stick together. Have your fellows’ back, and they’ll have yours.
  • Coin doesn’t trump basic decency. Don’t sell your morals down the river just for a job. If two members disagree about that, they’re obligated to talk it out.
  • Coin trumps most other things though. Gold is gold, life is hard, and food ain’t cheap.
  • Don’t go spilling blood for free. Don’t pick fights for free, that’s the job. Don’t be a dick, whipping out your junk when blades are out is never a good idea.

The House of Salamander only has one real tradition to speak of thusfar: they do not tell anyone outside of the group the truth about where their name came from. In all reality, it came from one of their first meetings, wherein a salamander came crawling out of their campfire. Amused by the immediate hyperbolic comparisons to the dragons of the age, and lacking a name at the time, it was decided that something as formal and mysterious as “House of Salamander” would do. But to retain both aspects of the mystique, the go-to move is to lie and invent a more impressive story on the spot; whoever asks is just as likely to be spun a yarn about a dragon shrunk to the size of a rat as they are a manor full of lizardpeople who the gang had to defeat in order to take their crest. In the event that one of them slips up and accidentally tells the truth, they owe the rest of the company a night’s worth of luxury and drinks.

NPCs (Adoptable)
  • Luca, formerly of the Red Dogs. A human warrior that prefers light armor and a sword and shield.
  • Karvil, formerly of the Red Dogs. A dwarf warrior with two axes and plenty of tattoos.
  • Lelindin, formerly of the Red Dogs. A human mage with a crystalline staff and a quiet disposition.
  • Alred, formerly of the Red Dogs. A human warrior with rusty armor and a tarnished old greatsword. A surprisingly talented fixer.

One horse-drawn covered wagon, a host of rations and provisions, first-aid equipment, and a variety of odds and ends.

Legacy Clause • Ownership of this organization defaults to Neology, Meira, Headwires, and Fromikeable. Should they all happen to be inactive, the faction should be considered to be disbanded, with the members parting amicably to go their separate ways.