Nairn had re-planned their honeymoon, no longer taking his wife to the Planasene Forest as he'd originally considered. With Ruth in the infirmary, Nairn was itching to do anything to forget — drugs, work, it didn't really matter. So, when choosing where they were going to honeymoon, he'd considered all of the factors.
He wasn't about to revisit his drug habit; not right now. And he did not want to spend his honeymoon paying attention to the Coterie. He wanted to spend it paying attention to his wife. So, a few days after the wedding, he pulled her through an eluvian. And then another. Until they stopped in what appeared to be a vineyard on the coast.
The little smattering of houses around the vineyard, where workers lived, were empty. The place was a ghost town. I figured it'd do us some good, to get out of Arlathan and the Marches for a bit. He murmured in her ear, So... I rented this place, for a week. Just us.
It was a larger place than they'd need. And though it wasn't a forest, the vineyard itself was certainly a maze. If you dislike it, we can go into Antiva City. He added, as he settled an arm around her. I want you to spend as much of my money as you possibly can.
Megara was still reeling from the wedding's chaos, still exhausted despite her best efforts to hide it. Ruth was safely under the care of the healers, but his seizure had rattled her a little. That moment kept replaying in her mind, gnawing at the edges of her thoughts no matter how hard she tried to shove it aside. She was grateful to be away. Grateful for Nairn's hand steadying her, pulling her forward, first through one eluvian and then another, the world shifting and reshaping around them until they emerged into sunlight.
Her breath caught at the sight before her taking in the rows of vines, the houses scattered among them, eerily quiet but somehow serene. Nairn’s words broke the silence of the spell and Megara blinked repeatedly, mouth hanging open.
The… the whole place? She glanced back at him, incredulous. The grin tugging at her lips betrayed her excitement, but her voice was tinged with disbelief. This wasn’t just a cottage or a room somewhere. It was an entire god damn estate.
He murmured in her ear, arm settling around her waist, and she leaned into him without thinking. If I dislike it? She turned to him fully, fixing him with a look as if he’d lost his mind. Nairn. Look at this place, it’s beautiful. Of course I like it. Her eyes sparkled with something lighter, a relief she hadn’t felt in the past few days. We’re all alone? The question was half-whispered, her thoughts briefly drifting to their half-joking plans about running naked through the forest. This wasn’t a forest, but it was private, lush, and full of possibilities. And most importantly, far from any other people or responsibilities.
Her fingers brushed against his chest, tugging him closer as she shook her head. I don’t need money, or trinkets, or any of that, Vhenan. I just need you. Always have. The words came easily, truth plain in her voice. She wouldn’t begrudge him the expense, but none of it mattered as much as him. Megara had always lived comfortably, humbly, but never extravagantly. This place, this gesture, wasn’t about riches or indulgence to her—it was about Nairn, about them, and about leaving the rest of the world behind for a while.
She tipped her head to rest against his, her voice softening. Buuuut… I wouldn’t say no to a bottle of wine from the cellar later. It is a vineyard, after all. A teasing smile played at her lips as her hand slid down to intertwine with his. Show me around?
Nairn grinned, Well, I believe I promised you a forest. But... the Dales are too cold, and the ones by home are too... close to responsibilities. His smile faded slightly, before he squeezed his wife tight, pulling her flush against him. He'd noted the way her eyes lit up, when she parroted that they were all alone.
Mmm. You sure you don't wanna spend more of my money? He teased, breezing a kiss across her cheek as she rested against him, her fingers finding his.
'course we'll have wine. I had them set some of their nicest out, he bumped noses with her, grinning as he leaned for a proper kiss. Mmm, think we could both use a drink.
He'd pull hed with him, Tomorrow morning, we'll meet with a pair of massage therapists. Sweet elves, from the dry lands. And each morning a vineyard employee will stop by to drop off catered meals for the day, freshly made. She didn't care about the cost, and neither did he.
This'll be where they drop the food off, he nodded to a building that appeared to be a restaurant, when open. But he was leading them to the large castle-like building in the center of the fields.
I thought you could pick our room. He mused, squeezing her hand tightly in his.
The Dales are too cold this time of year, and our… responsibilities can survive a week without us. They had people in place, there was no need to worry about them, or how Ruth was coping stuck in the Infirmary. Meg returned the squeeze, careful not to smoosh her face into his chest piece.
Her fingers traced idle patterns against his chest as she tilted her head back to look up at him, a mischievous smile forming as he brushed her cheek with a kiss. I’m not opposed to a shopping trip, but everything would need my husband’s approval. She snickered, her grin widening as she added, And I reckon he’d rather I had as little on as possible.
Meg sighed contentedly, pulled along without any resistance while allowing her eyes to dart around, taking in the rows of vines, the little houses, and the expansive fields around. Plenty of places to hide and run in. She’d stumble slightly, too focused on the scenery to fully watch her steps but there was no fear of snapping her neck with his hand guiding. Following his direction as he talked Meg’s brows rose sharply.
Massag-. You really thought of everything, didn’t you? She was touched, really, at how much thought he’d poured into making their time away perfect for them.
When they reached the large castle-like building, Meg let out a soft, impressed whistle, craning her neck to take it all in. She squeezed his hand, her feet beginning to pad back and forth in bubbling excitement. You want me to pick? Her grin turned almost wicked. I may run around every one squealing, you know. I hope you’re prepared. How else was she going to figure out the best routes to out manoeuvre him when he decided the hunt was on?
If there is a big ass tub overlooking this place, I know where we’re enjoying our wine later.
The assassin wasn't prone to smiling, but at the moment, the expression most often on his face was a goofy little grin. Mmm... perhaps our shopping trip is the day we leave, he agreed, overly serious for the moment. The idea of other people seeing her with little on, didn't bother him too much. But the fact they'd have to remain cordial and abide by social standards...
He shrugged, watching her bounce in place, shuffling from foot-to-foot. Go, shoo. See your kingdom for the week, he nudged her forward, and would follow at a slower, steadier pace. Her excitement had him chuckling, though.
He'd vetted the castle and the smaller homes, ensured he had an escape route through each if they needed it. And though he hadn't had it warded, he was confident they were safe enough that she could be silly and forget their worries for a while.
If I were you, I'd be making mental notes. He'd have an advantage on her, if she didn't. And that might mean their game ended too soon, once it started. Of course, tonight was a night of rest. She'd requested as much.
That’s more than fine, Vhenan and I won’t tease you. Not too much, snickering she’d lean in for a lingering kiss.
When he nudged her forward, telling her to go explore, she squealed softly, bouncing on the balls of her feet. You don’t have to tell me twice! she called over her shoulder as she darted forwards. Meg ran inside, checking every room by throwing open its doors and peering inside and gave him a running commentary of everything that surprised her. Oh Creator’s there is a throne room??? bellowed through her speed running, criss-crossing from one side of the corridor to the other, up stairs and around strange turns.
On one of her crossing’s, she paused, grin suddenly wicked. Mental notes, eh? Am I allowed to play dirty, tie you up if you catch me too soon? A helpful vine wasn’t too nefarious surely. Turning, Meg skipped off again to explore. Her laughter echoed faintly as she found a room with a sprawling view of the vineyards, and then another larger one with a decadent canopy bed that made her gasp. This was obviously the Lordship's main chamber.
This one… she’d found it, calling back behind her This is our room… Oh and it has the tub! she’d squeal after checking the side room. The view from its window framing the valley perfectly.
Megara was off, after a quick kiss. He chuckled, listening to her shouts and exclaimations, as he took his time examining the rooms he passed. When she asked if she was allowed to play dirty during their game, he laughed, shaking his head. That would certainly up the ante and add to the fun of it.
After a while, she shouted that she'd found the room. He slipped to stand in the doorway, blue eyes alight with his amusement. This one is nice, an agreement easily won. The bed with the canopy alone deserved to have attention.
But he thought the fact it had the tub she'd so desired, marked it as the winning room. He settled on the end of the bed, bouncing for a moment, watching her. We'll need to start a fire up here, and another downstairs. They've left some instructions, he'd been reading a carefully written piece of paper as he'd followed her.
Instructions on how to warm the place, there were some animals that needed tending, chickens and the like. He'd opted to take care of the chores himself, rather than have the staff stay around. Chickens, horses, and some cats to tend after.
On the third day, the property's overseer would stop in to check with them. He'd written the man's name down, too.
Megara leaned casually against the bathroom door frame, a teasing smile playing on her lips as she watched him. Would magic help? she asked, her tone light but genuine. She didn’t want to risk breaking anything in the heating system, but she could always coax a little warmth into spaces if needed.
Pushing off the doorframe, Meg began a slow, deliberate walk toward him, hips swaying just enough to hint at mischief. Her gaze lingered on the papers in his hands before flicking back to his face. You’re taking this whole lord-of-the-manor thing very seriously, she teased, her grin widening.
When she reached the bed, Meg kicked off her shoes, slipping onto it behind him, her legs striding across the mattress. She bounced lightly, giggling. Saw you testing... thought I’d have a go, she said, her voice playful, before she drifted down to her knees. Meg leaned forward, wrapping her arms around him loosely and resting her chin on his shoulder. Seems sturdy enough, doesn’t it? she murmured near his ear while looking over the paper in his hands.
So… from what I’m reading, we have those obligations and… that’s it? Whatever will we do with all the time, ma Vhenan? She chuckled, though it sobered quickly, But seriously, arms squeezed him, hugging him to her chest, Thank you.
Mmm, might? But I'd prefer the chores. So used to being busy, he admitted. He thought she'd enjoy them too; the pair of them were at best, workaholics. She distracted him, making her way toward the bed, and he watched her over the papers in his hands. The way her hips swayed, the deliberate steps she planned and took.
When she spoke, he shrugged. I'd rather keep the Prince that owns the place happy with us. Lucrative business deals down the line for the C, at stake, too. But it wasn't a hidden secret that the Merchant Princes and the Crows ran Antiva. It was dangerous to associate with a Prince, much less accidentally ruin one of his many homes.
She kicked her shoes off, and climbed into the bed behind of him, though. The light bouncing made him laugh, and he leaned back into her. Does seem sturdy, sturdy enough for what we'll be using it for, anyway.
She teased, about the chores, and he shrugged. Dunno. I guess we'll have to learn how to spend our free-time, he mused, tilting his head back as she hugged him from behind. You are very welcome, Meghren.
He rested against her, willing to stay there as long as she'd let him, though eventually he sat the papers aside on the bed. The silence was comforting, save for the occasional grind of a gear from his chest plate.
Prince? Antivans? Huh. That actually makes sense now I think about it… The Vineyard should have given it away, but he was right, the Princes offered opportunities and the Crow’s were all about contracts. It could even benefit Arlathan indirectly, keeping them out of the City’s limits. These were not, however, important details she needed to dwell on.
Megara sighed contentedly, letting her cheek rest against the back of his head for a moment, her arms tightening around him in a brief squeeze. Very welcome indeed, she murmured, her voice soft and teasing. She shifted slightly, nuzzling the edge of his ear as she spoke again. But if you're determined to fill your time with chores, vhenan, don’t think I won’t be sneaking up on you to steal a kiss while you’re elbow-deep in hay or helping you chase after chickens. Or sitting back to watch him chop firewood.
Her laughter was a quiet hum against him as she pulled back slightly. I suppose free time is a skill we’ll have to master, isn’t it? Though I can think of a few ways we could... practice. Her words were laced with suggestion, but her smile was warm, not pushing too far just yet. There would be plenty of moments in their week away. That’s tomorrow tho’, or the day after, since you’ve made us appointments already.
After a while, Megara shifted to tug him back down onto the bed. She’d prop herself up, reaching over to fix his hair, pushing it behind an ear. Part of me wants to just curl up and snuggle and the other part of me wants to snuggle you in other ways. She sigh, Then there’s the bath and wine… so many options and choices.
Nairn grinned, as she played with his hair, having decided how she wanted them to lay. Mmm. What my wife wishes, my wife shall have. He murmured, lazily tracking her movements. It was easy, laying here with her, listening to her laughter.
Easy to forget the troubles at home. We have a week. There's no reason to do everything in our first day, he teased. Though, if you plan to bathe, I'll have to get firewood and warm this place.
He didn't move, though, rolling onto one side so that he was facing her. Now, wine... mm. There's enough wine here to drink ourselves silly, he chuckled at the idea. He often thought back, to the night he'd been drunk and left on her step, how he'd not be here right now, if not for that meddlesome night.
Megara smiled, her fingers threading absently through his hair, brushing it back from his face as she watched him. What your wife wishes, hmm? Careful, ma vhenan, I may abuse that, she teased, though her tone was soft with affection.
His mention of firewood and bathing drew a playful pout from her. You’re determined to be the perfect husband and a hardworking man, aren’t you? But, she added, her grin returning, I’ll allow it. A warm bath does sound tempting... if only so you can sit there looking smug while I soak.
When he rolled onto his side, her hand moved to rest against his cheek, her thumb brushing lightly over his skin. A week to ourselves, she echoed, her voice quieter now. You’re right. We don’t have to rush through it. Just... be here. Together. No alarms, no knives, no... She paused, a wry smile tugging at her lips. Well, fewer knives.
The mention of the wine made her laugh. Oh, don’t tempt me. Drunk Megara is unpredictable, and I’m not sure we want me throwing up on the first night. She leaned in, her nose brushing his briefly. She’d pull back just enough to meet his eyes, her expression softening. You’re thinking about something. Tell me, Her voice dropped to a whisper as she leaned closer again, her lips brushing against his in a tender kiss.
I could live with that abuse. He quipped, in response. She was playing with his hair, and for the moment, he was content to be touched. He chuckled wryly, because the truth was, he would be looking quite smug whilst she bathed.
She'd paused, in speaking, to correct herself and he chuckled softly. Mmm... the plans I have for my knives is a much more plan than their usual use, he purred, leaning into her thumb as she brushed his cheek.
He stuck his tongue out at her, It's on you, if you get sick everywhere, he teased, softly. No bite to it; he didn't like when she drank, too much bad could happen then. She leaned in, for a kiss, and asked him for his thoughts.
Leaning up, to deepen the kiss, he'd murmur against her cheek, Thinkin' how we'd not be here now, if Ruth didna drop me off on your stoop drunk, he nipped her cheek, and settled his head on her shoulder, sitting upright to do so.
Megara gasped softly as he nipped at her cheek, her fingers tightening briefly in his hair before she sighed, melting against him as he rested his head on her shoulder. She turned to press a slow kiss to his temple, her lips lingering there before she spoke, her voice a playful hum.
Well then, vhenan, if you’re determined to play the devoted husband, why don’t I get the bath ready? She shifted slightly, her fingers trailing down his arm as she grinned. And you... can cut me out of my clothes. Her smile turned wicked. You can watch and be smug with a glass of wine, or join me—your choice.
She pulled back just enough to catch his expression, clearly enjoying herself. But when he stuck his tongue out at her about the wine, she gasped in mock outrage, folding her arms with a dramatic huff. I won’t drink that much, pah! she pouted at him, but the effect was ruined by the way her lips twitched at the corners. One glass. Maybe two. I can be responsible... sometimes.
The teasing glint in her eyes softened when he brought up Ruth again, and she exhaled a slow, deep sigh. Her fingers trailed absently over his shoulder, thoughtful. He did you a favour, yes, she murmured, nodding. He's helped us both, more than we probably know, honestly. She fell quiet for a moment, then looked at him, her expression resolute. When we get back... it’s our turn to help him.