NATION: Tevinter
The ruling powers of Tevinter made a calculated decision to raise a magical barrier, an authorized move executed by the state itself. Driven by a desire to consolidate power, control dissent, and safeguard Tevinter from both internal conflicts and external threats, the Archon emerges as the face of this grand endeavor. Publicly claiming credit for the barrier's construction, the Archon paints a vision of safety, stability, and prosperity for Tevinter.

Amidst the intricate dance of shifting alliances and political intricacies, the Archon, a master tactician, recognized the necessity of a unifying force. Proposing the construction of the magical barrier, the Archon aimed to solidify authority, instill a sense of security, and quell unrest within Tevinter's borders. The barrier became a symbol of the Archon's leadership, a shield against the chaos that lurked beyond the nation's boundaries.

Behind the scenes, the Black Divine played a crucial role in the magical intricacies of the barrier. Rather than seeking public acclaim, the Black Divine embraced a clandestine role, skillfully maintaining the barrier's integrity from the shadows. This enigmatic figure remained hidden, dedicating themselves to the safety of Tevinter with a sense of silent duty.

The unexpected discovery of a large red lyrium vein within the magical construct ultimately leads to the barriers' fall and the Black Divine's death. This malevolent force, drawn to the magical energies that sustain the barrier, begins to corrupt and corrode the Black Divine from within. Unbeknownst to the Archon and the citizens who revere the barrier, an internal struggle unfolds, placing the entire magical construct at risk.

As the Black Divine's life force wanes, a sudden and catastrophic failure grips the barrier. With the one who silently maintained it meeting an untimely demise, the magical shield crumbles, exposing Tevinter to the outside world once more. The tragedy unfolds in the present, leaving the citizens in shock and the once-revered barrier now a memory of both protection and unforeseen loss.

  • WHAT THE PEOPLE OF TEVINTER KNOW (PUBLIC): Tevinter put up a barrier to protect itself from the outside world's influence.
  • WHAT THE HIGHER-UPS KNOW (SECRET): The barrier was put into place because Tevinter worried about the repercussions of Fen'Harel removing the Veil. It was also put into place to keep others out of Tevinter, and protect their carefully crafted magistrium from outsider influence with a rising level of slave rebellions in 9:45.
  • WHO DID IT? The barrier was created by the Black Divine, but the credit was claimed by the Archon.
  • WHAT BROUGHT IT DOWN? The Black Divine's death (as he sustained the magic for the barrier) due to spreading red lyrium.
Post-Fall Political Landscape:
The status quo remains initially, with slow-paced lifting of restrictions. Freedom of movement is reserved for the elite, and the Archon's power faces threats. Trade is gradually allowed, but with heavy limitations. Returning citizens undergo intense scrutiny by the Secret Police, and tensions rise between conservatives and those embracing change.

Social Landscape:
In the era preceding the fall of the magical barrier, Tevinter's social tapestry was woven with threads of exclusivity and resource constraints, limiting large-scale events to a select few. Wealthy Altus, strategically positioned, hosted private gatherings, their prestige heightened when graced by the presence of the Black Divine or Archon. As lesser houses succumbed, a new wave of ruthless elites emerged, blending 'new money' with the traditional Old Guard of the Altus.

Renown was earned through contributions to Tevinter's sustenance, emphasizing the importance of supporting the nation's stability. Educational disparities prevailed, with Altus retaining private tutors, while lesser classes enrolled in standardized programs within the Circles. Sensitive Serfs received basic magical instruction, with further education granted to those showing particular affinity.

The immediate aftermath of the visible barrier's fall plunged the populace into panic, avoiding border regions, while the Tevinter Army remained on high alert. Diplomatic initiatives ensued in the weeks following, with fortified borders and heightened security measures. Spies were recalled or dispatched for debriefings, fostering suspicion on both sides, and crossing into Tevinter became perilous.

In the post-fall political landscape, the status quo struggled, with a gradual allowance for trade but heavy restrictions. The Archon's power faced internal threats, and newly returned citizens underwent intense scrutiny by the Secret Police, monitored for an undisclosed duration. Tensions rose between conservative factions and advocates for change, potentially leading to scuffles, while a groundswell movement among Serfs emerged, monopolized by Pro-Change factions. The border witnessed destabilization, marked by clashes between Tevinter forces and unauthorized individuals attempting to cross.

During Barrier:
Limited large scale events due to resources - made more grander due to less frequent. More wealthy/better positioned Altus can throw private events but these are attended by a limited number of people. (Members who are able to have the BD or Archon attend are often in favour).
Less adaptable houses fall, and have given rise to more ruthless ones, ‘new money’ mingling with the remaining ‘Old Guard’ of the Altus.
To gain renown one must be able to contribute to the sustainment of Tevinter.
Altus are able to retain tutors and private mentors, yet lesser classes  must enroll in the standardised program set within Circles.
Serf’s who have a sensitivity to magic are only given basic instruction and not further educated unless they show particular affinity that could prove useful.

Immediate Aftermath (if the barrier was a visible barrier)
  • Likely panic, given it was there to keep them safe?
  • Avoidance of the border would be a regular person's reaction.
  • Army would be on alert for crossings

Week - 2 week After Barrier falls
  • Archon/Ambassadors have made contact with the outside.
  • Pro-change groups would likely resurface, but take time to organise (months).
  • Meeting point established for discussions/negotiations
  • Heavily fortified and manned borders
  • Spies would be sent or recalled homewards for debriefings.
  • Heavy suspicion on both sides
  • Any crossing into Tevinter territory is dangerous, trespassers will be caught, questioned and likely executed.

Post Fall Political Landscape
  • Status Quo remains in place, snail pace of restrictions being lifted: Freedom of Movement is reserved for Altus and those with permission.
  • Balance of Archon’s power threatened
  • Gradual allowance for trade, but heavily limited and restricted on options.
  • Newly returned Citizens are subjected to heavy questioning by the Secret Police and are monitored for an unknown period of time.
  • Tension between new conservatives vs those who view the barrier falling a good thing
  • Pro-Change gathering more momentum leading to scuffles?
  • Beginnings of groundswell movement among Serf’s as information filters through, could be monopolised by Pro-Change movement.
  • Destabilisation of the border - Clashes between Tevinter forces and those crossing border unauthorised.

Tevinter & The World:
Tevinter does not trust any other nation in the world; they are very insular.

Orlais: Distrust
Arlathan: Distrust
Antiva/Rivain: Distrust
Ferelden: Distrust
Starkhaven" Distrust
Martial Oath: The Unseen Backbone of Tevinter's Military
In Tevinter, the strength of the nation rests not only upon the shoulders of the magically gifted but equally upon the unwavering commitment of its non-mage citizens who form the unspoken backbone of the military force. Non-mage children are conscripted anywhere from age 5 to age 16. This mandatory service, spanning a minimum of 15 years starting from the age of sixteen, is a testament to the belief that every citizen, regardless of magical ability, must contribute to the nation's defense. Powerful families can buy their non-mage children's way out of serving, but will be heavily scrutinized.

Unlike their mage counterparts, who are given the choice to enlist for only 2 years, non-mages face an obligation engraved in the very fabric of Tevinter's societal expectations. Their training, harsh and disciplined, forges them into skilled warriors who learn to navigate the intricacies of battle, fortifying the military ranks with disciplined soldiers. The unyielding structure of their service is underscored by the fact that leaving before the completion of their term is a rare privilege, granted only under exceptional circumstances.

For non-mages, the only permissible exit from their mandated military service is a late-blooming magical ability. If a latent magical talent manifests during their years of service, they are permitted to transition to the ranks of the mage military or pursue other paths within the magical community. However, for those who remain untouched by the arcane, the completion of their term becomes an unalterable duty.

In a society where magic is revered, the prevailing belief among mages is that this compulsory military service provides non-mages with a unique opportunity to contribute to the nation's well-being. They argue that by channeling their physical prowess and dedication into the military, non-mages can demonstrate their allegiance to Tevinter, offering service in a manner deemed fitting for their abilities.

Furthermore, a peculiar avenue for early release exists for non-mages who find themselves in the hands of a high house with enough influence to purchase their freedom. This transaction, though seldom observed, serves as a reminder that even the most disciplined non-mages can be granted release through the machinations of political power.

  • Non-mage children can enter military training through academies from age 5 up to age 16.
  • Non-mages are required to serve for 15 years, minimum. A child's service starts at the age of 16.
  • Powerful families may purchase non-mages within the military service, ending their military service early for things such as: marriage to a mage, bodyguard duty, etc.
  • Mages are allowed to decide if they want to serve in the military beyond their 2-year required service. Mages are not allowed to enter the military until age 16.
The Secret Police of Tevinter: Eyes of the Archon's Rule
In the post-barrier Tevinter, the Eyes stand as an omnipresent force, serving the Archon and maintaining the fragile order within the isolated nation. Loosely inspired by the KGB, this clandestine organization operates in the shadows, enforcing the state's narrative, crushing dissent, and ensuring the survival of the ruling regime.

Leadership and Structure:
At the pinnacle of the Eyes is the enigmatic Guildmaster, a figure shrouded in secrecy, whose identity remains hidden to all but the Archon and Chancellor. The Chancellor, serving as the second in command, oversees the day-to-day operations, ensuring stability and performance within the organization. These leaders work closely with the Archon, reporting directly to them on matters of internal security.

Beneath the Guildmaster and Chancellor, the organization is divided into specialized branches, each led by a high-ranking operative. These branches include:

Heads of Police and Secret Police:
Overseeing the regular police force and the more covert operations, these leaders are responsible for maintaining control within the general populace.

Head of Police:
Description: A shrewd and calculating Magister, this leader oversees the regular police force, ensuring they enforce the state's laws with an iron fist. Known for unwavering loyalty to the Archon, they believe in maintaining order through fear and strict control. Their influence extends not only through the city streets but also into the darkest corners of Tevinter's underworld.
Plot Idea: As dissent grows within the populace post-barrier fall, this leader employs increasingly ruthless tactics to suppress any signs of rebellion. A group of rebels seeks to expose their corruption, leading to a dangerous game of cat and mouse that threatens to unravel the carefully woven tapestry of authority.

Head of Secret Police:
Description: A shadowy figure with an enigmatic past, this leader is the elusive head of the Secret Police. Operating in the shadows, their network of spies and informants ensures that dissent is rooted out before it can blossom. Known for their ruthlessness, they serve the Archon faithfully, eliminating threats to the state with efficiency.
Plot Idea: The leader discovers a deep-seated conspiracy within the Magisterium, threatening to expose the Archon's lies. As they navigate the treacherous waters of political intrigue, rival factions within the Secret Police attempt to seize control. The leader must outmaneuver both internal and external threats to protect the secrets that bind Tevinter together.

Specific Heads of Government Departments:
Infiltrating various government sectors, these individuals monitor and influence projects, ensuring they align with the state's interests.

Head of Arcane Research Department:
Description: A brilliant and ambitious Magister, this leader heads the Arcane Research Department, delving into magical experiments that further Tevinter's power. Their loyalty lies with the Archon, and they ensure that any magical discoveries align with the state's interests, even if it means sacrificing ethical considerations.
Plot Idea: Unbeknownst to the state, the leader stumbles upon an ancient and powerful artifact with the potential to reshape the balance of power. Caught between duty to the Archon and the temptation of personal glory, they must navigate a perilous path, risking everything to harness the artifact's potential without drawing unwanted attention.

Head of Information Bureau:
Description: A master manipulator and expert in espionage, this leader oversees the Information Bureau, disseminating carefully crafted narratives that serve the state's interests. Their web of influence extends throughout Tevinter's political landscape, ensuring that information flows in ways that benefit the Archon.
Plot Idea: The leader discovers a dangerous secret within the inner circles of the Magisterium, threatening to destabilize the delicate balance of power. As they attempt to manipulate events to their advantage, they become entangled in a high-stakes game where loyalties are tested, and alliances crumble. The leader must navigate the intricate web of Tevinter politics to protect their position and the state's secrets.

Border Agents:
Tasked with overseeing the heavily fortified borders, these agents prevent unauthorized entry and conduct thorough investigations of those seeking access.

High Counselor and Cabinet Magister:
Members within the Senate and Lower House respectively, these figures serve as the Secret Police's eyes and ears within the political arena.

Powers and Operations:
The Secret Police wield extensive powers, allowing them to operate with ruthless efficiency in the pursuit of their objectives. These powers include:

  1. Arrest and Imprisonment: Based on suspicion and limited evidence, the Secret Police can apprehend individuals discreetly, often catching them off guard. Those arrested may face public humiliation, career penalties, financial consequences, imprisonment, or even banishment.
  2. Surveillance: Utilizing a range of methods, including magical means and informants, the Secret Police maintains a constant watch over citizens, ensuring compliance and ferreting out dissent.
  3. Fabrication of Evidence: When necessary, the Secret Police can create false narratives to further the state's agenda, justifying arrests or discrediting opposition.
  4. Investigative Powers: The organization can probe any section, department, or project funded or employed by the state, ensuring alignment with the Archon's vision.
  5. Coercion and Public Humiliation: Individuals accused of crimes against the state may face public humiliation as a deterrent. Coercion and manipulation are common tools used to extract information or confessions.

Sentences handed down by the Secret Police are diverse and serve the purpose of reinforcing the state's position. Punishments range from public humiliation and financial penalties to imprisonment, banishment, and even death. The severity depends on the perceived threat the individual poses to the established order.

Stations and Networks:
Throughout Tevinter, the Secret Police maintains hidden stations, often masquerading as homes or properties of its members. These stations serve as interrogation centers and houses for those arrested. Spread strategically across the nation, they create a network facilitating rapid response to any perceived threats.

Public Perception:
Publicly, the Secret Police is portrayed as the defender of Tevinter, protecting citizens from the potential dangers lurking beyond the barrier. The propaganda emphasizes the necessity of their actions for the state's survival, framing their operations as a shield against apocalypse, Qunari threats, and divine selection.

In the volatile landscape of post-barrier Tevinter, the Secret Police emerge as a formidable force, shaping the narrative and ensuring the Archon's grip on power remains unchallenged. Their actions cast a long and dark shadow over the lives of Tevinter's inhabitants, making dissent a perilous endeavor.
Laws of Tevinter
In the corridors of modern-day Tevinter, where magic intertwines with politics, the laws of the land have adapted to the shifting tides post the fall of the magical barrier. Shaped by the raising of the barrier and the political maneuvers of the Archon, these laws continue to serve as pillars to maintain order, suppress dissent, and guide the nation through a new era.

Author's Note: These laws are created only for an enhanced IC purpose! If you're a fan of consequences, or want to shake things up for your characters in Tevinter, breaking these laws will do that.

State-Sanctioned Information Act:
  • Dissemination of information about the outside world is strictly controlled by the state.
  • Spreading false information about the barrier, its construction, or the events surrounding it is punishable by severe penalties, including imprisonment and fines.

Pro-State Propaganda Decree:
  • Pro-State messages and imagery must be prominently displayed in public spaces, institutions, and residences.
  • Failure to comply with the display of pro-State propaganda may result in public humiliation, loss of privileges, or imprisonment.

The Archon’s Credit Act:
  • The Archon is officially credited with the construction and maintenance of the now-fallen magical barrier.
  • Any contradiction or challenge to the Archon's credit may be considered an act of sedition, subjecting the individual to interrogation, public humiliation, or imprisonment.

Barrier Disclosure Limitation:
  • Individuals are prohibited from investigating or disclosing information regarding the magical workings of the barrier.
  • Violators may face charges of treason, with penalties ranging from imprisonment to execution.

Secrecy Enforcement Act:
  • The activities of the Secret Police are classified and protected by law.
  • Unauthorized disclosure of Secret Police operations, identities, or information is considered treasonous, punishable by imprisonment, banishment, or even death.

State Surveillance Authorization:
  • Surveillance of citizens is authorized by the state, utilizing magical and mundane means.
  • Resisting or attempting to interfere with state-sanctioned surveillance is considered an act against the security of Tevinter, subject to severe consequences.

Prohibition of Anti-State Sentiment:
  • Expressing sentiments against the state or its ruling figures is strictly forbidden.
  • Individuals found guilty of anti-state sentiment may face charges of sedition, resulting in public humiliation, imprisonment, or banishment.

Red Lyrium Regulation Act:
  • Possession, trafficking, or use of red lyrium is strictly prohibited.
  • Violation of this law is considered a threat to the state's security and may lead to severe penalties, including imprisonment, interrogation, or execution.
Tevinter society is highly stratified, with citizens classified into different levels depending on their ancestry and magical ability. Most recently, the society has altered to fit a stricter caste system, as listed below.

Note for the Reader: [color=#FF4136]In order to promote an inclusive Tevinter, the majority of the site-canon Houses are not franchise houses, save for the Tilani house. This is because we do not want a kingdom that focuses heavily on franchise characters when we have a high influx of new players who may not know the Dragon Age media.

All franchise houses that once existed were removed from power, disgraced, or the family lines destroyed. And the remaining franchise house (Tilani) has been opened to the public by providing a variety of OC positions within the family.

If interested in joining a High House, but the canon positions are filled, have no worry because these families have a lot of members within them. I just cannot list every family member, nor do I want to.[/color]

The High Houses:
Author's Note: [color=#44b8ff]These houses have found power, rising to the changes within Tevinter and taking control.[/color]

In the intricate societal tapestry of Tevinter, the High Houses stand as pillars of influence, each weaving its unique thread of power, politics, and arcane mastery. These elite noble families, often trace their lineage back to the founding of the Imperium, form the bedrock of the magocracy, their legacies entwined with the nation's grandeur and, at times, its tumultuous history.
House Tilani: Catalysts for Change
In contrast, House Tilani emerges as a beacon of change, challenging the traditional structures of Tevinter society. Led by the charismatic Maevaris Tilani, this house advocates for progressive ideologies within the Senate, pushing for reforms and questioning the old guard. However, the influx of new magisters has diluted their influence, and Maevaris's persuasive voice has waned, leaving the house at a critical juncture in its pursuit of change.

Maevaris Tilani (Head of House):
Description: Charismatic and visionary, Maevaris is the driving force behind House Tilani's pursuit of progressive change. A skilled mage with a passion for social reform, she faces the challenges of navigating the shifting dynamics within the Senate and Tevinter's political landscape.
Plot: Maevaris is entangled in a complex web of political alliances and rivalries as she strives to rejuvenate House Tilani's influence. The discovery of a clandestine plot against her family forces her to balance her commitment to change with the need for survival.

Tilani Heir (Female - Scholar): Taken by Seda
Description: A brilliant scholar and mage, she embodies the ideals of House Tilani's pursuit of knowledge and progress. As the heir, she grapples with the weight of expectation and the responsibility to carry forward the family's vision for a reformed Tevinter.
Plot: She becomes a target for conservative factions opposed to House Tilani's progressive agenda. Her journey involves unraveling a mysterious artifact tied to the family's legacy, leading her to uncover secrets that could sway the balance of power in Tevinter.

Tilani Sibling (Military Strategist):
Description: A skilled tactician and mage, he plays a crucial role in House Tilani's strategies. Despite embracing change, he recognizes the importance of military strength to safeguard the family's ideals.
Plot: He is caught in the middle of a brewing conflict between House Tilani and a rival faction seeking to suppress progressive movements. His military expertise is put to the test as he navigates political intrigue and open confrontations.

Tilani Cousin (Arcane Historian):
Description: They are a devoted scholar with a passion for unraveling the mysteries of ancient Tevinter. Their expertise in arcane history makes them a valuable asset in House Tilani's pursuit of reform.
Plot: They stumble upon a forgotten prophecy that hints at the resurgence of an ancient threat. As they delve into research, they become a key player in uncovering a conspiracy that intertwines the family's progressive agenda with a supernatural danger.

Tilani Advisor (Political Strategist):
Description: He is a shrewd and seasoned political strategist, and serves as House Tilani's advisor. With a keen understanding of the intricacies of Tevinter politics, he plays a crucial role in guiding the family through the challenges they face.
Plot: He discovers a web of corruption and manipulation within the Senate that threatens to undermine House Tilani's efforts. His journey involves navigating dangerous political waters and exposing the truth while protecting the family's reputation.
House Calidus: A Rising Power
The first played Calidus family member is taken by Ivy as Novella Tilani. Please speak with her prior to creating a member of the family.
Among the newer arrivals on the scene, House Calidus has rapidly ascended through cunning political maneuvers and strategic alliances. Aptly labeled as 'new money,' this house represents a fusion of ruthless ambition and opportunism. Mingling with the remnants of the Old Guard, they seek to reshape Tevinter's power dynamics, leveraging their newfound influence in pursuit of wealth, status, and a coveted place among the High Houses.

Note as of 10/13/2024: The Calidus patriarch and matriarch have been murdered.

Calidus Heir (Male- Economic Strategist):
Description: The heir, a savvy economic mind, plays a crucial role in House Calidus's financial success. His pragmatic approach to wealth acquisition aligns with the family's opportunistic ethos.
Plot: The heir discovers a clandestine plot within the family to exploit their newfound power for personal gain, potentially jeopardizing House Calidus's standing. His quest involves untangling the web of deceit while safeguarding the family's interests.

Calidus Sibling (Female - Socialite and Diplomat):
Description: The sibling excels in the social and diplomatic spheres, using her charm and wit to further House Calidus's interests. Her connections among the elite make her a valuable asset in navigating Tevinter's complex societal landscape.
Plot: The sibling becomes entangled in a romantic liaison with a member of House Tilani, unknowingly becoming a pawn in a larger political game. Her personal desires clash with the family's overarching agenda, leading to internal strife and external threats.

Calidus Cousin (Male - Military Strategist):
Description: The cousin, a military strategist with a penchant for unconventional tactics, serves as House Calidus's enforcer. His loyalty to the family's ascent is unwavering, making him a formidable asset.
Plot: The cousin faces the challenge of quelling internal dissent within House Calidus as some members question the morality of their methods. Simultaneously, he navigates external threats, including rival High Houses seeking to undermine Calidus's newfound influence.

Calidus Advisor (Female - Political Intriguer):
Description: The advisor, a seasoned political schemer, acts as House Calidus's chief advisor. Her knack for manipulation and information gathering contributes to the family's rise.
Plot: The advisor uncovers a covert alliance between House Calidus and a radical faction within the Magisterium. Faced with a moral dilemma, she must decide whether to expose the family's dark dealings or use the information for personal gain.
House Obsidian: Seekers of Wealth and Old Gods
House Obsidian rises as a newer force with an unbridled pursuit of wealth and a fanatical devotion to the Old Gods. This enigmatic house, shrouded in mystery, combines financial acumen with religious zeal, weaving an intricate tapestry of influence within the corridors of Tevinter power. As devout worshippers of the Old Gods, House Obsidian navigates the delicate balance between arcane mastery and religious fervor, adding a unique and potent flavor to the ever-evolving landscape of High Houses.

Obsidian Patriarch:
Description: The patriarch of House Obsidian is a formidable figure, seamlessly blending financial acumen with a fervent devotion to the Old Gods. His shrewd business strategies and unwavering faith make him a driving force in the family's pursuit of influence.
Plot: The patriarch faces internal dissent within the family as some members question the balance between wealth accumulation and religious devotion. Simultaneously, external forces seek to exploit House Obsidian's unique position in Tevinter.

Obsidian Heiress (Female - Arcane Economist):
Description: The heiress, a master of arcane economics, combines mystical prowess with financial strategy. Her commitment to the Old Gods is unwavering, and she becomes a key player in House Obsidian's intricate tapestry of power.
Plot: The heiress discovers a hidden sect within Tevinter that seeks to undermine the influence of the Old Gods. Her journey involves uncovering their plots while safeguarding the family's wealth and religious convictions.

Obsidian Scion (Male - High Priest):
Description: The scion of House Obsidian, a devout High Priest, serves as the religious anchor of the family. His charismatic leadership within the Old Gods' worshiping community enhances House Obsidian's standing among the faithful.
Plot: The scion confronts internal challenges as some family members prioritize wealth over religious devotion. Simultaneously, external pressures force him to navigate the delicate balance between religious leadership and the family's financial pursuits.

Obsidian Acolyte (Female - Mystic Scholar): Ilaria Obsidian, played by Neology
Description: The acolyte, a mystic scholar, delves into the ancient teachings of the Old Gods, unraveling secrets that contribute to House Obsidian's arcane influence. Her scholarly pursuits add depth to the family's esoteric knowledge.
Plot: The acolyte stumbles upon a hidden artifact linked to the Old Gods, sparking a quest to protect this ancient relic from those who seek to exploit its power for nefarious purposes.

Obsidian Advisor (Male - Strategic Planner):
Description: The advisor, a strategic planner, orchestrates House Obsidian's financial and political moves. His pragmatic approach ensures the family's prosperity while navigating the intricate dynamics of Tevinter's power structures.
Plot: The advisor faces external threats as rival High Houses aim to undermine House Obsidian's rise. Simultaneously, internal strife emerges as family members clash over the direction the house should take in balancing wealth and religious devotion.
House Icarius: The Vanguard of Tradition
Yet another house staunchly upholds the traditional values of Tevinter, aligning themselves with the conservative factions resisting change. Positioned as the vanguard of tradition, they defend the status quo, contributing to the struggle within the Senate and navigating the shifting dynamics post-barrier fall.

Icarius Patriarch:
Description: The patriarch of House Icarius, a staunch defender of Tevinter's traditional values, is a strategic political player. However, their ascent to power was fueled by a dark secret – they unearthed compromising information about the Archon's lies and used it to secure the family's position.
Plot: The patriarch grapples with the weight of the damning information they possess about the Archon, using it as leverage to shield House Icarius from external threats. Simultaneously, they face internal strife as family members question the morality of their rise to power.

Icarius Matriarch (Open Gender - Political Strategist):
Description: The matriarch of House Icarius is a skilled political strategist who played a crucial role in utilizing the information about the Archon's lies to elevate the family's status. Their pragmatic approach and unwavering commitment to tradition make them a formidable force.
Plot: The matriarch confronts external challenges as progressive factions attempt to dismantle Tevinter's traditional values. Internally, they navigate the delicate balance of maintaining the family's influence while suppressing dissent within House Icarius.

Icarius Heir (Nonbinary - Traditionalist Scholar):
Description: The heir to House Icarius, a dedicated scholar of Tevinter's traditional lore, earned their position through the family's strategic use of the Archon's lies. Their intellectual prowess adds depth to House Icarius's defense of traditional values.
Plot: The heir faces external threats as rival houses seek to exploit the Archon's secrets for their gain. Internally, they grapple with the responsibility of upholding tradition and ensuring the family's dark secret remains concealed.

Icarius Scion (Female - Cultural Guardian):
Description: The scion of House Icarius serves as a cultural guardian, vehemently preserving Tevinter's historical traditions. Her role within the family is entwined with the dark knowledge they hold, ensuring the secrets remain buried.
Plot: The scion becomes a target for progressive factions seeking to expose the Archon's lies, putting her in a precarious position. Simultaneously, she contends with internal dissent as some family members question the ethics of their rise to prominence.

Icarius Advisor (Open Gender - Blackmailer):
Description: The advisor to House Icarius is the mastermind behind the family's rise, having uncovered the Archon's lies through a network of spies and informants. Their expertise in manipulation and blackmail secures House Icarius's influence.
Plot: The advisor navigates a dangerous game, warding off threats from rival houses and ensuring the Archon's secrets remain hidden. Internally, they must manage the delicate balance of power within House Icarius, where loyalties are tested.
The Low Houses:
Author's Note: [color=#FFDC00]These houses have been disgraced or did not rise to power. [/color]

In the intricate hierarchy of Tevinter society, the Low Houses carve out a precarious existence, overshadowed by their more esteemed counterparts. These families, once aligned with the grandeur of High Houses, now navigate the tumultuous aftermath of disgrace, treachery, and the ever-shifting currents of power within the Imperium.

House Pavus: The Fallen Flame
First played Pavus character is Enzo, by Meira. Please speak to them prior to creating a Pavus. 

Once a prominent and respected House known for its mastery of fire magic, House Pavus now stands among the Low Houses, tarnished by allegations of treason. The disgraceful act resulted in the stripping of their right to argue matters on the Senate floor. Despite retaining their Altus title and wealth, House Pavus finds itself navigating the treacherous waters of redemption, seeking to restore its once-illustrious name while bearing the weight of their tainted legacy.

House Verax: Ambitious Aspirations
House Verax, a relatively young and ambitious Low House, emerges from the shadows with aspirations to ascend within Tevinter's hierarchical labyrinth. Despite facing the disdain of their more established peers, House Verax strategically aligns itself with factions seeking change, hoping to exploit the shifting dynamics of post-barrier fall Tevinter. Through cunning political maneuvering, they strive to rise above their Low House status and carve a niche in the cutthroat world of mobocratic politics.

House Umbra: Shadows of Arcane Mastery
First played Umbra character is Tiberius, by Neology. Please speak to her prior to creating an Umbra.

House Umbra, though lacking the grandeur of its High House counterparts, boasts a lineage steeped in arcane mastery. Specializing in shadow and stealth magic, this Low House has managed to carve a niche for itself as skilled infiltrators and covert operatives. House Umbra's members, adept at navigating the shadows, find themselves entwined in the clandestine affairs of Tevinter, often operating in the periphery of the magocratic power plays.

House Serpentis: Whispers of Deception
House Serpentis, marked by a legacy of cunning and guile, thrives amidst the Low Houses, capitalizing on their reputation for subtlety and intrigue. Though lacking the overt influence of the High Houses, House Serpentis has become adept at gathering information and leveraging secrets to influence the political landscape. Skilled in espionage and manipulation, they navigate the intricate webs of Tevinter, weaving a tapestry of whispers that echoes through the corridors of power.
The Serfs:
Within the intricate societal structure of Tevinter, the Serf class forms a multifaceted hierarchy, encompassing individuals from various backgrounds and circumstances. This caste system, composed of Soporati, ex-slaves, and liberati, weaves a complex social mosaic, each segment facing distinct challenges and opportunities.

Soporati: Silent Strugglers
At the bottom rung of the Serf hierarchy are the Soporati, born into the lowest strata of Tevinter society. These individuals often experience the harsh realities of limited resources, meager opportunities, and societal neglect. Bound by the constraints of their low birth, Soporati struggle to rise above their circumstances, facing the perpetual challenge of breaking free from the shackles of systemic oppression. Many Soporati find themselves engaged in menial labor or low-paying occupations, their aspirations curtailed by the weight of societal expectations.

Ex-Slaves: Liberation with Lingering Chains
Ex-slaves, having tasted the bitter fruits of enslavement, stand as a pivotal segment within the Serf hierarchy. Despite their liberation in 9:47 Dragon, the echoes of their enslaved past reverberate through their present existence. Many ex-slaves carry physical and emotional scars, facing societal prejudices and lingering discrimination. While free from overt servitude, they grapple with the challenge of integrating into a society that often views them with suspicion. Some ex-slaves find solidarity in collective efforts to uplift their community, striving to overcome the shadows of their enslavement and carve a new identity.

Liberati: A Fragile Freedom
At the upper echelons of the Serf hierarchy reside the Liberati, individuals who have managed to secure their freedom through various means. Whether through exceptional service, strategic alliances, or personal accomplishments, Liberati enjoy a higher status among the Serfs. However, their freedom is often precarious, subject to the whims of those in power. Liberati may hold positions of relative influence within Serf communities, but the constant threat of falling back into Soporati status looms overhead, forcing them to navigate a delicate balance between autonomy and dependence.

The Serf hierarchy reflects the intricate dynamics of Tevinter society, where birth, past enslavement, and personal agency intersect to shape the fates of individuals within this complex tapestry. As Serfs navigate their positions, aspirations for social mobility, and the challenges of coexisting with the more privileged classes, the Serf hierarchy continues to evolve against the backdrop of Tevinter's ever-shifting power structures.
In Tevinter, knights occupy a distinct role, separate from the core politics dominated by powerful mage houses and the ruling elite. Though not a traditional part of the magocracy, knights have earned their place in Tevinter society through acts of valor and service, and the title carries with it both prestige and responsibility.
Path to Knighthood

There are several ways to earn the title of knight within Tevinter:
1. Bravery on the Battlefield: The most common path is through acts of extraordinary courage in battle. Soldiers who demonstrate skill, leadership, and an unwavering commitment to victory can be recognized and elevated to knighthood.
2. Service to the Archon: Any significant contribution to the Archon or the Tevinter Imperium may be rewarded with knighthood. This could involve anything from protecting vital interests of the state to completing a dangerous mission on the Archon's behalf.
3. Honorary Title: Occasionally, the title of knight is given as an honorary distinction to those already of noble rank. This may be in recognition of lifelong loyalty or accomplishments that serve the Imperium, even for those who do not engage in direct military service.

Role and Status

Upon receiving the title of knight, individuals are granted a small tract of land, which solidifies their standing within Tevinter's hierarchy. Knights are positioned below the heads of noble houses, but they still enjoy considerable respect and influence. Their land and estates, though modest compared to the vast holdings of noble families, provide them with the means to maintain a personal retinue or military force.

Knights are often involved in defending Tevinter’s borders, leading armies, or serving in advisory roles during military campaigns. While they hold less direct political power than the heads of houses, their military expertise often grants them a voice in strategy councils.

Relationship with Noble Houses

Knighthood does not exclude the powerful. Some heads of noble houses, especially those who excel in warfare, may be granted the title as a further mark of distinction. For them, knighthood is often an honorary accolade, a symbol of martial prowess and loyalty to the Archon.

Although knights may not command the same political sway as the most influential mages and house leaders, their honor, martial strength, and service to the state grant them a unique and respected position in Tevinter society.