The Forsaken
The Forsaken

[Image: the-forsaken.png]

Concept here

Name • The Forsaken
Scope • Starkhaven
Headquarters • The Rogue’s Fortune - A Tavern and Gambling Establishment in Starkhaven
Leader • Co-Leaders Ailwin & Katrien
Values • The Forsaken are driven by a deep commitment to justice and equality, particularly for city elves who have long suffered under the oppressive rule of rich human nobles in Starkhaven. They believe in using any means necessary to dismantle the power structures that exploit their people, guided by values of defiance, solidarity, and integrity. While they employ tactics like blackmail, sabotage, and assassination, they maintain a strict ethical code that prioritises targeting the powerful and guilty while protecting the innocent and vulnerable. Their fight is not just about survival, but about reclaiming dignity and autonomy for all elves.
At the core of The Forsaken's mission is the belief in empowerment and unity. They strive to uplift the elven community by providing education, resources, and protection, while fostering a strong sense of identity and resistance. Loyalty to their cause and each other is paramount, ensuring that their organisation remains resilient and focused in the face of powerful enemies. Pragmatism guides their actions, allowing them to adapt and make calculated decisions that serve the greater good, all while striving to avoid becoming as corrupt as the oppressors they seek to overthrow.
Goals • The betterment for City Elves by any means necessary

Allies •
Clan Ghilain, Ally although they don’t feel the Dalish truly understand the plight of the city elf, they were allied with Clan Ghilain while they were all in Orlais.
Enemies •
Tevinter, Enemy on principle as they push elvhen slavery and inequality more than any other kingdom.
Rivals • Same as above.


As The Forsaken evolved from a small, tight-knit group of city elves into a more expansive and diverse organisation, their membership policies also shifted. Originally, the group was exclusively composed of city elves, reflecting a shared background and a unified vision rooted in the urban struggles and injustices faced by their people. The strong bond between these initial members was forged by their common experiences of oppression, discrimination, and a desire for change. However, as The Forsaken grew in size and influence, their mission broadened, and so did their recruitment practices.

Over time, individuals from various backgrounds began to trickle into the organisation. This included Dalish elves, who brought with them the unique skills and traditions of their nomadic clans; dwarves, known for their resilience and expertise in craftsmanship and combat; Kossith, whose formidable presence and martial prowess added a new dimension to The Forsaken's operations; and even the occasional human, despite the historical tensions and mistrust between them and the elven community. This diversification was not just a reflection of the organisation's growing power and reach, but also a strategic decision to enhance their capabilities and influence across different regions and social strata.

Despite the influx of members from varied backgrounds, The Forsaken maintained a certain bias towards city elves, who still rose through the ranks more quickly than others. This preferential treatment was rooted in the organisation's origins and the shared history of struggle among city elves, which fostered a sense of loyalty and solidarity. However, The Forsaken's leadership recognized the dangers of allowing such biases to dominate their organisation. They were keenly aware of the hypocrisy in becoming as prejudiced as the very humans who had oppressed them for so long.

With a sharp sense of business and a desire to avoid repeating the mistakes of their enemies, The Forsaken made a conscious effort to balance their internal dynamics. They understood that their strength lay not only in their skills and determination but also in their ability to forge alliances across racial and social divides. The more allies they could count on, regardless of race or status, the stronger their position became. By embracing diversity within their ranks, they ensured a broader range of talents, perspectives, and resources, making them a more formidable force against The Crows and other adversaries.

Moreover, The Forsaken were committed to their moral principles, particularly their stance against exploiting the poor or less fortunate. They were determined not to become the very thing they fought against. Instead of preying on the vulnerable, they sought to empower them, offering protection, resources, and opportunities to those who had been marginalised or oppressed. This approach not only garnered them loyalty and respect but also differentiated them from other organisations, particularly The Crows, who were notorious for their ruthless exploitation and disregard for the weak.

In summary, The Forsaken's journey from an exclusive group of city elves to a diverse and inclusive organisation reflects their growth and adaptation in pursuit of their goals. While they continue to honour their origins and the struggles that brought them together, they have also embraced a broader vision that values diversity, equity, and moral integrity. This evolution has not only strengthened their internal cohesion but also positioned them as a powerful and principled force in the fight against corruption and exploitation.


Blackmail and Espionage
Strategic Information Warfare: The Forsaken excels in gathering and using information to their advantage. They infiltrate noble households, gaining access to secrets that can be used to blackmail or destabilise their enemies. By exposing scandals, embezzlement, and other illicit activities, The Forsaken can manipulate the nobles or force them into compliance. Counterintelligence: Just as important as gathering information is protecting their own secrets. The Forsaken invests heavily in counterespionage, ensuring that their enemies cannot easily penetrate their ranks.

Arms and Supplies: To sustain their fight, The Forsaken controls smuggling routes that bring in weapons, magical artefacts, and other essential supplies. These goods are often procured from distant lands or stolen from noble estates and then distributed to elven fighters or hidden away for future use. Evacuation and Safe Passage: The Forsaken also helps elves escape oppressive situations, smuggling them out of Starkhaven or into safe areas where they can start new lives free from the nobles' reach.
Stealing Back Elvhen Artefacts

Cultural Reclamation: The Forsaken views the recovery of stolen Elvhen artefacts as both a symbolic and practical mission. These items, often taken by human nobles as trophies, are not only valuable but also represent the heritage and history of the elven people. Reclaiming them is an act of defiance and empowerment. Heist Operations: These operations are carefully planned, often involving elaborate schemes to infiltrate noble manors, museums, or private collections. The Forsaken uses these artefacts to inspire their people and, in some cases, to fund their operations.

Targeted Elimination: Recognizing that some enemies are too powerful to be swayed by blackmail or sabotage, The Forsaken employs assassination as a means of removing particularly dangerous or influential nobles. These are not random acts of violence but calculated moves designed to weaken the power structure and sow fear among the ruling class. Symbolic Acts: In certain cases, assassinations are carried out in ways that send a clear message to the nobles and their allies. For example, leaving a distinctive mark or artefact at the scene serves as a warning to others who would oppress the elven people.


The Oath of Shadows
Purpose: A ceremony where new members swear their allegiance to The Forsaken and commit to the organisation's mission. Details: New recruits take the Oath of Shadows in a secret ritual, often held in the hidden chambers beneath The Rogue's Fortune. During the ceremony, they recite a vow of loyalty and secrecy, swearing to protect their fellow members and to fight against the injustice faced by their people. The oath is symbolised by the lighting of a single candle in a dark room, representing the light they aim to bring to the oppressed.
The Mark of the Forsaken

Purpose: To honour members who have successfully completed significant missions. Details: After a member successfully carries out a particularly dangerous or impactful mission, they receive a mark—a discreet tattoo—somewhere on their body. This mark is a symbol of their bravery and commitment and serves as a badge of honour within the organisation. The design of the mark often reflects the nature of the mission or the target it involved.

The Night of Remembrance
Purpose: To honour fallen members and renew the group’s dedication to their cause. Details: Once a year, The Forsaken gather in secret to honour those who have died in the service of their cause. The Night of Remembrance is a sombre occasion where members recount the deeds of the fallen, share stories of their bravery, and renew their vows to continue the fight. The ceremony often includes the lighting of lanterns that are then released into the night sky or floated down a river, symbolising the spirits of the fallen watching over their comrades.

The Shadow Walk
Purpose: To test and reaffirm a member’s loyalty and skill. Details: Periodically, members of The Forsaken undergo The Shadow Walk—a trial where they must complete a mission alone, without any support from the organisation. The task is designed to test their resourcefulness, loyalty, and commitment to the cause. Successfully completing the Shadow Walk is a rite of passage that earns members greater trust and responsibility within the organisation.

The Gathering of Blades
Purpose: To prepare for major operations and strengthen the bonds between members. Details: Before launching a significant campaign or operation, The Forsaken hold The Gathering of Blades, where all members come together in a secluded location. During this gathering, they sharpen their weapons, review battle plans, and engage in combat drills. The event serves as both a practical preparation and a ritual that unifies the group, reinforcing their shared purpose and collective strength.


Ailwin - Co-Leader
Katrien - Co-Leader
Lornan - Lieutenant (Want Ad - Half-Brother of Ailwin)
Employees of The Rogue’s Fortune


A Black Ledger - Keeps track of all their business, both illegal and legal. It keeps track of who they owe favours to, as well as who owes them favours. It also keeps track of what human nobles they’ve got on their bad list.

The Rogue's Fortune is a bustling gambling den and tavern in Starkhaven, cleverly masking the illegal activities of The Forsaken. From the outside, it appears as an unassuming, well-worn establishment, attracting patrons with its warm, inviting glow. Inside, the atmosphere is lively and slightly claustrophobic, with the sounds of clinking glasses, shuffling cards, and murmured conversations filling the air. The tavern’s dimly lit, cosy interior features subtle elven motifs and tapestries hinting at its secret purpose. Hidden passageways behind the bar lead to a basement where The Forsaken conduct their covert operations, storing contraband, planning missions, and steering their resistance efforts against the oppressive human nobles.

Legacy Clause • If both Neo and Myself lose interest or leave the site, it would be left up to Ivy, Meg or Seda if they wish to see it continued.