Clan Ghilain
Clan Ghilain

[Image: clan-ghilain.png]

Name • Clain Ghilain
Scope • Arlathan (formerly Orlais)
Headquarters • Arlathan (currently).
Leader • Keeper of the Clan is Kellam Yoesif, who, while in Arlathan, answers to High Keeper Megara
Values • Clan Ghilain, a Dalish Elvhen clan, places great importance on preserving their ancient culture, ensuring that Elvhen traditions, language, and history are passed down through generations. They hold a deep reverence for nature, living in close harmony with the land and its creatures. The clan is built on a foundation of strong community bonds, where loyalty and mutual support are paramount. Independence is highly valued, as is the pursuit of wisdom, particularly in Elvhen lore and magic. Clan Ghilain also emphasises stewardship of ancient artefacts and upholding honour and integrity in all aspects of life.
Goals • Clan Ghilain is dedicated to reviving lost Elvhen knowledge by seeking out and restoring ancient artefacts and texts, ensuring their heritage is preserved. They aim to strengthen the clan by building alliances with other Dalish clans for mutual protection and cultural exchange. Protecting sacred Elvhen sites from external threats is a priority, as is expanding their understanding of ancient Elvhen magic through rigorous training. Maintaining autonomy and self-sufficiency is also crucial, as they resist external influences to preserve their cultural identity.

Allies •
Arlathan - Since seeking refuge in Arlathan after fleeing the Orlesian Blight, they’ve found a home within the Elvhen city.
Enemies •
Humans who hurt and subjugate elves.
Rivals •
None of note.


You must be elvhen.


The duties vary between members, but all members contribute to the clan’s health and wellbeing.


Vallaslin Ceremony: Upon reaching adulthood, Dalish elves receive vallaslin, sacred facial tattoos that honour their chosen god from the Elvhen pantheon.
Arlathvhen: A gathering of Dalish clans that occurs every ten years, where they share knowledge, stories, and reconnect as a people.
Uthenera Ritual: A practice where ancient elves, upon reaching the end of their lives, enter a meditative state to pass peacefully into death.
Hunter’s Trials: Young Dalish elves prove their skills in hunting and survival, marking their transition into adulthood.
Memory Telling: A ritual where elders recount personal memories tied to specific artefacts, passing down both history and personal experiences.
Treebond Ceremony: Each clan member plants a tree at a significant life event, fostering a physical connection to the land.
Fireside Crafting: Clan members gather around a communal fire to create or repair items, blending storytelling with craftsmanship.
Spirit Walks: A meditative journey taken by clan members to seek guidance from ancient Elvhen spirits.


Keeper: The current Keeper is Kellam.

The Keeper is always a mage and someone that serves as the leader of the clan and spiritual guide. Kellam has been Keeper for going on four decades since the previous Keeper fell ill with an incurable illness and died.

First: The current First is “Zathrith” - OPEN

This is the Keeper’s apprentice. Someone younger than the Keeper but older than the Second. They assist with leading the clan and the general day to day duties. A lot of times the clan members may deal with the First more than the Keeper.

Second: The current Second is “Shianaya” - OPEN

They are essentially the apprentice to the First and younger than them. They are next in line to become the First. They assist with duties as needed, where needed.

Warleader: The current Warleader is “Joslhen” - OPEN

The warleader of a clan is mainly in charge of the clan’s defences, as well as planning the movements of the clan and what the best routes are for travelling. They also oversee the training of the hunters and warriors apprentices.

Halla Keeper: The current Halla Keeper is “Leros” - OPEN

The Halla Keeper is the clan member that is in charge of tending to the Halla flock.

Hearthkeeper: The current Hearthkeeper is “Naya” - OPEN

The Hearthkeeper for the clan fills various roles. They are the main cook for the clan, they also aide the healers and the general well-being of everyone within the clan. They sometimes fill a diplomatic role if the situation calls for one. They also go to villages and clans to trade.

Craftmaster: The current Craftmaster is “Iori” - OPEN

The role of Craftmaster oversees all of the crafters and generally has the most knowledge of all the crafters when it comes to techniques. Sometimes they go with the Hearthkeeper to other villages and clans to trade.

Other Roles: Hunters, Warriors, Crafters, Healers, Apprentices, General Clan Members.

Current Members: @Kellam Yoesif

Former Members: @Ruth Yoesif


Ancient Elvhen Artefacts: Relics passed down through generations, holding cultural and magical significance.
Sacred Sites: Protected areas with spiritual or historical importance, possibly linked to the Elvhenan gods or ancient elven settlements.
Skilled Artisans: Clan members proficient in crafting, from weapons to intricate jewellery, contributing to the clan’s self-sufficiency.
Trained Hunters and Warriors: Members highly skilled in survival, tracking, and combat, ensuring the clan's protection and sustenance.
Magical Knowledge: A repository of ancient spells, rituals, and lore preserved through careful teaching and practice.

Legacy Clause • This is a canon/franchise based clan, so I would expect it to remain in some form even if I were to be inactive or leave.