What do sweet potatoes wear to bed? Yammies.
No Triggers
Dear Rosalie,

I hope this letter finds you well! It’s been some time since we last spoke. I’m really appreciative of the help you brought from Amaranthine. We stretched ourselves pretty thin taking in refugees from the blight. You’re assistance was invaluable.

Which brings me to my point of this letter. I’ve been thinking ever since that day, how could I repay your kindness. I realise you don’t expect it, but I’ve been determined to find a way just the same and finally came to a conclusion.

I’d love to offer financial assistance to your taint research. I feel the work you are doing is both groundbreaking and absolutely and desperately needed. While we all hope we won’t see another blight in our lifetimes, that doesn’t mean we should just turn our heads to the problem and let the next generation worry about it.

Yours truly,

Madeline Wulff, Arlessa of West Hill.
Dear Madeline,

It’s been certainly a long time since we spoke! I thought about writing you before but I assumed you’d be too busy for me to waste your time with small talking. No need to thank me, it was a pleasure to offer my assistance, I wish I could have done more.

The University gives me money so there’s no need for that! I’d rather have you help your people than to do that, really. I am Fereldan at heart and I know how hard things are for your people I don’t want to be a burden. What I thought, if you don’t mind my boldness, is that if the results from my first testing are favorable for me to send you a vial just in case any of your people gets accidentally tainted. My only request is to receive feedback if the treatment is used. It’s only an offer and you don’t have to take it of course.

I hope everything is going well for you. You are an admirable woman.
Yours truly,
Dear Rosalie,

Well, still, the offer for money is there should you require it down the road, but as far as keeping a vial of the treatment on hand in case something happens, I will certainly take you up on that offer. We have extensive caves in and around West Hill, which the Wardens generally keep an eye on because sometimes the odd darkspawn makes its way to the surface through them, so it’s not inconceivable that I should come in need of it, even without a blight raging.

I’m glad you are well and that your work is going well. I would love to hear updates as they happen, it’s truly groundbreaking research you are doing, and will hopefully change the way we fight blights in future generations!

Yours truly,

Madeline Wulff
Dear Madelaine

Then it’s settled, I will send you some samples. I have managed to suscesfully treat one subject (he experienced some side effects but they were manageable and currently is waiting for a second dosis). That said, if you ever use it a healer or a doctor should be the one administering it and monitoring the patient evolution. I would gladly accept feedback if whoever applies the medicine is willing to do it.

I will keep you updated, next week I should start the second phase of finding more subjects in order to see if the cure works the same in different subjects! I am thrilled.

Yours sincerely

Rosalie Rutherford.
Dear Rosalie,

We recently took in some refugees from Orlais, one of the refugees had been wounded by Darkspawn. My healers are seeing to them, and following your instructions carefully. So far things seem good, he’s already lived longer than one typically would have expected, and so far things are looking good. The only thing the healers have noted so far, beyond the fact he’s still very much alive and not succumbed, is nausea and some delirium, bit of a high fever.

Yours truly,

Madeline Wulff

@Rosalie Rutherford
Dear Madeline

Thank you greatly for the feedback, If I didn’t have quite the delicate personal situation I’d go there by myself to examine the refugees, keep me updated in their evolution if you can; I know that you are the busy women but all the information helps me to perfection the medicine.
Yours truly

Dear Rosie,

Thank you for your letter and for entrusting me with updates on the refugees' health and well-being. I understand the delicacy of your personal situation and will ensure to provide you with thorough and timely reports.

Rest assured, I will keep a close eye on their progress and provide any necessary information that could aid in refining our medical approach.

Warm regards,


@Rosalie Rutherford