The Meek Shall Inherit
Preparing for the day ahead, Megara had risen early to bathe and dress. Today would be her first public appearance and it would go poorly if she wasn’t at least prepared on the outside. It was something Ruth had said about appearances, though he’d reminded her to make it her own since it was her own merits that had won the position in the first place. A large box sat on the dresser, the ribbon keeping it closed already untied from when she opened it the night before. It was a gift from Sylaise, but also an acknowledgement of the Souls pride in her students achievement.

Pulling over the robe, Megara let her palms smooth the material, fingers tracing the embroidered leaves and vines adorning the panels. Adjusting the collar the new First Keeper looked over the reflection staring back at her. Dark curls had been tamed into two braids hanging behind her, the dark green robe her favourite shade and despite its simplistic style, the delicate and intricate embroidery clearly but understated her position. Too flashy and she’d be a prime target.

[color=#cccccc]Nairn didn’t wish to paint you as such, too easy a target, and I didn’t wish you to look such a pauper, so we compromised. [/color]

Both had come to her rescue on both counts, as her gaze shifted on the rather humble outfit she had picked out. Under the robe, she pulled on a pair of comfortable bottoms and a simple tunic to compliment the ensemble. Sandals were chosen instead of boots, her reasoning concluding that at some point she’d go barefoot and fiddling with laces was far  more trouble than worth it. After a light breakfast, an attendant would knock on the front door to escort her, Danny flanking her on the opposite side.

The artificer’s presence earned Nairn a look, but Megara smiled at him, closing over the door enough to hide the brief kiss of thanks she’d plant on his cheek. Whispering into his ear a quiet reminder her final appointment was always for him, Meg finally turned to begin her first day.

It was amusing, her small frame sitting in such a large and high backed chair. Every reaction so far had garnered a little joy, though she was beginning to tire of the constant, [color=#008e02]“Yes, it’s a little big for me,”[/color] or, [color=#008e02]“it’s incredibly uncomfortable, I dunno how Faelyn put up with it.” [/color]

She was taking the few minutes between her appointments to read a memo when her eye caught the attendant, [color=#008e02]“Ah, is the next person ready?” [/color]
Bajie hadn’t been expecting to hear from Meg, not that he wasn’t either, he just hadn’t thought too much about the meeting in Arlathan. When a message came asking him to meet her in Arlathan, he was intrigued. Apparently she was now in charge there and had some things to talk to him about. He figured she had left a good enough impression on him that it was at least worth following up on and seeing what she wanted or needed.

With a resigned sigh, he made his way to the Hall of Justice, unsure of what to expect. He was met by an attendant who quickly ushered him into the room, where Megara was already waiting, her small frame dwarfed by the large chair she sat in.

Bajie looked around and then back at Meg, he was impressed, definitely not how he imagined their next meeting was going to be like back when he’d first met her. He walked in and chuckled. Well, well, it seems you’ve had a promotion. Not sure if I should congratulate you or offer you my sympathies. He’d made his stance on being a leader known on their last meeting. It was a burden he didn’t feel up to, but helping his friends was a different story, even if he did act like the asshole sometimes, he was all soft on the inside.
She was reading as he entered, eyes lifted from the page and then did a double take. [color=#008e02]“Baji! So nice to see you!”[/color] She greeted warmly, dropping the paper down onto the desk to stand, moving around the table to welcome him properly. She’d laugh at his comment, [color=#008e02]“Yeah, I’m not sure yet either. It’s still early days yet. I’ve a lot to learn still.” [/color]

These meetings were the first way for her to come face to face with the people she had to protect and care for. It was a much larger undertaking than running an infirmary, but so far her assistant was keeping her on the right track.

[color=#008e02]“If you’re here to offer some advice, I’d welcome it.” [/color]
Bajie looked thoughtful for a moment before responding, Well, the best advice I can give is to stay true to yourself. Don't let the title change who you are. And remember, you can't please everyone.**** He offered a small, supportive smile. Though not exactly why he’d come, he wasn’t one to pass up the chance to give someone advice, especially when they were actually asking for it.

In all seriousness though, I heard about Elgar’nan’s defeat here. Anyone that can send that arsehole running is OK in my book. Currently my services aren’t needed with Aethra, thought I’d come here and see if there was any way little ol me could help out. It was like him to buddy up to the people with power, but only people the deserved his skills and loyalty, and anyone that could get Elgar’nan to turn heel and retreat was worth having his loyalty. As well as something he’d need if Andruil were to ever rear her ugly head in this world.
Megara laughed, nodding with his words. That part I think is pretty easy for me. As long as I get to potter about in my garden every day, I don’t think I’ll lose myself. There was something about being barefoot in the dirt that just put some things in perspective, grounded her in the moment and even helped her process things.

Her smile softened as he praised the combined efforts battling Elgar’nan, face turning thoughtful as he offered his help. Meg beamed, hands reaching to take one of his arms and shake it happily. Of course! Oh! That would mean so much, Baji, but you’ve served constantly, don’t you want a break? He’d been someone's servant, advisor, soldier for ages, though deep down Megara understood it. The drive to make things better.

Yet, she would only ask of him what he was willing to give. No more, no less, but there had been an idea floating around. I have been talking with the few Keepers and… well the Evanarus, we’ve come up with perhaps setting up a College, or University, where Ancients can teach, pass down their knowledge, experiences, to the new generation.
Bajie nodded and chuckled at Meg’s comment about pottering around in the garden. It was good to have a hobby, something where someone could go and clear their head when things get overwhelming or stressful.

I’ve always admired people who can garden, I’m all about the herbs but I’ve never been able to grow anything to save my life, two black thumbs here. He chuckled, he imagined if he could grow things it would be a lot lighter on his pocket for said herbs, but he just didn’t have the skill or patience for such work.

He listened as Megara continued, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as she mentioned the idea of a college or university. That sounds like a wonderful idea, Meg. It could be a great place for Ancients and the new generation to come together, share knowledge, and learn from each other. It would certainly be more fulfilling work than what he’d been doing for his friend Aethra, though probably wouldn’t pay as well, but he had a feeling that he and Meg’s shared interest in herbs might just offset any pay differences.

I think us ancients could learn a thing or two as well from you lot, especially the ones that have woken up in more recent years or months. My protege Flea has only been awake months now, she’s still got a lot of adjusting to do. Waking up twenty years earlier hadn’t been easy, so much had changed, the players, the rules, he’d been lucky and reunited with his friends Aethra and Helvil, they’d helped him adjust, now he hoped to do the same for Flea.
It was where she did her thinking. Any problem she’d come across, the garden had been her thinking place. She’d weigh the options between measures of soil and water, ponder over the potential ripples created when potting or tending between the flower beds.

Meg’s head tilted thoughtfully. I think I’d go mad if I didn’t get soil between my toes at least once a day. Some might call that very thing mad, but I find it relaxing. She’d smile, offering a soft chuckle of her own to mingle alongside his.

It broadened as he praised the idea, nodding along with the hope of establishing something that could benefit the new generation and accommodate the accomplishments of the ancient. There is still a bit of work to do, setting it all up, the running of it, all the fun bits, but I’ll take your enthusiasm as willing to join the meeting? Bajie had a proven track record, she could trust his judgement in this type of position though she still wanted him to take the lead on the decision, she wouldn’t force it on him.

Brows rose as he mentioned a protege, Oooh. You should bring her with you next time. If she feels up to it, of course. I can’t imagine how jarring things must be waking up after all that time, if you need anything though, both of you, just ask. There had been so much upheaval in the last decade, now was the time for kindness to take charge and lead and that started with looking after the people in her care.

Bajie smiled warmly at Meg's words, even though he had two black thumbs, he could appreciate the fact that Megara found solace in a garden.

I couldn't agree more, Bajie replied, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. There's something grounding about being close to the earth, isn't there? Reminds us of what's real and important.

As Meg spoke of the upcoming tasks and the potential of their joint efforts, Bajie nodded thoughtfully, his expression turning more serious as he considered the responsibilities ahead. I'm eager to contribute wherever I can, wherever you think best, he assured her. Count me in for the meeting.

At the mention of his protege, Bajie's face softened with pride. She's resilient, that's for sure, he said with a hint of admiration. I'll see if she's up to it. And thank you, Meg. Your kindness means a lot. We've both been through a lot, but knowing you're here to support us... it's reassuring.

@Megara Fern
Meg’s expression turned thoughtful, turning to glance out the window of her office to the branches and treeline of Arlathan outside. It does. It helps me think, or forget. It also reminds me of what we’re trying to do here. It couldn’t be done on her own, it too people willing to do the work, to make that sacrifice.

With the promising talk over the academy her attention refocused, nodding her head approvingly. I appreciate all the help you’re willing to give, Bajie. We’ll be meeting next week, around Noon is when I’ve been told. Maybe you’re progeny will feel ready to come along. If Arlathan could help her and others, perhaps it would do his student some good to be among the people again.

A knock came from the doorway, a slightly built elf with blonde hair pushed through looking for Megara and once finding her, straightened silently. The new Keeper sighed, knowing that time spent with visitors was short. Ach, I’m afraid our time is limited, I have other appointments and Jenny gets very testy if I begin to gab on. Her eyes rolled, but the chuckle that fell softened any grievance and Jenny herself didn’t seem to mind, offering a slight grin.

We will get more time next week, but speak to Jenny if there’s anything you need before then.

Bajie leaned back slightly, a warm smile spreading across his face as he listened to Megara's words. He appreciated the tranquility of the scene outside the window, understanding how much it meant to her and the mission they were all dedicated to.

Arlathan does have a way of grounding us, reminding us of our purpose, he mused, his tone thoughtful, he’d never had a real cause before. Slave turned gladiator turned slave, then set out lost in a world for twenty years after he woke up, a world he hardly recognised. It's a beautiful backdrop to the hard work we do.

He nodded at her mention of the upcoming meeting, his smile widening at the thought of his student. I'll be there, Megara, and I'll make sure my student comes along as well. It's time for her to see what we're striving for, to feel the energy and hope that this place embodies. She was also a gladiator turned slave, only she escaped with Bajie’s help, even though it cost him everything to do it.

As the elf with blonde hair entered, Bajie glanced over and acknowledged the visitor with a nod before turning his attention back to Megara. I understand, time is always in short supply, he said with a light chuckle. Thank you for everything, and for always finding a way to keep us moving forward.

He gave Jenny a polite smile and a nod, appreciating her patience. I'll be sure to speak with Jenny if I need anything before next week. He said with a slight wink at the girl.

Standing up, Bajie straightened his robes and gave Megara a respectful bow. Until next week, Megara. Take care, and keep that fire burning bright.

With that, he turned and exited the office, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and anticipation for the work ahead.

@Megara Fern