Mystic labs
Alaric liked to travel around, but then it probably stemmed from the fact that he spent so much of his life either a captive of Elgar’nan or asleep in some deep dark cave. Being tied down in one place too long made him feel rather itchy.

He was relieved to be in Orlais, especially in the bustling marketplace of Val Royeaux. The vibrant energy and the constant movement of people and goods gave him a sense of freedom and adventure he desperately craved.

He went to his favourite tavern and decided to go up and treat the customers to a song. He knew thousands, but today he decided to sing a fairly new song, about the Inquisitor and events that happened a decade earlier.

Dragons in the sky, the fighting has begunShadow versus light, and who will stand when it is done?Magisters and fright, his destiny it callsInquisitor, your hand will reprimand before he falls

Now are the days of wine and gilded armsNow are the days when magic is rebornSeal up the Breach, the evil is no moreOnce and for all, we close the darkened door

Peril in their eyes, the battle has begunDeath becomes the ashes of the evils yet to comeInquisitor's delight, a destiny it shinesMagister, your ancient hand is broken in the light

As he finished the song, he thanked the people who clapped and went over to the bar to get a drink before he sang another one. He ordered a shot of whiskey with an ale chaser and then looked around at all the faces in the tavern.
Paolo was enjoying a drink in a corner when he heard a familiar voice fill the room, a male voice that he had heard more than a few times. His lips curled into a smile as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the music. Admittedly Alaric had one of the best voices that he had ever heard, shooting when it had to be and passionate when the song called for something more lively. Paolo wasn’t as good when it came to singing but was slightly better with the lute, at the least in his opinion.

He hummed softly along the tune, being careful to not interfere with Alaric’s performance and when it was over he approached as quietly as he could “Not bad, slightly off key the last part if you ask for my opinion. For a more detailed review of your performance you will have to invite me to a drink, make it two and I’ll even give you a positive one” he said jokingly as he placed himself next to him to order a beer.
Alaric turned towards Paolo with a smirk, A drink, huh? Maybe two drinks for a positive review? Sounds like a deal to me. He signaled the bartender, ordering two more ales as he leaned back against the bar, ready for the critique Paolo had to offer.

Ya know, we really need to stop meeting like this. It feels like we’re always two thieves passing in the night. They always seemed to be meeting up by accident than with any real purpose, he figured it might be nice on occasion to have actually orchestrated hanging out.

Chuckling, Alaric raised his glass, To serendipity, then. And to thieves passing in the night. He took a swig of his ale, a playful glint in his eyes as he awaited Paolo's critique.

@Paolo Fibonacci
“If I knew that you are so easy to scam I would have married you for the money” he said jokingly as he accepted with a wink the beer from the tavern girl who blushed as red as her hair. “It was a charming melody, fitting for the setting neither too soft to be boring to too feisty to induce a revolt. A solid nine out of ten”

“Well you don’t invite me to parties! Clearly one serependity is our last choice” he joked back raising his glass before taking a sip “I need to play hard, if I always wrote you for a meeting then I’d be a very easy man and I am only that in very specific context my friend” he joked, adding a healthy pinch of innuendo which was the way he always rolled.
Alaric chuckled, shaking his head with a playful smirk.

Oh, darling, if only I’d known you were so adept at scheming, I might have beat you to it. Imagine the scandal! He raised his glass in a mock toast to the idea, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

As the tavern girl blushed and scampered away, he took a long sip, savoring the moment. A charming melody, indeed. I do appreciate a tune that knows its place—keeps the peace without lulling us to sleep. Solid nine out of ten, I concur.

He leaned back, feigning offense. Not inviting me to parties? What a travesty! Clearly, serendipity is our last resort. He clinked his glass against his friend's, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

But you see, I must maintain my air of mystery. If I always came running at your call, where would the fun be? No, no, my friend, I am an enigma wrapped in a riddle, only easily deciphered in the most... specific contexts. He winked, the innuendo hanging in the air as he took another sip, his laughter infectious and light-hearted.

@Paolo Fibonacci