A Bit of Thanks
No Triggers
The note arrives, sealed with a purple a black wax seal, the hand a well practiced flourish, neat, precise handwriting.  Her martial arts skill can be read in how easily the letters glide into one another, her seal, a heart pierced with three daggers.

[color=#2ecc40]Ailwin, [/color]

[color=#2ecc40]I found him, the tavern here was a good tip.  I owe you a debt now, and one that will be repaid.  You reunited me with the only family I've ever known, so my thanks is not enough.  If you have need of a strong arm, you have me.[/color]

[color=#2ecc40]~Flea [/color]
Ailwin wasn’t sure if he’d expected to hear from Flea again, though meeting her had intrigued him. There was something about her, that had stuck with him long after she’d left on her search, so when a letter arrived, he opened it eagerly.


I’m excited to hear you’ve found who you were looking for. Not only because I’m happy you’ve found him, but also because it’s always good when my contacts come through for me. Especially in finding someone so far from my home in Orlais. It means I’ve collected the right friends over the years. I have a feeling this is the start of a beautiful friendship between you and I. I don’t get out of Orlais much right now, but if you’re ever in the area I’d love to meet this person you consider your only family.

Stay Well,


We're heading towards Arlathan soon, to meet someone there that Bajie knows. I'll suggest maybe a trip down at some point, but for now, Arlathan is where my next adventure takes me. I'd like to keep in contact, if this is agreeable to you. I know you like having sets of eyes and ears around, and with me freely able to travel at this point, perhaps this is a way I can make good on the debt I owe you.


P.S: Things are greener than I remember, and the oceans are bluer than memory serves. Everything seems more vivid.

It’s good to hear from you! I’ve been quite curious about Arlathan, I’d love to hear your take on it once you’ve settled in. I have a trip planned to the Free Marches in a few weeks, we’re looking to expand our influence there and I have to meet with some contacts. Perhaps we can arrange to meet up?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!


P.S: The dried and pressed blue gladiolus I enclosed, I was out walking and saw it and thought of you. The meaning behind gladiolus is that they symbolise the strength of a person’s character, moral integrity, courage and endurance. It felt fitting.

@Little Flea
She gently turns the dried flower over in her hand, her eyes flitting over the message. What did he mean.. that it fit? She only knows that she must save it, so carefully it is wrapped in a piece of paper, folded around the edges so that it won't crumple, and then, with the rest of their notes, it is fitted into an envelope and secreted away in with the rest.


Arlathan is interesting, I've been here a few days now. Kirkwall is interesting, I've heard tales that it blew up at some point. I'm still trying to piece all that together. There's a way point, some of the folk here use, called the Back Water. The owner and his daughter are very nice and she makes good meals, the beds are also clean and don't smell of rot like some places do. It's a tavern inn of course. But, I would very much like to see you again if it's in the agenda.


P.S. I'll treasure this bloom, did you know blue was a favorite of mine, or just a random guess?
Ailwin read the letter with a soft smile, his heart warming at Flea's words. He imagined her in Arlathan, turning the dried flower over in her hand, and felt a pang of longing to see her again. He carefully set the letter down, picked up his pen, and began to write his response.

Dear Flea,

I am pleased to hear that Arlathan has treated you well so far. It sounds like you've found a comfortable place to stay, and I'm glad to know there are good people there to look out for you.

Kirkwall is indeed an interesting place with a tumultuous history. The stories of its past are as dramatic as the city itself, and piecing it all together can be quite the adventure. I'm sure you'll uncover many fascinating tales during your time there.

The Back Water sounds like a welcoming haven. It's good to know you've found a spot with clean beds and good meals – those can be hard to come by on the road.

As for seeing you again, it is definitely in the agenda. I've been planning to make my way to Arlathan, and your letter only solidifies my resolve. There are matters I need to tend to here first, but I will join you as soon as I can.

Regarding the bloom, I'm delighted that it holds meaning for you. To answer your question, it was a lucky guess – but perhaps luck is guided by some deeper connection between us.

Stay safe, Flea. I look forward to our next meeting.

Warm regards,

He carefully folded the letter, sealed it in an envelope, and set it aside for delivery. Ailwin couldn't wait to see Flea again and share in the discoveries and stories they would uncover together.

@Little Flea
The note found her, bruised from training, waiting for her on her bedside table in the accommodations Bajie and she had been given. She checked it to make sure it hadn't been tampered with, something she would hunt, and hurt who ever had done, but to her surprise, the note had arrived intact, sealed firm, and waiting for her. And once she was done reading, a small smile on her face, she tucked the note safely away in her growing stash of correspondences.

Dearest Ailwin,

I am finding the city, and it's history, full of life, and fascinating, as predicted. It's a far cry from what this place was, in my memory. I think, maybe a discussion over a drink or meal may be in order?

I've enclosed a blood lotus, dried flat, recently, so I'm afraid it's no longer hallucinogenic, but they're said to grow in even the most unhabitable climes. I find them beautiful, and a reminder that often, we have to fight to grow.

If it is luck, then I will pray that the odds ever favor us. Travel safely, and I will see you at the Back Water, by Dariz's next fullness.


Ailwin's heart skipped a beat as he read the letter, the familiar handwriting bringing a wave of nostalgia and warmth. He carefully unfolded the note, his eyes scanning the words with a growing smile. The enclosed dried blood lotus fell into his hand, a tangible reminder of Flea's thoughtfulness and their shared past.

After a moment of quiet reflection, Ailwin sat down at his desk, pulling out a fresh piece of parchment. He dipped his quill in ink and began to write, his hand steady despite the emotions swirling within him.

Dearest Flea,

Your letter found me in the midst of training, a welcome reprieve from the bruises and exhaustion. The city you describe sounds both intriguing and transformed from what I remember. I look forward to hearing your stories and seeing it through your eyes over a drink or a meal, as you suggested.

The blood lotus you enclosed is a beautiful symbol, and I appreciate the sentiment it carries. Even dried and flat, it holds a certain elegance and strength—a perfect reminder of resilience. I will treasure it, just as I do our friendship.

I am counting the days, eager to meet you at the Back Water. Until then, take care, my friend, and may the odds favor us both.



@Little Flea