Is This Part of My Coming-Of-Age Tale or is it Just Some Bullshit?
No Triggers
Tevinter was far different from the dull whims of its neighbours' courts.

It wasn’t quite what she had expected either, the ‘Eye’s,’ drawing a lingering glance when one drew nearby, the curiosity garnered from the Archon’s obsession with cat’s. Why, so many? Her visit would make for an interesting letter when she made time to inform her brothers.

Enzino had too many things to deal with, Alonzo, useless here, likely to end up dead in this place, or worse, a hostage. So it had fallen to her to represent Antiva at this Ball. The Princess was not concerned, her magic had fully returned and she was not wholly alone, attending with Rene and Ophelia, two academics with ties to powerful noble houses. Still, she preferred to find her own entertainment, striking out along the ballroom alone much like her father would have. Adaria had dressed for battle, though the field was of luxury fabrics and finite details of embroidery and beading. She’d even ordered her gold circlet to be brought from the vaults back home to grace her head.

Some diplomats were known to her, if not personally then by reputation, but she was not here to swap stale gossip of her mother’s passing. She’d pause, exchange some pleasantries and then leave when polite. It was going well until her casual wanderings had her cornered by an overly forward Tevene, unaware of who she was. Her Grandmother would have praised her restraint at not turning his mind instantly to scrambled eggs. He continued to make a fool of himself, then queried on how she could afford such a dress the suggestive rise and fall of his brows allowing for no doubt on his meaning.

A blink and the dark rim of her eyes glowed indignantly, jaw clenching before she scoffed. Her mind reeled between teaching this runt some manners with a verbal lashing, or…

Her mind reached out, not distressed, but her offence at her situation carrying through. Someone. Anyone. Come retire this drunk before I am forced to scramble his mind. Then blinking, her eyes cast down on the man attempting to take her arm, his other snaking around her waist to force her away from the party. The utter gall of this man.

Unhand me, or I will be vivisecting you here and now.

Dress Link
Mal's gift had been a welcome one. Champagne was appropriate to the occasion, of course, and had been needed at hand throughout the evening for the myriad toasts to the Archon, to Tevinter, to the opening of borders... to the damned cats. But the whiskey sat better in his stomach, warm and familiar as he made his rounds. No bubbles. Much more dignified.

The evening thus far had been somewhat tame, he thought. The whole of Minrathous was on its best behavior, it seemed. His former peers who yesterday would have averted their eyes if passing him at the park to avoid being seen in conversation with a cast down Pavus now smiled and patted his back in warm familiarity. Ladies who'd not accepted his invitations to tea or to the theater allowed their hands to linger on his forearms once more. He tried to keep his contempt at bay. Was it all a show for the foreigners? Was it the drink? would they return to ignoring him once again when the sun rose? Perhaps. But... with the barrier gone, perhaps it was a new world after all.

A sudden sensation caught the hairs on his neck and Enzo turned, eyes searching the scattered clusters of conversation. That had not been words spoken, but rather a sensation. A wordless sending of emotion coming from.... there. Enzo rolled his eyes. The squat form of old Lucillius could be seen standing too close for comfort to a woman. He could not see who she was from where he stood, but no lady deserved such a fate. Enzo moved deftly across the ballroom, coming to a stop just behind the lady's right shoulder.

"Lucillius, my good man, there you are." he said. The older man looked up, squinting past his bulbous red nose at him until recognition sent his bushy eyebrows upward. He opened his mouth to reply, but Enzo gave him no time. "Your wife is at cards and was considering wagering a portion of next season's merlot, but couldn't remember how many casks you mig-" Before he could finish the lie, Lucillius was waddling quickly away, cursing under his breath.

Stepping in a circular motion, Enzo gave the man ample room to pass and brought himself to a position where he might see the face of the woman who'd called silently for assistance. She was a foreigner, he knew that straight away. He knew the names and faces of every house in Tevinter. The cut of her gown, too, was foreign. With the barrier in place for so many years, fashion, like news and so much else, had not traveled freely. He furrowed his brow slightly, holding back a smile to only let it show at the corners of his mouth. She was very young, but must have considerable skill as a mage. Then he saw the circlet in her hair and understood the justification for the condescension that had been dripping off of her while Lucillius stood so near.

"Your Royal Highness." he said at once, dipping his head in a smart bow. "Please forgive his ignorance. Lucillius is usually quite harmless."
The man’s hand ceased to travel when addressed so openly. Adaria made her discomfort known, her expression thunderous while her palms brushed the other away then fixed the disturbed tails of her dress from the manhandling. She said nothing, only tutting her displeasure and stepping to one side. Her rescuer’s lie almost gave the impression the man had wings with how quickly she had been forgotten causing amusement to quickly return, softening the incredulous line that had taken residence moments earlier.

His smart bow and address earned him, in return, a respectful curtsy and dip of her own head. You have my thanks, and appreciation for your intervention, Senor, her gaze turned back to follow the fools retreating path, brows shrugging. It would… be impolite to dispense the consequences, being a guest. Better his own people rein him in than I. My brother’s advisors would be scrambling if it were left to me.

Enzo would marry her off without a moment's hesitation, oh wait, that was already his plan. Her eyes rolled uncaring, she would knock his foolish ass off the throne if he so much as dared to, unwilling to be matched and chained to some drooling fool. Though, depending on the candidate she had entertained, simply puppetting the strings, removing the unknowing fool’s will entirely. Rash and dangerous, but she had already proved reckless enough that the risks caused her no concern. Her mother lay dead in the ground thanks to her recklessness, her father finally avenged.

Chuckling, her lips settled into a polite smile. I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage. Brows lifted expectedly, awaiting an introduction. Do you make a habit of rescuing royalty, or is this your first occasion?
Enzo's gaze followed hers and they both watched old Lucillius make his way toward the card rooms. In truth, we haven't seen much need to rein him in. It's been decades since he's encountered someone whom he didn't know. And at his age..." he gave a shrug in lieu of finishing the sentence. The man couldn't be much longer for this world, at the rate he drank. It was a wonder the vineyard was still able to get enough product past him to sell.

"Antonius Vincenzo Pavus." he said, dipping into another bow. "But I would be honored if you wished to address me as my friends do. Enzo."

At her question, he gave a quick laugh, shaking his head. "We've been lacking foreign royalty, of late. So, no. But..." Enzo molded his face into a pensive state, glancing sidelong in her direction, "there are worse habits, surely."

Smiling, Enzo stood at a polite distance, turned half toward her, half toward the the rest of the ballroom so as not to dominate her full attention should she not wish to give it. He was not entirely sure what he and this young Antivan princess might have in common to discuss. But he was not about to let the opportunity slide by. The other Altus houses wouldn't know what to make of this. That pleased him a great deal.

"Have you visited Minrathaus before?" he asked, glancing at her as a slight grin formed on his face. "Or is this your first occasion?"
Still, as a guest it’s rather rude to eviscerate a member of the host's party. Adaria offered him her own gentle shrug, following it up with a sly grin. My father would have been less polite if Senor Lucillius' wife were the one to have set upon him. There are nobles and freemen alike who have never recovered from one of his verbal lashings. Her chuckle softly fell, fondly remembering those few times she had witnessed and the countless she’d heard as a child… and then that sadness crept in to force her into seeking a distraction.

His introduction sufficed, Royal protocol engrained in her from birth reacted instinctively, Princess Adaria Campana, younger sister to King Enzino Campana of Antiva. I find the coincidence of the names amusing, so, very well. Enzo, Adaria will suffice given that we are now friends, yes?

A slyness slipped into her smile. Oh certainly, everyone usually jumps to murder, but people who wear socks with sandals, she visibly shuddered at the choice of fashion, lashes fluttering. Orlais claims itself to be the pinnacle of fashion, but from what I’ve seen they need their eyes checked. She’d roll her eyes then add, Mercifully I’m there for music and nothing more. It can be rather dull compared to home.

Home. A place she hadn’t been in nearly a year with Antiva’s upheaval. Finally though, a Campana had regained the reins from Elgar’nan’s defeat. A servant passed with a tray of drinks and spotting a gesture made by the Princess paused for her to take a glass of wine.

I have not, though I’ll admit I was more excited about seeing the Proving Arena than anything else. How the ancient structure had sustained itself all this time was a curious feat, the young woman interested in the country's preservation of their rich history. Nothing proves better advice than reflecting on history, especially in these unsettled times. Though, saying that. I’m certain the last time an Antivan visited they were conveniently whacked before returning to our shores in pieces. Brows shrugged before letting out a soft laugh. My Father would be jealous of me, truth be told.
"You honor me, Adaria." Enzo said, this time only dipping his head slightly. He didn't know much about her family, beyond their names and the varying rumors of the turmoil amongst them. It was somewhat difficult to discern fact from fiction... especially after the barrier had gone up and news of other lands had ceased. For his own purposes, the details didn't really matter though. What mattered now was good relations with these foreign lands. Trade must resume. Old grudges revived, or buried for good if possible. Already his proximity to this royal guest was being noted.

"I've never been to Orlais myself." he said, his eyes instinctively glancing toward the alcove where he'd last seen a particular face. "But appears to be a place where pursuits are made. Education, fashion, betrothals..." he trailed off.

When the servant passed, Enzo also took a glass from the tray. He lifted it slightly in a silent toast to the princess, then took a sip. It was rather sweet for his taste, but not undrinkable. At her response to his own question, Enzo returned his gaze to the young woman, head tilted slightly and an eyebrow raised. That was an uncommon location of interest for women, in his experience. But when she continued, her interest in its history made things somewhat more clear to him.

"Music in Orlais, arenas in Tevinter..." he listed, an approving smile curling the left side of his mouth, "a wide span of interests. Though, the Arena is a marvel. Our green jewel. Though, as a student of music, might I suggest a visit to our Opera house? If you have not already been, of course. It is not nearly so ancient, but I would challenge you to find a better performance in all of Thedas."

He took another sip of the wine, turning his eyes back to the ballroom at large. "Should your official duties in Minrathous allow the time, I would be honored to show you some of the city's other sights as well." he added.
You honour me…

Adaria chuckled, amusement bubbling across her face. Hardly. You would not say that if you knew the foolishness the Talon’s embarked on. No ounce of offence entered her features at his ignorance. They had only recently rejoined the rest of the continent, spared from facing the aggressive expansion of Antiva. You’ve all missed a great deal, not all of it good. It has made us, Antiva, a Pariah. The Royal house had been the one to shoulder the blame, not the Talon’s involved, blinded by Elgar’nan’s false promises, attempting to snuff out the Royal line for short term glory.

His attention seemed elsewhere for a moment and Adaria let her eyes follow before casting her gaze across the ballroom. Rene would likely be in a corner of academics, debating whatever numerical paper that had galvanised the professors mind. Ophelia… she had mentioned a friend, or an acquaintance, Adaria had ceased paying attention honestly. She offered an affirmative hum. Orlais I’ve come to find dull compared to the vibrancy of Antiva City, but with the upheaval it was deemed safer. I’m completely biassed of course, nothing compares to one's home.

His expression amused her further, again chuckling and gesturing with her free hand to take a turn around the outskirts of the room. You sound surprised, her smile easy, naturally warming in Enzo’s easy company. Passion and Blood. It’s the fabric of Antivan culture, but music? If my parents had the choice they’d have renounced the throne and my siblings and I would be part of some travelling troupe of minstrels and thieves.

Pausing by a statue, Adaria’s eyes trailed over the black onyx before lifting her glass to her lips for a sip. Truthfully… I’m not keen on Opera, though I am partial to mingling at the local taverns in disguise. I am my Father’s daughter after all. She regarded the man with a sly grin. Nights spent outside the confines of the Palace were a regular occurrence once she and her siblings had memorised the honeycomb of passages. His offer was appealing though.

My official duties end with the ball, but we will linger in Minrathous for another day or so. A guide would certainly make the remaining time well spent.
"Pariah? Well, we certainly wouldn't know anything about being pariahs here in Tevinter." Enzo replied, amusement seeping from the words. Perhaps Adaria was in better company than she new.

Dipping his head to accept her offer to walk the room, Enzo tucked one hand to the small of his back, moving alongside her. He smiled widely at the idea of abandoning the obligations of one's noble standing for some perceived grand adventure. The freedom of poverty was an oft discussed topic in the camps while Enzo served in the military. But, he imagined their romanticized ideas of what that life would be like were far from the grit of reality. Still, it was a nice daydream.

"Ah..." he expressed at her confession, returning her smile and adding an understanding wink for good measure. "In that case, damn the Opera." he chuckled, taking a sip from his glass. He then stepped to a side of the statue, as if concealing himself from the room at large and lowered his voice, conspiratorially.

"If it's a more... adventurous turn of the city you seek, then allow me to show you one of my favorite places in the city. If you gamble, there's no finer establishment, but I think you'll find the music and dancers top rate as well. The Blind Eye is discrete, I assure you, and Vivazzi Plaza is, itself, a sight to behold."

Stepping back around the statue, Enzo continued their stroll, his smile still somewhat sly. "You, and any companions, would be most welcome." Enzo would know, being a part owner.
See, I knew there would be a Tevene who’d understand, her voice teasing, a shoulder rolling casually. Pariah’s hunt better in packs, so it’s wise to stick together, despite previous past disagreements between our nations. Better chance their enemies were then disposed of, death by a thousand cuts so to speak.

Her father had, in part, managed a frugal bard existence as a playboy Prince but when the weight of the crown finally fell on his shoulders there was no shirking that responsibility. The men always seemed to have more freedom than the women in their family, Enzo’s recent wish to have her marry being a constant shadow on the young woman’s mind. Over my dead body, she thought.

This Enzo, however, was proving sound and true company, far more entertaining and able to keep her attention than the other Tevene.

The step into the statue's shadow earned him a sly grin, her head tilting to listen and mull over his offer while pretending to find interest in the piece. Maker, had she struck gold and found one of the fun Vints? Perfect. Genuine glee slowly began to spread through her, the darker rim of blue in her eyes glinting at the opportunity to see and experience the true Tevinter.

Pleeeeease. From what my companions have told me we would be remaining cooped up in the estate we’ve rented. I enjoy reading, but I’m not about to pass on the chance of winning a wager, this is much more agreeable. Her father would be jealous first, irritated second by her youthful recklessness.

As their stroll continued the princess would glance his way, Rene normally would, Ophelia certainly not, both however, would likely remain indoors. I’m afraid that only leaves myself and I would have to insist on being chaperoned, exaggerating a sigh, the young woman feigned disappointment. Whoever could I count on to do so, mm? Grinning into her glass, Adaria took a sip, finding herself surprised by the vintage. I was always told Tevene wine was inferior, another lie I’m finding to be unjustly deserved.

@Enzo Pavus
"Hmmm... that does pose a problem, doesn't it?" Enzo said, furrowing his brow and bringing his free hand to his chin in an exaggerated display of deep thought. "Someone you've already become acquainted with, certainly. And someone who is familiar with the establishment. Of sufficient rank... Oh! I know just the person."

Enzo stopped their progression around the ballroom, stepping in front of Adaria and turning to face her. His smile pulled his mouth to the right and his eyes followed until his head turned just slightly, coaxing Adaria's gaze over his right shoulder. Far behind him, old Lucillius had found someone else to stand too close to and talk too loudly at. Enzo allowed a pause long enough to let her see, and to let her believe for just a moment...

"It would be a great honor to escort you, Princess Adaria. I could collect you tomorrow evening. Eight o'clock? I'll have one of my attendants arrange the details with yours."

Over Adaria's shoulder, a figure, quite the opposite of Lucillius in just about every way conceivable came into the ballroom through the terrace doors. It took less than an instant to see the stress in the way he was carrying himself. And, while conversing with this visiting royal was doing him well -he hardly had to try to read the surface thoughts of those around them- perhaps it was time to move on while he was ahead.

"You appear sufficiently saved, fair damsel." he said, his eyes snapping back to the young woman. "And I dare say... prepared to handle any further assailants. I thank you for the gift of your time." Enzo dipped a gallant bow before taking his leave, heading directly across the ballroom to Tiberius' side.