Rabbit Run
For weeks, they’d been walking a zigzagged path, crossing the old Imperial highway a few times a day and following it south. It was not the most efficient way to travel, but the sky felt all too open now that the Tirashan was far behind them. Avishan carried a basket, picking spring nettles and wild garlic as they went. Taking the first four to six leaves and snapping the stems between his gloved fingers. The Tirashan had provided better fare than this.

This place, he had no name for. The lake they rarely caught sight of in the hills would be Lake Celestine. This road would eventually bring them to a place called Val Firmin – at least he knew those names, though literally nothing else about them. Beyond that, the Dales.

They’d be walking forever. But that was alright as long as their gear held up. He had better check both sets of boots again. Avi whistled sharply, calling the wolves in.

“Ru – we ought to find a place to camp before it gets dark.” They’d need a fire to do anything with these nettles; you had to boil the sting out of them. He tromped off the path and into the brush, heading toward the trees. Lirulin’s new powers meant they would never lack for drinking water, yet he hoped for something more for their soup pot tonight.

He’d never thought he’d miss ovens and grain almost as much as his own mother. Daydreaming of bread, he mostly followed Kay, flashes of out of place red among all the spring growth. Eventually, they settled on a sheltered grove, distant enough from the road to hide a fire. Avishan immediately set about the business of building one, setting down his things. His gaze drifted to Ru again and again, concerned and disguising it very poorly.

She was never as tired as he expected her to be after a full day of marching. It had to be the power that had come upon her. His sister had never been a complainer – but prior to this she’d never been more than a day or two away from their home. It was unnerving.

“What kind of magic do you think you can do with these, Liru?” He passed over the basket of greens as well as the gloves.
They'd been walking in silence for some time. Long enough for the focus of her eyes to loosen. For her steps to be guided more by her connection to the world around her than eyesight alone. She could feel the deep pulls of air Beli breathed into his lungs as he loped along around and ahead of them. Rarely was he in sight, but he was never more than a moment away form her. They followed no path, save for keeping within range of the Imperial Highway, but their steps never brought them through thorny underbrush or impassable streams. Always, the way was just there, ahead of them. The next few steps, and then the next. The more one thought about it, the harder it was to find. Better to just walk and let it come.

When her brother spoke, he'd shaken her from some waking dream. There'd been no real form to it, just the sensation of wind through the branches, a pulse of life underfoot. She looked round at him, seeing that he was tired. She looked skyward and the sun indeed was on its way to setting.

"Alright." she replied, following in his wake. She only made it a few steps into the trees, however, when she spotted some mushrooms growing up a nearby trunk. She veered away from Avi's path to get a closer look. Nice an tan, the caps grew in large fans. Bittersweet smell. Ru smiled and began to pluck the oyster mushrooms one by one, dropping them into a pouch.

She caught up to Avi in the clearing and he handed her the greens he'd foraged along their way. She took the gloves as well, but did not put them on. Th nettle stings must be rigid to bite into the flesh. When she picked them up, she simply softened them. It barely took any thought at all. She dumped the mushrooms she'd collected into the basket.

"I don't think they need much." she said, but she had her hands in the basket, running them over all the plants to feel for the odd vibration of impurity or the sluggish pull of rot. "Nothing a quick wash can't fix. You found some great ones." she said, smiling up at him.

She stood, leaving the basket for a moment as she pulled a cooking pot form her pack and walking the little stream near their chosen grove. She filled the pot and walked back to where Avi was getting the fire ready. Beli and Kay walked up to the basket, noses probing curiously. Beli huffed, shaking his large head in disapproval. Lirulin laughed.

"Go on, then." she said to the warg. "See if you can do better."

Beli came to her, pushing his head under her arm until she lifted it and scratched behind his ears. Then, after a few grumbles, he turned and trotted off into the woods in search of something more to his liking. Ru watched him go before turning back to her brother.

"How much longer until we get to Val Freeman?" she asked as she quietly encouraged the water to heat faster. She was not really interested in the city so much as what arriving there would mean. They'd had few stories about the Dales as children. Their parents hadn't really known much of the world beyond their home. But it had to be where they could find answers. Someone had to know what was happening to her... what this power that she'd found was.
“Better go too, Kay. You can’t live on mushrooms and weeds.” The wolf snorted and trotted off after his littermate. Avishan wished them good hunting – and that they’d be back to watch over their sleep. This incredible luck could surely not continue forever.

“Val Firmin.” He repeated. “Not long now. Maybe two or three days if we make good time. Would be nice to trade for some real supplies. To take a real bath.” They had only what they could carry from that mess with the wardens. Not really enough for a cross country trip. He’d been ready for a march – but it was hard to say what Lirulin had been expecting to do once she caught up. Avi could not think that she had planned to kill those men.

Still, getting to this next settlement wouldn’t be a problem itself, but who knew how the town was doing? Whether it had been overrun by Darkspawn or whether it held out like Serault. Whether the people there had anything to spare for two elves no matter their coin. They hadn’t met anyone on the road to ask, but of course that was by design. He busied his hands moving rocks and sticks out of the way, so that he could set up their bedrolls.

“We’ll have to abandon the road for a while after – we can’t go to Montsimmard. There’s a Grey Warden fortress there.” But maybe that meant the other nearby settlements, like Val Firmin, would be doing okay? If not …

Well. He’d sense the Darkspawn long before they laid eyes on each other, anyway.
Travelling alone had become his new normal in the months since he'd been awake. Though things were a little different now, Elgar'nan reduced to nothing more than a fleeting memory of words once said to him. One that fluttered across his memory from time to time, only to be banished away by June out of pure frustration. For the most part, they had come to an understanding, and the Evanuris had even given him a few pointers in improving in areas of magic in which he lacked. Even if he would not dare to touch blood magic, something seen as missed potential by the inventor, but Revas did not care. As long as he lived, he would never dare touch such foul and soul twisting magic. Useful as it certainly would be, he could manage more than well enough without it.

Nevertheless, he had spent much of the past month alone. One issue was sorted, many remained for the world, but with the veil gone meant things returning to what they should be. The problem lied with those of younger generations, a large adjustment period as it were, but he could already feel the effects seeping in as he went from place to place. Magic came to his aid even quicker and easier than before, even dreaming had returned to the tranquility he remembered, able to manipulate and shape the landscape down to the most minute detail on a whim whenever he slept. For many hours of the weeks he had been on the road, Revas had spent much of his time reconnecting with magic that had gone dormant during his slumber. And it had worked rather well.

In truth, the more he traveled, the less he saw the need to use the eluvian network to get about. Though on this day in particular he had, heading further into areas he had not gone near in months. Orlais was a... troubling part of the world to be around, at least for someone like him. But the open forests that dotted some of the landscape were not horrible, nor overgrown either. Even as he quietly picked his way through the various pathways that this particular gathering of trees a foliage had to offer. That the day was moving towards it's end, and an encroaching darkness along with it, did little to bother him. He could see well enough in the low light and a flame in a few hours could light his way until he found somewhere suitable to settle for the night.

What he of course, had not expected to encounter in these woods was the sight of two larger than usual wolves wandering about together. Common enough typically, and they being of such a size was not a startling sight for the elvhen who recalled one who carried a far greater presence briefly, but they did not seem to be the wild sort. Given upon noticing him they did not attack an intruder such as he to their territory. While one wandered off almost as quickly as he'd seen it, the other seemed more cautious. Easy, I'm not going to hurt you. A quieter tone as he knelt down, shifting his satchel off of one shoulder and onto the mossy, leaf ridden ground beside him. A hand slowly offered out in greeting. Perhaps if he were lucky he could pass without too much issue, or find whomever might have lost a creature who'd wandered astray.
"Val Firmin." she repeated quietly to herself, then whispered Firmin again. She nodded at her brother's explanation, then let her head fall back and eyes close at the sense of longing that came over her at the mention of a real bath. Yes. That would be heaven. she smiled over at him as she dumped their dinner into the now boiling water. A twirl of her finger through the air sent the water turning in the same direction.

But she stopped abruptly at the mention of the Grey Warden fortress. Her eyes fled his, focusing intently on her worn out shoes as she struggled to will her heartbeat to slow. It happened whenever the Wardens were mentioned. She knew now that whatever ad happened that night, she'd done it. But she also knew that she hadn't done it. Whatever this strange power was, she did not really control it. She had access to it, but it eluded her. She was terrified at how it could overwhelm her.

"Maybe we'll have found some of the Dalish by then." she said, once she could trust that her voice would not shake. "They'll be able to-"

Ru stood suddenly, turning to look off into the woods. Her eyes went cloudy white as her sight leapt from her body to Beli's. He was agitated, the fur around his neck and along his spine stood on end. She could feel the low thunder of his growl in her own chest. There was a man... an elf. Her perspective changed as Beli lowered his head. She could feel his muscles tensing. The man had knelt, was speaking. But it sounded as if he were underwater, muffled. Beli huffed, took a hesitant step forward. His snout stretched forward, sniffing.

She blinked, the white dissolving from her eyes as she looked about, resetting herself into her own body. "There's a man." she said, her heart resuming its earlier rabbit's pace. She turned, eyes searching for the oak staff and seeing it right where she'd left it by her feet. She stooped and lifted it, taking comfort in the feel of the leather wrappings on her palm. "He's an elf." she added, her voice pitched as if trying to reassure Avi that it was probably alright. Or was she just reassuring herself?
“Maybe.” Avi agreed mildly, wondering if the Dalish would be all that friendly to their plight. Perhaps – soldiering and doctoring were professions that never truly lacked for work. (Though he could see how the prospect of keeping two oversized wolves fed might give people pause.) Or, perhaps more likely, they would find that the clans would have all fled too. Anyone with means and sense likely would have at the start of the Blight, and the Dalish were accustomed to travel.

He unpacked and rolled out their bedrolls, giving Lirulin the more defensible position – an impassable thicket of coppiced hazel trees to her back. The poles looked past ready to harvest and dry. This woodland had been managed once upon a time, no doubt adding trespassing to their list of crimes.

“Pass your shoes over.” They were more patch than sole by now, but they needed to last a few more days. He could tend to that before it got too dark. But Avi lowered his hand as Ru’s sudden motion and cloudy eyes preceded Kay’s arrival by a few seconds. The big red wolf nosed into Avishan’s shoulder with one of those exceedingly eloquent canine sighs.

“One of your Dalish?” A lone hunter or scout wouldn’t want to mess with Beli, would they? A pelt like that could be worth – well, he didn’t know and didn’t want to think about it, to be honest. Avi levered himself up and stroked Kay’s thick neck. Had either of them ever been the least bit scared of people? He hadn’t questioned it, just as he hadn’t questioned Ru’s luck at foraging or the ease of the road so far.

“Three for dinner, then. I hope he’s brought his own bowl.” Avi turned to watch the woods with Ru, ready to shield her.
It did not take many millennia of experience using, creating and witnessing magic be used, to gauge that the wolf before him was something different. Unique. Or that someone was channeling magic through the creature, in what context he did not pry. Given his lack of a staff, it would be easy to pass himself off as a simple traveler if need be and until he was certain that those watching were not a threat? Revas knew he could not risk revealing his own capabilities, the wolf itself remained still at least for a moment and he waited with baited breath. For a reaction, a response of some kind that wasn't the being trying to rip his head off with claws and a sharp bite.

Thankfully, no attack ever came and the creature slowly approached. A flicker of a smile as his hand touched soft dark fur, clearly well cared for, someone's friend. Not just two wandering the wilds alone looking for a meal. Hello there da'fen, not such a worry now am I? I have a friend much like you, only he's a fair bit bigger. For that he got little more than a loud grumble and a nudge to his hand before the creature began moving, stopping once only to look back and that meant one thing. He was expected to follow. Far be it for him to question an intelligent being, he hadn't done so with other spirits or even Vergala. Nor was he about to start now.

Still he kept pace, well-maintained travelling leathers moving as he did. When covering such a distances alone, he left his heavier armor elsewhere, better to travel in something that would grant him movement in a fight. If it came to that. Though this forest was not one he knew well, moving through such paths posed little problem, such lands always seemed to carry a familiar pattern. No matter where in the world they were. A satchel upon his back and no visible weapons on his person, save a small cutting knife attached to said satchel for preparing meals, Revas liked to hope he presented a non-hostile visage. At least outwardly, even if magic constantly hummed faintly under his skin. Another part of his nature, different from those born into the world. Hopefully whomever would be the reasonable sort, and soon enough, he would get his answer.

The clearing was while unexpected, a sensible place, easily defensible. Well, they weren't totally foolish, that was nice. That the two he found as the wolf stalked back to the side of one of them were elves? Well it could make it easier, or worse. So you two are the friends of these two wolves, a pleasure. I was simply intending on travelling through this forest, so if you would rather I leave you both be, I can do so and trouble you no further. What they did was up to them, but if they wished to assure him not a threat before sending him off, he would not stop them. There was no need for him to poke his way into their business after all.
"I don't know..." Ru answered, her voice soft as her thoughts were far away, wondering. Here she was, hoping they'd find the Dalish soon, then getting all nervous when that same possibility suddenly presented itself. But, Avi was standing beside her, so she drew courage from that. They'd be accepted, surely...

Soon enough, Beli's silver form appeared through the trees. He moved at a leisurely walk, coming to nuzzle Ru, then turn to stand at her side. With the wolves flanking them, Ru felt even more assured. It was just one man, after all. Surely he'd be no trouble.

When the man stepped into view, he seemed just that. An ordinary person. One of Ru's eyebrows arched as he spoke. From Beli and Kay, she felt no edge or excessive wariness beyond what she expected to feel in the presence of a stranger. They were alert, certainly. Beli was actually quite curious, his head tilting as his four eyes studied the stranger. Ru looked at her wolf, then back at the man.

There was something... Without thinking, she took a step toward him, then another. Her own head tilting the same as Beli's. "That's... alright." she said, the uncertainty not entirely concealed in her voice. "You can rest here for a while, if you'd like. I'm Ru, and this is my brother, Avi. You already met Kay and Beli."

Her eyes never left him. He seemed... oddly familiar. But Ru was certain she'd never seen him before.
The stranger from the woods revealed himself. A young male elf dressed for the road, and thus no doubt better prepared for it than they were. He was not obviously armed except for a small multipurpose belt knife. Not a hunter. Huh. Did he glean what he could from the woodlands to survive, as they did?

Well, the wolves had not led them wrong yet – though Avishan couldn’t entirely suppress a wince as Ru surged forward. She wasn’t a fool, but she did perhaps trust too easily. If the stranger tried anything … Well. Little Liru wasn’t helpless either, even if he was predisposed to worry about her.

“Err– Alright. We don’t have much to share, but you’re welcome to it.” Avi made a perfunctory gesture at the soup pot, hanging over the fire. He exchanged a glance with Kay as Ru introduced all of them. Reluctantly, he backed off and sat down on his bedroll. Ru seemed to want the stranger to stay, and looming and frowning wouldn't help her designs.

“We’ve not seen many others on the road.” The mending still needed to be done, whether they had a guest in their camp or not. Avi rummaged through his bag for the sewing kit and threaded the largest needle with a leather cord. “No one, really.” Unless you counted darkspawn, sensed rather than seen. The wolves led them wide around, but Avi still felt it at a distance.

“Did you pass through Val Firmin? Is it safe there?”