Character Arc Onsite Plotter
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When was this arc last updated?: June 2024

Character Name: Nairn

Character Title: None

Occupation: Coterie Boss

Current Location: Free Marches

Love Interest: Filled - Megara Fern

Ongoing Plot Brief:
  • Platonic: Nairn's got a ton of friends from his past with the Coterie, and has made some friends in his time as its Boss (the last 10 years or so). He's still trying to re-earn the trust of some friends, because well... faking your death for a decade does that.
  • Romantic: He's just gotten engaged to his one-and-only, Megara Fern.
  • Antagonistic: Nothing at this time; though of course this is always changing given the nature of his work.

Upcoming Plots:
  • Romantic: He'll eventually get married, and there's a surprise in his future.

Wanted Plots:
  • I'd love to see more people from Nairn's past, whether friendly or antagonistic.

Wanted Ads:
  • None; the ad for his son was filled by Tink!

When was this arc last updated?: June 2024

Character Name: Akibrus Blaine

Character Title: First Enchanter

Occupation: Magic Teacher

Current Location: Free Marches

Love Interest: Filled - Akibrus is entering into a polycule with Lyric and possibly one other person.

Ongoing Plot Brief:
  • Platonic: Akibrus makes friends easily; though he worries a little bit about people from his past. He's working with Aoife Hawke on creating a spell + potion that might keep her demon under control.
  • Romantic: He's had many lovers, and gender has never mattered. Currently, he's trailing after Lyric as she travels to Tevinter to get married in an arranged marriage... Who knows what that'll bring?
  • Antagonistic: He worries that people from his past might find him; after all... he did run off with an Evanuris' magic object; a foci, they called it.

Upcoming Plots:
  • Platonic: He'll continue to develop potions and such to help people control their spirits; whether demon or otherwise.
  • Romantic: His relationship with Lyric is changing, and something might develop with Tiberius, depending on how the two get along.

Wanted Plots:
  • I'd love for people from his past to be seeking him out.
  • He does run the Free Marches Circle of Magi, and some people might find this offensive given the history of the Circles. I'm always open for conflict.

Wanted Ads:
  • None

When was this arc last updated?: June, 2024

Character Name: Tiberius Umbra

Character Title: Heir of House Umbra

Occupation: Magister

Current Location: Tevinter

Love Interest: Filled - Tiberius is engaged to Lyric. He may fall in with her lover Akibrus over time, as they are forced to deal with each other. Finally, he still very much has feelings for Enzo.

Ongoing Plot Brief:
  • Platonic: After being away from Tevinter for just over six years, Tiberius is focused on rebuilding the connections and friendships that once allowed his career in the Magisterium to thrive.
  • Romantic: Complex. Learning that your intended practices polyamory is a lot to take in. Tiberius wants to do right by Lyric but maybe this means there’s still hope for him and Enzo?
  • Antagonistic: Currently nothing cooking beyond the inherent dangers of being involved in Tevene politics.

Upcoming Plots:
  • Platonic: Tiberius will need allies to join him in entering the Fade to confront a demon merged with what remains of his Grandfather, the former head of House Umbra.
  • Romantic: A bachelor party and wedding are upcoming. Everyone that’s anyone will be there – even the Archon.

Wanted Plots:
  • I’m always up for new threads with this character!
  • For the next little while (read: until I can complete a specialization arc), Tiberius has a special interest in studying spirit and demon possessions.

Wanted Ads: None currently.

When was this arc last updated?: June 2024

Character Name: Caesennia Othos

Character Title: Lady; Praetari

Occupation: Lady-in-Waiting

Current Location: Tevinter

Love Interest: Filled - Ilaria Obsidian

Ongoing Plot Brief:
  • Platonic: Growing up a member of the slave caste, most of the people Caesennia knows, are slaves or ex-slaves. She knows a few members of nobility, but is more closely aligned with House Obsidian, her ex-owners and current employers.
  • Romantic: Casey has had a few past flings (primarily women, though there might have been a male or two as she figured herself out). She never stuck with it though, worried that getting involved with another slave or servant would mess her chances of earning a better position in the house. And now, well... she's quite smitten (and confused) with her employer, Ilaria Obsidian.
  • Antagonistic: Casey likes to think she hasn't got too many enemies — but she might've snubbed a lover or two in the past; as she'd always place them below House Obsidian on the hierarchy of her attention. Now that she's shown magic and gained the status of Praetari, it's likely she has even more eyes on her. With more watchful eyes, most certainly comes more enemies.

Upcoming Plots:
  • Platonic: She's learning to navigate the Tevinter High Society. She's only ever witnessed it; and has never been part of it. (She's even learning to read and write!)
  • Romantic: Eventually she'll figure out her feelings for Ilaria. And Ilaria's feelings for her. Dunno how long this'll take though; it might be a minute.
  • Antagonistic: N/A

Wanted Plots:
  • I'd love more friends for Casey! Both high noble classes and low, or foreigners. She'll talk to anyone so long as they don't leer at her and try to grope her.
  • Past lovers would be fun; even if just short flings! She's homosexual, lesbian, but she took a while to figure out what her preferences were and for a long time she expected that she, like many, would prefer men. That didn't work out but she did date a few lower-caste men while trying to figure out what she preferred.

Wanted Ads: N/A