Friend and foes
mention of alcohol and cursing
Paolo was humming a tune as he waited for his dear friend in one of the most hidden taverns in Val Royeaux. It was definitively one of the most charming places to enjoy a drink but one of the most discrete ones and even Paolo had learned to appreciate with time the benefits of discussing affairs in private.

Besides since they were both good tippers the staff was always nice to them, a clear win win situation.

He ordered a beer for himself while he waited, after all proper repletion of fluids is vital for a bard performance skills right? Beer was just cereal juice in a way so it was as proper as water.
When he had been sent word that Paolo was returning to the city, Rene had sped through his remaining classes so fast it was sure to have confused his students. Normally he’d have cancelled, but his recent trip to Tevinter had already put his syllabus behind some weeks. He wondered briefly if Paolo had ever ventured to the Magocracy when the carriage came to a stop reaching the secret street.

He tipped the driver before exiting to wander down the street and into a side passage that led to the secluded gem. The familiar smell and atmosphere caused Rene to smile, memories of their younger days spent in the place as students came flooding back as he looked for his friend.

Spying him at the bar, he’d offer a wave before joining him. Well, well, look who it is, you know I was beginning to calculate the probability of your death, friend. Where have you been? Rene’s head shook, slumping into the stool next with a sigh. Or do you need another loan? Which noble do you need me to pay off this time?

@Paolo Fibonacci