A new age
In science there were some sort of discoveries that changed the world, but Rosalie had never expected to be the sort that would make one. Sure, she knew that she loved research, but the blonde had thought that her top discovery would be a way to improve a recipe for a medicine or a stitching technique.
After researching for a couple of days the flowers that Morrigan had told her about, Rosalie knew that she was in the verge of a way bigger change.

In the libraries she had found texts and books, some that she could not even begin to understand, but what caught her attention was a small trial performed by a doctor in the Anderfels fifty years ago, which explained how such flower could be used hypothetically as a way to treat the “blight”. The experiment had failed but Rosalie had found out that the failure was due to the fact that the doctor had tried to put the flower in an ointment with clay, but a botanic book said that the flower did terribly in clay based grounds

What if the problem had been the excipient and not the flower?

She had sent immediately a message to Lana to meet her, and asked Morrigan to do the same to see if they could come up together with something.
Morrigan had received a request from Rosalie Rutherford. The only person she'd trusted enough to give the flowers from her failed attempt to save the Empress too. Rosalie had found... a better use for the plant, rather than saving an Empress who deserved her fate.

But perhaps, temper the affects of the Blight sickness. This was something close to Morrigan's heart, given her proclivities with a now-deceased Grey Warden, and her closest friend being in similar position.

She'd used an eluvian to travel from the Wilds to Val Roy, leaving Kieran in his husband's care. Rosalie? She called, searching for the familiar blond head. Catching sight of the woman, What have you learned?

Short and to the point.
Going to Orlais was never, ever, going to be Lanariel's preference. Not in ten million years. Generally, it was the sort of place that she avoided at all costs. Only a few times had she been dragged there because of her support of the Inquisition, or passing through on the way to the now-lost Anderfels. But just... going willingly? Ugh.

She'd wanted to respond back to her sister-in-law with a request that she just come back to Ferelden - the Peak or the Vigil, it didn't matter which. Visit family and talk findings all at the same time. But alas, she'd had no time to attempt such arrangements. And, truthfully, she wasn't even certain Rosalie would accept.

Despite her desire to show off for the petty Orlesians, Lanariel came only as a raven. Val Royeaux would be no place for her griffon.

Arriving behind Morrigan, Lanariel let out a sigh as she curled her lip at the gaudy surroundings. You know I could have sent one of my Riders to bring you home to Ferelden. She looked around a bit more before settling her gaze on Rosalie. I think your brother would have enjoyed a visit.
“Hi Morrigan!” said Rosalie in a cheerful tone, excited to meet the witch. Despite of how different their personalities were, Rosie couldn’t help but to admire Morrigan’s knowledge, even if she suspected they’d clash in the methodology of how to gain it. “Lana must be almost here, and I don’t want to start without her, so let’s just wait…”

But the wait was quite short, because Lana arrived just after, oh well, that was amazing; the sooner they began the sooner she could return to her studies. She missed having some quality time with her family but this was so big that Rosie was eager to jump back to her research

“I know I love to visit home but this is so big that if it works I’ll likely practically live in the lab for the months to come” said Rosalie as she guided them both where the samples are.

“When I was dabbling with some samples the other day, I discovered something” said Rosalie as she showed them some salvia mixed with a couple of ingredients. “The salvia, whenever it entered in contact with a bit of darkspawn blood interacted but quickly the salvia just like went rotten” tried to explain Rosalie “So I tried a couple of chemistry reaction, and look what happens if salvia is mixed with diatomaceous earth and Rosemary extract” she said showing them a sunflower whose base looked completely corrupted but the rest was normal

“I corrupted that sunflower a week ago. Without the concoction it would be completely blighted by now. The mix doesn’t cure but slows greatly the process” she said as she passed them the pot with the flower carefully.
Lana arrived, and Morrigan listened to Rosie. She was excited, and possibly the only human that Morrigan wouldn't find reasons to torment. No emotional torture here; she actually liked the bubbly girl.

Light eyes wandered over the experiments as Rosalie explained them, nodding thoughtfully. When the sunflower was presented, and Morrigan received it, she leaned to study it, humming under her breath.

Fascinating. She reached out to touch the sunflowers wilting petals. Have you tried this with a person, yet? Do you need volunteers? She had some people who owed her a favor.
Lana still didn't like having to come here, of all places, for this, however. Despite the fair enough argument her sister-in-law had made. She wanted to argue that her libraries between the Peak and the Vigil were far more extensive and useful than whatever this shithole could provide. But what would be the point? Clearly Rosalie was too eager to share to listen to sense - at least as Lana determined for herself. So rather than speak up again to argue about being here, she bit her tongue and listened.

Hmm, shame we disposed of Avernus already. He'd have been an excellent candidate, she remarked, studying the flower as well.

Have you tried it on lyrium? she asked after a moment. A dangerous ask, but potentially an important one. The conclave's explosion exposing lyrium to the Blight had created a massive issue for the Inquisition. An issue that likely hadn't gone away, if the current raging Blights had any say in the matter. It would be just as important to cure lyrium deposits as people.
Rosalie’s eyes opened wide as she heard Morrigan’s proposal. It was true that she knew that in order to apply this remedy to people, it would need to be tested eventually but her mind had not gone so far, and she was honestly scared about hurting someone in her search to do good.

“I…I have not thought about that” she said looking at the decaying flower “I mean, it will have to be done at some point, but I don’t know who would be the best test subject; someone recently tainted? Someone who had the taint for longer? Untainted individuals? If it’s the later, I’d rather be the one that is used than to hurt someone, to be honest” said Rosie as she looked nervously at the witch.

“I did not thought about that option” she said shyly “I am good with healing the body, but lack experience in lyrium, for what little I have heard I think that the results would be positive, but I’d like to have some counselling from an expert if possible”
Morrigan chuckled drily. Rosie, you're an asset, you can't be a test subject. She moved to study Lana, raising her eyebrows.

We should test it on Wardens, who are nearing their Calling. She shrugged as if those words meant nothing to her. They're expecting to die, anyway. They'll probably see this as a chance to survive.

She was dismissive, though that should surprise no-one.
Lana glanced at Morrigan, only mildly surprised at Morrigan's kindness. It was a hard won thing to have, of that she knew. She turned a smile to Rosalie. Your brother might actually kill me if I allowed you to become tainted.

Letting the talk of lyrium go for now - that would be a problem for another day - Lana gave her friend a bored look at her suggestion. Why Morrigan, I thought you knew? You murdered my only warden approaching his Calling. Her lips twitched slightly. Perhaps a little foresight would have allowed you less trouble with your daughter.
“I know, Lana” said her smiling “I guess that it leaves me out of the equation for a test subject” said the blonde with a sad smile; it was easy to assume the risk, but harder to push it in others.

Rosalie rose her hands “Please, let us have peace here and avoid discussions” she said looking like a kicked puppy, verbal confrontation was not something that she was looking forwards to have today. “I think that any used subject should be a volunteer. I only know Vincent Lana, as a warden, but likely you guys know more people that could be interested? Or maybe we could see if we find recently infected civilians in more corrupted areas? If someone gets infected and my experiment saves then, it’s better than death isn’t it?” proposed the blonde.
Any kindness to be found faded, and should she search for sadness, it'd only be found in her eyes. I always keep my promises, Lanariel. The words fell from her lips flatly, and she swept her gaze away.

Asha needs to learn this world is not roses and unicorns. And her father never should have led her to believe such things. But she had allowed it; and they had agreed that as she aged he'd ensure she learned the real way of the world. Morrigan just forgot, consistently, that Asha had been rapidly aging. Dying until she wasn't.

And now she lived with the consequences: a Mythal rage demon on one hand, and a daughter that would never know whatever life she had dreamed about during her coma.

Witches weren't meant to lead normal lives, she supposed. There was no anger, and as Rosalie asked for peace and focus, she shrugged.

If someone gets infected, your experiment might be their only hope. She tilted her head slightly, as if listening. I could always infect someone? I've got some people who owe me a favor or two. Owing Morrigan a favor often meant she'd done something, like save ones life.
Ah yes, I suppose forethought was always your mother's speciality. Lana replied sharply, not keen to play this game. Morrigan continued about Asha and Lana nearly lost her composure. She is a child! Voracity's voice backed her own as her eyes glossed over to black, the demon threatening to come out to play. No matter how many things the two women might agree on when it came to magic, the death of Loghain and handling on Asha were deadly points of contention between the two of them.

Thankfully, however, the sweet voice of Rosalie drew Lana back out of her darkness. Eyes fading to their normal, bicolored look. She bit on her tongue and nodded to her sister-in-law, reaching out and giving her shoulder a squeeze. For her sake, and her sake alone, she could take her issues with Morrigan elsewhere. A physical spat could be had out later, if they truly wished.

Before Lana could input much, Morrigan pipped up. And while she didn't wholly disagree with it, she had a feeling Rosalie would object to the latter offer. No. Let me return to Amaranthine; there are a couple newer recruits that might be willing.

Offering a smile to Rosalie, she stepped back from the pair. When I find a volunteer, I shall send them to you posthaste.

Without further commentary, Lana spun on her heel and departed. Any excuse to get the fuck out of Orlais before she broke out into hives. It would soon be another warden's problem to be in this hellhole of a country.
“I do not wish to offend you Morrigan, but I am more comfortable with the option offered by Lana” she said a bit shyly “but fear not, you shall be as updated as her about my progresses, and if you wish to cooperate with ideas about how to improve my formula from a magical point of view, I am more than willing to listen. You know that I believe that magic and medicine are two arts that should work togheter” she said cheerfully

“Can I offer you tea? Or you are too busy to share a drink?” offered the blonde politely. She respected morrigan’s intelligence and drive for knowledge, even if their methods were quite different.
Morrigan watched Lana leave, and smiled patiently at Rosalie. No, no... I should... get going. Stay safe, Rosie. And summon me if you need me.

With those words, Morrigan was gone. She didn't want to take her frustration at Lana out on Rosie; whereas she would have made others deal with it first, Rosie was just...
