Heart of stone (Dev)
Violence 1 - Bloodless, surface damage, violence may be implied
Ferelden was crumbling, and Ivirna was content to simply sit back and watch it burn.  She had no sense loss at seeing her homeland blighted (again), surely Despair’s influence sinking in.  There had been a time when she felt empathy for others, sometimes she still did.  Usually, though, she felt alive to see others desperate and suffering.

Near her home in the Frostbacks there was a cliff that gave her a clear view to the little village in the valley below, and Ivirna guess, based on what she saw, the place would probably be razed to the ground within a day.  Darkspawn swarmed the tiny, defenseless settlement, fires raged and smoke and thick clouds darkened the air.

A sly half smile formed on her face.  Her glamour was up, on the off chance she was spotted.  Despair begged her to get closer, but Ivirna knew better than to give the demon too much of what it wanted.  Besides, if she got to close, someone might ask her for help.
Devera was adjusting well to being human, though this was just her thoughts on the matter. It was still very new to her. She tended to come across as harsh and cruel, or overly sunny and defenseless and this had resulted in a few attempts to rob her.

But she'd never had to raise a hand before a certain constable stepped in to help her. But she had traveled on her own today, to the Frostbacks. She wanted to explore; and she reminded the Venatori of who she was when they tried to dispell the notion from her mind.

She was not theirs to control.

She was theirs to worship.

And worship, they would.

She'd come upon a little village, burning to the ground, smoke thick in the air. And she witnessed darkspawn attacking people, could feel the sickness in the air. So many of them were already dead, no matter what anyone might try.

So, Devera did not stay. She continued on. Up the mountains, as if it were a mere hike and she had not caused rumors of the archdemon by flying most of the way for this little trip.
Ivirna expected to see people fleeing the destruction, but she hadn’t expected to see somebody leaving the town as calmly as if they were on a relaxing walk.  She studied this strange person in silence before deciding to speak up.

”What admirable composure you have,” she called out in a teasing tone ” I mean, to be leaving a burning village so cool and easy.”
Devera tilted her head, searching for the voice. I don't see you helping. Her tone was sharp. No, it wasn't her village. It wasn't her problem. If anything, her presence made the darkspawn frenzy. And for the time being, she was happy just witnessing the disasters her presence could cause.

After all, Ragnar was not down there. He was, quite possibly, the only human that Devera would keep safe, if she had too.
Ivirna chuckled. I am but one person, if I were to rush in to help I would have very little chance of doing any good, but would put myself in the way of a great risk. Altruism isn’t for everyone.

To tell the truth, with her powers she probably could do a great deal of good, but she didn’t want to. Watching the world burn was what made her feel alive.
Devera studied the other woman, furrowing her brow. Alt... altriusm? What does that mean? She did not understand or grasp context clues; such large words were lost on her. She studied the other, curiously.

As one person, Devera was uniquely equipped to stop the Blight if she so chose. But there was a dark part of her, corrupted, that wished to see the world burn. No-one had taught her about altriusm when they were teaching her to be a human.