A varterral is a massive spider-like creature that stands on five sturdy legs, capable of moving at astonishing speeds.
According to Dalish lore, the first varterral was created in the days before the fall of Arlathan. When a high dragon attacked a mountain city cherished by the elven god Dirthamen, he fashioned fallen trees into a formidable guardian that successfully repelled the dragon. Since then, it is said that the varterral has kept its vigil over the ruins of that ancient city. Elves believe that if a varterral is magically bound to guard something, it will remain alive no matter how many times it is defeated, similar to the enchanted golems.
Varterrals thrive in secluded places, preying on elk and bears. Their rocky carapace provides excellent protection, and they attack with swift strikes and caustic poison. Some varterrals are completely blind, lacking eyes but possessing the ability to sense movements through the ground, much like a snake. Additionally, they are believed to "taste" the guilt of intruders, according to Felassan. The only creatures that pose a significant challenge to varterrals are dragons, and even then, victories against varterrals are rare.
Theoretically, varterrals should not attack elves, whom they can identify by scent, unless provoked. However, in practice, the varterrals encountered so far have shown aggression towards all intruders, regardless of race. Their formidable nature and the legends surrounding them make them both a feared and revered part of elven mythology.
04-25-2023, 09:33 AM