Vessel Organisation: Evanuris
The elven pantheon, also known as the Evanuris, is comprised of five gods and four goddesses whom the modern Dalish elves call "the Creators". The elven pantheon was revered in the time of Elvhenan, before the humans came to Thedas. Little is known about how the gods were worshipped at this time, except that the gods had temples with guards in specially made armor, and the elves worshiped their gods for months at a time.

Modern Elves believed that these Gods were related to each other; that Mythal and Elgar'nan were mother and father to a few of the other Gods and Goddesses, however, following the initial events of the Exalted Council, the Inquisitor uncovers the reality that the Elven Gods were in fact phenomenally powerful mages who rose in prominence after the end of an unknown war. Solas implies that the Evanuris started out as generals during the war, then respected elders, and finally were revered as gods.

They started out as heroes of the famed war, eventually becoming corrupt tyrants in order to hoard and maintain their own power. The Evanuris institutionalized a system of slavery using Vallaslin as a brand, with only Fen'Harel (and more subtly, Mythal) challenging their tyranny. Most of the gods were arrogant in their ways, their power and attitudes more akin to the Tevinter Magisters.

Eventually, the other Evanuris plotted against Mythal and killed her, prompting Fen'Harel to lead a rebellion against them and later creating the Veil to banish them into the Beyond.

Credit: DA Wiki

With this in mind, please be mindful that most of the Evanuris would have had a hand in Mythal's murder in some way. It is also up to the player how their Evanuris reacts to being freed. Are they still angry? Are they still corrupt? Do they still seek power? Or, has their time in the beyond made them reflect on the old ways?

Please note: While we know there are other interpretations, the above is what is considered canon for VH.

Minor tweaks can be made by whoever holds a shard (as long as all shard-holders agree). Each Evanuris has its wiki page linked - we encourage you to read about the lore behind the Evanuris if you are intending to apply for a Vessel. Please discuss with staff to see if any tweaks or ideas are considered "minor", or would be a "major" shift in character for these particular shards.


Andruil the Huntress, also known as the Lady of Fortune, is the elven goddess of the hunt. To the Dalish, she represents their very survival. Perhaps once she was known for her hunting and tracking skills in this unknown war.

There is much lore about Andruil that suggests she was confident and headstrong; her love for the hunt took her to the realm of the Forgotten Ones in the Abyss, a place that ultimately drove her mad to the point Mythal had to steal her knowledge of how to return. But it would not be far-fetched to think that some of that madness remained and that, in her anger and search for power, she was the one who instigated Mythal's murder.

But, perhaps, long, long ago, Andruil was not such a corrupted creature. With her love for the wilds and hunting, she is also believed to have been the creator of the Vir Tanadhal - or Way of Three Trees. She is also said to have been in love with Ghilan'nain.

In Dalish stories Dirthamen gave the elves the gift of knowledge and taught them loyalty and faith in family. It was also speculated that he and Falon'din were twins, however, it is revealed that Dirthamen and Falon'Din were "twin souls" with no family connection. Their bond was not romantic, beyond even the strongest friendship. The oldest elven stories never even name them directly, referring to Falon'Din as "Dirthamen’s shadow," and Dirthamen as "Falon'Din's reflection." Together the twins accompanied the elders who would enter uthenera and walk the shifting paths in search of the secrets of dreams. Dirthamen provided such elves with counsel.

Other than this there is little told about Dirthamen, and while there isn't mention of him going mad or being blood-thirsty for followers, there is little doubt that he would have followed Falon'din with utmost loyalty, even if that meant murdering Mythal.

Elgar'nan - also known as the All-Father, the Eldest of the Sun, and He Who Overthrew His Father - is the elven god of vengeance and the sun, who represents fatherhood and leads the pantheon with the goddess Mythal.

Certainly not known for his genteel personality - there is a reason he ended up with the title God of Vengeance. Known to wield fire, light, and lightning. Contrary to popular dalish belief, he was not involved with Mythal romantically. He perhaps was known as the leader of the Evanuris because he was the eldest and most decorated war general.

Falon'Din was said to be the elven god of death and fortune who guided the dead to the Beyond. It was also speculated that he and Dirthamen were twins, however, it is revealed that Dirthamen and Falon'Din were "twin souls" with no family connection. Their bond was not romantic, beyond even the strongest friendship. The oldest elven stories never even name them directly, referring to Falon'Din as "Dirthamen’s shadow," and Dirthamen as "Falon'Din's reflection." Together the twins accompanied the elders who would enter uthenera and walk the shifting paths in search of the secrets of dreams.

While there are Dalish tales that tell of him being gentle, wandering the Beyond to help lost spirits, there are also accounts that Falon'Din's vanity and desire for worshipers were so great he started brutal wars to gain more, killing all who would not bow to him. Only once Mythal rallied the other gods and they attacked Falon'Din in his own temple did he surrender. Even Solas speaks of his vanity and appetite for adulation. It is therefore easy to believe that Falon'din willingly partook in Mythal's murder, taking Dirthamen with him.

According to Dalish tales, Ghilan'nain was a huntress of the People and Andruil's chosen. Her tale is a little different, as she is often thought to have been accepted as one of the Evanuris after she was found by Andruil. Perhaps then, Ghilan'nain was indeed one of the People rather than a general in this unknown war. Found by Andruil as whispers of a powerful mage swept through the land - a mage that could create monsters and unspeakable beasts. Andruil, after having found this mage and seen what she could create, offered the woman a seat beside the Evanuris, as an equal. Ghilan'nain was given her own Vallaslin and continued her experimentations.

Perhaps a bit of Andruil's madness rubbed off on her, for she used the elves - some of her own followers, some gifts from the other Evanuris - for her experiments, creating what we now know as Aberrations. It is very likely she willingly took part in Mythal's murder if not because she was in love with Andruil, then because she did not want her twisted experiments to come to an end.

June is the elven Master of Crafts, a god of crafts and building. He appears most seldom of all elven deities and the oldest depictions have none of the tools the Dalish associate with him. An Orlesian source speculates that June's role may have changed over time. Perhaps, in this unknown war, he was known for the weapons he created, or the enchantments he put on those weapons. It is also speculated that he was husband to Sylaise.

As he has the least information about him, it is unclear whether he would have willingly participated in Mythal's murder, or whether he just didn't care to intervene.

Mythal the Protector, All-Mother, and goddess of love, is the patron of motherhood and justice (the flip side of vengeance). She leads the pantheon with her male counterpart, Elgar'nan.

Mythal was known for delivering justice, but also for her motherly nature. She was the calm to Elgar'nan's storm, though she could be vengeful in her own right. Protective and fierce, she truly cared for her people and often tried to be a voice of reason. There are many stories of her clashing with the other Evanuris in an attempt to stop them from warring with each other. She led with Elgar'nan, perhaps due to her strength and experience.

In Dalish lore, Sylaise, the Hearthkeeper, is the goddess of all the domestic arts. The Dalish pray for her to spare the sick and to watch over their innocents, and was thought to be June's wife. In their stories she gave the elves fire, taught them how to weave rope and thread, and to use herbs and magic for healing purposes. It is likely she was a revered healer in this unknown war, known for saving lives rather than taking them. This is most likely, as Sylaise's path is called the Vir Atish'an - The Way of Peace.

Little is known about Sylaise, but an ancient song reveals rivalry between Sylaise and other gods. Perhaps, then, Sylaise would have tried to help Mythal, rather than be an instigator in her murder. It would not be far-fetched to think that Sylaise - a woman of peace - would have wanted the tyranny of the Evanuris to end just as much as Mythal.