Anatomy for dummies
Rosalie was admittedly a bit intimidated by today’s task. She had taught plenty of alumni medicine, for teaching was included among the competences that she was supposed to acquire during her formative years but this would be the first time that she would teach someone that already had experience in the area, even if it was a different way. She had prepared anatomy and pathology books; in her opinion the only problem with healing magic is that at times the healer lacked proper understanding of the concepts: it was easier to treat a disease if the origin was known.

Rosalie was prepared, tapping the table nervously as she waited for her pupil. Despite of the fact that she was trying to remain cool, it was clear to the eye that she wasn’t as calm as she pretended to be.

Once her student arrived she approached him quickly “Hi! I am Rosie!! It’s a pleasure to teach you, even though I feel that likely there’s more that you could teach me!!” she said, her voice a bit high pitched.
Alaric swept into the room with his usual flair, his presence as vibrant and confident as ever. His long, shimmering coat trailed behind him, the intricate patterns on the fabric catching the light in a way that made him look almost otherworldly. His dark eyes sparkled with curiosity and amusement as he took in the sight of Rosalie, clearly nervous but doing her best to mask it. He couldn’t help but smile—a warm, reassuring smile that he hoped would put her at ease.

Rosie, darling, he greeted, his voice smooth and rich like a well-aged wine. The pleasure is all mine, I assure you. And please, no need to be nervous. We're here to learn from each other, after all. And I have no doubt that you’ll be teaching me plenty.

He crossed the room with a graceful ease, his gaze flicking to the books and materials Rosalie had prepared. The meticulousness of her setup didn’t go unnoticed, and he appreciated the effort she had put into this session. He reached out and gently touched her arm, a small gesture meant to comfort.

Now, let’s put those nerves aside, shall we? Alaric continued, his tone light and playful. We’re about to embark on a fascinating journey into the world of non-magical healing. I’ve been dying to expand my horizons, and who better to guide me than someone as knowledgeable as you?

@Rosalie Rutherford
“I feel that there’s way more that you can teach me than vice versa” she said with a nervous smile as she signaled at all the prepared books. “But I am prepared!! I think? I will try my best, I promise.” She concluded definitively not sounding very convincing.

“Uhm yeah! I mean, in order to orient better this session I would need to know in which area you are like…less knowledgeable” she said tapping an anatomy book “My polite guess, is that you are already very good in the arts of anatomy because plenty of healers are due to practical experience. Although if you want to borrow any of these books be my guest, all the information is based on Nevarran autopsies which make them the most accurate anatomy books nowadays”.

“Pathology tends to be a more…obscure area for healers” she said passing onto the next pile “since you don’t need to know the origin of a disease to cure it at times, healers don’t enter in detail into the etiology which in my opinion is vital to treat effectively the problem.” She said, clearly pausing so that Alaric could say which his area of interest was.
Alaric listened attentively, a smile playing at the corners of his lips as Rosalie explained her approach. He appreciated her enthusiasm and thoroughness, though he could sense her nerves underneath it all. Her dedication was endearing, and he found himself even more eager to dive into the lesson.

Rosie, my dear, you're too modest, he said with a playful wink. I’m sure you have a wealth of knowledge that I’ve yet to tap into. But I do love that you’re prepared—it’s always a delight to see such passion in a teacher.

He moved closer to the anatomy books she had pointed out, his fingers brushing lightly over the covers as he spoke. You’re right that practical experience has given me a decent grasp of anatomy, though I must admit I’ve never studied it in such… detail as these Nevarran autopsies seem to offer. His tone was laced with a hint of curiosity, clearly intrigued by the depth of information she had on hand. I might take you up on that offer to borrow these—expanding my knowledge in that area could prove quite useful in more ways than one.

He then shifted his attention to the pathology books, his gaze thoughtful as he considered her words. Pathology, you say? Now that’s an area where I could certainly use some enlightenment. As much as I love the art of healing, I’ve found that understanding the ‘why’ behind an illness is often the key to truly effective treatment. And while magic can be a wonderful shortcut, I’m all about knowing what’s under the hood, so to speak.

Alaric settled into a nearby chair, crossing one leg over the other with a casual elegance. Let’s start with pathology, then. I’m eager to hear your thoughts on the origins of diseases and how that knowledge can enhance magical healing. I have a feeling this is going to be quite the enlightening experience.

He gestured for her to begin, his smile warm and encouraging. Take your time, darling. We’re in no rush, and I’m all ears.

Despite his outward charm and confidence, Alaric was genuinely interested in what she had to teach. He knew that the blend of magical and non-magical healing could open new doors for him, and he was eager to see what insights Rosalie could offer.

@Rosalie Rutherford
“Well is not good to be too cocky isn’t it?” asked the blonde with a smile “but I will try to do my best and to live to your expectations on my knowledge!” she said cheerfully.

“Autopsies are a controversial source of information which I at times have difficulty accepting” she was an Andrastian and while the Chantry didn’t forbid them they weren’t specially happy with the procedure either “But admittedly they are one of the best sources of real information, since it’s the most direct way to study the human body. I have never performed one of course, but the diagrams are quite…clarifying.” She said trying to use a proper word.
“Exactly, is a way to spare misuse of magic. If you know that pain in an specific area of the belly with fever, nausea and certain evolution is an appendix inflammation, you can spare the effort of using magic to control the fever and then just casting blindly on the belly. It’s better to remove the source of infection, I have been in a few successful appendicectomies, it’s a surgery that it’s only performed in few Orlesian hospitals.

She started to look through a pile of books “any area that catches your interest specially? Or any kind of medical process”
Alaric leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapping thoughtfully on his knee as he listened. Rosalie’s honesty about her faith’s reservations around autopsies intrigued him, but he could see how her curiosity won out, drawing her to seek a deeper understanding of the human body. Her dedication was, frankly, refreshing.

Rosie, I must say, your approach is delightful, he mused, a playful glint in his eyes. All these diagrams and your attention to the “specifics”—it’s like magic in its own right. And you’re absolutely correct; knowing the origin of an illness prevents unnecessary guesswork.

He glanced down at the pile of books she was leafing through, then leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial murmur. I must confess a fascination with the ways that poisons affect the body and how understanding them could help one… counter such effects. Perhaps it’s a bit of a darker interest, but useful nonetheless. Do you have anything on toxicology, perhaps?

Alaric watched her reaction, a slight smirk on his face, waiting to see if her enthusiasm extended to the more shadowed corners of medicine.

@Rosalie Rutherford