This is such a cool move
possible threats of ass kicking
The door to the Rusty Tankard swung open with a theatrical creak that Felix quite liked. A touch of drama set the tone, and tone, after all, was everything. He paused briefly in the doorway, the cold wind at his back stirring his long coat, and took in the room with the kind of smile that suggested he was delighted to be here but might not stay long.

A roaring fire dominated the far wall, throwing flickering light across a room that was almost too dingy to be charming. A few drinkers huddled in shadowed corners, their murmured conversations drowned out by the slap of cards and the occasional bark of laughter from a group in the center. Perfect. Just enough noise for anonymity but not so much that he’d miss the tread of boots if they came looking for him.

He sauntered up to the bar, leaning casually on the worn wood. Something warming, good barkeep, he said, sliding a coin across the counter. It gleamed briefly before disappearing into the barkeep’s practiced hands. Something that suggests both refinement and affordability, if you’d be so kind.

The barkeep grunted and poured something amber into a glass. Felix raised it in a silent toast to no one in particular before taking a careful sip. It burned just enough to suggest it might not have been entirely legal. Excellent.

Drink in hand, he scanned the room again, his eyes quickly cataloging exits. The main door, naturally, and a back entrance near the kitchen that would serve in a pinch. The narrow staircase leading to the upper floors might work if he needed to delay pursuit—most people didn’t like chasing a man upstairs, especially one with Felix’s knack for throwing furniture in his wake.

He selected a table near the fire, far enough to avoid unwanted scrutiny but close enough to look like he belonged. The chair he chose faced the room, with a clear view of all the exits and enough space behind him to ensure no one could sneak up unnoticed. He slid into the seat with an ease that belied the tension coiled beneath his genial demeanor. Felix was a man who always, always planned for things to go south.

Now all he had to do was wait for Maika. He’d seen her once, briefly, and only in the context of learning how much she hated to be kept waiting. Still, it was part of the dance, wasn’t it? Make her a little irritated, a little off balance.

The drink warmed him from the inside, a pleasant contrast to the chill that had settled into his bones. He leaned back slightly, the picture of a man without a care in the world, and waited.

@Maika Arainai
Maika entered in the tavern, soaked from head to toe as a glare appeared in her features. She wasn’t in the mood for dealing with people today, especially after getting caught under a storm on the way here. Alas, not all the jobs were pleasant and now she had a duty to complete. Hopefully the meeting with Felix would be short enough so that she wouldn’t get very cold before getting back home.

When the tavern owner looked at her she gestured that she didn’t want anything, she scanned the room and headed directly towards Felix table, sitting down in front of him with a very direct pose.

“Make it fast, I am not in the mood to waste my time” she said, sounding as businesslike as she could.Perhaps with a bit of luck this soon would be over.
Felix’s smile widened as Maika sat down, radiating the kind of unruffled charm that could only be described as calculated. He took another sip of his drink, letting the silence stretch just a hair past comfortable before speaking.

Ah, Maika! he said, his voice laced with warmth that felt entirely at odds with her frosty demeanor. Dripping with the vigor of someone caught in nature’s embrace, I see. A bold choice. Very avant-garde.

His eyes sparkled with mischief as he gestured vaguely toward her sodden appearance. He set his glass down with a faint clink and leaned forward slightly, lowering his voice to something just above a conspiratorial whisper.

Now, I understand you’re a busy woman, places to be, storms to weather—but consider this. Where else would you rather be, right now, than here, with me, in the Rusty Tankard?

He leaned back again, giving her a little flourish with one hand as though he’d just presented the most profound question in existence.

Of course, I wouldn’t dream of keeping you longer than strictly necessary. I’m nothing if not efficient. Shall we get to it?

Felix’s tone suggested he very much doubted her desire to rush things and, if anything, was thoroughly enjoying the power dynamic at play. He retrieved a folded piece of parchment from his coat, letting it rest on the table between them.

Now then, he continued, tapping a finger lightly on the paper. It’s all here. What you need to know, who you need to avoid, and, crucially, who owes me a favor if things go pear-shaped. I’d love to claim this is all altruistic, but let’s face it—heroes are overrated. No profit in being noble, am I right?

He offered her a grin that was equal parts charming and insufferable.

@Maika Arainai
Despite of the fact that Maika found charming people attractive, when she was in a bad mood it caused the opposite effect on her persona and it was clear that she wasn’t in the mood for that today “Fancy way to say it I’d say”

“I can think about a few alternatives” she would have a word with Zevran with a glass of wine and a demand of him dealing with this next time. Her lover was way more patient when it came to these settings.

“Please if you will; I had a terrible week and I am itching to melt into my bed” she said with a sigh. She could have played along, and eventually would if it became necessary but definitively today wasn’t the day to play around if she could avoid it.

“Isn’t this a lot of effort for you only to get a retribution if things go wrong?” she said as she grabbed gently the paper and started to analyze it carefully, trying to see the possible catches.
Felix let out a soft chuckle, a knowing glint in his eyes as he watched her scan the parchment. He took his time, finishing the last sip of his drink before responding, as if he had all the time in the world.

Ah, but you see, Maika, that’s where you misunderstand me. It’s not about effort—it’s about strategy. He tapped his temple lightly with one finger. I am, at heart, a great believer in the long game. Favors, debts, obligations… they are the currency of the truly rich. Money spends once. Influence? Now that’s the gift that keeps on giving.

He leaned in again, resting his forearms on the table, the shift in posture making it seem as though he was suddenly letting her in on a grand secret.

Besides, let’s be honest. You and I both know things will go wrong. They always do. The trick is ensuring they go wrong for the other guy first.

His grin was almost wolfish as he settled back into his chair, watching her expression with the idle amusement of a man who had spent far too much time perfecting the art of being insufferable.

But I do appreciate efficiency, so by all means—scan, analyze, look for hidden daggers. I’d be disappointed if you didn’t. That being said, should you find any, do be sure to let me know. I’d hate to be outmaneuvered in my own game.

His fingers drummed idly against the tabletop, eyes never leaving her as he waited for the inevitable counterstroke.