Flowers in Your Hair
Amaranthine was home for Asha, sure she wasn't born there. She wasn't actually sure where she was born, though it could be Ferelden, though it also could be Skyhold which sat in between Ferelden and Orlais. She liked to believe she was born in Ferelden though, her dad loved Ferelden almost as much as he'd loved his family. Thinking about him was still hard, she hadn't been awake when he died, when the calling took him away from those he loved. He hadn't lived to see her wake up from her coma, to see what the magic had done to her body. In some ways she felt like she was still a four year old girl, but due to her time in a coma, the dreams that consumed her, the life that she lived felt so real, she felt like a perfectly normal sixteen year old.

Soldier's Peak was her favourite part of Amaranthine, partly because it was where Auntie Lana and Cullen spent much of their time and a big part due to the griffins. They weren't unicorns like she'd once spent so much time dreaming about, but they were just as wonderful. Giant creatures with gentle hearts. She'd stand outside the fence and feed them apples like she might a horse, though they mush preferred fishes or some sort of meat. She dreamt one day of being trained to fly them when she was old enough, she'd asked Cullen and Lana when that would be and Cullen felt pretty set on her being at least eighteen. Even though Asha knew for a fact that Cullen had just been a kid when he'd joined the Templar order, but she figured he wanted her to have a bit more learning to be a teenager before being flung into the adult world.

As she made her way from Vigil Keep to Soldier's Peak, she picked some late blooming flowers along her way, humming and singing a song as she went.

A year from now, we'll all be gone
All our friends will move away
And they're goin' to better places
But our friends will be gone away
Nothin' is as it has been
And I miss your face like hell
And I guess it's just as well
But I miss your face like hell

Once she got to Soldier's Peak she went straight to the Griffins and leaned against the rail. One of the younger ones that was still too young to have a rider came over and sniffed at her. They were really far too big for the fence, but it wasn't as if they were going anywhere since they could fly away if they wanted to. She laughed as the griffin breathed on her and made her feel ticklish.
Julian found himself with enough time after an escort shipment to the dwarfs. His father had been helping them with money and wine in exchange for their craftmanship of armor and weapons. With a few days to spare, Julian had heard about the great griffins at Soldier's Peak. What an excuse to go see them in person. Julian wore normal travel clothes on, leather, and sturdy travel gear in case things got a bit dangerous. A cloak leaned on his back, that was laced around his neck. The travel to Soldier's Peak wasn't bad, uneventful. The road was free with no one suspicious. 

A few moments after arriving, he stopped to ask where the Griffins were among the people he spotted. A guard pointed him in the direction, and for good measure thank the man with a coin for the information. He knew how important information was and it was always nice to be thanked. Plus if that guard ever remembered him in the future, he may turn the other way for his kindness. As he made the journey toward the area of the griffins, he noticed a girl. Young maybe his age or maybe a few years younger. He watched from afar, she laughed as the younger griffin approached her. Light with his steps, he made his way next to her and leaned over the railing. He was in awe himself. A beautiful creature up close. Now if only he could see a dragon, he would be complete. 

"Are they adorable? I can only imagine what it would feel like to ride one and feel the wind hitting your from everything...." 
Asha turned, the voice was unfamiliar, though that didn't mean much since there were often unfamiliar people making their way through Amaranthine, especially when it came to the Griffins at Vigil's Keep. She tipped her head to the left as he spoke to her, a smile playing on her lips, she was never much for stranger danger even when she'd been a toddler. She smiled, not at his words but at him, and held out a flower from the ones she was holding.

You look like you could use a flower. She said and basically refused to take her hand away until he took the flower, then without much of a pause, she addressed what he had said to her. Auntie Lana says that when I turn eighteen I can learn to ride, I'm only sixteen now so that's not that long away, but it feels like an eternity some days. At least I get to be around them, some have riders and names, some are still too young or too untrained to have riders yet. I did get to ride one a few month ago when the King of Ferelden held a huge party to announce hi betrothal, Auntie Lana took the griffins. It was a bit scary at first, but like nothing I've ever done before. Which I suppose isn't saying much since I am so young. She said with a shrug.
Julian turned his head to the younger girl's attention. He offered a small smile in return and took the fire from her hands. Julian wasn't much for flowers but sometimes they were good to look at he thought. Taking the flower, he raised it to his nose to smell. The scent was a fresh natural smell. Nothing that caused him to react negatively. Taking the flower away from his nose, he placed it gently on his pack. The stem of the flower went into an opening while the beauty of the flower still stood out in the open. "Thank you. That is very kind of you. Do you have a name? Or should I live in the mystery of a stranger giving me a flower...." 

His attention went back to the griffins. He watched the smaller one jump and flutter its wings for attention. Julian lowered his head slowly toward the smaller griffin. Acting in such a way as to follow the creature's own lead. He didn't want to cause a furry or an aggressive moment but to match the curious griffin's attention. "Really? Your one lucky lady. I wish I have had a chance to ride one. I'm 18, maybe they will let me take one for a ride....but your right your almost there. 17 is the worst year though....your so close to 18 but not quite there.....oh, I forget to introduce myself. Julian....Julian Mesonero..."
The boy seemed nice enough, at least he sounded nice, not that Asha had enough life experience yet to be a good judge of character. Still, if he meant her harm he would have done just done it, and if he were spying on Auntie Lana's griffins, well what the fuck could she do about it. She smiled and shrugged as he talked about things, she was mostly paying attention, but there were lots of shiny thoughts flooding through her brain that she didn't quite catch every word.

Julian... Julian... I like it, a good strong name. I'm Asha'bellanar Mac Tir, but my friends and family just call me Asha, and if you recognise the surname, it's because my dad was Loghain Mac Tir, he's kinda infamous if you know the history of the Fifth Blight, not everyone is a fan of his. Still, he was my dad so I couldn't give two fucks that they don't like him. I only tell you this because sometimes when people from Ferelden hear my surname, they can get all bent out of shape. I'd take my mum's surname but she doesn't have one. Huh, I suppose I could just drop my surname, but ya know what, I loved my dad so fuck em, fuck em all. That was probably more information than Julian had wanted or expected, but then Asha could be quite chatty and wasn't known to have much of a filter, she just thought it and spoke it.
Julian smiled at Asha. It was a lovely shortened name. She was right though, people who knew of the history would recognize her last name right away. Though, he could somewhat relate in way of people's judgments in terms of who their parents were. He was an heir to the third talon so people either loved his family or not. Since his mother was a merchant and wealthy, he was often called a rich kid by his own peers on the streets of Antiva. Much of what people spoke about him, he didn't pay too close attention. With a slight nod, his attention went back to the Griffins.

"Nice to meet you Asha. I understand when it comes to those who judge us base on who are parents are. It can be annoying but as long as you don't let it get to you. So fuck em...each and every one of them." Julian couldn't help but pause to hold in a burst of small laughter. He did his best but the chuckle could be heard. Shaking his head with a smile....a slightly dangerous but fun idea popped into his head. He could use some fun and he was sure that Asha could use some fun as well.

"Alright Asha, I have an idea....your more than welcome to deny such an idea. But I have nothing else going for me for the remaining afternoon. Would you like to ride a griffin with me? It be our little secret." Though part of him would have to improvise how to ride such a creature. As long as you respected the creature, it should listen. Right? He thought to himself.  The hardest part was trying to do this unseen and then allowing such a griffin allow guests to ride its back.
Asha blushed at the idea of riding a griffin with a boy she'd just met, it sounded positively crazy, not just because she had just met him but because she'd never ridden a griffin with anybody except Auntie Lana or Nate. She looked around, it wasn't really a good idea, even though no one had walked by them yet, didn't mean the area was quiet enough to be able to slip into the griffin paddock, saddle a griffin and then fly it. Not to mention it was kinda rude to ride someone else's griffin without their permission. Not that she would get permission, as she wasn't old enough yet. The more she thought about it, she went over in her head what her dad would do, what her mom would do, what Auntie Lana would do. She sighed disappointingly.

As amazing as that sounds, and honestly I'm not normally a goody good, it's just I know and respect the people who are responsible for these griffins. Not to mention it's amazing someone hasn't walked by yet, it's honestly not usually this quiet, we'd really be lucky to get the saddle on without someone noticing. There was also the fact that she technically didn't know this boy and though he seemed honest enough, she couldn't discount the idea that he was actually wanting to steal a griffin, which would definitely make Auntie Lana unhappy.
Julian smirked and nodded to Asha. He turned around and leaned his back into the railing. He could most likely get away with such a task but would he want to? That would end poorly if he was caught. The punishment by his father would be an utter disappointment. He chuckled and gave Asha a warm smile that meant he understood.

"Good choice...I mean clearly your missing out on such a fun activity but smart. We just met....why would you go with a complete stranger. I don't think I would have the guts to do it if were being honest. I mean I think I could get away with it but like you said...I respect the people who take care of these beautiful creatures. Plus if my luck was bad and I ended up getting caught...well you would never see me again. Such actions would disgrace my family for acting in such a barbaric way...."

Julian took a moment to look out into the distance. The sun beamed down on his soft skin. "So Asha, tell me. What makes you happy?" Julian continued to keep his gaze out toward the horizon, watching random citizens walk along the roads. 
Asha smiled, she wasn't sure how Julian would take her not wanting to sneak off with a Griffon, but he seemed to be taking it quite well. She had to admit it was definitely tempting, but she just wasn't the sort of teenager that had a rebellious phase. She valued Auntie Lana and Uncle Cullen too much for that, and while she didn't feel like her mother valued her, she did value her mother, though perhaps not as much as she had valued her father, whom she still missed dearly.

Glad you understand, I guess I've just skipped the whole rebellious teenager years. Though once time I did switch the sugar and salt in the kitchen, Uncle Cullen made an entire batch of cupcakes with salt instead of sugar, it was awful but hilarious at the same time!!! She had to think about the next question about what made her happy, she was fairly laid back, and was interested in a lot of things. Her dad used to make her quite happy. In stark contrast, her mother didn't make her feel happy at all, in fact she was like a collapsing star that sucked in all happiness in the immediate vicinity. 

Hmm, that's tough, hard to narrow down. I mean rainbows make me happy, puppies. Oooo Uncle Cullen has a pet mabari named Andy. I love autumn rain and hot cocoa, oooo and making new friends and writing in my journal. Flowers, flowers definitely make me happy, and giving them to people. Doing magic makes me pretty happy, though I'm usually a disappointment to my mum where that's concerned. She wants me to learn blood magic but I'm not keen. I mean I have nothing against it, despite the stigma, but I actually have a hard time around blood, makes me pass out, so yea, utter disappointment to mum.
The thought of eating a cupcake filled with salt and no sugar caused him to wince with pain. He could only imagine how gross such a treat would be. Imagining his father eating a cupcake made of salt... would be funny but would never happen. I don't think he ever saw his father ever eat a cupcake before. [color=#c10300]"What a prank that would be. I can visualize it in my bad that cupcake would taste."[/color] Julian shook his head in disgust. He would never want to ever taste that cupcake....ever. 

Blood magic....Asha's mother is Morrigan. That checks out he thought to himself. He dabbeled in magic and knew what exactly what Asha was talking about. At first he was like that. But it wasn't until his mentor gave him something to think about. Looking at it from a different angle. Or imagining it as completly something else. [color=#c10300]"All of those things sound like wonderful things to be happy about. Even magic...Blood magic you say? What about the blood makes you want to pass out? I might have a suggestion to help....a mentor of my would always find some way to turn difficult tasks into a relatable topic.[/color]" Julian turned to face Asha with a warm light smile. [color=#c10300]"Instead of imagining blood as in the life force of our bodies. Why not imagine looking into blood as a potion. Think of the potion as if it's suppose to save someone. Maybe think of it as your favorite red drink? Wine? Or Juice? Hmmm maybe a sweet drink? Maybe by thinking of those things, your mind might allow you to focus on doing the blood magic. At the end of the day you don't faint and get your mother off your back?" [/color]

He stood there looking at Asha and his eyes fell to the ground. He understood the pressure. His father would get like that at times when it came to Julian not understanding or wanting to a specfic thing for court or for Talon business. Julian hated paperwork. His eyes slowly made they're way back to Asha. [color=#c10300]"I get it. My father can be hard on me myself. I....have responbilities to uphold. Heir to the head of my family." [/color]
Asha tilted her head slightly as she listened to Julian speak about blood magic, he definitely brought up good points that she'd never considered before, but then she often wondered, if Morrigan weren't so hard on her, would she put more effort into the blood magic. Still, Auntie Lana knew blood magic as well, so there'd always been a part of Asha that figured she would one day learn it, but she couldn't very well do that if she passed out every time at the site of it.

I'd never thought of those ideas before, but I guess they do make sense. To be honest I'm not really sure what it is about blood that makes me lose it. Maybe it's the smell, that strong iron smell, but maybe not. Fuck, maybe it's just the pressure from my mom. I mean the day she gave me a blood magic lesson, the way she looked at me when she passed me the goblet of blood, I don't know, felt like she was kinda expecting me to fail. She paused, that was probably silly, even for Morrigan and she'd read the letter from her dad reminding her that if Morrigan really didn't care about someone, she wouldn't give them the time of day. So, by that logic, since Morrigan was actively trying to teach her magic, she must actually care somewhere deep down.

Sometimes parents just aren't good at knowing the best way to come across to their kids. What feels like disapproval or annoyance is really just love disguised. At least, that's what my dad said. It's just been hard, my dad always got me more than my mom, with him gone..... well..... She smiled, but it wasn't a genuine smile, it was a mask to cover the hurt she still felt about her dad's death.
A warm smile bounced off Julian's face as he listened to Asha. She had a mother and he didn't. He had a father, but she didn't. They both put pressure on both of them for particular the same reasons. He could relate in so many ways with Asha. [color=#c10300]"I get it. I truly get it. I know for a fact my father loves me and my siblings but the business side is his entire life. So the pressure and annoyance comes off harsh but truly its love in his own way....I lost my mom at birth. My twin sister and I were minutes apart....and After I was born it was after that she passed on...." [/color]Julian's smile faded quickly as he took in the moment. The moment of sadness. The memory and blame for his mother's death. If his sister would have just eaten him in the womb maybe mother would be alive today. It was a terrible joke to think about. He would hate to say such things. He loved his sister with all his being. Julian would be lost without his twin sister. He took a small breath and his smile appeared once more as if the sorrowful look was radicated. [color=#c10300]"I have an idea. I mean that is if you are up for it. But I know a friend....or well associate. He actually knows a bit about blood magic. I might be able to get him to come help you out if you have free time. We're both leaving tomorrow most likely. My father would be expecting me to be heading back home. But If you needed another perspective....another chance....maybe to show to your mother you can do it...." [/color]

Julian smiled and then shook his head. He was too forward and nice. He had just met her and is already offering her lessons from a total stranger. [color=#c10300]"I'm sorry. I'm being really forward. We just met and I'm sure this all sounds like a red flag for you....I think I just can relate and want to offer my help...since I know the feeling...." [/color]
Asha smiled, it was nice to talk to someone that really understood, granted she was leaving out some details. What the veil coming down had done to her, how it had almost killed her and how the magic that had saved her had sent her into a coma for over a year. Sounded simple enough, until the topic of her actual age came up, and most people's brains just imploded trying to wrap their heads around it all, then there was the whole shard of Mythal slash rage demon deep inside of her, definitely things she didn't lead with when making new friends.

She contemplated his suggestion, all the magic she knew had been either taught to her by Auntie Lana or her mother, and all that in the last two years. Maybe having a different perspective on things, someone she didn't have any emotional attachment to. What would it matter to her if she was unable to perform blood magic in front of this stranger, they wouldn't really mean anything to her, so failing also wouldn't mean anything to her, she smiled.

That actually sounds like a really cool idea! I mean a person can't have too many teachers right, or well maybe that's wrong, I honestly have no flipping clue. So far all the magic I've learned has either been from Auntie Lana or from my mother. Well and my brother has taught me a little, he's a LOT further ahead than I am with his magic, but he's been doing magic for like over ten years and I've only been doing it for two years. Are you sure we'll have time to do it before you leave, are you sure this person would agree to it? She was so excited she hadn't even considered that she'd only just met Julian and perhaps she shouldn't be THAT trusting, but she liked to think of herself as a good judge of character, and he didn't really set off any murdery vibes.
[color=#c10300]"Oh certainly. They owe me a favor or two. It's the thought that will count right? I can have them meet you tonight. It will be no trouble to them. Though they certainly don't like showing their face.... a wolf mask would identify them for you to know that is them." [/color]Julian would have no qualms teaching her himself but only a selected few knew of his magic and he needed to keep that a secret. Hence his secret alter self would do. He smiled softly at Asha and pushed himself off the fence. [color=#c10300]"Do you have a special place in mind to meet or at least train in private?"[/color] Julian raised an eyebrow slightly as he waited to hear Asha's response. 
Asha was kind of excited about the idea of it all, learning from someone new. Not that there was anything wrong learning from Auntie Lana, but this was different, new, exciting. Her brain was already swimming where they could practise. There was a brief pause when she thought if it was a good idea, she'd only just met Julian and now he was suggesting she meet someone else new that would be wearing a mask, but then they would be meeting on her terms, so she decided to trust Julian.

There's an old barn in town, just down the street from where I stay with Lana and Cullen. I can draw you a little map to give to your friend. It wasn't far from the main road into town, it would be easy enough to find and plenty of space to practise while also still being close to Lana and Cullen.