the end is nigh - what a relief
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Through the quiet of his chambers, Sebastian found himself utterly losing track of time. The magical heat of the water in the tub lasting far longer than seemed normal. But it helped, the heat and water allowing the stress to melt away.

Funny how Aoife disappearing for a spell could have such an impact on him. Especially when he'd spent however many years managing everything on his own. Something about having her around again made everything seem easier, even if it seemed much of what she did was stand around looking intimidating.

But here he was, sunk down in the water and trying to will away the built up tension and stress. Tofa had long abandoned him to the comfort of his bed, curled up on a pile of pillows set aside specifically for her.

Sebastian had been murmuring lines of the Chant to himself as a way to further ease his mind. Though a sudden click of the lock on his chamber door caused him to halt. Tipping his head back a bit, he tried to catch a glimpse. Not that it would be anyone but Bodil, right?

If someone needs me... they do not and can wait till morning. He called half-heartedly, a sigh slid behind the words as if he felt he'd be forced up anyway. Sebastian had grown used to not getting his wish. He gave up that selfish desire when he took the crown, after all.
Leaf was equally dreading and looking forward to being back. There was also a part of her that felt terrible for quite literally abandoning her post without a word. The Chantry sister must be breathing a sigh of relief, shame it would be short-lived. If Seb took her back, of course. She knew it would worry people, especially him. It hadn’t taken long for Beth to find her, to help. Even if all she could offer was a listening ear and patient belief that Leaf would pull through. They would talk more, perhaps actually sit down with the researchers. While being a potential guinea pig was unappealing, enduring the demon took its toll. What things, if anything, they could do to alleviate that, should be pursued.

Admitting that she needed help was never an easy thing for Hawke to admit. So staunchly independent and used to shouldering the burden, handing over the reigns felt akin to passing the buck. She should be strong enough. Yet, when those dark days had come before and she slipped, the hand at her back had been his, steadying her, guiding her to comfort and support.

Maybe that’s why she spent a good deal of time finding the tea. A real apology meant effort and searching Starkhaven for the rare leaves had taken the majority of the day. Balancing the tray she knocked first before pushing in, head poking in but not seeing him at first. His response earned a quiet chuckle as she pushed the door closed with her back, tray balanced between her hands.

[color=#0074d9]“What if they are coming with apologies?”[/color] Unaware if  he was in the closet, Leaf stepped forwards deeper into the Prince's rooms, head turning in search. [color=#0074d9]“And no, I did not come empty handed. I brought…”[/color] eyes glanced down to the tray in her hands, suddenly nervous. [color=#0074d9]“Well, I brought you Mother’s tea.”[/color]
Perhaps against his better sense, he could not believe the voice that he heard. It was not one of the pages, not Bodil. Not even Victoria presuming to let herself into his chambers. It was Aoife. She'd returned.

A range of emotions flew across the entirety of his body and he managed to keep himself in place. It would be rather improper for him to suddenly step into her view naked. He settled for sinking into the warm water a bit further. Trying to settle and ease his mind again into more rational thoughts.

Sebastian felt his heart - or was it his stomach? - lurch. An easy flood of memory of all the times he'd taken to visit Leandra Amell. To give company to the lonely woman in the, well, typically empty estate. The same tea they'd always shared, it had been her favorite and so to had Sebastian grown to enjoy it in time.

But then, the fact that Aoife had taken the time to find this set off some alarms in his head. Something had to be wrong, or perhaps she was trying to butter him up for some outlandish request. More-so than some of the crazy ones she'd had to date, at least.

He soon realized he'd not said a single word. At least not beyond his... less than polite greeting when he was assuming someone wanted something of him as Prince.

I'm here, he called, tipping his head back a bit to see if he could catch a glimpse of her. The chambers weren't massive, she'd be able to follow his voice - he hoped. He assumed.
The echoing silence caused her blood to freeze momentarily. Seb was either really mad at her and trying to collect himself, or she was about to receive some sort of payback. A mild look of suspicion shifted her gaze upwards and around her, expecting a trap or prank poised and ready for her. No. He hadn’t known she’d be coming. She was just being ridiculous.

When his voice finally came through, Leaf let herself relax some, relieved to know he wasn’t tossing her out on her ass just yet.

[color=#c14700]Give him time. [/color]

Her jaw tensed, but she pushed past it, moving deeper into the room with the tea. She had promised Bethany already, no more secrets. Following his voice, her head turned left and right while she walked through,[color=#0074d9] “Look, I know I should’ve left a note, but honestly, hide and se-”[/color] her words cut off as she noted his head.[color=#0074d9] “...Hi.”[/color] Then her gaze flickered up a fraction to take in the bathing area.

Her elbow knocked against the frame as she passed, causing her to stumble a step or two deeper. The tray jostled, china cups and the teapot slid around, but Leaf managed not to drop anything. [color=#0074d9]“Ow-Motherfuck-ugh… sorry.”[/color] Flashing him an apologetic glance before stepping back a few steps.
When Aoife appeared, Sebastian righted himself a bit more, sitting a little straighter in the tub. This sounded more serious a conversation than one would normally have with one party soaking and the other... not. He raised an eyebrow at her, amused look on his face as the scene seemed to catch her off guard.

Honestly, when I wasn't in the bed, where did you expect me to be? he asked, more rhetorical a question than anything. He couldn't help chuckling a bit at her expense.

Sebastian began to shift, glancing around to reach for a towel when he heard a bit of the clatter. Quickly, he whipped his head around to see - thankfully - nothing had dropped and no grievous injury was left in the wake of her... distraction? Clumsiness?

Are you all right? he asked anyway. After allowing her a chance to answer, he gestured toward an empty, flat surface nearby. You can set it there, or... Slightly awkwardly, he trailed off, then cleared his throat. You can set it out in the main room and I can join you there...

Maybe he should have offered for her to join him.
His question primed her elbow for the collision. Shoulders rose to shrug it off while her azure eyes lifted, quickly understanding all too well they’d crossed a parallel line like this before. Leaf’s momentum though, carried on and the inevitable happened.

Catching herself, she’d nod, readjusting her grip and eyeing the tray's contents suspiciously. [color=#0074d9]“Yeah. Yeah. I’m good.”[/color] Do not move, clearly glared at the objects before glancing around at where he gestured to, mind still playing catch up. [color=#0074d9]“Oh, um,”[/color] indecision plagued her, wishing to be respectful, but unwilling to leave his side as easily anymore. [color=#0074d9]“’s fine,”[/color] turning to set in down a short distance.

She didn’t know where it came from, but with her back turned to him she may have thought herself safe, or her voice quiet enough. [color=#0074d9]“It’s not like you need my help washing your hair.” [/color] Busying herself with the tea, Leaf began packing the infuser with leaves, their delicate scent drifting into the humid air. Her posture seemed more relaxed than it had in recent days, her movements and overall attitude lighter. As always, though, she was straight to the point. Her hands suddenly stopped distracting themselves in lieu of her mounting nerves.

[color=#0074d9]I’m sorry I left without a note. I… Bethany already told me off, but I… I should have told you both I was struggling.” [/color]
Sebastian wasn't certain if he should be surprised or relieved she didn't leave. But he'd offered her an encouraging smile nonetheless as she sorted out the spot he'd pointed to for the tray.

Fortune enough for her, Sebastian did not hear anything specific. Instead, he shifted and tipped his head to try and catch the words. But nothing but a murmur really hit him. Was he meant to hear it? Maker, was he supposed to ask her to repeat herself? Would she? The air felt a bit different than it had been before she'd disappeared. Not too much, but... enough.

While he'd intended to begin getting up as she had her back turned, planned to grab the robe hanging nearby... the thought flit from his mind. Rather he found himself caught up in watching her back, glimpsing of her hands shifting back and forth as she worked to put the tea together. Maybe he should...

The thought to offer help dropped away into the void when she spoke. The water suddenly felt chilly in the wake of her words. Or perhaps scalding? Either way, he couldn't quite place it and it chased him up and out of the tub. His stress, his trouble it could wait. It could always wait.

Told... Aoife, what's going on? Uncaring of the water, and forgetting to grab his robe, he crossed the small distance to touch her shoulder.
Arranging the china and tea came almost as naturally as casting a spell. Her mother’s method drilled into her from childhood, Leaf’s hands moved with meticulous purpose in a vain hope the well-practised actions would steady her. They didn’t and setting back down a spoon, Leaf drew her hands to lean on the side table as she spoke.

Distracted by her own thoughts and anxiousness, she didn’t catch the splashing and sloshing of the tub being vacated at first. It was the closeness of his words, the tap to her shoulder, which had her turn in surprise.

Unprepared, his question didn’t enter her mind at all. [color=#0074d9]“...Yo-.. Um.”[/color] Heat bloomed, lighting up her face entirely and despite her best efforts, her gaze did slip down and quickly backup to the ceiling. Lips parted, but her eyes pinched closed tightly. [color=#0074d9]“You are naked.” [/color]

[color=#c14700]Quite the wet specimen too. You should offer to lick him dry, meticulously.[/color]

[color=#0074d9]“My tongue is not doing that.” [/color]Eyes flew open, realising that reply was spoken not thought. A fresh wave of renewed self consciousness rolled over her. [color=#0074d9]“Um. That was meant for Korr.” [/color]
In the same moment Aoife was pointing it out, he was coming to the same startling realization. Oh. Scarlet flushed over his body as the words were spoken to the reality of the situation. I, uh... What we words? Where did his train of thought even go?

How did he manage to forget in such a short timespan he was buckass nude?

Sheepishly, he'd moved toward where the robe hung only to be stopped by Aoife's words. Sebastian froze, turning his head slowly to look over his shoulder at her. You... beg pardon? And who was Korr?

Despite confusion clouding his mind, he managed to refocus and continue over to the robe. Slipping it on with ease, he turned back around to Aoife, now far more decent. He didn't really know what else to say at this point, however, and tipped his head almost like a confused puppy as he awaited answers. Hopefully answers he'd get.
Her eyes closed on his mouth, opening to let out a noise. He too, surprised by his own actions. Somewhere, elsewhere, she was suppressing a chuckle, but in the moment Leaf scrambled to make sense of all she had just seen.

Unaware he had moved off to retrieve the robe, Leaf’s eye’s focused on his vacant position. When her slip of the tongue tumbled out loud instead of being directed at the demon they’d open in horror. Common sense would have had her not look over, but no, look she did.[color=#0074d9] “I..”[/color] she forced herself to look at his face, landing on his nose since if she looked at his eyes, lips or anywhere else she wasn’t sure words were possible. [color=#0074d9]“...Don’t… ask me to repeat what that demon muttered...”[/color] attempting to brush it away but no, it had obviously been heard, an explanation sought.

Leaf relaxed a little, but not by much. The addition of clothing caused more thoughts for Korr to chuckle at. There was no amount of clothing that could blot out where her mind and Korr kept taunting her with. Skin crawling with heat, Leaf’s shoulders rolled awkwardly until she caught that damn look of his. It would draw every secret she had out of her if it weren’t for the cackling in her mind.

[color=#0074d9]“Korr is... a forever pain in my ass. He’s loving every minute of this,”[/color] she’d scoff, an awkward chuckling falling that sober fractionally at the end. [color=#0074d9]“We fight. A lot. You think your own mind is hard enough sometimes, but I needed… I needed to be somewhere where I didn’t hurt anyone… Especially you. I couldn’t… I couldn’t forgive myself for...”[/color]
Demon? Sebastian blinked a couple times, a shake of his head as if either would bring clarity. His mouth opened and closed a couple times like a fish. Lost for words, grasping at threads in his mind to say something. Anything. Preferably something sane and relevant. And not just mirroring her words. Because now he really was sounding like confused idiot.

Not that he wasn't that in this moment.

It was, hopefully, at least easier to speak now that he was decent. Relatively speaking.

Does your demon... often speak in such a manner? Probably not the question he should be asking. Especially since the whole demon thing was a bomb in and of itself. Sebastian realized he probably should have asked her at some point about the whole spirit situation. He was not unaware of the situation mages had been put in when the Veil came down. But then, could one really walk around asking what passenger was forced upon a mage?

Sebastian felt the tension rising again in his body. She'd left because of this demon? Hurt me? Aoife, you could never hurt me... he said, voice quiet and a frown tugging his lips downward. Suddenly he found himself feeling more awkward than when he'd realized his state of dress - or lack thereof.

Was this a moment for comfort? Suggestions? She'd already said Bethany had a go at her for things, he didn't want to pile onto that. Though it troubled him she ran off rather than tell him what was going on, allow him a chance to help... somehow. It wasn't as if there weren't plenty of other mages about in Starkhaven that could offer aid in some form or another. In fact, he knew many of the mages surrounding the First Enchanter wore specially crafted amulets to keep the spirits and demons at bay. Perhaps... perhaps he should seek the other man out and inquire on Aoife's behalf.
She winced as he repeated, inflected on the description of Korr. For some reason, Leaf’s hands drew around herself, lightly holding herself almost accountable and equalling for some comfort. Her head dipped down, [color=#0074d9]“...Yes.”[/color] Gods, if life could have shown her an inch, she’d have taken anything than a demon for a companion.

Still, his next question caused her to chuckle in response. [color=#0074d9]“...Imagine Isabella and… the worst parts of yourself, your actions reflected back at you, only… no kit gloves and you’re not the one giving the blows.” [/color]Arms around her waist tightened. [color=#0074d9]“It.. the fighting. It gets too much sometimes.” [/color]

The rage, the battle over control, built over weeks. There were warning signs, some she had foolishly ignored which had accumulated, resulting in this recent episode. There was bitter knowledge on her end with his words, his belief she couldn’t ever do it.

[color=#0074d9]“A valley in the hills would disagree with you, I could. I lost control once, it could happen again and I couldn’t... You are more than just a friend to me, Seb. I couldn’t live with myself. Hurting you in anyway is the last thing I want, I lov-”[/color] she cut herself off, forcing herself to look at him. [color=#0074d9]“Seb… is it not obvious how I feel?”[/color]
The tension rising back within Sebastian did not abate at the confirmation. And it grew harder to resist the urge to grab her hand and drag her over to the Circle mages right then and there. But no. He knew better than anyone making a Hawke - especially Aoife - do anything they didn't want would be quite the impossible task.

Painted imagery of what it was like living with the demon in her head did not help the matter. But he could, perhaps, begin to understand a bit better what it is she struggled with.

Sebastian sighed gently. Why did you not tell me? I... there are mages here who could help.... A frown tugged at his lips. You know I never want to see you bear a burden like this alone. He'd always been there as best he could in Kirkwall, now would be no different.

Her refuting his claim she could never hurt him stung just a bit. Not because he doubted the truth behind her words, but perhaps more so that he disliked she seemed to overlook his meaning. Or maybe he'd been too veiled about it.

But as Aoife continued to speak, that sting dropped away.

Sebastian had stayed a short distance from her after he'd mostly clothed himself. But where she cut herself off, the way she corrected herself... he couldn't help but cross the distance between them. Something like butterflies churned in his stomach, tried to scrabble up his throat and catch his voice.

Hand outstretched once he reached her, he moved to gently touch her check. To brush away any hair that may have fallen in her face. The frown he'd worn had finally shifted upward into a tentative, nervous smile.

I... didn't dare hope... His voice was low, barely above a whisper. He leaned just a bit closer, hoping to capture her lips in a kiss.
Stubborn. He knew and understood her well. Too well sometimes.

[color=#0074d9]“You know me… I don’t like being a burden,”[/color] independent, but he already knew that. Leaf sighed gently, [color=#0074d9]“but… I want to be here. I don’t want to be running off into the hills anymore when you.. and others can help me.”[/color] It was his face every day that had made her mind a less frightening place, even during the boring and tense meetings. There was a certainty there, clear in her mind that without him, she’d have fled sooner.

The question barely had time to air, and he had made the few strides towards her. Aoife straightened, unsure until the gentle action of drawing back the lock of hair had her eyes close briefly, opening again to find his smile. Her own naturally mirrored, following his lead, leaning in to meet his lips with her own. Leaf’s arms uncoiled from their tense grip around her waist as the kiss deepened between them.

Eventually growing lightheaded, Leaf gently pulled away a few inches, lips still hovering over his as she caught her breath. [color=#0074d9]“...I’m sorry I made you worry, my Prince.”[/color] Lips twitched, trying to restrain the grin fighting to split her face in two. [color=#0074d9]“...or is ‘my dearest one’, also too formal?”[/color]
Sebastian couldn't help but grimace slightly. He knew all too well how independent she was. He bit his tongue against the words that wished to come out. They wouldn't help matters. Telling her she was more of a burden by trying not to be? What good would it do to tell her such a thing. It was an improvement in and of itself that she finally recognized there were people here who wanted to help her. People who cared for her, who loved her.

There was little time to dwell on this, however. A much better focus at her revelation. Something he'd never allowed himself to hope for, despite all the - as others might point out - obvious signs.

His smile hardly faded as he could feel her relax into the kiss. Though it did falter ever so slightly as she pulled away, as she teased him with her words. A few things ran through his mind, options, ideas, reactions. Not just one of which tempted him to walk away at the urge to cringe to her teasing. But no. No, he'd not allow her such an easy victory.

Leaning closer to one side, lips barely grazing across her cheek toward one ear. His voice was a low, almost growl in tone. Say it again, and I'll bend you over my knee. A smirk tugged at his lips, a shift she might feel against her cheek before he leaned back to look into her eyes.
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