The World We Used To Know
Stepping into what felt like a predominately human city, left Revas feeling rather strange. It was not the first time since waking that he had been within one, but much of his travels meant he had simply been passing through. Another elf among many others seeking a different destination and as a result, he'd gone largely unnoticed by the wider population. This time however, he was here for a reason, or rather a discussion with a certain human being in particular. It was not that such people had been overly hostile to him whenever he'd encountered one, but memories always stirred from long ago that ensured no matter how kind such people were being, his guard was always up. A habit he might have to try to fix in the coming years. Still for this trip into the unknown as it were, such caution should serve him rather well. 

Meandering through the streets proved to be of little issue out here, few bothered those who kept their hoods up and their presence to themselves. While he had considered glamouring himself to appear human, the thought alone was enough to wash away such an idea. As far as he'd heard from rumor, Starkhaven was not so prejudiced as to harm him for merely being elvhen. Though in other places he knew he would have to do so, he would forgo such things here, at least for the time being. A smaller satchel had been brought along, half his usual load and with no staff upon his back he was sure he appeared mostly harmless - what danger could an unarmed elf pose really? As was the idea, he was not planning on lingering too long, nor did he want to stand out in the memory of others once he departed.

Being elvhen tended to do that enough already, no matter the veil being here or not, but small changes helped. Eventually of course, he had to cease in his roaming, it would do him little good when he had requested a time to meet this woman in advance. Though it was not set to be entirely out in the open, the space was large enough to move around, and notably with a few vantage points as well. Smart choice. Besides, anything out in the open was far preferred to being stuck indoors, he'd had plenty of that already - enough for a lifetime perhaps. And it seemed as though she was already there within the space, clearly such a place had been used for discussions before if the benches and faint greenery about the place were of any indication. 

Revas made a point of it to make himself known, to not try to hide his footsteps as he approached, he'd rather not be stabbed just because he'd startled someone after all. Of course it might happen regardless, in his request to speak with someone, he hadn't mentioned that he was far from human. [color=#008e02]"I do hope I am not taking up too much of your time, it is Bethany, is it not?" [/color]
As the Mage Advisor in Starkhaven, Bethany had any number of inquiries or reports cross her desk.  It was about much more than just revitilizing the Circle into a place of learning, it was about all things magical becoming interwoven into the fabric of everyone's lives in the wake of the Veil falling.  There were endless questions to answer, concerns to assuage, and fears to quell as best she could.  Magic being so prevalent was a fact of life now, but that didn't mean that centuries-old anxieties about it were not still an ever-present undercurrent.

There were requests for meetings as well, of course.  She did her best to accommodate as many as she could - the only way to work past, well, the past, she thought was to make herself available.  To try and model what she hoped others would see as just another person and not something to be feared.  She'd had plenty of practice trying to be the perfect enchanter in the Gallows to stay one step ahead of the Rite of Tranquility; in some ways, it felt like she was playing the same part now but on a grander stage.

Her office was appropriate for some visitors, but when she could she chose a courtyard.  It always seemed far more relaxed, and there was more space in case she needed to demonstrate something.  Not entirely open, but also not so confined as to feel stifling.

She saw him approaching, and she felt Andoral stir within her ever so slightly.  She was still getting used to thinking of her spirit as Andoral, for they'd been quiet for so long and were only just recently starting to make themselves known.  She gave them the mental equivalent of a raised eyebrow, to which she only got a sense back of curiosity about their visitor.  Interesting.

[color=#68c4e8]"That's me.  It's a pleasure to meet you, Revas.  And don't worry about taking up my time - this is what I do." [/color] She gestured for him to take a seat if he wished.  [color=#68c4e8]"So, what is it you were hoping to discuss today?"[/color]
Entering the Courtyard was one thing, reasonably quiet yet still able to be rather well defended was one thing, it was a whole different matter entirely when he looked upon the woman that was already there. Bethany Hawke, he could only presume at a distance, and while he could sense her magic easily enough to know she was a mage. Albeit one far less experienced, but she could not help such things being human, there was something else there as well. An undercurrent of untapped power, none of which seemed to be stemming from her directly, something darker yet unknown. Enough that it made him pause in his approach for just the briefest of moments, the stirring of June at the forefront of his mind told him the inventor had felt it too, and if it peaked the interest of one such as him, it meant he had all the more reason to be just a little more cautious. 

[color=#008e02]You can sense it as well then, thoughts?[/color]

[color=#aaaaaa]It is not one like my kin, that much is certain. Nor does it feel like one of the Forgotten One's ilk.[/color]

[color=#008e02]So something completely foreign, how lovely. [/color]

The sarcasm in his tone was not enough to provoke June into responding any further, which meant until they could figure out more details as to what and who this might be, he was on his own. Luckily such mysteries were not quite so pressing as to distract him from the here and now, and why he'd traveled all the way here in the first place. A seat taken as she offered it to him, better that then to stand above her, he was not here to pressure her into giving him the answers he sought. Only to ask and see what she might be willing to tell him of what was or would be put into place. Not everyone used magic as easily as they breathed, few knew the gifts of such power like his people once did anymore. Or what a double sided coin it could be, in the wrong circumstances. 

[color=#008e02]"I'd hoped to simply ask about what you and others planned to do with regards to those who are new to magic since the fall of the veil, as well as what effects it has had on those already accustomed to using magic to a certain degree. Though I am aware you are not the only place doing so I am sure, and as presumptuous as it may be, I'd like to offer what aid I can while I am here. Short as a trip it may be, but I am sure I will have chances to return here in the future, should the need arise."[/color]
At first, the question seemed a bit rote.  With the Veil gone, what were they going to do?  How were they going to manage things?  Would they keep the evils of magic at bay, or would they welcome it as a friend and begin to weave it into their lives?  Everyone had such questions, and they were large ones that everyone was grappling with.  It was still something she was used to answering, though.

The piece that gave her pause and peaked her curiosity was the offer of aid.  She did not know Revas, or where he had come from, but Andoral was giving her the sense that the person across from her was no mere mage.  This was someone asking from a different perspective, though she didn't know enough about him to know what.

[color=#68c4e8]"Well, to be quite honest, we're still figuring all that out.  One of the things I am doing my best to support is the reinvention of the former Circles as schools and safe havens for mages - both new and those who had gifts previously.  Not just them, though.  With the fall of the Veil magic is an unavoidable part of our lives again and everyone, caster or not, needs to have a better understanding of it.  There's still so much we don't know, or that was lost, and I think it's going to take time to figure out how live in a world where magic is ever-present and more powerful than before."[/color]  That was more or less what she told everyone who asked her position.  She was passionate about it; she wanted to convince folks that magic didn't have to be feared.  That it could be embraced and they could all be richer for it.

[color=#68c4e8]"I don't know how much you know about Chantry doctrine, but what I just described is pretty far away from how the Chantry's been running things forever.  So there's a lot of fear and resistance to embracing mages and magic, but I hope in time we'll be able to overcome that,"[/color] her smile was a bit rueful.  There was a lot to overcome, but she had to remain optimistic about it.

[color=#68c4e8]"I feel like I've already said a lot, so why don't I stop there for a moment and you can tell me your thoughts."[/color]  She didn't want to go too far down her paths of thinking without giving him a chance to respond.  Who knew; perhaps he didn't share her vision and he would find the offer of aid was put forth in haste.
No matter how far he traveled across Thedas since waking, there was one thing Revas has found that was common to everywhere he went. people were not just, at times, uneasy around him just because he could perform such feats of magic. They were unsure because it surrounded them, when once before, those without such magic never had to worry about encountering anything too strange as long as any mage kept their abilities to themselves. It was frankly, a strange concept for the elvhen to grasp and he still struggled with it now. For him, magic being as it was now, was natural. It was all he'd ever truly known, and while he was certainly weary and rather concerned to be awake and the spell they spent nearly two decades on being almost completely removed across the world? He could hardly explain such a sensation to one who hadn't lived as he had. Who did not have thousands upon thousands of years of experience, watching magic come to life in a symphony of experimentation across centuries to capture the right kind of outcome. He could blame no one for such fortune.

The issue came with getting others to understand it, the races that lived shorter lives would be harder to convince and Revas did not doubt he'd likely be having similar conversations with multiple generations of humans or even the elves of this time, before it finally sunk in. But it was not such a future that he was concerned for, merely starting the process was what was important here. And as far as he knew, or could figure out, there was no reason for Fen'harel or anyone else to try to replicate that spell a second time. Spirits above, he hoped that was the case. 

When she mentioned the Chantry, the elvhen warrior simply nodded, oh he'd heard plenty. In due time, they'd fade out of memory, or so he hoped. Just as every belief had a rise and a fall, this would too. Or at least it would concerning magic if he had anything to say about it. Still he did not interrupt her explanation once, save a brief nod or gesture for her to continue, to show that he was indeed listening rather intently. It was nice to see that at least one human had a plan and wasn't fumbling around in the dark. That was something he could work with.

[color=#008e02]"Those of the Chantry I have heard plenty about, none of it good, they'll learn in due time. The veil is not something that can simply be put back up so they may continue as they please." [/color]

That much he knew first hand, but he wouldn't put it against someone particularly foolish to try and do just that eventually. Something he might have to look into, or perhaps find those who could in his place. Blending into such a place when he knew so little would be next to impossible and as much as he liked a risk every now and then, he wasn't going to head into a situation with no way out. 

[color=#008e02]"What would you need to know, to understand, knowledge you might wish to seek to make it easier to live as things are now? A better understanding and easing of one's mind for those without magic cannot be brought about until those who hold such power understand the fundamentals first, no? So in order to do that, what do you think you might need theoretically? It is merely knowledge, tomes, or is it the older ways of magic, of combat as well?"[/color]

It was not an outright offer to provide the answers she might seek to aid others, but what were they not aware of and what was needed, well some of that long kept knowledge he was sure he could provide at least a little.
Bethany was conflicted about the Chantry.  While she agreed that the way they treated mages was abhorrent and that they'd allowed horrific things to happen under their watch, they weren't all bad.  Some Chantry sisters were among the most peaceful and lovely souls Bethany had ever known - the ones that devoted themselves to study, or healing, or good works in Andraste and the Maker's name.  While she usually couldn't bring herself to do so now, she had taken solace in the Chantry in her youth, and so she couldn't bring herself to condemn them completely.

[color=#68c4e8]"I am not always in alignment with the Chantry, but there was a mage at its head once.  I won't defend many of their actions, but I do think there are still parts worth saving.  The ones that do good, that bring people comfort in dark times.  That is worth hanging onto, I think."[/color]

His reaction told her something about the person across from her, though.  They were elven, a mage, but the lack of vallaslin made her think perhaps not Dalish, and yet the way they spoke of magic was not what she would expect of a Circle-trained mage either.  All this, plus Andoral's instincts, was making her wonder just who Revas was to be able to ask such questions and, presumably, aid.

[color=#68c4e8]"Not combat,"[/color] she was quick to say.  [color=#68c4e8]"We have enough strife and if we start there things could just get even worse.  Fundamentals, I would think, to start.  A better understanding of the true nature of spirits and magic and how it's infused with the world.  Not merely whatever they deemed worthy to teach in the Circles - the older ways from before the Veil so we can begin to adapt to the world as it is now and not how we're used to experiencing it."[/color]

[color=#68c4e8]"If I may, what is your background that you might have knowledge of such things?"[/color] she asked curiously.  It would help to know a bit more so as to know if it was wise to place her trust in him.
Peace and kindness were one thing, but they mattered little in times of war. Thanks to Elgar'nan and the greed  of the Evanuris and Forgotten One's alike, fighting had been a large part of what he had known in his later years. He would not blame another for wanting peace, he would have gladly taken it had it been an option. But like then, just as it was now, he could already see how things might happen if certain people took drastic action. Countless battles once more, to try to take control and rule a world in which the People were no longer in charge. If others regained their bodies and sought such things again, well it would not be pretty, and minimizing that risk by teaching others what such magic in the world could do for them? One step of many. Of course, the rest meant fighting, but that was his task more than that of any strangers. A battlefield, no matter where, was a place he'd long since become accustomed to. A pity some might say, a sign of the corruption of how easily even the greatest of mages could fall he would claim. 

[color=#008e02]"If you see some fondly then I would not dare to refute that. Your experience with such an organisation I suspect, is far greater than my own. Nor do I think many in the Chantry would appreciate my views, or believe what I may tell them."[/color]

It was for that reason and many others, that he'd kept his mouth damn well shut on the matter. Had avoided such places as if there were a plague upon his people. It was bad enough the Dalish thought such mages like Mythal to be gods, let alone another religion and angry humans about their so called Maker on top of that. A fight best avoided, he had other things to deal with then the belief of those who he passed by at the moment. Still as he listened, her reasoning made sense, as did her line of questioning towards him. It was to be expected, the question at the heart of it all was, just how much would he share with a human he barely knew? 

[color=#aaaaaa]You are going to trust such a human?[/color]

[color=#008e02]Trust? You think me a naive child now June? No, I shall not trust her, but leading her on a wild chase when I can provide such answers would be equally foolish.[/color]

[color=#aaaaaa]On your head be the consequences then, if she harms the People it shall be your doing.[/color]

[color=#008e02]So it shall. [/color]

Words that flowed between the two as Bethany asked about his background, the elvhen stood, moving to the furthermost wall of the courtyard to place a hand upon it, a spell cast. Pulled from the air like breathing in deeply, a ward, an extra layer of security against those who might pry. Spreading out to cover the space and likely washing over the human as well, a taste of his own magic in the air. Though he only spoke after he had taken a seat before her once more. 

[color=#008e02]"You primarily know the world as it was before, with the veil raised yes? While I have experienced such a time, it is not normal, the world yourself and people around you are currently struggling with - is the natural state of things. It is all I have ever known. Magic to me is like breathing, I do not need to think to call a flame to my hand, it simply is," [/color]A proof of point, a flame dancing along his hand like a curious small creature, almost bird like before vanishing. Not like smoke, but as if it never existed, a tendril of power unfurled then simply sent away as if upon a breeze. [color=#008e02]"I have such a background, because I am far older than those you may know as elves. I awoke six months ago from uthenera, what my people would call the eternal sleep, and have been travelling ever since."[/color]

He settled his hands within his lap, sat there quietly, waited for her to take such information in. Likely a fair bit to process before continuing on to the point she had begun before, he supposed it did not matter now. Few delved into the backgrounds of the elves walking Thedas, and it was better to speak it himself, then have anyone assume any facts about him without his consent. He couldn't allow that.

[color=#008e02]"Now that you know as such, is there anything pressing you would like to ask before I focus on your previous query regarding magic and the spirits that live within this world?"[/color]
She watched curiously as he stood and began to cast.  As the magic washed over it it felt different.  It didn't feel like what she was used to, and even Andoral's interest was peaked.

[color=#cccccc]This is the old magic, child.  We never could bring it back, not like this.  Pay attention, but be cautious.[/color]

She listened intently, hanging on every word he spoke as he revealed more of his nature, his connection to the magic of this world.  It was remarkable; there was an ease and grace to his movement, to calling spells into existence that made it all seem so fluid.  Like an impeccably practiced dance that appeared as simple as could be, yet had taken ages to perfect.  Perhaps literal ages, in this case.

She thought on his question for a moment before responding.  This felt like a critical crossroads, and the wrong thing said could scatter this opportunity to the winds like ash.  [color=#68c4e8]"I do not know as much as I should of the history of your people, but if you would be willing to share what lessons we should take from the past I would appreciate it.  I imagine there was a reason the Veil went up in the first place, and I do not want those of us who have been gifted the chance to live in a world without it to make choices that would lead us down that path again."[/color]

She hoped that wasn't too vague or insensitive a question, but how could they learn how to live in a world like the one of old if they didn't also learn from past mistakes?  She didn't want to be doomed to repeat history, she wanted to be part of charting a new path forward.
He expected some level of surprise, of shock and of lack of understanding and perhaps that was why she did not balk at his explanations. Or maybe it was simply due to her being human, kept away from the Dalish tales of what they thought had occurred all those long years ago. How much had she heard to slant her perception of his people towards one way or another? Or was she, like so many humans, wrapped up within their only lives to such a degree that they could not make the time to want to understand? Revas wondered how many truly saw the bigger picture of Thedas, of what it might become since the Veil had fallen, or more likely removed as was his assumption. The question was why, but he'd get his own answers in due time. Far away from a city such as this.

Of course, mentioning such a time left memories to stir beneath the surface, of his own failure and regrets. Inability to help as he wanted, lack of power yet standing beside those who held so much more of it to do the right thing. Watching as thousands bled for a cause they barely believed in, sacrificed in the name of power to mages who thought they knew best. Mythal had stood against that, and all it had gotten her was a blade in her heart and a grief pouring so greatly from one he had come to love, that retribution had been the only answer. Just a moment was all it took, his gaze far beyond the courtyard they sat in, remembering before her questioning brought him back. Left him pressing his palms back and forth against one another for a beat, then another before he found his voice again.

[color=#008e02]"I do not expect you to know what it is you ask of me, but know that I do not speak of any of it lightly,"[/color] A pause, a glance to the unbound sky above. [color=#008e02]"There were many reasons the Veil was raised, most of which I will not speak of, it is not my place to do so - nor my right. Had it not been raised, I do not doubt that Thedas as anyone knows of it, would no longer exist. None of my people would have survived if it had not been done, those that wake are but a small fraction of what once was and even now many still slumber."[/color] A shadow of their former glory, not that it could truly be called such at the end of it all. The darkness those mages had taken on only to grow stronger, the madness that overcame them, in some ways he pitied them. In others, for causing such pain, there were some of the Evanuris he would never forgive. 

[color=#008e02]"Perhaps if you share with me what you do know of our history, I can work from there. Though I fear there are few lessons I can share that will have the impact you may wish for, if what I suspect has indeed happened, this world will not know the relative peace it does now for much longer. Though I do not wish to panic you over a mere idea."[/color] It was a feeling, an instinct but with June apart of him even the inventor had agreed when they'd briefly discussed it. If he could be here, even if just a fragment, then so could Elgar'nan and his existence within Thedas once more was a surefire sign that nothing was going to remain peaceful or calm for very long.
Bethany had to stop and consider; just what did she know about the ancient Elvhen?  She knew some Dalish lore from Merril, and Chantry lore from her own up bringing, but what truly reached back so long that it would be before the Veil?  Before the scattering of the elves, the rise of Tevinter, Andraste's rebellion, and the fall of the Old Gods?

[color=#68c4e8]"What I do know mostly comes from a Dalish friend of mine.  In the stories she told me, it sounded like there was once a time when the Evanuris walked among the elves, when the elves were effectively immortal and everyone had magic.  Arlathan was the largest city, and a gathering place for all.  But something happened, a war I think, and Fen'harel trapped the rest of the Creators in the Fade." [/color] The tale was told as if pulling it from memory, carefully trying to get the pieces right, but also uncertain as to their validity.

[color=#68c4e8]"But I don't know how much is really true, or how much has been lost to time and misinterpretation.  But Arlathan has been refounded, and it's believed that Elgar'nan has returned, so there may be some truth in there.  But you would know better than I, of course what is true and what is important for me to understand."[/color]  While she would gladly spend days learning the truth of the past, that was not what it seemed he was here to discuss.  But it was hard to learn the lessons of the past when you didn't know anything of it.
It was not the first time he had asked another, just what they thought his people's history truly was. As usual, it came back as much a jumbled mess of information as he expected. Facts mixed with fiction and things blown out of proportion while some of it was entirely understated. Arlathan had not been just the largest city, but far more than that to be put properly into words. Even as he'd described his own magic to Bethany, he wondered if she understood or ever could feel the difference. Yet given he was not like her regardless, he knew it was likely to be horribly difficult concept to grasp and one he did not truly have the time to explain. Much like many of the vast details of the history of Elvhenan, as nice as it was to see someone interested in it, at least to some degree. Explaining would take much needed hours that could better be spent elsewhere. 

[color=#008e02]"As ever, much is mixed between fact and fiction with the Dalish. Had we all the time in the world, and you wished to hear it, I would happily tell you of Elvhenan and my people. It is rare I find one such as yourself curious about culture beyond your own. Unfortunately time is not on our side in this case,"[/color] It is with a sigh that the elvhen warrior runs a hand back through his hair, a motion to try and soothe though it does him little good. [color=#008e02]"Arlathan may be returned to us, but it is not the gleaming jewel of an empire that I remember. Regardless, if what I know of the Veil and the spell we created, to lower it means to unleash all that was and that includes Elgar'nan. Some of the Evanuris linger I expect, whole or shattered I cannot be sure for all of them. Whatever the case, Elgar'nan will not stop until this world is his, every nation, every city, every town will eventually be attacked. I know you wish to see mages live safely and learn to control the power granted to them since the Veil has fallen, but I worry they do not have such a luxury of time when that man still roams Thedas."[/color] 

It is with a slight pause that he chuckles, amused by a thought, even she had called them the Creators, did humans think them all powerful gods as well? Or was it simply knowledge passed down and assumed to be true because of the Dalish that spouted wrongly about their people? [color=#008e02]"Luckily, much of what the Dalish know of their 'Creators' are wrong, they are not gods and they can very much be killed with enough force. I can only hope I can gather enough strength to help do so, that man does not deserve to exist for all he has done."[/color] Just for a moment, there is a darkness there, unlike the calm he had presented to her prior. An anger that lingers deep, kept beneath the surface before it is gone a second later. And instead he greets her now with an apologetic look. [color=#008e02]"I must apologize if I've caused you any distress, as much as I would like to spend decades here to aid the transition the mages in this world are going through, at present there are more pressing concerns. My offer to aid however I can still remains, if you wish to make use of it, though I would suggest something more practical if so."[/color]
She listened intently, and there was a phrase she caught her by surprise.  The spell we created - did he truly mean that he helped create the Veil?  If this man was truly who he said he was, an ancient elf from the times before the Veil, and he had helped create it to lock Elgar'nan and the others away, and was now afraid of what he might do once returned...

Well, this put a different spin on things entirely.  She'd much rather learn how to ease people into this new way of living, but if war was on the horizon that called for something else entirely.  Efforts had been made to starve out the Free Marches, bands of people with unusual vallaslin behind it.  Word out of Antiva was not good, and the name Elgar'nan was at the center.  And now Revas was here, offering aid against him...

This was bad.  Much worse than she'd realized - perhaps than any of them realized.

[color=#68c4e8]"No, I understand, it's just - I don't think we understand the scope of the danger that Elgar'nan poses.  And now I might be starting to if you were willing to create the Veil to stop him."[/color]  The weight of it was starting to settle on her, and the wheels were starting to turn as to what she needed to do next.

[color=#68c4e8]"I agree that if a conqueror will be coming to our doorstep that we won't have the luxury of transitioning in the way I hoped,"[/color] she said, an air of sorrow about the words as if letting go of hopes and dreams she held.

[color=#68c4e8]"And I would gladly accept any aid in preparing for that.  I can speak with Sebastian, and his miliary advisor Inez, I'd just need to know what to tell them, to show them.  If the evidence is compelling that we are facing a dire threat I have no doubt they will act accordingly.  And we will need help preparing.  So whatever suggestions you have, please, I am listening."[/color]  She was not one to dismiss aid when offered, or warnings when presented.  Too often there had been terrible consequences when such things were ignored, and she was neither too proud nor too ignorant to do so.
It was a risk, he knew that fact well.

But if he kept silent about Elgar'nan to those beside his people, he suspected all others might fall, may crumble under his assault and if that did happen? There would be no chance to what few of his kin remained that had awakened successfully. They had lost so many to the madness of the Evanuris and those they fought against, Revas did not know he if he could stand watching the same thing happen once again. All that bloodshed for nothing but the greed of a man who thought himself better then all the rest, the elvhen was willing to bet that time sealed away behind the veil had not changed him one bit from his memories of the once leader. From his recollection, arrogance had led those beliefs and it was such an emotion that could be his downfall, as long as those that were willing prepared properly. Or at least as much as they were able.

[color=#008e02]"The situation was... complex, it was far more than him that threatened everything, but out of them all, he was the most driven. The one to seek power and people to serve him more than most of the others,"[/color] A subtle wave of his hand to dismiss further prodding on the subject, he did not have the time to explain the sheer magnitude of what he and so many had hidden from while Feredir had prepared that spell. Instead he listened, her willingness was a positive sign and if she could convince others, they would be all the better for it. Though he offered her a saddened smile, that tone of hope fleeing on the wind, there would be no peaceful transition to be found. Not for anyone. 

The trouble was, physical evidence of such a man was hard to come by, at least from where he had gone to so far. Rumors of his people were everywhere though and that was a start, though none had dared to show their face to him properly. But he had no doubt that they were aware of him, he had not chosen the name Aenor with which to serve Mythal to be funny after all. But to make people fear, a useful tool in times like these. [color=#008e02]"I am sure there have been rumors here, of those with vallaslin unlike the Dalish possess yes? Most that serve him in such a way will do anything to see his goals accomplished, for the moment cutting off their sources of information would help. The less they may learn of this world the better. Politically speaking, the more allies gained the stronger our chances, Arlathan will help you if you ask - some there know of the threat as I do, but I would suggest your leaders speak with every nation. It is not just this place that is in danger, but everywhere."[/color] A heavy sigh, a hand running through his hair as he thought such things through. It had been some time since he had engaged in politics, lead people without doubt before Elgar'nan had destroyed his kingdom, he simply had to trust he would remember how. 

[color=#008e02]"In terms of military matters, without seeing your forces or plans I cannot give any specific advice. Ensure any who are mages are able to close off their dreams so no one else may enter to manipulate them. Have every kind of combatant train as much as possible without exhausting them, and if you do not have it, ensure you have a way out. Both out of this city, and the Free Marches in general if the worst should happen."[/color] Eluvians could help surely, but if such forces were also using them it would present a problem that had not been present the last time any forces of Elgar'nan had clashed with any sort of opposition. Another problem to be figured out, if he could seek out those who had woken, there was a chance. 

[color=#008e02]"I cannot give you hard proof, I have yet to find him or many from before the veil but I will keep looking. I have little to share but my memories of what once was, and after sleeping for so long - I am not the dreamer I used to be at present to properly share them in a way that would explain the threat this world faces."[/color] A touch of regret in his tone drifted out as he spoke, he should be stronger, but resting for so long had cost much of his former strength and while he was still capable, Revas knew for a fact that at the moment? He was not the warrior nor General that he used to be, it would take time and the more he traveled the more he understood that he was rapidly running out of time to regain that power.
The strange vallaslin, the strange attacks on convoys carrying food and other essentials - according to Revas those would be the work of Elgar'nan and his followers.  It all tracked, and she felt the weight of this warning laying all the more heavily on her.  She would need to speak with Inez and Sebastian - perhaps they could send some scouts to that area, formalize ties with Arlathan.

And in the meantime, if Elgar'nan and his followers could infiltrate dreams and minds then she would need to increase her own proficiency in mind magic, and warn others to do the same.  A conversation with Akibrus may be in order too, it seemed.

[color=#419dc1]"That's alright, I understand.  I appreciate you sharing what you have.  We have noticed strange things - those with the odd vallaslin, for example, and this helps to make sense of them.  I will take this to Sebastian and his advisors, and I'm sure they will have more questions but we can deal with that as they come."[/color]  At the very least if he knew that Arlathan would be willing to treat with them then he would likely be willing to pursue that.  In her view, Sebastian didn't tend to shy away from offering aid and forming alliances.

[color=#419dc1]"I know I've already asked a lot, but you know so much more than I about magic.  Would you be willing to teach me so I can pass along that knowledge?  I've only just begun to learn mind magic, and battlemages or arcane warriors, whatever you may call them, are few and far between.  By our standards I can handle myself in a fight, but I suspect we're far outclassed by what may soon be at our doorstep."[/color]  He'd already done so much by coming here of his own volition to offer warning and aid that it felt greedy to ask more, and yet what good were warnings if they couldn't use them to adequately prepare?
Telling them now would only do so much good, he knew that, events were already likely to be set in motion. That was if Elgar'nan stuck to his usual way of doing things of course, perhaps his methods had changed slightly in the centuries since. But he doubted it. It was an uncomfortable thought, one that even June stirred slightly as he considered it, what if some of the other Evanuris were already awake and helping him? Changing plans and planning routes of attack that they couldn't foresee, as far as he knew Arlathan at present did not hold massive military numbers. Or at least he had seen few groups of soldiers training when he had last been there. Problems stacking on atop another.

An even temperament allowed him to banish such thoughts for the time being, to listen properly and know that she would take this to those in power was a good enough start as any. The fact that those of the Eth had already been noticed here was concerning, how far had such people followers spread? Across all of Thedas? Or were they focusing only on the larger cities now scattered across the world first? [color=#008e02]"Thank you, for being willing to listen and share such knowledge with those in power."[/color] While he did not know how much help it would truly be in the short term, he kept such bleak facts to himself, best to not ruin whatever hope they had before it had even begun to emerge. 

A furrow of his brows as she kept going, he had not taught in centuries. There had been little need when they had begun the creation of that all powerful spell to create the Veil, and before that those that served under him he ensured were well trained long before they saw the battlefield. If not by him, then by his Captains and Lieutenants whom he trusted in their duties. [color=#008e02]"As far as I have come to understand it, the battlemages of this time are rather different from the methods in which I was taught. Dirth'ena Enasalin. But if you wish to learn then I will not spurn such curiosity, I will warn you however, I have not taught in a very long time and I have been known to be a rather strict tutor."[/color] Or at least, that was what he could recall his former students bemoaning about his insistence of their mastering each aspect before moving on. Nevertheless, she had asked and so he would oblige. 

Stepping up from where he sat, his satchel set aside where he had been moments before as he wandered the space for a moment or two. It would be big enough for the time being, and if her spells proved to be more powerful than he expected, he could ward the area. But for the moment he left it as is, footsteps sweeping further out into the open space and gesturing for her to join him. Given he had brought no staff with him, he stood empty handed and waiting until she stood a short distance across from him. [color=#008e02]"Before I teach you anything, I must first understand what you are already capable of yes? You are free to attack me in anyway you like, do not hold back."[/color] It wouldn't be any use to either of them if she restrained her attacks out of politeness after all.