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Breadcrumbs. Her identity lay in the pieces she’d scattered in their verbal spat. He was proving quite the amusing distraction during this dull affair. Of course the Bride and Groom were enjoying themselves and so too, were many others, but weddings reminded Adaria of her possible future. One where there would be no-one to walk her down to the poor sod she may end up enthralling. If only to get a minute's peace.

There was a buzzing at the edges of her senses. Not enough to distract her completely, but enough she was more aware of it in the background. [color=#9a00b2]“I sneak into the kitchens all the time back home.”[/color] Be it the distraction or the mere truth, she’d add, [color=#9a00b2]“well.. I did.”[/color] It would be all she’d say on it, hand slowly retreating back, but before Adaria drew back on her glove the feeling returned.

Her eyes found Rory’s, lips ginning slightly as she performed as if on cue. [color=#9a00b2]“I don’t see why not. While she’s not a mabari, she is clever in her own way.”[/color] Tension rippled up her spine, there was a shadow somewhere, close, but cloaked. Sneaky. They surely weren’t here for her companion, nor ordered to hinder her enjoyment of the event. More babysitters, more spies then, to relay whatever information they gleaned important.

If a show was what they wished, then Adaria would oblige.

[color=#9a00b2]“Rory,”[/color] her voice suddenly softer, inviting almost.[color=#9a00b2] “Do you want to come on a walk with us?” [/color]Yes. She was inviting herself along, what of it?
The word princess kept echoing in his mind, but his brain still wasn’t entirely processing it. Perhaps if he hadn’t been so hung up on his dog, maybe he would have connected the dots sooner. He’d at least gleaned enough clues to know she was someone he should probably be respectful towards and perhaps NOT accidentally grab their ass again. Fuck he doubted he’d ever live that one down.

He raised an eyebrow at the comment about sneaking into the kitchens back home. Of course, he often would sneak down into their own kitchens, but he’d never typically consider doing it at someone else’s. Granted at the moment he’d gone off into the kitchens, but he had a reason to be there, he wasn’t just randomly sneaking into them. He did see her point though, even if it wasn’t something he himself would normally do.

Well, you do have a point, I suppose. He did his best not to eye roll at the word suppose, and then continued. She’s around a few Mabaris in Amaranthine, I think she’s picked up on some of it from them. He wasn’t expecting them to continue to hang out like that, he wasn’t sure how he felt about it, probably equal parts annoyed and intrigued maybe, he really didn’t know.

Rory on the other hand went from a tail wagging sitting position into a standing tail wagging position at the question that she was asked about going for a walk. She knew what walk meant, and she was eager to get out of the kitchens, as nice as the bones were, she’d rather be with Raphael.

Well, as long as Rory wants to, who am I to deny her He was suddenly feeling a bit awkward that he still didn’t know her name, but now it felt like too much time had passed to ask now. It made him start thinking about where she might be from, which got him thinking about her accent. though he pushed the thought out of his mind, he was just overthinking shit. Did he really care who she was? She was annoying, that was what, beyond that at the moment he was just trying really hard not to think about her.

Rory seemed quite happy with her new friend, as Raphael turned to head back out of the kitchens, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye and turned his head, but it just seemed like he caught the tail end of someone lurking off in the shadows. Well, it was Orlais, perhaps he’d just gotten too comfortable being in Ferelden.

Then he heard a servant whispering something about the poor girl and something about having been close with her father. Then he realised that the servants were speaking about the girl he was currently with. The girl with no name. The girl who he was still too mortified to ask her name this late after having first met her. Even if their initial meeting hadn’t exactly been a great opportunity to exchange names. He slowed down and looked over at Addy, tipping his head. She was pretty in her own way, he hadn’t really noticed that before now, and kinda wish he hadn’t. Rory just seemed anxious to get moving and wasn’t liking the hold up.
She ignored the look cast at her. The Antivan Palace was riddled with passages, sneaking into the kitchens itself had four routes bar the main corridor. What she hadn’t done was involve herself in a game of cards, she had her Grandmother and brothers for that. Eyes shifted when he mentioned Amaranthine again. So… half-Orlesian? Possibly, the Orlesians had a complex over the Dog-lands after all.

[color=#9a00b2]“I feel I'm repeating myself, but I am often right, yes.” [/color]The truth and facts came easily when one could dip into the minds with answers, while the truth could be said for projecting ignorance. Adaria monitored the hum of emotions around her, most were in keeping with the occasion, those with more dubious intentions were almost a discord.

Yet her attention remained focused on the pup, even as she pulled back on the lace glove. Her eyes rolled with believing Rory would pass on escaping the kitchens for a wander. [color=#9a00b2]“Of course she does,” [/color]fingers spreading as her palm gestured to the obvious wag. [color=#9a00b2]“Honestly, call yourself a dog ow-.”[/color] A movement caught her eye, body stiffening before shaking her head as an Antivan curse was followed with,[color=#9a00b2] “Shall we go then?” [/color]

She’d turn, dress gliding easily out of Rory’s way and seemed to wait expectantly for Raphael to do something. In the pause, the light voices would catch her ear, the tension now hot, coiling in her gut as the words, 'poor child, her father' was overheard. He moved them off soon enough, but not without her shooting a glare in the direction of the servants gossiping enough to have them scramble, bumping into one another in the hurry. Yes, scurry back to your work, little ones.

As the two found themselves in another servant's passage, Adaria could feel his eyes on her. Amusement bubbled, yet she kept her smile contained.[color=#9a00b2] “Are you staring to memorise my face, or have you just found something to your liking?”[/color] If her voice sounded odd, it was due to the layer of sweetness added for this game of cat and mouse.
He hadn’t realised he’d been staring, so when Addy pointed it out, he nearly tripped over nothing feeling incredibly embarrassed that he’d been called out. It wasn’t that he was a typically clumsy sort of person, it’s just when he got embarrassed or surprised or generally worked up, he was prone to being mildly clumsy. He decided to ignore her question.

That was when his brain had finally come to the conclusion with what the truth of the matter really was, who she was. His brain was racing, there was someone lurking in the shadows and it very likely had to do with her, but how so? Was it a bodyguard in the shadows, someone at the party hoping to get a moment alone with the Royal Princess of Antiva, or something more nefarious. He felt like an idiot though, not knowing who she was.

So, is that lurker your bodyguard, or should I be worried? He paused and then continued realising, he knew who she was, but she didn’t know who he was. Er, I’m Raphael by the way, your highness? Majesty? Sorry I’m not really high enough nobility to have rubbed elbows with royalty before. He knew each had their own form of address. Princesses, Princes, Kings, Queens, Emperors, etc., but he wasn’t sure which was which.

He’d never paid much attention to those lessons because he figured, when would he ever meet royalty in person. Well the joked was on him because apparently that day was today and now he sounded like a fucking moron because he hadn’t paid attention.
While a regular person may stay the fall of their companion, Adaria did nothing as he stumbled, seemingly due to nothing at all but her words. Amusement scrawled across her face, eyes glinting as she enjoyed the reaction. Even her soft chuckles fell as a punctuated beat in absence of an answer, it only slightly abated the tension in her upper body after leaving the kitchens.

Her hands had returned to the small of her back while they walked. He was not used to such forward speaking, or perhaps it was just her particular way. It was comical how rigid some, even Orlesians, could be. Her parents had earned their own respective reputations for eviscerating other guests if called for, so it made her entry into the Game smoother. Pity and painted sympathies were easy to garner and ride for a smooth evening, but only if people knew who you were.

His comment about the shadow had her scoff, smirking.[color=#9a00b2] “No. I lost them months ago.” [/color]Her sharp blues flickered upwards. [color=#9a00b2]“The only person you should worry about is Rory, Raphael.”[/color] Returning her focus ahead, Adaria exhaled slowly though her lips curled slightly as he finally figured it out. [color=#9a00b2]“Yes, it became apparent with how long it took you. And neither. My name is sufficient enough, Adaria.” [/color]

Yet, now they had both identified their tail, her patience was beginning to wear thin. [color=#9a00b2]“I feel almost obligated to teach you the structure if you’re to be a lord. Is this due to your lack of studies, or is it because you fair more physical pursuits than the academic?”[/color] Was she calling him a meathead, perhaps, but even meatheadded lords knew the hierarchy of upper society.
There was a part of him that was starting to like Addy, especially after she said she’d rather be called by her name. The problem was he was not in the greatest of moods in general, and somehow Addy also infuriated him for some reason.

He tried to focus on the part about that she’d already lost her bodyguards, which just made him wonder even more who was lurking in the shadows, but she seemed more intent on poking at the fact that he didn’t come across as learned as he should when it came to matters of court and nobility. So for now he focused on the bits about his lack of remembering the things.

I know how to address nobility in general. I just dismissed the bits about addressing royalty because I never imagined I’d meet royalty. I definitely didn’t expect to meet any here. He almost added that he also hadn’t expected royalty to be quite as bratty as this, but held his tongue for the moment, but it was clearly on the very forefront of his mind.

Though if you want to start nitpicking about the amount of things I learned but dismissed from my brain because I just don’t give a nug’s arse, you can add the proper way to use the silverware all stuffed into a place-setting. I mean who the fuck cares which fork is the salad fork and why do we need that many forks to begin with. He explained with a slight eye roll, then quickly added.

I guess if you had to put a reason to my lack of caring, I’m more an artist than I am a proper noble, and I really don’t care that I don’t remember some things, especially since they just aren’t important to me. Like they were clearly important to her, he thought in his mind, as he tried to ensure he didn’t stumble again. Rory was just prancing along, happy to be out of the kitchens, clearly happier to have met Addy than he was at the moment.
Her Father’s influence had been strong, yet Adaria’s Grandmother had also reminded her of their family’s lineage. One of the oldest and widespread, at one point uniting the various Royal houses in Thedas as branches of their tree. Now it had been pruned to the little family remaining and she had to wonder what their ancestors would think. Still, her title was of no use here, in a servants hallway with a would-be Baron.

[color=#9a00b2]Dismissing such an important aspect of nobility, is asking for the hangmans noose, or,”[/color] she snickered,[color=#9a00b2] “flogging.”[/color] Brows shrugged, side eyeing him, [color=#9a00b2]“Or is this a kink of yours? Not that I’m judging of course.” [/color]

She almost prayed he tripped again. Even with the shadow creeping along behind, her evening had improved since venturing into the hallway and colliding with the rigid Raphael. A dismissive noise followed his opinion of the forks, the eyeroll exaggerated. [color=#9a00b2]“That too, is incredibly simple. Out to in.”[/color] Though she could agree there didn’t need to be a utensil for everything.

[color=#9a00b2]“You’re lack of caring has nothing to do with you being an artist,”[/color] she’d scoff, laughing quietly. Her stride stopped and she turned to him, appraising him closely before taking an obvious breath. [color=#9a00b2]“You’re whole appearance yells, unprepared. You’re attitude and refusal to stay long at the party means you aren’t familiar with the Bride and Groom enough to offer empty platitudes and congratulations which begs the question, why come at all? That’s another obvious truth. Family. Not your Father, you don’t seem upset over taking the Baron which means Mother knows the family. And she is your world.” [/color]

Adaria let the silence breathe before adding. [color=#9a00b2]“What’s important to you is her wellbeing, sod the rest. Which would be admirable, if it doesn’t get you killed in the Game. But then, you’re indecisive. Two paths open to you, but still… Mother.” [/color]
There was some serious eye rolling going on at Addy’s words, some of them at least. He knew he shouldn’t let her get under his skin, but something about her, he just couldn’t seem to help himself. It wasn’t just that though, it was also the fact that she made him face some cold truths. Perhaps he wasn’t cut out to take over as Baron in Val Colline.

Not that he couldn’t suck it up and try to play the game better. It wasn’t that he was incapable so much as he didn’t care enough to try. Still, the conversation was proving enlightening where his choices were concerned. Perhaps it wasn’t really a choice after all, perhaps the obvious choice was staring himself in the face and he just hadn’t realised it until this conversation with Addy.

So, I don’t know them as well as my mother, but I assure you my platitudes aren’t empty. Lucien knows about my dog because I checked in with him when I arrived. I wasn’t going to have my dog in someone’s home without their knowledge. He was fine with it. The happy couple is quite fond of animals, in case that wasn’t something you were aware of. He has the prettiest grey parrot named Cricket up in his study. He paused, he hated getting long winded, but the more Addy talked, the more he wanted to say in return. Like a game of tennis, lobbing the ball back and forth.

The wellbeing of all my family is important to me, including that of my sisters. One of which would be taking the mantle of Baroness if I do not, and I wish to be sure it’s something she feels up to before burdening her with it. Do not mistake my desire not to play the game as meaning I can’t learn, I just wish to be absolutely sure first before I commit myself. Another eye roll, definitely another eye roll. She infuriated him, yet somehow the thought of just storming off and leaving her be felt out of the question. Which he didn’t quite understand why he felt that way, only that he did.
It was infuriating watching people dance around their problems. Indecision was not something Adaria struggled with, she weighed the options, facts, the information available to her and then made a choice. It was incredibly simple, yet the majority of people seemed to struggle seeing the wood for the trees. If her cold delivery of the facts and observations made of him, helped ease that indecision, so be it.

She made to continue, yet paused, perhaps he had something else to add. Some witty comeback to her direct frankness. It was good practice for him regardless, but no, Adaria was almost disappointed. [color=#9a00b2]“Very well, since your acquaintance with them outranks my own, which way,”[/color] gesturing to the nearby stairs they had come across, [color=#9a00b2]“up or down?”[/color] Everything else he’d said meant nothing, she too was fond of animals, yet knowing Lucian had a parrot was not advantageous knowledge to her.

Adaria scoffed, finding the deflection amusing. [color=#9a00b2]“Yes, but you never made mention of sisters. And as a sister, I can certainly say I have never allowed my brothers to a ball or affair dressed as a mismatched fool.”[/color] Perhaps calling him such was too far, but hells, his idiocy and lack of preparedness was almost akin to social suicide. [color=#9a00b2]“Granted you win a few points for being certain, but dawdling in your decision does none of your family any favours. My father did that, and it got him killed in the end. Just a word of warning, Raphael.” [/color]

Lips pursed, her sharp eyes narrowed as he rolled his eyes for… Maker, she had lost count now and that infuriated her more. [color=#9a00b2]“If you continue to roll your eyes at me, or the truth, I may decide to put you over my knee and demonstrate to Rory how a Master should be.”[/color]
He didn’t like her, he didn’t like her, he totally didn’t like her. It was odd really, he’d never experienced the feeling before where on one hand he wanted to slap her, but on the other hand he was actually kind of, sort of, having fun. Maybe they didn’t have to go straight back to the reception area. He tipped his head when she asked which way.

Depends. do you want to go straight back or maybe we walk around a bit and let Rory stretch her legs. He didn’t want to admit that despite knowing the Beauvais, he wasn’t exactly well versed in the layout of their home, beyond the path to the kitchens. He decided to ignore the comment about his sister letting him out in what he was wearing, truth be told his sister would have probably tried harder if they’d been at home with all their belongings. They had less to work with in Amaranthine, so he went in what was comfortable.

To be fair, it hasn’t actually been that long since mother decided she wouldn’t be returning to Val Colline. It hadn’t been an outcome I’d anticipated, I figured I’d have years to make this decision, not days. Dawdling may get me killed, true, but going in ill-prepared to properly play the game could also get me killed. Then, even if I do everything right, someone could still outplay me and I end up dead. I may not know all the proper etiquette, but I know one thing to be true, everyone plays the game to win, but someone has to lose. He bit his tongue at the comment about his eye rolling, but he did make a mental note to try and at least minimise his annoyance. He also tried to block out the image of being bent over her knee, because, well, that just wasn’t appropriate for the moment, just the act of thinking about it though made his cheeks flush a bit red. He just hoped that Addy hadn’t noticed.
Seeing him so ruffled emboldened her confidence, even as he tilted his head and offered her the options. She scoffed, [color=#9a00b2]“And deprive myself of watching you continue to trip over yourself? No. I prefer to enjoy that for myself.”[/color] Choosing to go up, the pair and Rory would find themselves in a wing of the estate flanked by various reception and guest rooms. A library occupied the furthest end of the corridor, its doors open though the lack of light shadowed the true size of it.

Silence met some of her words and while she ignored it, the lack of response irked her, grin losing some of that smug sheen.

[color=#9a00b2]“That is where you are wrong. One shouldn’t play to win, one should play enough that strike fear into those who’d oppose you.”[/color] Power was only power when you understood the greater things at play, the players around you were engaged in their own self absorbed games. [color=#9a00b2]“The support of the Dumonts to the Beauvais is an example. Regardless of how well you play, how connected you are, it only takes a rogue agent to take down a powerful house. But then again, it has made Dumont stronger and provided both houses with a staunch ally.” [/color]

Again her path paused and she turned to him, face feigning sweetness. [color=#9a00b2]“But I’ll put it in simpler terms for you, Baron Arlange. You’d do best to capitalise on their support. If only to hide behind.” [/color]
It took every ounce of self-restraint not to roll his eyes again at Addy’s comment about him tripping over himself. To be honest he wasn’t sure why he didn’t just take Rory and walk away from the girl entirely, but something compelled him to stay and continue being essentially verbally abused by her. For now he chose to ignore her comment.

As far as playing the game went, he still wasn’t sure he agreed with her about not playing to win, wasn’t getting the upper hand essentially winning and therefore the people who didn’t have the upper hand essentially losing. Then he decided, fuck it.

Wouldn’t that essentially be winning? If you’ve scared people to the point they won’t act against you, you’ve basically won. With that he decided to turn up the stairs and away from the festivities. Rory followed suit, eager to be running about instead of cooped up in the kitchens. Let’s go this way. He said, and just assumed she’d follow. So far things definitely weren’t going how he’d imagined it would go.
Adaria knew she was treading a fine line, but he made it so easy and her riling of brought her such amusement. There was a small glimmer of gratitude for stumbling across him, but Adaria wouldn’t admit that to him. The lack of retreat did impress on her his self restraint, though it tempted her to push further.

As they walked, Adaria sensed their shadow circle back towards them. It caused her to play with her hands as they walked. [color=#9a00b2]“When you play to win, everyone knows. When they don’t know your position, or lack of it, they find you weak, unworthy of paying attention to. Or you be aggressive, turn that rage inwards and go on the offensive with a weakened house.”[/color] A hand raised, gesturing the outcome as if catching snow. [color=#9a00b2]“Then you annihilate them entirely. It's quite effective, if you’re not squeamish about blood.” [/color]

Following his lead, Adaria chuckled some more. [color=#9a00b2]“So serious, Baron Alrange. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of blood, or are my simple observations hitting home too closely for you?”[/color] Eyes rolled exaggerating and playing up her taunting. [color=#9a00b2]“You would not last long in Antiva, you would be made someone's bedfellow very quickly. That angry pout of yours is simply adorable.”[/color]
Raphael wasn’t sure if the two would ever agree on anything, and he wasn’t sure if it was because Adaria was a generally disagreeable person, or perhaps they just brought it out in each other. Something he wasn’t above ruling out. Not rolling his eyes was hard, but the last thing he wanted was to give her more ammunition. He tipped his head as he listened to her explain.

So basically pretend you aren’t playing the game, while you really are? Isn’t that still playing to win though? You just aren’t advertising the fact you’re playing. The opposite of playing to win, would be playing to lose. When I said everyone plays to win, I didn’t say they all advertised the fact they were playing to win. He said, he’d normally have eyerolled, instead he just clenched his jaw. She was infuriating, yet somehow he’d still rather hang out with her than head back to the party. Curious.

What exactly have I said or done that gave you the impression I’m scared of blood? That is most definitely not something I’m afraid of. He was afraid of something, it definitely wasn’t blood and he definitely wasn’t interested in sharing with Adaria what it was, because it definitely had the odds of being something even sillier than being afraid of blood. As they walked he took note of where they were. He was pretty sure if they kept going the way they were, they’d end up in the library.
They’d agree, eventually. He’d nod his pretty little head after she’d argued that her stance was the correct one. If she deemed seeking his company again. Few people were capable of entertaining her and if she was to study in Orlais… he could provide leisurely distraction.

Adaria chuckled, [color=#9a00b2]“Everyone is pretending. Playing one part or another, some of those parts we’re able to choose for ourselves, others… we don’t understand till the end if we are the fool or the tragedy. Fools at least live, but plans and schemes can span generations in the making.”[/color] Feuds between certain families spanned every society, taking bites out of each other until, eventually, one or both fell, wiped out to the point people barely remembered.

The shadow had continued to stalk them all this time. He was aware of them, as was she, but rather than engage Adaria had chosen to avoid it now they were becoming a nuisance.[color=#9a00b2] “Aversion to action is usually stemmed from an event. A painful one.”[/color] She’d begin, gait drawing to a halt. [color=#9a00b2]“But don’t worry, you need not cry about it to me. I am going to, however, need your assistance in dealing with this annoying flea.”[/color] Blood could be on the cards, yet spoiling the newlyweds event was not  how she’d prefer to handle this.

Her brow arched, and cheekily the princess smirked. [color=#9a00b2]“Think of this as an opportunity to prove yourself, dear Baron.”[/color]