[PAST] It's a Whore's World
Mina started her day much like she had ended it -- on her back and staring at the ceiling.  

Of course, different situations, like how there was currently light filtering in through the high up window in the small closet that was her "room" in the Inn.  Back Water, it had been called, a place to change horses, and the only place for a meal between the Mage College and Kirkwall, it was home.  And so when she woke, she thought about the evening, fingers snaking down between her thighs - a couple of men had stopped for the night, and she had bed hopped until nearly dawn, not much of a chance between them to clean herself up, nor to clean off some of the stickiness that clung to her abdomen and back, but that made it easier to finally bring herself to completion, stomach fluttering from being so close, so many times the night before, but not satisfied in the end.  

Men liked their targets, and coming in a whore wasn't advised for just anyone, even if she was an elf, but that also meant that none of them had rode her the last few pumps to get her off, even as they had used their hand to jerk off on her skin.  It was still enough of a thought to latch onto, fingers between her folds finally getting her there as she muffled the cry into the blanket that served as a pillow.  She breathed hard as she came down off the high, her insides finally uncoiling from what had been too many hours of edging closed and then left wanting.

Rolling up to her side, fingers wiped on the fabric of her dress, she looked at the stack she had earned, and halved it, hiding her half away under the loose floorboard beneath her bed roll.  There was where she kept her hoard, a few pieces of gold, a fair bit of silver, and a lot of coppers, all hers, all earned on her back, or bent over one of the tables and as a "show" for the evening - dress tossed aside, legs kicked apart and ass cheeks red from where they liked to smack as the four had taken turns while their "superior" watched - where she earned the gold pieces.  Some men just liked to watch, and those are the ones that paid the best she had learned, a long time ago.  For what ever reason they liked it, Mina didn't complain.  Young, dumb men that rarely lasted a couple of pumps inside her, ones that she could coo for, moan loudly, and say that she needed more of them.  She needed that group to come back through soon.  That was one of the few nights that she had came several times over the course of the evening.  That evening hadn't felt like work, not really.

And Mina enjoyed what she did, enjoyed that it made her money, enjoyed that it kept her well fed and with a roof over head, so it never felt like that much of a work.  Sure, sometimes some of the men, and women (she wasn't picky) had a smell about them from the road, but she wasn't in place to complain.  So when she finally rose from her bedroll and went about lighting the fires in the kitchen, she had already dropped off the owner's share of her take.  50/50, it was, between them.  Until she paid back what she owed him for not outright turning her out into the wilds to die as a kid.  She'd have paid that back long ago, if she really thought he would be okay on his own.  The owner was older, ran the place since as long as she could remember, and there wasn't another mid-way between here and Kirkwall, so, no family she was aware of.  He had told her her parents had dropped her there one day, nearly 25 years back, but who could tell.  They had wandered off before she even knew she had lost them.

Money settled, she bathed, and then started to cook the mid-day meal.  Anyone could be coming through any time soon, and it was around lunch time, which meant that the road would be busy.  It also meant that there was a chance that Ruth would be coming back through this way.  He did every couple of months, and that was a lay she never charged for after the first time.  She never had to worry about getting off when it came to him, especially if he had that one human with him.  She could imagine herself sandwiched between them, and she had to banish the thought because if she let it linger too long she'd have to find somewhere to hide until she could take care of herself once again.  Focusing on the stew, she finally finished off the first large pot and then went to move it out into the main room.  The few vendors on the road, and then the Owner and herself would need to eat soon, after all, and it was the calm before the evening hours, when she'd have to be ready to take beers around, and be fucked a few times, providing the coin was right. 

And as expected, she heard hooves outside, a small grin on her face as she smoothed down the blue of the gauzy shift that left nothing to the imagination.  Maybe some of her favorite lays would come through the door today, after all.

@[Ruth Yoesif]
Ruth was going to end his day as it began, riding a fair and familiar beast.

He’d grin to himself, the beast who he’d ride into unconscious bliss though, was far sweeter than the mount underneath him. Ruth didn’t particularly like horses, but they were often faster means when eluvian’s were far between. Plus, it meant he could stop by a particular haunt he hadn’t dipped into in… oh, too many a moon for his liking.

They’d met during his early visits to the City of Chains, back before the big boom and life got more complicated and erratic. Still, Ruth tried to make a point of visiting the Back Water when he could, and after dropping off a weirded out Grim and having to return and resupply a treat was in order. That being a good two days in bed with a woman who understood how to get his rocks off. Little hussy had a mouth, and he’d be sure to make use of it after reminding her exactly why his nights went uncharged. Was he the only one, probably not, but Ruth would never ask. His time with Willie belonged to him, even if the nimble fingered Coterie whelp lingered on the outskirts, waiting and hoping the lass on his arm would at last, notice him.

Colt was just another amusement and like the  bastard he was, Ruth took enjoyment in the man’s long suffering crush on little wee Mina. If only he knew just how much of a vixen his little treasure was, it could make any man blush. She could do, and do anyone, as she pleased, but it was always his bed she seemed to end up in. It inflated his ego into heights that more sober friends would caution, but none of them were here to stem or redirect his impulses. Horse secured, Ruth would linger in the stables a moment, indulging himself in a little party favour before descending on the willing Willie.

Finding a bench, his hand pulled a small leather bound bundle from an inside pocket, tossing it down onto the surface to unfurl a rectangular box. The contents were a narrow vial of lyrium dust, a blade and a fine reed, each item he took out in turn, arranged and using the straw took a bump. In a practised motion the box was carefully wrapped and returned to its place, the healer shaking his head as a ghostly rush ran through him.

Boasting a new skip in his step, Ruth swaggered his way through the doors, hands deep in his pockets. He paused just in the doorway, canvasing the joint before landing on the little minx. Stirring a pot now less. Ruth scoffed, “What’s this, actual food? And here I thought the only meal you provided was the sup between your lips.”
Of course, of course it was him.  She had just had a feeling in the pit of her abdomen that it would be sooner rather than later that he'd show up.  She liked to pride her self on noticing the patterns of the comings and goings of her favorites, and as she moved closer to him, one brow raised delicately, less a question and more an invitation as the corner of her mouth twitched upwards some.  [color=#4cea5e]"And which lips would those be, my lover?  The ones that cry your name in reverence, or the ones you like parting with both tongue and cock?  Both offer you the sweetest you've tasted in such a long time, if I remember correctly."[/color]

Her activities this morning came straight back to mind immediately as she reached within arms length of him, moving to circle around to his side, and then behind, the guazy
fabric of her shift trailing on the floor behind her as she went to check outside, and then close the lower half of the door.  Not that she cared if anyone saw what she was sure was about to happen, no, more warning that there were going to be more customers heading inside the main room, probably in need of beer and stew, and less in need of a wet and willing cunt.  Mina thought about sharing the events of the morning, and when she thought she had talked herself out of it --

[color=#2ecc40]"You know, the group that stayed here last night kept me busy until dawn, and I still had to use my fingers to finish myself off this morning.  Thinking about how good it would feel to have you there in my little cubby under the stairs making others wonder who could make the resident whore beg like that.  And then here you are, almost like I was able to summon you.  That'd be useful, and I think I really enjoy the method of summoning."[/color]  The old man was down in the cellar checking the next barrels of ale for readiness, he'd be down there for several hours still.  She could close the top half of the door so easily, but instead she leaned over it, looking back over her shoulder to him as she wiggled her hips, a knowing grin on her lips. [color=#2ecc40] "Well, Ruth, did I summon you playing with that little bean between my legs thinking about you?  Or am I still asleep, and in that case, why aren't you already inside me?"[/color]

Mina dragged her skirts up to tuck them into her belt, leaving her backside bare to his eyes and the rest of the empty room, her bare feet rolling up to where she stood on her tip toes, canting her hips forward so that he could see the moment she slipped two fingers into the slick that gathered on his favorite pair of lips, dragging those glistening digits forward to circle said bundle of nerves.  Her breathing hitched as she started to show him exactly what she had done this morning, voice that normally was playfully high dropping nearly an entire octave.  [color=#2ecc40]"Ruth, I'm not kidding if you don't start fucking me right this second I'm going to go find something phallic shaped to do it myself and make you watch and then not let you touch me until the main room is done for the night and anyone buying me for the night has had their go at me."[/color]

And if it make her point more pressing, she shoved her fingers inside herself and started to curl them up into that spot she liked his cock to hit against instead, but at this point, she'd used her fingers again.
Remaining where he was, azure eyes stalked her every step, following the shape of her curves as they shifted in the motion. The smirk across his face broadened, eyes brimming with amusement as she asked the very question he had an abundance of answers for. “Exactly that. Both. And I remember you screaming my name every time, I think it was you who caved first.” Yes and no, they matched to some degree, but his livelihood didn’t depend on it.

She’d circle him and he’d chuckle, eyeing the trailing excess fabric and knowing he’d make use of it later. His head only turned a fraction, hearing the lower door latch before she was talking again. Others. Boys that she’d had earlier and still left unsatisfied? A Travesty. Ruth rolled his eyes, people didn’t pay enough attention, but then most didn’t have his physician touch either. “I know. It must have been miserable these weeks without me fully seated or that witty mouth drooling over me,” anyone else and he’d have gotten a slap, but this was Wille. She ate, breathed and shagged this talk, and Ruth was too impulsive to not egg it on.

Still. He did things in his own time and he wouldn’t be rushed, even as she bared her arse for him and bent over, wiggling at  him for good measure. Blue hues narrowed, though his smirk remained playful, “Now you’re just fibbin’. You know I’d be coming through here soon enough.”

It didn’t matter if she hadn’t closed the top door, Ruth wasn’t shy about making a scene or putting on a show. Both Nairn and Meg had caught him more than once, ramming some dame in a doorway, or getting his dicked sucked by some pretty talking beau under the table. But then none of them were as bold as she, fingers slick with her arousal. “Now now,” he’d chuckle, quickly finding his way behind her, just shy of touching. He’d let his lips draw against her ear. “We both know that’s complete shit. I’m here, in your place, weary and stinkin’ of horse. How bout I make sure we’re both clean as snow before I take my meal, eh?”

Hands drew around her wrists, purposely drawing them away to rest along the doors edge. His hips pressed into her from behind, squeezing and trapping her in the doorway. What she got was the obvious firmness rolled against her, sternly kept from her for the moment. “Don’t worry Willie, you can sit all pretty in my lap. I plan on having my fill and more, while they get the main room ready? Gonna need the room.”
[color=#2ecc40]"Well when you put it like that, having you fully seated has been high on my list of things to have done to me sooner, rather than later."[/color]  Mina whined briefly as he took hold of her wrists, pulling her away from where she had been rather intently getting herself all worked up, for what it would appear to be, no reason -- but that didn't bother her.  She knew it would be repaid later in the night, when they had time to savor one another.  She sniffed once, feeling him brush over her naked flesh, and then his promise. 

Ahh, just like Ruth, quick to make sure that she knew she was going to be taken care of.  It really was nice to know that he planned on making sure that she wasn't left wanting another evening in a row.  [color=#2ecc40]"I can see about the bath now, but the room will be later, the sheets for the good bedroom are still out on the line, and I doubt you want to try and maneuver my little cubbie's bedroll, unless you're feeling more adventurous than previously thought?"[/color]  She wouldn't put it past him, they had, after all, had some fun times in the stables in the past.  Her little "room" wouldn't be the worst place they had tried to couple before.

[color=#2ecc40]"And the old man won't make that room back up until after the afternoon meal, which, in case you're wondering, is more stew and flat breads,"[/color]  She trailed off, gently moving from where she was pinned between his hips and the door, and pulled the top half of the shepherd's door closed, latching it, and the lower.  A bath sounded much more in line with the type of day she wanted, but since he had been fresh in her mind, it had been hard to control the instant urge to immediately jump to sex.  [color=#2ecc40]"And you do smell like horse and sweat.  How long were you on the road this time?"[/color]

Mina's fingers gently moved to brush along his hand, mainly to catch his fingers to pull him gently along with her towards the room that served as a bath.  They didn't have anything too fancy, some larger barrels that had been lined with a sheet to allow them to hold water, and kettles that were ready almost at all hours to heat up the bath water.  She had already bailed and refilled the one she had bathed in earlier, but she wasn't going to let him bathe alone, not when she could lounge in the water with him once they knocked the dirt off, something she was adept at, and not something she usually did for just anyone.  Ruth was her exception to pretty much all her rules.

Kissing, no one but Ruth.  Bathing together, again, no one but Ruth, holding her after, or having her sleep in the bed with them, no.  Only Ruth.  And it had been that way for a long time now, after the first time they had tumbled, and while he might not pay for her services, she knew better than to think that she was anything special, or to let the tight guard she had on her heart slip it's cage.  No -- she enjoyed him, and he enjoyed her, and it was as simple as that.  Transactional, but not with the money that changed hands with the rest of her clients.

It was simpler that way, after all.

Once she was certain that he would follow her, she moved ahead and into the bathing room, tossing the fabric that served as her dress aside into one of the baskets that lined a bench along the wall.  She felt confident in, and out of her clothes, and the ease in which she navigated the room, stark naked, proved that.  She selected soaps from the inventory, as well as some of the more plush towels that they had, kept [color=#ffffff]hidden [/color]for her and the Old Man's personal use, or for someone special.  Mina deposited those down beside the barrel that held the fresh as of that morning water, and went to the fireplace to grab one of the pans of boiling water to heat the bath back up from luke warm.  Two trips between the barrel and the fireplace, and the water was comfortably warm, and would be for at least an hour.

[color=#2ecc40]"Grab a bottle of something sweet on your way!"[/color]  She called absently back as she studied the soaps she had brought over, scents that she enjoyed on males, of course.  If she was going to be sweating with him the bulk of the night, she wanted to make sure she liked the combined scent of them together.
Ruth hummed, the end turning gruff as she let out her delicious little noise. All in good time. He’d see her right, have her panting, breathless, and body shattered with exhaustion. “That’s a good girl, now.” The waif of cloth that clung to her left little to the imagination, yet his mind remained focused, even when fogged in the eyes. “Later is fine… and maybe,” smirk flashed briefly, “I’ll definitely be manoeuvring in your small cubbie.. oh you mean your bed space,” a half-shrug was tossed, “it's too tight to tie you against something proper.” Yes, even she wasn’t immune, but she loved the nasty talk.

The room had been a bit of a stretch, he’d arrived earlier than planned, but he’d made due with far less. Rolling his eyes in an effort to play dramatic, Ruth relented. “Fine, fine. I’m only picky about a few things,” no he wasn’t, everything was game for criticism, “but that bed will be thoroughly taken advantage of once ready.”

She peeled away from him, fingers searching and drawing him along to follow after her. He scoffed lightly at her comment. “I said so, didn’t I? A week or two. Travelled through Antiva, awful place, heading down to Orlais for some work. Had to stop by and see the best hot fuck I know.”

Was she? Probably. He had few steady partners, but everyone knew the deal. Ruth belonged to no one, was responsible for himself alone and staunchly unapologetic about it. Too careful and wary of lessons learned, his heart remained unmoved. There would be no feelings, simply joint carnal release.

Willie was his favourite though. Few were able to keep up with his antics both in wit and bedding activities. They had fun, but Ruth was aware that she didn’t deserve the worst of him too. Like many things in his life, the line between habit and addiction was blurred and while in his company, she was his alone and he hers, even when the other found a different bedmate for the night. There was still a jealousy when she did, but in a way where Ruth was only proving his point that no one could really care, or let someone in and fully trust them. People were too full of shit to give a damn. 

“I think those boys addled your brain,” he’d chuckle, picking up a bottle of oil and bringing it to his nose. A quick sniff told him it was a mixture of sweet grass and lemon, “We can stay in that bath for hours with a hint of magic,” his free hand waved. He’d pout, walking towards her and dropping off the bottle, “and you claimed to have missed me, tut tut.”

As hands reached the hem of his shirt his foot would kick the door behind them shut. A sly grin curled wickedly across his lips and he toss her a last wink and comment before pulling over a few layers. “How many times you been in here and sat there thinkin’ ‘Gods, could really use some Ruth dick, about now?’”
She laughed, at the play of words, the way he turned it into something dirty.  Being just the two of them was a good thing. [color=#2ecc40] "You know, I thought you were going to say something about how tight a fit it was, after all, it leaves little room to maneuver properly, but that does make one think about how fun that could be another time.  Chest to chest, barely enough room for you to pull out of me completely before your ass hits the wall, then again it would give you more than enough places to brace against to really fuck into me as hard as you could.. it's been a while since you've left me unable to close my legs for an hour just after we've finished."[/color]

And there was the offer to keep the tub warm for hours.  It was a dream, after all, to be able to lounge in the bath for as many hours as she wanted, fingers and toes all wrinkled and pruned with how long she would waste just laying there.  Water was clean, always had been, it was always nice to be able to curl up in it's warmth, the feeling it would give her of being... loved.  Here she was, loved by many in one way, her bed rarely if ever was empty, but it was the embrace of warm water that made her feel at ease, less alone.  Not that she'd admit to anyone that she felt lonely there in the Back Water -- after all, she had a good life.  She had a place to sleep, and three meals, and she even got to keep half her earnings, and the old man never really had beaten or partaken of her, so all tings considered, she had it good.  [color=#2ecc40]"They probably did, they weren't you after all,[/color]" she finally purred to him as she took the bottle and sniffed it, before pouring a bit into the water, leaning down and swishing the water around so that it and the sweet almond oils took to the water properly.

After all, they were going to go to the big bed tonight clean and well moisturized.  If there was one thing she could do, it would be to rub the saddle soreness out of his body.  With Ruth there was no rush, no need to hide that she missed touching and being touched without the immediate copulation, that there should and could be simple pleasure in the feel of slicked flesh against flesh.  [color=#2ecc40]"Probably about the same amount of time you think "This cunt is good, but it doesn't feel as familiar, warm, and sweet as Willie."  Why, that has to be about the right amount, right?"[/color]  She knew it was a tease, and thus teased back.  Theirs wasn't meant to be a forever, but always a right then.

She moved to help with his clothing, eyes following her hands as she went to place her hands on his skin as soon as it became bare, still slightly slicked, and warm from where they had dunked into the water, the slight tremor of anticipation of feeling his skin against hers telegraphing through her fingers.  It might have been mistaken as virgin shyness in anyone else, if anyone else was her, but she wasn't shy, and she was far from virginal -- no, she anticipated the moment she'd be able to touch him far too much -- a longing that wasn't because she was getting paid, but one that was near reverence that he was the closest she had to actual sex.

There was fucking, which is what she did every night -- money to be made on her back, legs spread revealing a nest of curls and a slick slit ready to be filled, by one at a time, if she felt she could trust a couple, perhaps two at once, but certainly by several each night, but when Ruth was there, it was sex.  She didn't charge him, they both enjoyed the act too much for money to sully what they had -- a mutual understanding and need to be fully consumed by the other when the opportunity allowed.

And so when her fingers finally found skin, and the door was closed, she leaned into him, to where her lips were barely flush to his, a ghost of a touch -- eyes on his, before flicking down, lids sliding closed as she whispered,[color=#2ecc40] "But then again, you keep coming back for me, so maybe we're both helplessly addicted to this."[/color]

On the trail of the S, she closed that air thin gap left between their lips, the kiss chaste almost, before she moved back from him, backing up to the tub, and stepping up the small stair up into the water, her tongue sliding between parted lips to chaste the taste of his lips on hers as she knelt down into the water.  [color=#2ecc40]"Coming?"[/color]
Ruth’s head tilted, mind awash with visions of them at it while snug in her cubby. For a long moment he was pleasantly distracted, lips twitching at the corner with her filthy musings - reality set in however, and he’d scoff, “More like I’d smack my noggin’ off the rafters doing some move with my luck.” Which was none more often than not. “You know I prefer to spread you eagle and feast at my leisure, for a while anyways.” And he couldn’t do as good a job all cramped and cosy like.

A bath was a luxury on the road. He’d dip into rivers when he couldn’t afford a room, but with his aversion to the cool temperatures Ruth made those occasions few and far between. His often raggedy appearance left most thinking him a thief or light fingered in trade, his hot temper backing it up when fights and scuffles broke out, but then at the end, there he was, patching the group all up. It was easy to forget when he’d previously had to hide them, these days less so.

His grin turned upwards once again at hearing her words, fanning the already inflated ego he’d swaggered in with. “But they don’t have you coasting that edge like I can, do they darlin’?” An almost daring smugness came over his features, pleased with himself with that particular nugget of a line. “... Fuck, gonna have to use that again, that was good.”

This was what he missed, the teasing back and forth, the playful banter that was in tune enough that Ruth often wondered in the dark, twilight moments. Could they? Na. There was a connection there, but not anything of real substance beyond a mutual arrangement and friendship. Since the Inquisition, he’d avoided any sort of attachment, the idea of being tied down sending him bolting at the barest indication. Ruth had opened up and it had turned around and snatched his hand near clean off, and while he was familiar with reserving his trust, he’d never expected it from someone who’d professed to love him.

Love was for fools.

He chuckled behind a wall of fabric, his hair fluffed as the gathered layers pulled over his head, tossed to the unknown, and shaking it out he’d shrug, grin flickering wickedly. “Almost right. Not all of them were cunts, got some ass too.” Yes, he had an appetite for both. Not at the same time though, he was too jealous to share anything, especially when it came to his partner's attention.

The soft brush of her lips earned her a narrowed look. The teasing wench. Grinning, his head tilting to track her gaze. She didn’t offer him time to answer, but he wouldn’t allow her to leave him so quickly. A hand came around to the back of her head, drawing her closer for a heavier, more demanding kiss than this chaste bullshit. Ruth released her as she pulled back, smirking at her backing up and bidding he join her.

“Not right this second, but certainly copious later.”
"[color=#2ecc40]Sometimes I wonder about you, Ruth,[/color]" she whispered, as she leaned back against the edge of the tub, one leg hooked at the knee over the edge, the other bracing herself against the edge so that she could watch him finish undressing, and play with herself at the same time, head rolled to the side as she held his gaze.  "[color=#2ecc40]If you cum so much that it's left your insides dehydrated for too long.  And then you don't come back to me often enough to drink up enough from between my legs to keep you healthy.[/color]"  She bit her lower lip between her teeth, letting the flesh roll between them, as she worried the skin there.  She wanted another kiss, wanted his fingers inside her, his cock inside her.  Sex with him was familiar, more, in a way.  She could tease him, and he'd tease back, they'd spend a few days with one another, and then not think of one another until the next time.

Familiar.  Safe.  No pressure to perform, or to say she liked something because she was paid for.  No pressure to immediately be wet and wanton for him, even if every time he showed up, she was lubed and ready to take him within a minute or two of catching sight of him.  "[color=#2ecc40]You could be. I've missed the taste of you on my lips, get in this tub and wash the horse stench off you so I can suck you hard proper like.[/color]"  It was playful as she flicked a few drops of water at him from the surface of the water, the hand that had been playing with her clit still now save for the flicking of water.  "[color=#2ecc40]I had a nice cunt while you were gone.  Tangy, almost, and she mewled so loud when I finally worked my whole hand inside her.  The old man had to lock the doors to the upstairs that night, some of the regulars wanted to play peeping toms and the lady wasn't having any of it.  Dark haired, dark eyed, been disappointed by men too many times.  Needed a tongue that knew each dip, valley, and fold of a woman's sex to set her back right.  Are arses as fun as they seem?  I had a client at one time that liked having me put a false cock on and press it into his ass like I was a man.  I thought it might feel fun if it hadn't been false, but, alas.[/color]"

She un-hooked her leg off the edge of the tub and slid back down into the water, setting her hands on the edge.  She needed to be patient, and wait for him, she knew -- but it was, addiction.  Addiction was something she knew he would understand.  Addiction in how she needed to fuck and be fucked, to have her clit constantly stimulated.  It was near painful at times to sit and wait for a client, or even a cute person to come into the inn to take the edge off.  Cursed, she had to have been cursed by some sort of spirit of lust or some such, it was the only thing that could explain how ravenously she craved sexual stimulation, even just talking of it, thinking of it, enacting it.. "[color=#2ecc40]Fuck, Ruth, I really am going to need you to get in this tub and at least hold me if I'm not gonna be racing ahead of you and getting myself off on my fingers again right now.[/color]"
“Oh? About my handsome looks, my talented hands?” His eyes tracked her every move, from the curves of her legs bending, muscles shifting to get into the tub, to catch the hand dipping under the water. He held her gaze, the smug grin across his face growing wicked as hands undid the belt across his breeches. “Now Willie, is this your way of saying you want me around more?” He’d snort, peeling the band of both his pants and underwear over the hipline, before shaking and kicking them off to join the rest of his clothes in a pile. “I can’t, I’ll make you sick and the old man will get fed up with you giving me special treatment. Besides, absence makes the fuck better no?” Hands gripped the rim of the tub, head leaning in towards her, his mouth hovering over hers, “And we fuck like champions.”

Capturing her lips, Ruth kissed her slowly, taking his time. “Hands where I can see them,” he instructed. He could always count on Willie to numb and electrify every part of him, and he in turn seemed to do the same for her. The only difference was that they both knew what they had was temporary, as fun and enjoyable as it was, one day he was sure she would tire of him. Still, she alone had kept him sane after the Inquisition fall out. Willie wasn’t like that lying cunt, no, as cunt’s went, Willie’s was the most honest.

“Oh? One you’d recommend then?” he’d tease, pulling back to climb in and finally join her. Dipping his head under, Ruth would come back up with hands wiping the water from his eyes, dragging his fingers through his wet hair. “Mmm,” fell as a slight growl, his hand cutting through the water easily to tug her by the foot and over to him. In the short distance Ruth turned her away, sliding his cock between her ass cheeks as she settled into his lap. Lips nipped a path down her neck while his hands began their own journey of reacquainting themselves with the curves of her form, one hand palmed, teased a breast as the other swept on a trail downwards.

“Who said it would be your fingers?” 
Mina let herself be pulled into his embrace, making sure to keep her hands floating on top of the water -- after all he had said to keep her hands where he could see them, and she intended on listening, like a good girl.  Today was not a day to have him stalk off and leave her unfulfilled if his mercurial mood may take him.  So she closed her eyes and let herself relax into the feel of his hands on her skin, fingers twitching on the surface of the water when a nerve fired raw, overstimulated under his careful touch.  "[color=#2ecc40]I don't think I'd get sick of you ever, Ruth.  Just the way it is, mm?  You ride out all the time, it wouldn't be much different than it is now.[/color]"

Was she trying to give him reasons as to a maybe?  Maybe she did want him around more, it wouldn't be bad, after all.  She enjoyed him, he enjoyed her, could it be a maybe?  Or was it because they were still a maybe that it worked so well?  She rolled her hips, a few times, her cheeks clenching him tightly as she did, one arm going to hook back around his neck.  He had asked her if she'd recommend the woman she had recently, and the question sent a spark of jealousy through her that she hadn't been aware.  So she pointedly ignored it as she turned her face back to his, searching for his lips.  "[color=#2ecc40]Yours, mine, just touch me Ruth.[/color]"

She'd examine that sting later -- when she wasn't undulating on his lap, eyes closed, lips finally finding his in need.  Kisses, she realized, were something she didn't let just anyone have, and it had been Ruth that made her realize she didn't want to give kisses to just anyone.  Her lips parted, tongue sweeping over his lower lip, across the seam of his lips, looking for entry to his mouth, to fight his tongue.  A chase from his mouth, back to hers, and back again, one that would leave her gasping for air by the end, unable to remember that she could breathe through her nose.  No, she couldn't get air down fast enough through her nose when she kissed him like that, legs parting wide as his hand smoothed down over her abdomen.

Fingers twisted in his curls as she gently tugged his head down to hers, a more comfortable angle for her to continue that kiss, as her other hand covered the one palming her breast.  She knew better than to try and drive his other hand, knew -- as she rolled her hips backwards again, making sure to give as much friction as she could in slick waters -- that the moment she broke the kiss to gulp down air, she would whimper.  A keening cry, feral, needy.  His hands were on her body, and it was finally enough to turn her mind off, the earlier anticipatory tremble back, shaking her gently on his lap there as her lips left his in a wet pop.  Her chest heaved as she downed her first breath, her hand covering his going to help him squeeze the tiny handful that was her breast, nipple caught between fingers, and a little squeak rising from her with her exhale.  Gods, they did fuck like champions, as silly as it felt to admit it in her brain, but they did.[color=#2ecc40]  "One day, you realize that I may not let you leave right?  You're the only one who's ever matched me fuck for fuck.[/color]"
His little bites paused against her neck, the scoff of a laugh dancing across damp skin causing it to bubble. “I’m not so sure.” A sentence that weighed heavier for Ruth than if anyone else said it. “The last person I tried to stick around for fucked me over so good, I stayed here a month, do you remember how I was then?” Rough. Broken. Drunk. Raging. He’d picked a fight nearly every night when someone tried to peel her away from watching him drown his sorrows. “Rather do other, more enjoyable things to you than do that again.”

The shift of her ass against his length quickly had his teeth biting down again. Hips pushed upwards and as he growled, Ruth caught her nipple between his fingers, pinching the tip in return. “You’re not playing fair, Willie.” He’d taunt, his other hand tracing along her thigh instead of finding the apex between her legs. Then her fingers were in his hair, pulling his lips to hers in a battle of tongues while his hands both groping and massaging out the tension. He knew every dip and curve, but still took time in remembering every one, reacquainting himself and steadily building that fire. She’d be putty in his hands later. Shattered. Her desperate gasp for air only drew a filthy grin from him. “So needy today. Better save your voice for later, sweet cheeks.” 

Shifting to gain a better advantage, Ruth took control of the kiss, his tongue teasing hers into a dance before he pinned it, taking nearly all the breath from her once again. When he felt she was nearing the limit, fingers slipped along her spread slit. Releasing her lips, he’d move away just enough to growl lightly, “Maybe. Maybe not, but in the meantime, I’ll be by often enough to cream your cookie.”
She melted into his touch, like it was the only she ever had, frowning slightly when his tone turns heavy.  Face turned so that she could try and kiss that sadness away, she finally settled on tilting her head back until she could nip and kiss along the side of his neck.  She remembered that time.  It had been a dark time that she had spent on her back or on her knees for him.  And then there had also been nights that he had been so far into his cups he'd fallen asleep before he even came.  Those nights she never told him about.  She never would, she'd take those days of him to the grave with her, when it came for her one day.  "[color=#2ecc40]I remember, I also remember it was between my legs that made you somewhat live life once again.[/color]"

The low rumble of his voice, and the way he continued to touch her, even as she felt his teeth on her skin, another sharp breath leaves her when his lips are back on hers.  Mina's back arches hard, pressing herself bodily into his hands, her hips rocking again with each squeeze along her abdomen.  She would cry at some point tonight, she already knew.  When he had been a few weeks gone from her, that first string of fucking always was drawn out, unhurried.  He knew she was his for as long as he stayed, and she wouldn't service anyone else, not since the last time it had caused a fist fight.  "[color=#2ecc40]You know I'll keep screaming long past my voice having gave out, everyone knows you give it to me the best.  They've heard your name fall from my lips enough times to know if I'm hollering that loudly, it's you between my legs.[/color]"

But it was that electric feeling that slammed up her spine and into her brain the moment his finger slid close enough to her clit that it had her jerking like she had been struck by lighting, her hand in his hair doing it's best to not pull, while the one that clung to his forearm squeezed down.  It wasn't a word, or a cry, or a sound that came out of her, it was deeper than that, all the more wound up she was.  There was just something so much better having someone else touch you, than it was touching one's self.  "[color=#2ecc40]Filthy, Ruth, filthy.  It's sugar glazing consistency you know,[/color]" she licked along his lip, flicking her tongue there a moment.  "[color=#2ecc40]And sometimes just as tasty when I've put enough fruit in you.[/color]"
Ruth shook his head, he refused to be sad over a bitch who’d used him and played him. Not when a perfect distraction was in his lap. There were no games with Willie, none that came with the mental gymnastics of a real relationship, there was freedom in the way they came together and then fell apart. He could sit still for long, no place held him bound and he preferred the carefree, wandering existence. It was quiet. Too quiet at times, which is why he’d enjoy hearing her scream and beg his name for a few days.

“Well do you taste divine, and sinking myself deep in you is still like the first time. Do you remember the first time? I don’t think you expected to cum so quickly,” his hand shifted to the opposite, repeating what he’d done previously when she rolled against him, taking his cock for a taunting ride. He’d grunt against her ear, nipping the lobe of her ear before their lips collided. “I remember,” voice low, “you came so hard, you turned almost feral.”

“Well. I’ll admit, the satisfaction from the look on their faces when they see my short ass striding down in the morning is also priceless. But agreed,” chuckling at her little shakes, Ruth paused, holding his touch just out of reach. The ineffectual struggle she had going on amused him, “I can always give it a different sort of workout.” The palm of her breast reached upwards to cup softly around her neck, thumb teasing her mouth open while simultaneously angling his fingers on their second pass across her folds.

“You fucking know it.” Without warning he dipped into her, fingertips beginning their deviant coaxing, teasing at first but quickly gaining in intensity. “I’m famished, gonna make you see stars and then eat your pretty cunt till you soak me I’m drowning.” 
Mina continued to roll her hips between his exploring fingers, and how she had his cock trapped between her skin and his, small movements used to just give either of them enough friction to not fall into the trap of a frantic round of fucking, only to later have to come back and do this part right.  She liked this part, a lot.  Ruth was the only one who gave her this, and that might be why she stopped expecting money for her time.  They both enjoyed it too much, and it was much more than just an exchange of goods on their behalves.  "[color=#2ecc40]It was the first time I came with a man inside me.  Came on my fingers, on some women's fingers and tongues, but never with a man inside me, we needed one another then, just like we need one another right this moment.[/color]"

When his thumb came to rest on her lips, they parted, automatically, tongue already seeking out the digit to pull it deeper into her mouth, to give her something to have there as he played her body like he did.  Every touch, every skim of flesh over flesh had her flicking her tongue over the pad of that thumb, had her lips closing over, cheeks hollowing as she suckled, a simulation of what she wanted, should she have something different in her mouth, her task forgotten though the moment his fingers curled up inside her.  She angled her hips back then, leaning back into him hard so that she could spread herself open for him, ankles again hooking to the edge of the tub. 

Her breath came hard against that thumb, as her insides clenched, muscles squeezing to try and keep his fingers inside her as she laid her head back on his shoulder, lips on his earlobe so he could hear every single little sound she made while he finger fucked her. "[color=#2ecc40]I've always wanted to have you lay back on the bed, straddle your head, and ride your face while gripping the headboard.[/color]"  She slid a hand into the water, to rest over his, to keep his fingers inside her as she tried to race towards the conclusion especially since he was saying he was going to eat her until he was drowning.  "[color=#2ecc40]Especially now that I'm all clean and would be dripping nothing but you around for the next day or three.  I always like the feeling of you running down the inside of my thighs while another man tries to buy me for the night.  Just a little reminder you like marking what's yours[/color]."

Her breath caught in her chest as the next thrust of his fingers toppled her over the invisible edge he had been dangling her over since he walked in.  And when she could breathe again, "[color=#2ecc40]and I like being marked as yours[/color]."