[Past] You, Me and a Pitcher of Cream
No Triggers
Nairn flushed, cheeks and ears red. And he chuckled softly, Ah... uhm, And then, she moved past the complient. That didn't stop his cheeks from heating up, but it did distract him a bit. Yeah, you're a good healer. And we always need a good healer on our side.

He sniffed as she glanced past him to Ruth, and snorted at her statement. Yeah. He's a slut, but he's a good man. Good healer, someone Nairn trusted with his life. He's just... a lil' messed up, most of us are, honestly.

As she described the few places she'd been, he frowned and shook his head at her. There's lots more to Kirkwall than just the market and Gallows. You should have a proper tour sometime, make sure you stay safe.
She’d picked up her drink after paying him the compliment. Her head raced, taking a bigger sip of it than she’d intended, enough that some dribbled down her chin a little. Smooth, Meg. Smooth. Casting him a sheepish grin, Meg rubbed her face into the collar of her shirt, butterfingers, me. Dunno if that bodes well or not.

For a moment he seemed annoyed that she’d look past him to his friend, hanging out of his chair now to get a view of the flaming cheeks of Nairn. The shit-eating grin slipping across his face had Meg shaking her head. Yeah.. that’s true I guess. Green orbs took him in again, eyes seeing through his clothing to the injuries that landed him on her table, Fixed you up though. How’s the arm?

Her head tilted curiously, was he offering? Was he… was he asking her on a date? Meg struggled not to give away any excitement at the prospect, but even if it was just a nice courtesy, he’d have to talk to her. And he had a lovely voice, especially when he tried to sing. I’d… be up for a tour, sure. Be the best way to learn all the spots, good and bad, especially from the best sneak.
Nairn chuckled, as she dribbled drink down her chin. She rubbed her face with her collar, and he shrugged. Eh, at least you didn't spill it on John-Marc. Did that once, wouldn't recommend.

He hummed, and flexed the arm in question. Bit of pain, but nothin'll interfere with work.

And then she took... a moment. She hesitated. And it took everything in him to hide the fact he wanted to frown. Why was she hesitating? Did she not... want to go with him?

But then, she was agreeing, and he flushed. Another compliment. Lesgo now? Before it gets too dark. He'd not be able to think about anything else if he didn't at least show her where not to go tonight. Knowing she was walking through the streets on her own was enough to make him uneasy.

Not too many people fucked with Nairn; but the C was open game to some of the crims out there. He'd need to make sure she was seen with him, even if it was just a tour and nothing else. 'sides, Ruth's starin'.
Her smile faded a little at the mention of the mage, Yeeeah, I dunno if you’d find me the day after if it was him. Bertie had already warned her to keep a distance, which begged the question, How’d you survive?

Then her brow furrowed in concern, the pint abandoned to turn and offer her hands, I can take another look… or, maybe later, realising that openly using magic was a very bad idea. Smart, Meg. So smart. His face changed colour though and her grin widened some more.

Now? surprised, but well, why not? Nodding her head, she’d chuckle, ]Sure, um, and with a brief glance about, she downed the good third that was the rest of her watered pint. As he pointed out Ruth’s obvious smirking, she’d snort into the empty glass, like Fen’harel, he’s trouble, rubbing her nose with the cuff of her shirt.

Leaving the glass, Meg slipped out of the stool to gather her satchel laid at her feet. Where we gonna start? reaching into the bag, she pulled out a similar looking scarf, this one longer though, fingers wrapping it carefully as she spoke. Oh! You should make me guess. Yes. That’s a much better idea.
Nairn chuckled, Well, I disappeared into the shadows before he could get a hand on me... and Bertie smoothed it over. Though his laughter faded as she abandoned her pint, hands outstretched towards him. He shook his head slightly.

Later'll be fine. Sure it's nothin' though. Probably just pulled a muscle.

And then, in an attempt to keep wandering eyes off of him, he'd changed the topic. He'd claim it was to save her from her fumble. They weren't in the Coterie drinking hall; a public one. But she was still new... And she'd forgotten that magic was outlawed.

She seemed more than willing, downing the rest of her pint, and suggested a guessing game. Hah! Alright. We'll start heading in that direction... and you tell me where we're going before we get there. He offered.

They left the tavern and started walking down an alley, a backway to Lowtown. He quietly pointed out people, murmuring their names, occupation, and let her know whether to avoid them or if she could go to them for help.
She chuckled, reassured he’d made an escape of the old mage. He gave her the creeps. Meg flashed him a sheepish grin, nodding, Yeah. Still getting used to that. But I’ll hold you to it. Can’t have you out there not on top form, you don’t want to have to visit me if you don’t have to. Hands returned to finish off the rest of her pint and get them out of Ruth’s watchful eye.

Fingers pulled the scarf around her neck a few loops, then flicked out her brown curls from underneath. A hat followed, the colour differed, a mottled mesh of brown wools that covered her prominent dalish tips. Deal! Though I dunno how good I’m gonna be if I don’t know many things. Oh well. I’ll make something up. A giggle and she’d follow after him, close, but at enough a distance not to crowd him.

He’d point out people, ‘good’ and bad, and those he deemed trustworthy, Meg offered a wave and a warm smile. It drew confusion from some, chuckles and looks from others, but she paid it no mind, continuing to follow him while eyes took in every solid landmark to mark their path on her mental map. They began down another street and Meg turned to walk backwards for a spell, fingers mimicking an invisible trail through the air, mumbling, ... So we took a left… then a right… now we’re going.. Eas. No, West…

If we turn… her body swung around to stop in front of him, excitement growing in her voice, if we turn right again, are we at the canal? 
I dunno, you're not the worst person to visit at work. And then they were off... He ignored the looks, because he knew people were looking. Nairn was a shadow; he was not someone who willingly guided another around town. The few times he'd been told to, he'd let the poor soul flounder and fail until another member of the Coterie stepped in.

As she walked backwards, in front of him, he reached to guide her from bumping into things, though he doesn't actually touch her. His hand hovers by her arm, whichever way she needs to turn or adjust.

And then she swung around, excited, and he shrugged, Guess we'll have to take a right and see. Lead the way.
She’d look around and folks would shift their gaze, quit their staring as they’d pass, then slowly return to it. Meg was clueless, still fresh and new in the underbelly of criminals, but knew, down to her very marrow she was perfectly safe with him. He’d see her home by the end of their little tour.

She’d catch his guiding hand lingering nearby, flashing him a grin while she tried to gauge their whereabouts. It was a sweet gesture and not expected of one of the rougher of the Coterie’s boys. Though, since he denied telling her if her guess was true or not, a pout formed across her lips.

Paaah! Not even a hint? her head would swivel in a wide circle, body turning in back to face the way they were going. Fiiiiine. Next time you give hints. They’d reach the turn, taking it and walking down a short street to find… not a canal.


It was a small, tucked away garden in the heart of the dusty lowdown streets. A tree, not as old as the alienage’s vhenadahl shaded a small area, growing out of the split flagstones around a grate. Residents around had planted some other, hardy flowers that would survive the harsh dry climate during summer and the cool, chilling winds of winter.

I was totally wrong, but I don't care this is a much better spot.
Nairn grinned at her pout, the corners of his lips pulling into a half-smile. There's gonna be a next time? He raised his eyebrows at her, surprised. He'd not thought that far ahead; perhaps he was in over his head...

And they turned the corner, walked down the short street, only to stop in a garden. Yeah, this spot's much better. He grinned, and lowered himself onto an old, broken stone bench under the tree.

It's one of the best sights in the city, in my opinion. It wasn't the nicest garden, or the most furnished garden, but it was something that the poorer folks had come together to care for. Sometimes the small basket would be filled with fresh produce or baked goods for the street-rats. Nairn had survived off of that kind of thing as a child.
Meg nodded, her smile freely given, You think I’m gonna remember all the turns on my own? Chuckling, she’d shake her head, I’m better in the woods. Oh! Maybe another time we can take a walk through them? I can show you what plants not to touch. She’d been in the city for a few weeks and while there was some green in Kirkwall, she missed the familiar noises and smells of the forest.

The garden was a perfect compromise for the moment and Meg moved to check on the tree, a hand running down the bark, checking that it was flourishing in its confined space. Nature survives in the bleakest places. It brings people a lot of comfort, she’d quietly observe, turning to join him on the bench.

It’s partly why I have a lotta plants back in my loft. Some of them are… well, a lot are meant for healing, but there are a few flowers too. [/qMaybe she’d bring some here, add to the rest for the locals, Meg would think quietly, letting her eyes wander. [q]...What else does Nairn like?
Nairn watched her as she checked the tree, Yeah. I could use a lesson or three on the woods. Ain't been outta the city too much. He admitted, as she settled next to him on the bench.

She talked about her loft, and he tilted his head, blue eyes wandering over her face. Y'know, you should start a community garden for the healers, back at the C. Ain't none of us too good with plants. He couldn't help but think she was too soft to be in-debted to the Coterie. He'd pester someone about that later; find out what she owed, if anything.

When she asked what else he liked, his cheeks flushed, and he shrugged. Whatcha wanna know about? I like lotsa stuff.
Her head poked around to smile at him, it made sense given the C’s more city-focused business, it was a different type of Forest, Meg would muse. Ok, then we trade. I teach you some wood stuff and you can make sure I don’t wander down the wrong alley and end up with a knife in my belly. She was joking of course, there wasn’t much chance of that ever happening, not with magic at her call, but then no-one wanted to be so blasé about it either.

The idea of a Coterie garden though, well, that was something she could definitely get behind. A child-like excitement filled her face, lips parting to draw in a deep breath, That’s a brilliant idea! It would definitely mean we have, well you’d have, everyone I mean, would have the stock if something big went down. Her head tilted, gaze looking off into the distance in thought, I’d need some seeds, some of them are a bit tricky to grow, but I can figure it out… We could make add it to me teaching you wood stuff...

Distracted by the new train of thought, Megara chuckled, unaware at first that the simple question had thrown him. Well, I suppose it’s obvious… my favourite colour is green. So… I suppose you like green too? Saying as you didn’t mind the scarf’s colour. Her own cheeks coloured some, but the elf shrugged and pretended to have noticed something about a few of the flowerbeds.
Nairn snorted at her joke, and leaned to murmur, Nobody'll touch ya. Not after I show you around town. He was just one man of many, that people knew better than to fuck with. And then she was focused on the idea of a Coterie garden, but it didn't last. She seemed passionate about it, though, and he made a note to ask Ruth what kinds of seeds he should acquire. He doesn't linger too long on his friend, well-aware that the next time they run into one another, he'll be met with a shit-eating grin.

Unfortunate. Her response made him chuckle, I don't mind... green. 'specially when it's from a pretty girl. He leaned to murmur in her ear, But my favorite color's blue. He doesn't elaborate, as he stands. Just as someone came into view with their friends, to enjoy the gardens. He cleared his throat, and nodded the way they'd come. We best get going, if I'm gonna finish showing you around.
Meg’s eyes squinted at him, giggling, What you gonna do, follow me like a shadow everywhere? Her head shook. Na, I’m really grateful for the help, really. I’m still getting used to this City-Living, so I’m glad.

She liked plants. Anything that required some level of nurturing she would throw herself into learning and helping to craft healthier, more effective varieties. When her attention finally broke on her little tangent she felt her cheeks warm at the sound of him chuckling, a nervous hand coming up to brush a lock of her hair back behind a reddening ear as he called her pretty.

The same one he now murmured close to sending a shiver down the healers spine. Megara held her breath and then the moment was gone as he pulled away, standing and leaving her there sat on the bench a flushed and distracted mess. Um.. sure. Yes. The tour! she chuckled to hide the sudden giddy awkwardness that made her leg bounce before she joined him to leave.

She needed a smoke. Desperately. Or she was going to reach for his hand at some point and Meg wasn’t sure if that was too soon or not. Maybe when they went out into the woods… or spent more time talking. She liked hearing him talk. Following him out, she’d busy her hands with finding her pipe, fingers packing it with practised ease even while on the slow move out of the garden.

Where to next Captain Nairn? pulling a hand back to playfully salute him with a grin.
Nairn chuckled quietly, I'm one of the bogeymen, Megara. His voice is quiet, as he walked next to her, watching her pack the pipe with practiced ease. He doesn't elaborate on what that means, though he does rest a hand against the upper part of her back, guiding her as they walk and she prepared her pipe.

Mmm, I think we'll go by the docks and circle up to the tavern again. He hoped Ruth had found a body to keep him occupied, and would be gone by the time they returned.