Tomb Raiding, Spiders, and Spell Flingers
“Are you trying to praise my talents and not be overheard or something?” Catching her mumbling something to herself. Of course he would turn it into something built to stroke his ego, even if she denied it the elf would still pretend such as the squeeze to his hand earned a slight narrowing of his eyes. Hiding was instinctual by this point, though after a long minute he’d lightly return it, as if it was just an afterthought to him. She was high, who would believe her anyway?

Ruth chuckled as she voiced how he would use the words and situation to his advantage. His grin flashed wickedly. “Yup. All of it, but not all at once. Pfft.” Unload all his ammunition in one go? Certainly not. “Gonna drag that out all slow like. Wee word here, small mention of details there… Don’t worry, you and Vera will get plenty opportunities to chase my ass.” He’d spare her the added, Might let you catch me, that continued on within the confines of his mind.

“Charlatan!” Ruth protested, sitting back up with a frown. “You never said anything about there being rules beforehand. No backsies! A deals a deal, Dora, or I’m adding this to my ammunition.” He’d hold her stare, this was serious, but if she was going to be difficult… and she did have an axe. Ruth muttered something thin Dalish under his breath before his eyes rolled back to his work. A slyness slipped across his features, “Beggars can’t be choosers. First tavern we get to, both of us gonna enjoy them nice waters.”

Since she seemed to be doing better, Ruth pressed on with a further spell, regenerating the damaged tissue now the reckless dwarf was in no danger of dying. “Well you’ll certainly sleep tonight and no, that was not me inviting myself either. I don’t bed half-dead corpses, nor do I wish to undo all my good work. After a potion or two, you’ll feel less weakened, but if I see you threatening someone, including me with Vera in less than a week, I’m going to sedate you.” She shouldn’t try him, his brow and look suddenly very poignant, Ruth was not above rendering his most difficult patients unconscious if necessary.

“Though. For curiosity sake, what would?” he’d ask, a shiteating grin beginning to spread. He definitely needed a sample of this venom, ask the Stoner to take a look at the particulars. “I think being high suits you, I dunno if I could cope if you were like this all the time though. Amusing as it is. I’d usually say, ‘give in’ to it, but again, I don’t bed half-dead corpses, though you are pinking up nicely now. Cheeks are getting rosy again, or is it because of all the patter we’ve been having?”

“Or, is it cos I’m pretty?”
Theodora knew if she looked away from his gaze now, if she broke away from where he had just called her a charlatan, that she'd never, never, ever hear the end of it.  But in the end she had broke the stare first, eyes going down to where he still touched her, following his own gaze.  She couldn't help the heat in her cheeks, nor that he turned to his own from of trickery.  The first tavern.  And it wasn't that far.  It would be by nightfall that she would have to pay up in a bath with him.

"[color=#ff851b]What?  What would have me taking someone to my bed?[/color]"  She obviously had missed that grin, as her own eyes had closed by then, so she thought about it a moment.  "I guess, someone who was true to themselves might earn them a pass.  Or if I found the person handsome or pretty enough and they weren't an absolute cunt of a personality."  And then he continued on, oh he hadn't been serious, and that had her cheeks red, not just rosy, but red.  She had thought him serious as she finally looked back over to him, and had treated the inquiry as serious, and so now that he was having a go at her again, she closed her mouth.

Of course he would have asked it simply to tease.  "[color=#ff851b]I'm glad I'm amusing you, you can take that as payment instead.[/color]"

But she would listen and not try and smack him upside the head, or threaten with her axe at the moment.  He was putting her back together, the least she could do was to swallow her pride for a little while longer, take the bath with him, and then set out in the morning on a direction the other way from him.  "[color=#ff851b]It's because your magic is making enough blood back in my body, they're always nice and rosy when I have enough blood in me to make 'em so.[/color]"  She squinted down at him a moment, as he continued the tease.  "[color=#ff851b]It's not because you're pretty, short-arse.  And what do you mean cope, if I was like this all the time?[/color]"

Her brain had finally caught that, and now -- "[color=#ff851b]You wouldn't think me fun if I was slightly blitzed?  Tch, see there is where you're mistaken.  I am simply darlin' when I'm in my cups and happy like.  It's why you have to save that kidney and all, I need that to process out all the ale it takes to make me drunk after all![/color]"  She snorted once and regretted it immediately, the pull of internal muscles that weren't quite ready for such a deep breath followed by a forceful exhale had her hand squeezing over his again, the only sign that the pain had been there, and the slacking touch after the only indication she would give that it had passed.  Teach her to not take his medical advice seriously.  "[color=#ff851b]Fine I'll take this bath with you, but you have to keep your hands to yourself and above water.[/color]"

She gave him a pointed stare then.  She was daring him to try and make her spell it out.
Surprised by the submission, Ruth almost did a double take. Almost. Her injury required his full attention to think about it further. His ego came back with full gusto as she voiced standards for a bedfellow. “I have a wonderful personality.” He’d argue. Sorta. His mouth landed him in enough trouble, though it equally rescued him too.

She did look good in red though. Not blood red of course, but that deep rosy shade really did bring out her eyes some more.

Pleased his warning had been heeded, Ruth continued piecing her back together. “Ah yes, my magic. Not my knowledge, or my witty tongue, or the delicate control it takes. I’m an artist.” Her senses were returning though, retorting words cutting in tone, but lacked in accuracy that caused Ruth’s hands to pause, his head deliberately turning to raise a brow at her. “I’m still taller than you. So no. If anyone’s the Short ass, it’s you, Spiderbait.”

A smirk broke out across his face. “If you were like this all the time, I’m pretty sure it devolve into assault. Not that I’d mind. I’m not above having my back ripped to shreds, but again, I’d rather you ask me all rosy like, not fogged and fake.” He wasn’t about to bed anyone who wasn’t in the full faculties either, especially when he knew the person some. Even in the high of alcohol and the fog of whatever stimulant he was under, there were some lines even Ruth didn’t cross.

“Big difference between slightly, and blitzed. I’d need to play catch up, think I’d like to meet darlin’ one day. You see wankered Ruth enough.” Captain Ruth. For some reason he leaned on the pirate aspect, the vagabond who commanded a ship (the table), when the group took rest at a tavern. Her grip over his hand caught his attention, brow furrowing briefly before his casting hand adjusted, the balm of magic increased and sped up further. A smugness entered his expression with her conditions, pity, but the bath was on the cards.

“I can adopt the resemblance of a gentleman. I’m not above respectability.” A wink tossed, Ruth withdrew both hands, the glyph around still lingering illuminating the space. Leaning back he grinned at her, “My hands will remain wherever you tell me to put them, promise,” why did he do that?
"[color=#ff851b]Oh you bastard,[/color]" she finally barked out, trying not to laugh, because each contraction of her abdominal wall had her wincing.  "[color=#ff851b]Stop trying to make me laugh, or are you trying to have me keep messing up your work, so you can keep touching me?[/color]"  Reason, and as it leaned, her ability to keep up with what he was saying was coming back to her now, and she was certain that in another moment or two, he'd have her back into good enough shape that they'd be able to get up and move soon.  She really didn't want to spend a night on the road without getting all the blood and guts off her.  And then there was an extra touch of soothing he gave her, and her muscles relaxed finally as she could allow her insides to do what they needed to do to heal faster.  She knew as tense as she was, it was going to hinder his ability to put her back together quickly.

"[color=#ff851b]Wankered Ruth is fun, but I doubt he'd be one to want his back ripped all to shreds.  You sound like you do though.  Just make sure which ever girl or guy it is you finally get to have that with scrubs out from under their nails first.  Not everyone makes sure their hands are as clean as yours or mine.  Especially under the nails.[/color]"  She shuddered at the thought of having someone with dirty nails stick them up inside her.  She was fairly certain that'd cause some pain.  "[color=#ff851b]Respectability?[/color]"

Her eyes finally cracked open as she looked him over, when his hands left her skin, letting the area that had been so warm under his gentle touch started to go cold on her, missing the connection and the touch then, as much as it made her insides twist and her mind tell her she still wanted him.  She knew better, knew that come morning she'd be so disappointment in herself if she just bed the first man that caught her attention.  Mina was easy, it was all kissing, but they never kissed on the lips, only between one another's legs.  And then her eyes where shifting downwards to his lips, imagining what they'd feel like, a little rougher than Mina's, stronger, they'd tug at her skin harder, pull more from her than just a tender suckle.  He'd put those hands of his back on her, but, that had to be the spider venom talking, making her feel things still.  She'd feel differently once it wore off, and she could go back to pretending she couldn't smell the lemongrass and almond on his skin when he was close.

"[color=#ff851b]Is that a promise?  Anywhere I like?[/color]"  The words left her mouth before she could stop them, before she could reflect on why she had said that, before she realized that she might actually want to have him touch her more.  And not just for healing.  Why did he had to be so handsome anyway?  She hated the way it made her feel, and hated that as soon as they got a little bit down the road he'd slip back behind the masks, hide.  Be less the person she had been seeing, been lusting for, in the past few minutes, and more the Ruth he showed the world, and her.  "[color=#ff851b]So if I told you to wash all that blood and spider venom off them and make sure you damn near put your entire hand inside me while your tongue made short work of an orgasm, you'd do the gentlemanly thing and hop too?[/color]"

[color=#7fdbff]~~~A Few Hours Later~~~[/color]

She had been patched up, but she was told she needed to take it easy, and so when the tavern had come into view, she had gone, like told, to shed off her armor and gear and get her soaps and to head to the baths.  There was a boy there that was going to clean her armor up, so she could re-oil it herself.  No use in her trying to scrub it clean when a couple coppers would buy that chore for her.  The oils though, she insisted.  She needed to do that herself, to touch each rivet, each joint in parts of the plate to make sure they still sat where they should, would keep her moving properly mid battle.  These were small checks she couldn't leave to just anyone.  She needed to feel the steel in her fingers, to make sure that another sword wouldn't bite through them in the future.  She obviously had taken one too many blows to that plate -- it had been hammered back out too many times already -- it had been a matter of time, she had realized that evening.  A matter of time before that plate would fail, and so as soon as she was near enough a forge, she would spend a day melting the metal down, adding more flux and steel powder, and trying to force it back into an ingot, and then draw it back down by hammer into the appropriate shape for the plate.

She headed to the bath room, a towel around her body, and several more in her arms as she padded into the room and made her way to the open tub that had just been drained and refilled for her bath.  She knew, that Ruth would be there soon enough, so she wanted to try and get the water as soapy white as possible, to try and obscure her naked flesh as much as possible.

As much bravado as she had, teasing him earlier in the day, rest, blood loss, and the wearing off of the spider venom had her a bit more timid about taking this bath with him now.  But she was full of food, patched up, and swore to rest and being clean.  And he had saved the kidney after all...

Setting the towels down there, she drew the curtain back, and stepped into the tub before checking to see if anyone was in there.  Only once she had both feet in the water, did she lose the towel to the bench there at the side, and she was walking herself down the stairs into the steaming water, sighing appreciatively at the heat as it did instant wonders for her muscles.  She slid over onto the seat, once she was shoulder deep into the water, a hand going to her freshly healed side to check the skin, still oblivious to if she was alone or not, all the larger the bathing tub was in this tavern.  Stone, and one that one had to walk down into it, it fed up from a hot springs near by.  "[color=#ff851b]Oh that hits the spot..[/color]"
“Feeling pain is a good sign. Shows you’re not dead yet,” he chuckled with a shake of his head. The magic would continue on working long after his palms crossed her skin. Soft, not unexpected given the wounds location but it was just something he’d noticed in passing, nothing unusual. “Laughter loosens you up, tells me where it really hurts instead of what your mouth might tell me.” There was always a reason for his quips, whether reaction or pure calculative reasons he’d share with no-one. He could be a nosy, paranoid shit at times.

He snickered, nodding in agreement. Captain Ruth, Wankered Ruth, both were a fun time. He made up half his earnings at the tables, cards, chess, he had an eye for the quiet long game of strategy and a working mind, but his well lubricated mouth could turn it all on its head. Fogged and addled by drink and whatever other stimulant imbued Ruth would indulge, his confidence was brazen, cheeky, but if ‘no’ ever graced his ears he’d be neither offended nor undeterred from finding amusement elsewhere. “Again, how would you know?” and adding with a filthy chuckle, “Why’d you think we bathe first.”

He’d shrug indifferently to her question. “Maybe. Maybe not.” Could he behave for a full five minutes? Probably. Did he want to? No. He had no reason to, only when it suited him. When it came to ones agency though, he was a firm advocate unless the patient turned violent. He’d seen her scrap, swing that axe around the field with an odd grace, but as he sat back Ruth let that thread of thought drop for later, feeling her eyes on him.

She was staring for far too long, his head shifting to gauge her while his brows knitted together. He didn’t understand at first, “You’re staring Dora. I'm counting this as you think I'm pretty.” And then it began to trickle out of her, the small plea of a promise, to fulfil such a deviant request of him. Well, the elf chuckled, brows lifting high in shock at the boldness, something he proudly applauded her for. Perhaps there was hope for her, who knew? A heavy dose of suspicion soon crept into his brow, “The fistings a nice touch, and for a split second I thought you might be serious, but I’m guessing you’ve have one heavy dose of venom, Spiderbait. On any other given day you’d be trying to wash my mouth out with soap, not swap poor Mina out for me. If you’re really asking, then do it sober, but I bet you ain’t the balls.”

~~A few hours later~~

His group had rendezvoused with the pair and together they had made their way back along the road. It was a familiar inn to Ruth, casually slipping away while the others sorted the details and knowing the order of things never really changed much, the elf had already headed to the usual rooms checking they were empty before dumping his pack and raiding through it. Shedding his outer robe the lithe elf still donned a few layers but he resigned to indulge in some quiet payback.

Taking his towel and a clean set of clothes he’d meander his way into the bathing area, careful to knock first before entering so not to startle who’s familiar groan called out. “I do hope you’re not doing anything naughty in there Dora. Injured, no less.” 
Her eyes were closed when she heard the door open, and she heard him come in.  Theo figured she would keep her eyes closed until she heard him slide into the water.  It was dark enough in that corner of the room that she knew if she just kept her eyes closed until she heard and felt the water ripple around her in the sunken pool, that she wouldn't see anything inadvertently.  But, she couldn't help the immediate crossing of her arms over her chest, and the urge to sink down into the water a bit further, just to make sure that he didn't get a good eyeful of her chest.

Theo didn't know why, she didn't have the usual shame many people had when it came to the naked form, her own at least -- she had a bit of a streak of shyness when it came to other's naked bodies.  She could barely be with Wilhelmina without turning thirty shades of red when her tongue was busy lapping at the grey-headed elf's cunt, or when the elf's fist was deep inside Theo's own.  She hadn't minced words earlier about that, it was one of her favorite things to do with the younger elf, but Theo knew as long as she was paying for it, it didn't really count as anything but the act itself.  There was no feeling, nor love attached to it, just an itch to be scratched.  And there was the matter of Theo never having been kissed -- she was saving that for someone special.  So when Ruth Yoesif had been there, had patched her up, his fingers expertly drawing patterns across tender and ticklish healing flesh, she hadn't exactly been kidding in her want to feel his fingers pressing deep inside her until he was buried inside her up to his well proportioned wrist, even if she chalked it up to the spider venom that she had consumed there in the ruins earlier in the day, but as night had fallen, she had still imagined it -- through dinner, and then all the way here to the bath.

How long would it take for her to work up the courage on her own to ask again?  She wasn't sure, but she knew she'd have to eventually.  She'd spent too long gazing at those hands and imagining them on her, in her, to pass by the chance, even if it was something quick and done.  And if she was being completely honest with herself, she knew it wouldn't happen until he dropped the act, the mask around her, for her to feel completely safe enough with him doing more risque touching of her body.  Even if the spider venom had enhanced her feelings in the moment, she knew now, hours later, even with the dulled familiar sense back to her, she still felt the faintest of needs to find Mina soon, or her own hands, or if she could work up the courage, his hands.

So when he said something about doing something naughty, she hadn't thought about the idea that she could slip a hand deeper into the darkened water, but the thought, and the desire was gone once again as his words continued and she remembered he had told her she wouldn't have the guts to ask it again, and all the teasing she was going to endure over the next few months about some of the things she had said.  There would be time later to think back to having his hands back on her, and imagining one in her, "[color=#ff851b]No Ruth.  Remember, you told me you'd fuss at me if I did anything to undo any of your work. I figure that includes the major F's.  Fighting, fucking, and fisting, gotta take those off my list for at least a few days.[/color]"

She shifted in the water, still keeping her arms folded over her chest as she looked over at the door, "[color=#ff851b]And I don't really cherish the idea of being fussed at.[/color]"
With his warning given the healer pushed his way into the washroom, the bath's far edge fading into the dusk of candlelight. Wow, how romantic of you, he’d tease with a chuckle, moving to the side to cast down the clothes and towel carried. Casting a quick glance around to find her he witnessed the sudden shift in her usual brunt confidence. She shrunk, and for the dwarf to do so only encouraged the brat further, the itch to see how far he could push before he reigned himself in some. Her words reminding and sobering the professional side of him into action.

Dora wasn’t like the others. She had a code, or whatever and she stuck by it from what he’d witnessed in their few jaunts. This one had been a messy occasion, but in some sense the unlikely pairing had proved effective. Some fine tuning and perhaps if a second occasion presented itself they’d both make it out unscathed… but then he wouldn’t get to slip into the same tub as she, would he?

Ruth snickered, though unable to quite hide his own weariness of the day, No need to be so shy, Dora, it ain’t nothin’ I, a healer ain’t seen plenty times before. He was tired, she was exhausted and in need of healing, while teasing her mercilessly would be fun, Ruth also craved to be clean. The buckle of his belt clanged against the stone floor, pants soon following in a softer drop to the floor. His undershirt trailed past his waist to to the mid-thigh, towel now home over one shoulder when he began walking to the edge. If you don’t wanna see anythin’ I suggest you shut your eyes. Only time I’m gonna warn you Dora. I ain’t got nothing to be ashamed of.

Reaching the edge, Ruth first hung up the towel for later, his eyes taking one more glance over to the dwarf before he pulled the shirt over and took a step up to join her.
He teased, so much, but she could handle the teasing. It was the other things that had started to raise their head in her mind, in the corners of hallways left locked for a decade. Had her parents still been alive, she most likely would have been married, with children, her husband and her having taken over her family's business of Dwarven mechanicals, and she wouldn't be sitting there, trying to school her face back into one of calmness as she jumped at the sound of his belt hit the floor.

The gentle flutter of fabric, and then his voice again, shaking her out of the stupor that had her silent as she tried to look anywhere but at the very obvious place he was insinuating she would look. True, she was curious, but not enough so to oggle him outright as he got into the water. There's a difference between seeing something as a healer, and seeing it as a man. Besides they're my tits and the arms are staying. Maybe. She would reconsider once he got situated in the water and not above her so far.

She felt the flush rise to her cheeks as he lifted a leg, she was a Warrior, she looked to movement naturally because that movement could be a hidden knife, or an age coming her way, so movement in general made her look, and she immediately tried to move her eyes anywhere else than the eyeful of thigh she just saw. Ruth, you didn't happen to get hit by anything in the fight did you?

Maybe it was her imagination, or maybe she was just trying to think of an excuse to have another look at that thigh, but she swore there was a large red lump there that wasn't normally any part of male anatomy that she knew of. Not that she knew much about it, the basics, twig and berries, outside instead of in. Stone help her. Only because I didn't mean to get a good look at your leg, but that leg up you just did to come down into the bathing pool, it looks like you have a pretty nasty welt there and far be it for me to take a longer glance, but are you okay? It looks like it would hurt.

Stone swallow her now, she was going to be red for months.
He dropped the shirt to the floor as he took a step up towards the edge. While his gaze was mostly set on the action, sparing her a fleeting glance, hers seemed to keep a polite stare. Pity. It was also unfortunate that they were both so drained and frazzled by the encounter that he’d decided to give her some lenience when it came to her sentence. She was injured after all, she shouldn’t move too much, not too animatedly. I meant you’ve nothing to be embarrassed about, but carry on. I’ll just be relaxing best I can.

While he held no qualms about his own body, comfortably striding up and over to step into the water, Ruth’s back was something he didn’t enjoy recalling. Lines of white criss crossed across the pale flesh, long healed over, while their shrunken edges hinted at their age. A lingering reminder of how his father had tried to ‘mentor’ him into adulthood. The rest were dalish in origin and he had no trouble recanting those stories and their meaning to him.

His final glance though, found and held her stare when descending, brow beginning to furrow just as his thigh hit the water. The sting burned along his nerve like wildfire, catching every muscle off guard to form a hiss. His momentum paused and he grunted in response before settling fully back into the water, clenching his teeth and sucking in a breath against the pain. Fuck. His mood had flipped from about to enjoy a relaxing, fun time to the bitter reminder why he hated travelling with others.

You meant to look, he’d grumble, teasing her before sinking under completely to soak his hair. Clearing the water out of his eyes he then held them back up, do I have permission to check? Or am I going to be accused of being naughty? While he winked, his grin strained at the edges of his mouth. Her pink face was still priceless though, and if the winked earned him a further shade or two he’d be rolling in favours to squeeze out of her later.

Then, because he couldn’t help himself, Or is this you asking to feel me up? Smirk devious, despite the scolding pain creeping up his thigh now exposed to the water. And I’m deemed the naughty one, for shame, Dora, for shame. I’m obviously an injured man. It be taking advantage, surely?
Oh Ruth, must you tease me so much this evening. Let's jut have a nice evening in the.. She saw that pain, and was moving around the edge of the tub, as if she had come directly across it would have been well above her head and she would have had a time getting back up to the surface -- the dwarf didn't know how to swim after all, but as soon as he had hissed, and was sinking under, she had made her way over just a bit closer. As good as she was at taking people apart with her axe, she worried just as much about those she had history with, and with Ruth, they had history. And she cared, more than she would like to admit sometimes when it came to him. He wasn't always honest with her, with himself, but they were honest enough with one another when it mattered, and that, in her book, was what mattered the most when it came to running jobs with one another.

Please do, I'd hate for it to be a wound that takes you out, especially if it's that spider venom. We know what it does when ingested, but we don't know what it'll do in the blood, Ruth. Theo tried to keep the worry out of her voice, but it was there, regardless, as she watched and then turned her eyes away. As long as you don't start moaning and keep your hands under the water longer than needed, then I won't accuse you of trying to.. do unbecoming things.

And then he went on and she turned back, quick enough that she pulled something inside and she herself winced a little before she was making a face at him. You're the one who had the chance while I was swimming in spider venom to get me to feel all over you and now you're suggesting I would while you're hurt? I'm appalled that you don't think I'd have some what of the same rules that came to people I might take to my bed not being incapacitated? She clicked her tongue as she shook her head. I wouldn't take advantage of anyone, and you know it! Stone take her, her cheeks felt burning hot now, and under that undercurrent of mild shame that she had looked was the worry for him. Honestly Ruth, just check so we can make sure and you can get back to trying to turn me as red as a rose just bloomed. She turned there on the side seat, so that he could check without risk of her looking again, even if she was tempted to peek over her shoulder just to make sure he didn't try and tell her it was nothing.
The pain shot up from his thigh as water rushed over and into the wound. His jaw clenched, biting back a curse as she began complaining then abruptly halted. Eyes followed her circling the edge before he finally settled and sank under, returning a moment later hands raised.

As he flashed her a grin and teased his mind wondered how and when the injury might have occurred, probably when he’d been icing the beasties and he gave a shrug of his shoulders. Hasn’t killed me yet, probably nothing serious, brushing off any concern. He thought the bath was softening her up, but then she turned away all shy like and quipped back, reminding him of her earlier persuasion. Ruth laughed. Should make that my middle name. Id we did middle names. Na. I’m not about to have a happy time alone, when I’ve company.

Feeling around the skin, Ruth determined the bite wasn’t something to be concerned about, though the speed she whipped around caused him to frown, then roll his eyes. Fuck sake, Dora, I’m joking. Now pipe you’re wee dwarven butt down and take my hand. Honestly, I can do this one handed and make sure you’ve not tore something at the same time.

Elevating his leg and palming the wound, Ruth’s freehand reached for one of hers and once gripped let the balm of healing flow. While I enjoy the good romp, I know you a little, dwarf. It’s cute how flustered you get over a bit of harmless teasing. Eventually he’d feel the sting abate some and sense her own injuries were recuperating well enough to release her hand to rest on the tub's edge. His eyes shuttered closed, enjoying the water and merely nodding along with her until she was done. The offer still stands when we’re not stabbed, bitten and recovering. I’ll happily nibble away. One eye peeked open. How red is that gonna make you I wonder? New shade, surely.
Theo almost jerked her hand away from his, after he told her to calm her butt down, but then her fingers were slotted with his and he called her cute when flustered, which started the whole thing over again, her chest and eventually face red as could be, which she hoped could be attributed to the warmth of the water, as she felt that familiar touch of his magic through her again, and she took the moment to watch his face again.

He was a good healer, and that was a credit to him. As abrasive and flirty as he could be at times, he still had that undercurrent of compassion in him, always. She shifted her eyes away before he could catch her again, he would give her an infinite amount of shit more than he was already planning on giving her, and already they had both broken her rule of hands above water -- which if she was forced to admit, is difficult for a bath anyway.

There on her slice of the seat, she stretched her legs out and wiggled her toes in the water, her eyes sliding almost closed as rhe water, and his magic, did it's work. I'm glad it's nothing serious then. Can't have my best healer go off and get himself taken out of commission. Not that you're mine, I mean, just that.. all those words came tumbling out and she finally gave up and stopped talking. And then the offer for nibbling came and she felt that familiar warmth seep through her, the same warmth that she'd feel when Mina's hands slid over her skin, or her mouth would place kisses along a hip.

Stone take her, he really was trying to murder her from embarassment wasn't he?

But there was the offer again, and she rolled the idea of rolling in a bed with him through her mind. She knew, the spider venom was no longer in her system, she didn't have the immediate want to straddle him like she had back in the field earlier in the day, so that warmth had been genuine, which confused the hell out of her -- she had been fairly certain at the start of this day that her opinions of Ruth had been very... not good.

And now?

When his hand drew away, she moved to hug her arms back around her middle, fingers closed into loose fists, trying to retain the feel of his touch just a moment longer. Certainly it was blood loss and nothing more, right? Remnants in her system of the spider venom -- but he had been bitten and hadn't displayed any of the same symptoms..

Then spend the night in my bed and make good on that threat of a good time kn the morning. She held his one eyed gaze, for a moment, before she had to look away. She's never dealt with such overt flirting, and she wasn't sure if he meant it or not, so, she figured her words would give her her answer quickly. They'll name the shade for you, I reckon, Ruthmillion or something, a shade of red so deep, that only Ruth can bring it out of your cheeks. She finally brought both her hands up out of the water, and layer her arms up on the edge of the tub, the heat sinking into sore muscles finally.
A simple truth and she melted like butter, it was almost comical how quickly she went from all guns blazing to beetroot red and stammering. Ruth smirked, but didn’t offer any further comment as he let his magic work over both of them. Even as her gaze shifted quickly, he could tell she was observing him, ear picking up on the slight change in the water, the pulse beating in her hand. His concentration lay elsewhere though, divided between the different injuries. One post-surgery while he’d suffered a mere inconvenience that stung worse than carpet burned knee’s after a good fuck.

Yet she caused a brow to arch curiously as she addressed him as ‘hers’. Mine, is it? he’d chuckle, a snort finding the end of it. A while ago she was cursing him out, then suddenly talking filth under duress, now it was babbling words. I ain’t anyones. Prefer it that way, Spiderbait. His eyes closed, thinking that was the end of it, but no, she had more to say apparently. Had he really unnerved her to the point of near stupor or was this all the last remnants of the venom?

It wasn’t real. Her inability to keep his gaze reassured him she didn’t actually mean it. Nor would he, if she was even serious about it. Fogged, he’d have been more inclined, but there was no bump, nor nip of alcohol to fuel the usual bravado that went hand in hand with his usual persuasion. She’d regret it, Ruth thought. In the morning light she’d see that empty space and curse him out, burn a professional contact for kicks. No.

I think you misheard me, brows furrowing a fraction, though they still arched with underlying wickedness. I said when we’re not stabbed, bitten and recovering. I don’t fuck half-dead corpses, even if I’ve done the surgery, Precious. I already told you the terms before. His peeking eye mirrored that same sentiment, though as she named the shade her skin was slowly building to, he laughed heartily.

Ruthmillion, he repeated, mulling over the name with a slight tilt of his head. Mmm. It might grow on me, might not.
Yeah we'll see. She finally quipped back as she closed hey own eyes and finished the bath without too much more incident. It was that way then. And come morning she's be back on a stallion and halfway to Kirkwall before anyone knew any better. Maybe she's pick up another job, or maybe she's head towards the Back Water and spend a couple days in the middle of no where, nursing all her wounds.

She left him, some time later, a small pat on his arm as she finally gathered her courage to leave the safety of the water, rivulets rolling down and catching along scars, diverting from their natural path by raised silver lines. She was red faced as she had pulled the towel around herself, trying not to show off too much, but he had already assured her earlier, it wasn't anything he hadn't ever seen as a healer. Goodnight, Ruth.

She didn't linger, she wasn't going to let him embarass her anymore than she already felt, so as soon as she could pull a clean tunic over her head and leave the room, she did, and then it was off to the narrow bed, and sleep.


Morning came, and she sat in the main room, finishing off some ale, with a few rushers of bacon and eggs, a loaf of bread, everything her body would need to start healing up past what his magic had done. She had experienced blood loss, magical surgery, and almost losing a kidney, so, food, and soon she would find somewhere she trusted the water to quench the thirst she couldn't help but feel. She had a long ride ahead of her, so she needed to be sober, and alert. The mage who had brought all this about was dead, but he had mentioned others in his group looking for these artifacts. Hopefully, she wouldn't see any of them any time soon.

The stable lad came in and let her know her horse was ready. She had been of half a mind to wait to see if Ruth would show up. The man made her weary at times, but he was good to her. She at least owed him a sober thank you, even if he was planning on never letting her forget the way her mouth ran while high. Another day, another battle. She'd wait five more minutes, finish off her breakfast.

Then she'd go, thank you or not, she didn't fancy camping out, not when she could be in the comfy beds at the Back Water, and maybe tempt the elf there into her bed, for a warm body beside her at least. Because it's just about a warm body huh? Theo murmured to herself as she nursed the last bit of ale in her mug.
Perhaps because he had learned the hard way, mixing business and pleasure. He’d burned enough bridges in his time, made plenty of mistakes under the influence or not at all with his mouth and lack of impulse control. It was enough that he suffered for his own actions rather than bring anyone else into it permanently, lest they seek to change him or who he was. A bastard.

An eye peeked open as she patted him, closing it again with a nod as she made her moves to leave. See, and I didn’t even try to sneak a feel. So close, but no. Blind, he’d flash her a grin following it up with a wicked cackle that bubbled into nothing as he dipped fully under again. A final hum let out though, Goodnight, Dora, then a snicker, can’t wait to hear about your dreams in the morning.


When it did come, he woke later than intended, a rare long round of sleep lulling into unconsciousness the moment his head hit the pillow. For a few bleary moments he was unsure where he was until the familiar noises of the tavern filtered through. His party wouldn’t have left yet, having been on the road a while they’d welcome a late departure, but what of little Dora? He’d have to round on his patient before she took off.

Dressing, Ruth then went about acquiring a mug of coffee before finding the dwarf outside. I hope you weren’t thinking of bolting off without a final check-up, Spiderbait? A smug, cheeky grin crawled smugly to one side, coffee cup used as a prop to point at her. He’d snatch her wrist before she could retort, a light sensory press of his magic telling him her wounds were continuing to heal nicely. Now, remember, healers orders. No swinging for a week. A brief pause before he released her and backed away, Unless it’s wee Mina of course, I know you’re more than taken care of in her hands.

Snickering, he’d dart back in, calling out a final farewell to her behind him.