A Gentle Rapping, Rapping At My Cottage Door
DOTH so, Blood, Drugs, Alcohol, Language, Hints of Sexuality, Violence, Only One Bed, Angst, Longing, Mistaken Attraction as Dislike, Epic Sass
Ruth blew a scoff through his nose and before pulling his shirt over rubbed an ear. I can hear you breathing. These aren’t just for show, they are sensitive. Then as he threaded one arm then another, he’d smirk, You hitch your breath at points trying not to laugh out loud. Pulling his shirt down, a hand reached for the other, his eye rolling over to catch her and the sound. His brow rose, regarding her with a sardonic look. My eyes… eye is up here, Spiderbait.

Cracking a grin, he’d chuckle pulling over the second layer before running both hands through his hair. Elbows leaned on top of knees, hands cradled his head as Ruth tried to recall the haze of the last however many hours since he’s been on some even keel. Nothing. Well, that didn't bode well. A headache was already knocking and despite the uninterrupted sleep, fatigue plagued his movements. His mind was slowly piecing together where he was while his throat, dry and scratchy, hoarsly replied. Food? Na, but… a couple of questions. Ruth stared at her, scrutenising her and then the rest of the cottage. He had no recollection of how he got here or.... We didn’t…his finger gestured between them, eye squinting. Did we?

His stomach wanted to rebel even on empty if they had. Not in disgust or anything, but from fucking up, again. Dora was smart, she still had a soul and the chance at an easy life without his or anyone else's bullshit complicating it, or catching feelings on a worthless one-eyed runt like him.

He should go. Body acting before his head had a chance to comprehend he was pushing himself to stand Ruth stumbled at first before righting firmly. I'm not hungry...
Dora's eyes watch him touch those ears that he had stopped her from touching earlier, making mental notes, no touching, don't breathe as loud. But you're so pretty to look at, you know. She quipped back just as fast, letting her gaze travel upward with an appreciative linger here and there. She could have smacked herself, if it was the other way around, she would have fussed to no end at him, and she hated a double standard. So she stopped, crossing her legs as she sighed gently.

When he asked, well, didn't ask if they had slept together, she immediately schooled her face, watching him as she leaned forward, letting the vee of her shirt fall down and open allowing an ample view. She raised a brow as she searched his face, I don't know what to be more hurt by. That I'd be so forgettable in bed that you'd not remember, or that you think I wouldn't still be straddling your face and grinding on your tongue while sucking you off. Dora deadpanned the entire thing, still leaned forward some and trying to fight the smile on her lips. Seriously Ruth, Danny brought you to me so far gone this time I doubt anything would have happened if we both wanted it to. Something about Nairn having everyone clear off for some time, or something. He figured you'd feel more comfortable here than most places. And you know I get lonely and always want the company.

When it's you. Went unspoken, and then he was standing and she forgot her promise from earlier about not touching him, and she grabbed his wrists, the circle of her fingers light, easily broken if he chose to pull away, but she wanted him to stay. She should... Stay. Ruth, you said it yourself, you don't have a bed to go to tonight. Stay, here, with me, I mean. I got the comfy chair and if you promise to keep your hands to yourself, the bed is big enough for the both of us.

Her cheeks were on fire.

@Ruth Yoesif
Ruth only scoffed at her words, shaking his head to brush them aside. He wasn’t in the mood to be teased, but the quip came out regardless, helping to stroke that usual ego of his into life. I am aren’t I? the question needn’t be answered since he rolled his eye and focused on dressing himself.

It all changed when he tried to ask without saying it out loud. His eye zero’d in on her, narrowing a little more while attempting to read her schooled expression. There was a minute waver in his gaze as the fabric slipped, the valley on display gleamed but her words had his full intention. He blinked, the line across his brow wobbled and then annoyed as she struggled to fight the smile itching to spread across her face. Enjoying yourself aren’t you? he’d grunt, turning his head away to glance around at where he’d slept as Dora explained Danny abandoning him there.

He’s a good lad. If he took me to Megara she’d’ve turned me into a plant. Snorting, Ruth picked up his satchel, intent on getting out of this suddenly awkward as fuck interaction. His head buzzed painfully between his orbits, guts clenched in ways that didn’t hunger for food but drink.

And then she had her hands all light and soft around his wrists, the sensation almost foreign, especially from her. The elf found himself staring at the contact, startled, but frozen in place until she’d finish saying her piece. Ruth’s throat went dry, mouth opened to say something until he looked at her and nothing, not a sound came out. Only a hesitant, awkward laugh. Damn she looked cute, all red faced. Ruthmillion. But the reality quickly sobered him, fear of her becoming attached, dependant on him, causing his hands to pull gently out of hers, one hand pushing hers back towards her.

I’m good. I need to go. You need… your sleep, work… whatever. he bounced a shoulder moving away towards the door at a pace. He’d pause though, giving her a firm nod. Thanks though. I’d say I’d try and not make a habit of it, but that would be a lie. Danny’s found another idiot to pass me off to. Think of it as a kindness that I don’t hang about, you’ve better things to do.

@Theodora Oridotti
It was .. meant to be a bit of a tease, sorry. Won't do it again. The humor had fallen flat, there was no laugh, nor even humor in his eye as he tried to flee her, so she let go when he pushed her hand away. She tucked her hands into the pockets of her skirt after she got up off the floor, following him to the door way, Aye, work. Another new gear for Nairn. And my hand crossbows, I got work to do. You're right.

She winced at the "idiot", frowning a bit at how it landed. Frowning more that it stung a little bit. You are still welcome any time Ruth. Stay safe out there. If you get too cold the door will be open, like I said. No one.. tries to rob the angry dwarf after all. She felt mortified as she waved him off, pulling the edges of her shirt up, damn the heat, and buttoning them up completely to her throat once he vanished around the bend. She didn't even have the excuse of spider venom.

Stepping back inside the cottage, she closed the door, mindful not to latch the lock, before she went to her workbench and pulled over a fine bit of titanium, not realizing there was a tear rolling down her cheek, until it splattered on the paper schematic below. Alone, she swiped angry at her cheeks as the familiar emptiness of loneliness settled back in, turning away from the bench to choke down the sob, to tense up her shoulders to not let them shake. She told herself firmly to stop being so weak, and when it all finally passed, when she was certain she could hold the tears in, the sob that still sat in her throat wouldn't make an appearance, did she finally turn back to her work, sliding her glasses on, and throwing herself headlong into the work ahead.


@Ruth Yoesif