Two people shorten the road
After finally finding Adaria and smoothing things over there, Mica decided to spend some time in Val Royeaux by herself instead of going directly back to Antiva to collect her ten-year-old son. She needed some time to properly grieve her brother and she couldn’t do that if she was looking after her son. She figured she’d go in a couple of weeks and collect him from his step father in Antiva.

Being in Val Royeaux always felt more like home than it did in Antiva. Having spent ages sixteen to twenty-one in Val Royeaux going to school, which felt like a lifetime ago now. Then of course getting knocked up by the stable boy and married off to Pero, an Antivan noble had rather dulled her years back in Antiva. When the royals were forced to go into hiding because of the Crows, two years earlier, Mica didn’t hesitate to use that as an excuse to buy a home in Val Royeaux and spend her time there, while Pero stayed behind in Antiva City.

Now, walking through the bustling marketplace of Val Royeaux, Mica felt a strange sense of peace. The familiar sights and sounds were comforting, a gentle reminder of her younger, carefree days before she was thrust into the harsh realities of royalty.

She really needed to check back in with her friends since having gone off looking for Adaria. Maeve, Lucien, Claude and Rene were probably all wondering how she’d gone on looking for her niece. She was in no hurry to though, so she wandered around the stalls and shops, lost in her thoughts. Until she nearly collided into someone, she turned, a bit flushed because she felt silly for being so lost in thought that she hadn’t been watching where she was going.

I am SO sorry, I really should have been paying better attention.
A man as well traveled as Paolo had met a lot of people along his trips, but at times he had heard about people that he had not seen in person before. Gossip after all was a very common thing in Antiva and Orlais which were his main choices of travel. That said, as a lover of new excitements what he did like the most was to met new people, like the beautiful woman that had accidentally bumped into him while he was writing down a few lyrics for his new song.

“Does the sun apologize for blinding us?” he asked with a smooth smile “No, he doesn’t but we don’t mind because of how beautiful the light is” he completed before offering a reverence “Some things in life are too precious to take offence at them, so consider your apology unnecessary my lady”.
“Paolo Fibonacci at your service” he concluded with a wink. Maker knew how did he even got away with such bullshit, likely because he was handsome and people was weak for men with an accent.
Mica perked up a bit, and flushed slightly, it had been a long time since someone had complimented her like Paolo just had and it felt really good. There had been a time when she had thrived off compliments like that, always enjoying being the centre of attention, but that had dulled with being a young parent in a complicated marriage she never asked for.

Realizing that she had been missing this kind of light-hearted interaction, she flashed a warm smile at him. Well, I suppose I can accept that, Paolo, she said. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Micaela, but you can call me Mica.
“Oh, Micaela? That’s a familiar name but I don’t recall right now why” he said genuinely as he tried to pinpoint where he had heard that name before. It was on the tip of his tongue but oh well, he had known many women along his trips and since she seemed amicable the familiarity wasn’t in a bad context which he appreciated. “Perhaps I have met you in a dream, after all such a charming woman has to belong also to the realm of the dreams”

“So, where are you heading my lady? Just in case we happen to be going to the same place” he said casually; if she preferred to go alone she wouldn’t bother her he wasn’t the sort of man that pressured ladies into choices but if he accepted his company he would be more than glad to offer it.
Mica blushed slightly, which was a bit unusual for her, but it had been a long time since someone had paid her such compliments and it caught her off-guard. Plus the man was both charming and attractive, which only added to things.

I'm just wandering around, looking at the stalls and shops, she said, but I wouldn't mind some company. Would you like to join me, Paolo? It felt good being in Orlais and even though she was mourning the death of her brother Frankie and beloved butler Alfred, she still felt like she was having a really decent day, that could only get better by getting to know Paolo.

@Paolo Fibonacci
“If I ever reject the opportunity to promenading with a charming and a beautiful lady through the streets, please murder me because clearly I am suffering from some sort of incurable ailment” he said with a jokingly serious tone before offering the arm to the woman “Towards promenading we go! Any place in particular that the lady wishes to go?” asked the bard as he gestured at the streets before them. “I have all the time in the world for such a gem like you, cariño”

Maybe he was overdoing it but who was better at overdoing it than a minstrel?
Mica chuckled at the bard's exaggerated charm, unable to resist his infectious enthusiasm. Oh, murder might be a bit drastic, but I'll keep it in mind, she teased, slipping her arm through his with a playful smile. As for our destination, how about we wander aimlessly? Sometimes the best adventures come from unexpected turns, she suggested, glancing around at the bustling streets with a twinkle in her eye.

She tilted her head to catch his gaze, her tone light and teasing. And do be careful with that flattery, bard. You might just convince me to believe it, she added, enjoying the banter as they strolled along, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the city.

@Paolo Fibonacci