[PAST] It's a Whore's World
A giggle that bubbled out of her was giddy in nature, they did tend to fuck like champions, and she was certain if it had been a sport, or even a show that fancy circles put on for display, their past and current escapades would surely be top marks by all to view. But deep down, she knew, in the non performative sense, when she had Ruth, balls deep inside her, she didn't want anyone to see them. Not like this, not tangled limb and limb. Not her grinding up into his thrusts into her. Not when he would kiss her, deep, like she was the only woman in the world that could make him come like he would.

Attentive, not just as a healer, but as a lover, he knew the ins and outs, each hitch ot her breath, and how to draw out her pleasure long past the point of feeling good into mindless feeling, feral and animalistic need, and sometimes even blurring the line between feeling good and being painful. He never rode her to far, not after that first time when he took her to that point, no, she's never been back to that far gone again. He knew where he could bring her too, the exact point, keep her hovering there for hours, they'd never attempted days, but she was sure he could.

But the moment he was pressed inside her, flexing forward, to where she could feel him push at the very end of her, a grin on her lips as she pressed further too, nearly sobbing aloud at how close the action was to dancing that fine line of pleasure and pain -- that little hint that always had her soaking the bed slick. Right there, right there, fuck it's just right, and she felt the flood of fluids leave her as he pulled from her, the shock of electricity up her spine, the fingers of feeling that gripped her brain had her missing his command at first, her body still trying to grasp and hold a part of him that was no longer there. Oh lover, you must be ready to fill me full by now, why do you keep wanting to torture us both like this..

But she did move, finally turning over onto her belly, and working her way onto her knees, her chest still pressed down to the bed, avoiding the wet spot that had already started to form. Mina tilted her hips so that as he thrust, she would feel every single ridge and vein, and leave herself spread wide so that she could work herself with her fingers at the same time. Pulling her lower lip between her teeth, she reached between her legs, and took hold of his cock, her thumb rubbing over his head, parting the slit there that she knew would be dripping with precum. How she loved how silky the skin was, how easily the digit could glide over and around, as she wiggled back on the edge of the bed to where she could place that silky skin against her clit.

She found his eyes, as she circled the bundle of nerves with him, mouth open trying to draw down breath, as she did another circle, body trembling with sensation. One of these days she was going to ask him to fuck her like that, until they both came, completely on the outside. Just wet skin gliding over wet skin until they both orgasmed. The idea of his seed on her belly, where he could use it to wet his fingers as he played with her -- well she was going to have to tell him that eventually. Another circle of her anatomy had her trembling even harder, wanting her to keep masturbating herself with his cock, her favorite one, before she guided him through her folds back to where she wanted him so badly to bury home inside her.

Him, inside her, was their home. The heights they could take one another too, was just an added bonus, but in those moments that he was there, deep, buried, body covering hers, I need it Ruth. Need you, need you to finish this, I've been waiting all day to feel you fuck me like you want to put a bastard in my belly. Her hips held there though, not able to stop herself from gently presing backwards to where she could feel her folds part around his head, before rocking forward again, over and over as she waited for him to fill her, before her brain caught up.

I took my potion already, you're good for inside. She was flushed red, of course, just the idea that he'd fuck her like a man possessed was what she wanted had come out all wrong. Oh damnit, you know what I mean..

@Ruth Yoesif
There was a deep satisfaction in watching her fall apart to his ministrations and deep entanglement. Working that spring taught until it unfurled underneath him, her evidence of her pleasure both voiced and slicking the bed supporting them. Ruth retreated to the beds edge, hand idly stroking himself while she recovered, eventually shifting to join him at the edge.

Fingers came to guide him along her begging entrance and Ruth let her please herself with his cock, offering only the lightests of presses, teasing her still with a husky chuckle. But torture is so much fun, sinking into her briefly on the word fun and then withdrawing again completely. Maybe later he’d indulge her fantasy if she mentioned it, a night, or days of debauchery were on the cards, it meant another bath and more fun, why would he deny her?

That’s what I wanted to hear, he’d hum, a hand bundling up her hair to draw her back, lips trailing a path along her ear. Had me wondering when I would hear you get real needy-like. His free hand came around to tease, pinch her nipple roughly before jounreying to her hip, her hand guiding him to full seat himself with a low growl. I’mma fuck you all night, Willie. Fuck you so much that I’ll have to make you an extra strong batch.

He rocked forwards, the hand at her hip digging into the flesh while the hand in her hair held her against him as his mouth feasted along her neck. Teeth scraped, tongue licked tasting and picking up the scents of their bath earlier had his pace pick up. Eyes rolled behind lids, her core meeting his thrusts like a wave crashing against the shore. You sweet fuckin’... ugh words would fail him, replaced by grunts and groans as the long drawn out evening finally tipped the first die of their time together.

Scream for me, he’d hiss against her ear, the hand at her hip sliding down to take over her teasing of her own clit. No. He couldn’t have that. Scream for it, Willie.

Mina tilted her pelvis so that as he sank back into her wanton heat he'd slide, skin to skin, right along her hungry slit, her back curving downwards in a way that was more obscene than what he did to her body, eyes fluttering shut as her hands dug into sheet, gripping the well laundered fabric tight. She swallowed hard, when his fingers tweaked a sensitive nipple, as he pulled from her again, when his hand wrapped in her tresses and pulled her hard. He was right, they always fucked like Gods, unabashedly, nothing hid between them in those moment. You like the idea of it, don't you, she teased as her head was held back at an angle that allowed him further access to her throat. Me absolutely begging you to wreck me so much, so hard, that not even your medicines could stop a babe taking hold. A familiar fantasy that many men liked to hear.

Breeding, it seemed, wasn't something just in animal husbandry, but in the bedroom too, for some men, she'd reflect on that another time, when she wasn't three seconds away from feeling the familiar sensation of thick, hot liquid rolling out of her, down her thighs, dripping to the sheets below. At least he had the foresight to bring them to the bottom of the bed this time -- they wouldn't have to sleep in the wet spot later. Teeth along her skin erased any more thoughts she could have on that, body moving on instinct alone now, the low heat gathering in her abdomen, pooling, threatening to ruin them both. Her muscles clenched hard, when his fingers slid along her hip, holding her in place, trying to hold him in place too. She didn't want to feel him pull from her, to feel the emptiness that would follow. Right there Ruth, right there! FUCK!

She tensed, stars exploding behind tightly clenched eyes, before the feeling raced, outward, electricity along her spine, tingling down to her fingers and toes, the unknowable feeling of the ends of her hair being alive with feeling, even as she felt her hand batted away, felt his fingers slide across newly slick skin as her head fell down, eyes opening wide so she could watch his last few strokes into her body, could watch the rivulets running down her thighs, before her chest sunk down into the sheets. She was drenched in sweat, an honest feeling that came from her time with him, when she'd feel her body slick in ways it wouldn't for others. And slowly, as her senses started to come back to her, she heard the cheer go up from downstairs. Think they heard us.. Mina quipped, breathlessly, as she rolled her hips with his fingers. Now lay down and let me suck you back hard for round two.

@Ruth Yoesif
Her panted comment brought out a harsh laugh, scoffed through his nose at first before tapering off into a groan as her core clenched around him. And have there be two of me? I don’t think so. I wouldn’t do that to anyone, I’m enough of a handful… Another grunt fell, his mind pushing back against the current, knuckles curled around her hair growing white. Ruth dipped his head, lips ghosting across her ear before nibbling as she rode her high along his dick, hum of approval quickly turning into a growl as his own thrusts became insisted.

Fuck yes…

Pleasure, and the promises of riches beyond spurred him on and afterwards, after the blinding haze of their high cleared, Ruth laid her down carefully, taking the space beside her as they each caught breath. His eyes closed, one hand reaching out to run along her side, fingers sliding over damp skin along ribs and curves. The echoed laughter from downstairs though had him sporting his usual shiteating grin, eyes reopening to stare at her smugly. ...And that was only round one, Willie.

His smirk widened as she acknowledged his sentiment, brows bounced, daring her while his hand dared to slip around to her rear and slipped between the cheeks. Only if I get to eat and play with that ass… you said everywhere and I don’t do half-assed fucking. Snatching her wrists, Ruth tugged her up to her knees shifting himself into the middle of the bed. He’d told her they were going to need the room.

Let’s see which of us breaks first this round Willie.

Mina laughed as she was moved into position, her breath catching as she made sure that he was laid back properly, wiggling her hands free of his hold. She moved until her knees were on either side of his head before she started to kiss a trail down his chest, pausing along the tattoos and scars that cover his skin. She liked to trace them with her fingers, and then she followed closely behind with her tongue, with her lips. She didn't need to talk for this part, she knew it well enough, exactly what to do, how he liked it, how badly she wanted to taste their mixed fluids.

She had never shied away from sucking him off after he got done rearranging her guts, and he had never been shy about eating her to near over stimulation as she trailed thick trails of cum and slick. Sex for them had always been like that -- heated, wet, and full of lascivious noises. And now, she was finally getting to one of her favorite things, with Ruth, at least, one hand curling around his cock, fingers intent on stroking him back hard as her tongue finally licked a trail, base to head, before her lips closed about him.

She moaned as she felt him start to play with her, moaned as she inched herself down his length until she felt him hit the back of her throat, her gag relax long gone, hummed loudly as she went to try and swallow him down, knowing the contractions of her throat would feel like the contractions her other sheath had just clamped him in minutes before, glad that his refractory period was less than other men. One of the reasons she got off as much as she did on having such a vulnerable part of him in her body like that.

Another swallow, her mouth watered enough that she rose off him, gasping for breath, laughing, Oh pretty certain that's gonna be me, every time Ruth..

And she would be, well until after sunrise.


@Ruth Yoesif