Waiting for the thunder
Some medical descriptions
Rosalie tidied up her workplace, changing the linens of the bed where she would explore Nathaniel before drawing the blood to check the taint levels. To be fair she wasn’t very sure of what she would find today; Nathaniel was her first test subject and she had not heard feedback from him since the day that she had given him the first dose. That could mean that he had either taken it exceptionally well or that it had been such a terrible experience that he hadn’t even wanted to detail to the doctor.

She really hoped that it wasn’t the later, otherwise she doubted that he would want to try a second dose.

Nathaniel arrived just in time for her to finish, his familiar voice echoing through the door. “Hi!!” she said once she opened the door “How are you?” she started with small talk to be polite before going full doctor mode on.
Nathaniel had had a rather up and down time since leaving Rosalie fifteen days earlier for Starkhaven. At first he’d felt great, but then things had gone a bit south, not life threatening or anything, but bad enough that he had passed out and ended up getting help from a stranger. Fortunately no one had picked his pockets or hurt him while he’d been passed out.

He probably should have written Rosalie to explain, but after leaving Ruth and meeting up with his friends, he’d had too good a time to write her and risk cutting his little holiday short. Now he was back, on time, and ready to tell Rosalie everything.

I’m well, at least, better now? I probably should have written, and I do apologise about that, but I only had one really bad episode and a healer helped get me through it and after I felt fine…. He got a bit ahead of himself explaining, not actually going into details about what the bad spell entailed.
“An episode?” she asked, a bit of worry creeping on her voice; while she had expected minor side effects, she had thought that her medicine was pretty safe to be used. Truth be told, an episode could be anything from minor muscular aches to a seizure but her doctor mind shifted to the worst scenarios. She narrowed her eyes, fully examining Nathaniel as if she could find the truth by mere examination “I need all the details to see what could be the origin of those and fix them for the future!”
Nathaniel, realizing the gravity of the situation, cleared his throat and started to recount the incident. He left out no detail, the onset of the episode, the symptoms he felt, the help he received. He explained the subtle feeling of tiredness when he first set out for the Free Marches to visit friends, and then how it gradually increased until it got to the point he where he could hardly stand. How he stopped walking and leaned up against a tree, then started feeling sick to his stomach and eventually how he felt like his entire body just went limp as he faded into unconsciousness.

And that about sums it up. This healer found me, took me somewhere safe. Helped me get to my destination, but honestly after I rested awhile I felt fine after. Maybe, I don’t know if this even is something, but sometimes I feel a bit like my heart races faster than usual, even when I’m resting. He really just wasn’t sure what might constitute a side effect, so he did his best to cover everything.

@Rosalie Rutherford
“Perhaps your heart is getting used to metabolic modifications after the remedy, unless you get the feeling of that your heart is skipping a beat or unless the faster beating gets like way too faster there shouldn’t be a problem” said Rosalie. “I imagine that you haven’t had nightmares of been able to sense Darkspawn lately? The new dosis that we shall be applying today should last three months instead of one but before applying it I want to check that it was indeed effective” asked Rosalie as she prepared all the instrumental that she would need. There was no point in applying a new dose if the original hadn’t had effect on Nathaniel’s taint.
Nathaniel nodded thoughtfully as Rosalie spoke, his gaze fixed on the instruments she was preparing. His demeanor was calm, though a hint of concern flickered in his eyes at the mention of nightmares and sensing Darkspawn.

Well, I haven't felt any significant changes lately, Nathaniel replied, his voice steady. No nightmares or strange sensations. The last dose seemed to hold up reasonably well, but I suppose we'll see for sure after today's application.

He shifted slightly, adjusting his posture as he continued, Three months sounds promising. If it means fewer visits and better stability, I'm all for it. Thank you, Rosalie, for all of this. I know not all the Grey Wardens have been as easy on you about it all, but fuck them.

His gratitude was sincere, tinged with a touch of relief that there was progress in managing his condition.

@Rosalie Rutherford
Rosalie prepared the dose for today as Nathaniel spoke. She had prepared the substance ahead but there were steps that had to be done just before the inoculation to assure that the medicine retained all the properties.

“Well no one shall be forced to take this remedy, I like to think that the wardens that oppose this will respect the freedom of the ones that want the cure” she said as she prepared his arm before injecting the medicine on his veins.

“Well, this should be it for now. Next check up will be in three months but if of course you need anything before I am at your disposition!” she said cheerfully as she disposed the needle and started to tidy her workplace.
Nathaniel watched Rosalie with a steady gaze, his typical stoicism softened by the faintest hint of a smile. He knew her intentions were good, but he couldn't help but feel a little like a test subject rather than a person at times. Still, she was doing what she could to help, and for that, he was grateful.

Respect, Nathaniel repeated, a touch of irony in his voice. A rare commodity among the Wardens, I've found. But, perhaps you're right. Maybe this will give them reason to pause and think—though I won't hold my breath.

He flexed his arm slightly as the needle went in, the familiar sting barely registering after everything he'd been through. Once the injection was done, he gave a short nod of thanks, his thoughts already drifting to the road ahead.

Three months, he echoed. I'll make sure to stay out of trouble until then. At least, as much as any body can.

He stood, adjusting his coat, his expression serious again. And Rosalie—thank you. If this works, if it really helps... Well, it'll mean more than you know.

With that, he gave her a final nod, the barest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth before he turned and made his way to the door. As he left, his mind was already focused on what lay ahead—new battles, old enemies, and the ever-present shadow of the taint. But for now, at least, he felt a little more hopeful.

@Rosalie Rutherford