Brothels and Signets
Brothel setting
"Alright then, we pop in, easy as can be, seduce the mark, get that ring off his finger, pass it out the window to Gabe so he can put the seal on the document, and then we slip the signet back on the fat fuck's finger, and he's none the wiser that his wife can leave any time she likes with half his money."  The lurch of the ship made her reach up and brace herself on the ceiling, but they'd hit port in an hour, the morning waves were what was buffeting them around.  "Woman is paying a small fortune as is to have this done, but she'll be getting an even larger one in the process if we don't shame him off his whoring in the process.  Everyone needs a little collateral here and there."

Mariam could tell herself that, but she wasn't too sure she liked the idea of a forged document promising half an estate in cases of infidelity, but, she knew all too well the dangers of not having an actual prenup in place before marriage.  She would have been a slave to her own husband had she not given up her crown.  So to say it struck an obvious chord with her was an understatement.  

"Any questions?"
There wasn’t a ton of fond memories for Lyric in Orlais, not after her family disowned her and paid the Templars to pack her off to the Free Marches when she showed signs of magic. One friend she did have from there that she cherished, much to his chagrin at times, was one Gabriel Poulin. He was someone she’d do just about anything for, but then that was the case with anyone she considered friends. So when he asked her to help him and a friend out with a job, she was eager to get out and have some fun.

After making sure Akibrus was all right with watching little Aria, she headed to the Eluvian and the meeting place. As Mariam, her new friend that she was quite excited about, explained the job, Lyric nodded along with all the details. Perhaps she should be taking notes, but no, it was simple really, nothing she couldn’t handle, right?

Signet ring, distractions! OH, should we have codenames? Or like prostitute names? I could be Jasmine! Maybe I was abandoned as a child and grew up in an orphanage, and then ended up on the streets and realised I could make more money selling sex! She asked, clearly excited to be doing this job, possibly even more excited than is expected.
The other woman's enthusiasm gave her a chuckle as she finally sank down into the other cot in the small room.  Their own room on the ship small, but at least they weren't in hammocks under the deck like their other, so these little talks were sending her over the hedge as Lyric continued.  "[color=#ff4136]Whore names hmm?  What like Violetta and Rosamund, they should be themed, make them believable, aye?[/color]"

She pulled her feet up onto the cot and tucked them under the edge of her travel duster, happy to have her feet out of her boots, especially on the ship.  She couldn't ground herself properly without feeling the deck below her feet.  She had spent a good portion of her youth on ships just like, and that had been spend barefoot.  "[color=#ff4136]Whatever story it is you come up with, make it easy to remember.  You have to be able to rattle it off convincingly even under a lot of stress.  I find sticking as close the truth as possible is the best way to go.[/color]"

Mariam leaned her head back against the wall, thinking about it.  "[color=#ff4136]I'll be a noble woman who gave up her title for a life of adventure and fell on hard times.[/color]"  It was the truth, she just hadn't figured she was down on her luck just yet, she was still running jobs with Gabe, traveling around together.  "[color=#ff4136]Figure that'll be a real selling point, everyone always wants to fuck over a noble, you know?[/color]"
Lyric was vibrating with excitement, perhaps it wasn’t something everyone would get excited about, but as her life revolved around nap times and nappies, she was just excited to be getting out of the house on her own for a bit.

Ooooo I like those names!!! Then she nodded about the back story, it made sense, she didn’t want to mess it up and give conflicting information. It’s close to the truth for me, my parents did serve me up to the Templars and then paid them to send me to a circle in the Free Marches, which might as well be an orphanage considering the way they used to treat mages. Not that everyone had come around to the new ways of doing things, there was still distrust and some people that wanted things to go back to the way they were, but so far that hadn’t happened, and optimistic Lyric didn’t believe they would.
Oh, you.. I couldn't imagine being sent to a circle, especially a few years back. I'm sorry you went through that. Mariam had no love of the way that certain families would just abandoned their little ones to a circle, but she supposed that sometimes it wouldn't be helped, even if she found the whole think abhorrent. So Violetta, sold over to the templars and then decided on a life of whoring, what you think your specialty is? Girls in certain brothels have specialties too. I think I'm gonna have mine be be massage, that way I can keep the mark occupied.[q]

She thought a moment, trying to make sure they would have as much planned out as possible before they made port, and had to preform. [q]Any cold feet?
Lyric's eyes sparkled with mischief as she considered Mariam's question. Specialty, huh? Well, as a mage, I suppose I could weave in some light magic into my...performances. Nothing harmful, of course, just enough to add a bit of...sparkle, she suggested, a grin playing on her lips. And no cold feet here. I'm excited, actually. This is going to be quite the adventure.

The last adventure she supposed she’d had was finally joining the mage rebellion years earlier, felt like another lifetime ago now, but this was certainly an adventure of a different sort than that. Scary but in a different way, more in a fun good way.
Oh that's smart, you could put it off to "know that the show is about to happen on orgasm" firework lights. Most men are clueless as is so. And as to an adventure, we work well on this, and you like the idea of little adventures like this, I'll ask for you more often. It's not all the time I get someone I can trust to watch my back, like Gabe, or someone Gabe trusts, like you. Plus if a job ever needs sisters, we fit the mark there as well.

Mariam liked to plan ahead, if this went well, then she's keep Lyric in mind for future jobs. I can hear dock hands. We'll hit the dock in just a moment so brace yourself, it can be a jolt as they moor us in. Then we can sneak off. And as predicted, the mage who was in charge of guiding the boat close to tie it to the dock system was less than gentle with the last push of waves, and they smacked the dock, enough so that Mariam almost fell over into the adjoining bunk. If I didn't hate travel by eluvians..

@Lyric Oatshield
She straightened up, brushing a few stray strands of hair out of her face. I do like these little adventures, Mariam. It’s a nice change of pace, and working with you has been... refreshing. Knowing someone has my back, and Gabe’s trust, means a lot.

Lyric's expression turned more serious. If you ever need a partner for future jobs, count me in. Whether it’s for our skills or because we fit the mark, I’m game. And who knows? Maybe we’ll have a few more adventures to talk about. Lyric did love a good adventure!

She chuckled softly, glancing at the dockhands outside. Travel by Eluvians might be quicker, but there’s something about a good, old-fashioned boat ride, jolts and all. Adds to the charm, am I right?

Lyric adjusted her pack, ready to sneak off the boat with Mariam. Let’s get moving before anyone spots us. Adventure awaits, and I’d rather not keep it waiting.

@Mariam DeTyne
The bump happened, and Mariam was grabbing her bag, to toss over her shoulder. They had traveled light after all, and as long as Mariam had her bow, and her kit to make arrows, she was good to go just about anywhere. Part of being so good with a bow -- you didn't trust castle made or blacksmith made arrows any more. Once you made your own, you never looked back. Even if it did mean a lot of her down time, around a fire, with Gabe, was spent honing an arrow head to a deadly point. Couldn't have said it better, there's a lot that goes into working jobs with those you trust.

She motioned for Lyric to follow her, as she moved towards the stern, back where the captain's quarters would be. They would be busy overseeing everything happening to make port, so there should be absolutely no one in this part of the ship, and there would be canon ports they could both slip through easily enough. A short climb down the rudder and then hop onto the docks later, and then it was just sneaking off to blend into a crowd together. Here we go.

Mariam took the small dagger from her side, as she slipped through the port first, looking around for any sign of anyone watching, before she twisted her whole way through and onto the rudder. A quick shimmy a couple of feet down ward and she was putting a foot on the dock, and then looking up for Lyric. Okay, looks like coast is clear! She whisper yelled up, keeping her eyes peeled for anyone coming close. There weren't even torches lit at the end of the dock yet -- it seemed like everything was going so well.

@Lyric Oatshield
Lyric watched Mariam with admiration, impressed by her friend's skill and efficiency. She felt a rush of excitement and a bit of nervousness as she prepared to follow. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her own bag, slinging it over her shoulder, and made her way to the stern after Mariam.

Absolutely, there's nothing like working with someone you trust, she whispered back, nodding in agreement.

As Mariam disappeared through the cannon port, Lyric took a moment to check her surroundings one last time. She followed Mariam's lead, slipping through the port and carefully shimmying down the rudder. The night air was cool against her skin, a stark contrast to the warmth inside the ship. The silence around them was both comforting and unnerving.

Once she reached the dock, Lyric quickly joined Mariam, keeping low and alert. She took a moment to adjust her bag and check her surroundings again.

Smooth sailing so far, she whispered with a grin, her eyes sparkling with the thrill of their covert exit. Let's keep it that way.

Lyric fell into step beside Mariam, ready to blend into the crowd and continue their mission. The faint sounds of the bustling dock began to fill her ears, and she felt a surge of determination. She’d never been to Antiva City before, so she wasn’t just looking every which way to make sure they were still good, but also because she wanted to see and experience as much as possible.

@Mariam DeTyne
Mariam nodded, as they slipped into the crowd, heading towards The Lusty Sow. She wasn't happy about the name, it inferred women were pigs, or that pigs felt lust, and neither of those things, she felt, were true in the slightest, but far be it from her to critique someone's place of business name. She knew Gabe was somewhere already in the city, so she was already more at ease with things being back in the same place as he. They had spent too long apart due to Mariam's distrust of the eluvians, and her absolute inability to sit still in a carriage. So boat it was. Look there, I've never seen a fruit like that before..

She had caught Lyric's looks, and started to point out things that she herself had never seen. The night market was a place where anything went, especially in Antiva, but some of these items that were being hawked looked... suspiciously like things that would get someone landed in jail elsewhere. So Mariam did her best to avoid those vendors, no sense in getting themselves into trouble before they themselves were the cause of trouble.

You said you'd never been to Antiva before, right? Not that Mariam made it a habit to be back in the place. She liked to avoid it as much as possible but there were only so many places someone could go before one had to go to places one disliked.

@Lyric Oatshield
Lyric followed Mariam through the bustling crowd, her eyes wide with wonder and curiosity. The vibrancy of Antiva was intoxicating, and even the dubious name of *The Lusty Sow* couldn’t dampen her spirits. She noticed the way Mariam avoided certain vendors, a clear indication of her familiarity with the city's more questionable elements.

When Mariam pointed out the unfamiliar fruit, Lyric leaned in to get a closer look, the corners of her mouth curling up in a smile. It’s incredible, isn’t it? This place is like a treasure trove of the unusual and exotic, she said, her voice filled with genuine fascination. I’ve never seen anything like it either.

She straightened up, her gaze sweeping over the market stalls, each one more intriguing than the last. You’re right, I’ve never been to Antiva before. It’s... overwhelming, but in the best possible way. There’s so much to see, so much to experience. It’s like the city is alive, buzzing with energy, she continued, her enthusiasm palpable.

Lyric noticed Mariam’s ease in the city, the way she navigated the market with practiced confidence. It was clear that Mariam had a deep understanding of the place, despite her apparent dislike for it. Lyric found herself feeling grateful for her companion's guidance, knowing she would be lost in the chaos without her.

Thank you for bringing me here, Mariam. I know it’s not your favorite place, but I’m glad to be experiencing it with you, Lyric said, her tone sincere. She hoped her appreciation was evident, wanting Mariam to know how much she valued their time together.

As they continued walking, Lyric couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement for the adventures that lay ahead. Antiva was just the beginning, and with Mariam by her side, she felt ready to face whatever challenges and wonders the world had to offer.

@Mariam DeTyne
Mariam picked up three of the fruit, and offered the appropriate coin, after a short moment of haggle. She knew better than to pay full price on any fruit in the market. By the time it arrived by boat or carriage, it was almost past worth, but the barker had promised these had arrived by eluvian only the day before. They would be a good snack for later, after the job was done and they were on their way out of the city and into the night. Once this job was done, they could head back towards Orlais to get Lyric home, and then she and Gabe could figure out where to go from there. Or maybe there would be another job that needed done that they might need Lyric for, who knew?

All cities start to look the same, in my mind. She said quietly as she walked next to the other woman, trying to make sure they didn't get hit by any pick pockets. Last thing they needed was to get hit by someone she'd have to steal their stuff back from later. And we'll see how glad you are for it once we get done with what we're here to do. We'll talk again after and see if that's changed any. She laughed as she nodded with her words. Mariam was quite sure that Lyric would be so ready to put all of this behind her and be back home.

But there was the whole.. just had a baby too -- this was probably good for the woman, and for her too. Mariam didn't have a lot of friends, and well, Gabe seemed to at least know everyone. It wouldn't hurt for her to be friends with a couple of his as well. Where have you traveled before? Anywhere exciting?

@Lyric Oatshield
Lyric accepted the fruit with a grateful smile, her curiosity piqued by the exchange between Mariam and the vendor. She tucked it into her bag for later, knowing that any food shared with friends tasted better, especially after a job well done. She stayed close to Mariam, instinctively mirroring her cautious awareness of their surroundings. The energy of the market was infectious, and while she was mesmerized by the sights and sounds, she knew better than to let her guard down entirely.

As Mariam spoke, Lyric considered her words, realizing how much travel and adventure must have shaped her friend’s view of the world. She respected that perspective, even if it was still new to her.

Maybe one day all cities will start to blur together for me too, but right now, it all feels so new and different. I’ve traveled, sure, but not like this. Lyric replied, her tone thoughtful. She chuckled at Mariam’s teasing about how she might feel after the job. You might be right, but I have a feeling this experience will stick with me, no matter how it turns out. And hey, if we pull this off, maybe I’ll be begging you to bring me along on the next one.

She matched Mariam’s pace, careful to stay alert as they moved through the crowd. The question about her travels made her pause, reflecting on the places she had seen and the circumstances that had brought her there.

Well, I’ve been to a few places, but most of it wasn’t exactly voluntary. Orlais, of course. The Free Marches, Kirkwall, for a while. That was... intense, to say the least, Starkhaven. I’ve also been to Ferelden, but that was more out of necessity than choice, she explained, a hint of bitterness creeping into her voice when she mentioned Kirkwall.

Lyric’s expression softened as she continued, But I did manage to see some beautiful places along the way. The Waking Sea, for example. It’s breathtaking, even when you’re on the run. And Skyhold... I only visited once, but it was incredible. A fortress in the mountains, with the most stunning views.

She looked over at Mariam, her expression brightening as she added, But this, being here with you and working on something that feels... real, this is different. It’s not just about survival, it’s about something more. Adventure, yes, but also friendship, trust... I think that’s what I’ve been missing all this time.

Lyric’s words hung in the air between them, her sincerity evident in the way she spoke. She hoped Mariam understood how much this opportunity meant to her, not just as a way to see the world, but as a chance to build something lasting, something that went beyond the transient nature of her past travels.

@Mariam DeTyne
As long as we survive it, ya mean? Mariam teased the other woman as they continued along, listening to Lyric tell her more about her travels, placed that Mariam hoped to see some day. Having a companion along, that you know has your back, makes a world of difference. You can see all the pretty places in the world, and still never see the beauty in them, if you're always having to look over your shoulder.

And Mariam knew it, nodding as they finally reached the brothel, and Mariam pulled her inside, along the back stairs, to the room that had been prepared for them. All that was left was to get ready, and wait.

~~ A Little While Later ~~

Mariam slapped the hand of the rich merchant away from the globe of her ass another time, as she looked to Lyric, Dear Sister, I think perhaps our benefactor would like some more of the elvish wine we sold ourselves for three weeks to afford for him, Mariam was ready to slit the man's throat, all the more handsy he was, but the contract had been clear. No hard could come to him. His shame would be later when his wife would get the entirety of the estate and the children. The wine of course, laced with a sleeping potion. They just needed to get the man to drink enough of it that they could finally twist his signet ring off and seal the document, then they could leave him to think he got rolled, and they'd be off towards home.

It should have been simple, but as the hand groped her behind again, Mariam felt her temper start to rise. Touch me again one more time, bastard, and I'll cut your hand off at the wrist!

Shit, well. That broke their cover. Time to think quickly.

@Lyric Oatshield