Wildfires and Weeds
Tiberius had long downed the gifted glass of whiskey and made polite inquiries into the health and fortunes of far too many bland acquaintances. More than he cared to speak to, to be sure. The night was proving fey, slightly unreal. Perhaps to do with the Archon’s cats constantly underfoot? He did not want to admit the source of the strangeness was internal, a tangle of complicated emotion and nerves.

“I’d like some air.” He gave Lyric a weak smile. “Perhaps you’d accompany me for a turn around the gardens?” Unfortunately, he did not yet know her well enough to say for certain whether she’d have any interest in the gardens themselves. Her skill with nature magic did not guarantee an interest – aptitude not being the same as destiny, etc.

But it was likely. And it could hardly be worse than more of all that, that being gently smothered to death by polite strangers with judgmental eyes.

He led the way outside, looking back once to see if she was following. It was a clear night, and music drifted out onto the lawn. It was a popular retreat for couples seeking privacy – in that regard they would fit right in. Though Eyes in their black leathers stood about like observant statuary, surely marking everything and everyone. Perhaps there would be fireworks later.

“How are you bearing up?” Tiberius chose a path at random, lined trellised jasmine in first bloom. He wanted to ask if his home lived up to her cautionary tales, all blood sacrifice and orgies, but something made him bite his tongue.
Akibrus was at the ball the... whoever hosted. He'd not bothered learning too much about Tevinter; he knew enough (in truth, he knew very little). He'd left Aria with a friend in the Coterie; and trusted the criminal enterprise would look after her carefully until he could reclaim her.

Now, he just had to reclaim his partner. Not wife; no, he'd never considered marrying Lyric. Even if that meant his daughter was a bastard, he'd legitimized his claim to Aria as soon as she'd survived the early ages of infancy.

The guise of a ball, meant he had all the reason in the world to interact with Lyric and... him. Tiberius Umbra. He wanted to ascertain if the other man was breaking a family up on purpose, or if he was as coerced as Lyric was. That might be hard to do, though, but nevertheless. He trailed after them, as he had been all night. Careful to never get too close to be noticed, when they'd gone into the gardens, he knew he'd not blend in as well.

Ah, well.

Surely Tiberius knew Lyric had a child and a partner. He cleared his throat, quietly, as he came up behind them. These gardens are certainly nicer than any in the Marches. He mused, thoughtfully studying them. He imagined Lyric must be excited about the plants... she adored nature.

@Tiberius Umbra @Lyric Oatshield
So far the ball was a mix of exciting and terrifying. Exciting because it was her first real ball, and terrifying because it seemed there was an endless stream of people that wanted to say hi to Tiberius and find out who she was, a long with a myriad of other questions.

Lyric was relieved when Tiberius suggested they take a walk in the gardens. The fresh air and the quiet of the night was a welcome respite from the crowded ballroom. She followed him, her eyes taking in the beauty of the jasmine-lined path and the clear night sky as they walked deeper into the gardens.

The natural world always had a way of calming her nerves, and the scent of the blooming jasmine was soothing. She turned to Tiberius, a small smile on her face. The gardens are beautiful, she said, her voice barely above a whisper in the quiet night. The ball is…. certainly interesting. I’ve never been to one before. I do love the cats! Then she heard a familiar voice and turned, a mix of surprise and excitement on her face.

Akibrus! she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. Have you seen all the cats?! She felt a rush of warmth at the sight of her partner, a comforting presence amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces, but with the surprise of seeing him, it threw her off and somehow her distracted brain suddenly needed to make sure Aki had seen all the cats around.

@Akibrus Blaine @Tiberius Umbra
“Mm.” She was not wrong. The Imperial palace had gardens to die for – although Tiberius would chalk up much of his current affinity for the place to an overabundance of lingering homesickness. He’d gotten lost here as a child. Kissed Enzo in the Archon’s hedge maze as a young man.

And he might yet live to kiss his wife here someday, if not his fiancee tonight. Arvina had appeared calm and curious about their circumstances. That was the best introduction Tiberius could have hoped for. A clear signal that their House wasn't going to be shunned from society over his bad luck to be trapped on the other side of the barrier. It was a start; he could build on this.

“You did well tonight.” Perhaps it surprised him that that wasn’t a flattering lie? Tiberius cracked a wry smile and glanced down at the top of her head. Lyric had not made a good impression on him in that first inauspicious meeting and he was sure the reverse was also true. He’d thought that there was no way such a silent, submissive creature could survive the Tevene Court.

In a way, he’d been right. Because that hadn’t been Lyric at all.

“I’ve been to many and they’re all much the same. Except for the cats – those are unique to Archon Arvina, I think.” A voice floated up behind them. Tiberius winced mentally; he should have heard someone walking up. Lyric turned before he did, the surprise and warmth on her face enough to give him an unpleasant inkling. With his back to the trellises, holding very still and carefully blank in his expression, Tiberius took in the new arrival.

This Akibrus person was handsome and annoyingly tall. One would think he would have stood out in the ballroom and yet Tiberius felt this was the first time he’d laid eyes on the man.

“This is one of the admirers you told me about.” It was not quite a question. Tiberius knew the word was not entirely right, either. Only that admirer might do less harm to a lady’s reputation than lover when overheard in a public garden.

“I hope you are not here to cause a scene, ser. That would go very poorly for all of us.” He shifted his gaze to look at Lyric, hopeless, almost incurious. She had not fled on the road when she could have – instead she’d saved his life. No doubt it was only the same impulse that had moved her to save Nadia from that trap.

She would take this offer of rescue.

@Akibrus Blaine @Lyric Oatshield
Akibrus grinned, watching the way her eyes lit up with recognition. And of course, she mentioned the cats. He chuckled softly, nodding to her as his gaze studied her partner for the evening. I did see the cats. Petted a few. Might send our Aria a kitten, if her caretakers allow it.

He doesn't elaborate on who Aria is; he's aware there's a game afoot, and this is the court in which those games must be played. In the Marches, rules were less strict in regards to society. A woman's reputation was not ruined, if she had a child unwed. It was not the same in Orlais, or Tevinter, though.

Not at all. He flashed a smile to the man, before he extended a hand. First Enchanter Akibrus Blaine, he rarely used that title; but it was well-earned, he supposed. So... you're the fiance? There's an undertone of disdain to his voice; masked by a charming smile and bright, attentive gaze.

@Tiberius Umbra @Lyric Oatshield
Lyric was overjoyed to see Aki again, much sooner than she’d expected, but realised she’d been rather vague on certain details when she’d filled Tiberius in on how she ended up being used as a pawn by her parents. The mention of Aria made her realise she was going to have to come clean on the rest of the details and hope that Tiberius wouldn’t be terribly upset, but learning she could trust him had been a journey, not something that happened all at once.

Tiberius, there's something I need to tell you, and it's incredibly important. I haven't been entirely honest with you, and I'm sorry for that. I need you to listen to me, and please try to understand, I had to protect them you see. She took a deep breath, looking from Aki to Tiberius, realising in that moment that she was becoming quite fond of Tiberius and would be devastated if her lack of details caused a serious divide between them.

Aki has been my lover for a number of years, and we have a daughter together, Aria. They were the ones my parents were threatening, the ones I’ve been protecting. She thought about also explaining the fact that they were polyamorous, but figured Tiberius probably had enough to digest at the moment without getting into the semantics of how their relationship was defined.

@Tiberius Umbra
@Akibrus Blaine
Tiberius wasn’t sure he believed that. Why wait until this unprecedented event to reveal himself, if not to cause a scene? They’d arrived in Minrathous weeks ago. Still, manners overrode reluctance and he shook Blaine’s hand after only a brief hesitation.

If he recalled correctly, First Enchanter was what the Circles in the south named their leaders. Dallying with a subordinate? Now, that was not quite proper – if they wanted to trade nasty assumptions about one another. From Blaine’s tone of voice, he'd already made a few.

“The very same, yes.” He had the distinct impression that this man already knew his name. Still, Lyric’s incandescent joy had begun to dim, drawing Tiberius’s attention away from Blaine. This would be it, then. The goodbye. He shifted to face her, feeling he probably owed Lyric at least that much, brows drawing down as he listened.

Something important – that she’d been lying by omission. That this man was her lover and she was sorry for the breach of trust, yes, and all of that was more or less what he expected. But it went rather off script from there.

Aria. So that little comment about kittens had been a snipe? He shot Blaine a frustrated glance – what was all this about mysterious caretakers? Whatever Tiberius thought on the subject of the Nicolliers were suddenly immaterial. Lyric knew them best and she was clearly afraid. Enough to travel halfway across the continent, enough to marry a stranger.

How dare this bastard stash the child – chasing after Lyric when their daughter could be in danger.

“It’s alright, Lyric. Tevene law is very clear in matters such as these.” He offered her a steadying hand to show that he wasn’t angry, that this was nothing irreparable. “You are part of my House and so are any children born of you. If you want your daughter here, she will have a place.” An estate, in fact, with a mid-sized personal army and possibly more cats than any reasonable person could desire.

If Aria was young, say four years old or less, it wouldn’t even be difficult to explain away – assuming her ears weren’t as pointy as her father’s. Now, the First Enchanter could presumably protect himself.

@Akibrus Blaine @Lyric Oatshield
Akibrus fixed the man in front of him with a silent stare. He could see the appeal; Aria would be with her mother, be safe, protected. And just like that, he'd lose them both without a fight. He bit back what he wanted to say, and let his gaze flicker to Lyric.

After a long moment, Is that what you want? They were in public; he had to remind himself. He couldn't make a scene, couldn't snap at her for explaining who Aria was.

Tevene law this, Tevene law that. Akibrus kept his gaze fixed on Lyric. Tiberius frustrated Akibrus on a number of levels; possibly one such level being that Akibrus had never once considered marrying Lyric. It hadn't seemed relevant to their way of life. And here this man was... planning to marry her against her will.

He'd have to find a place alone, to ask Lyric if marriage was something she really wanted. It'd bother him otherwise. If that is what you wish... I will bring her. He offered, finally.
Lyric's heart pounded in her chest as she took in the scene before her. The tension between Tiberius and Akibrus was palpable, each word exchanged carrying the weight of their complex histories and emotions. She glanced at Aki, feeling a pang of regret for how things had spiraled into this uncomfortable confrontation.

Tiberius's offer to bring Aria into his house, his firm stance on Tevene law, and the underlying promise of protection and stability – it all seemed so straightforward, so logical. Yet, logic hadn't exactly been the guiding star of her life lately.

Akibrus’s stare felt like a physical weight, his silent question echoing in her mind. Is that what you want?

Lyric took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. The future she envisioned for her daughter was one of safety and love, but also freedom. She wanted Aria to be surrounded by people who genuinely cared for her, not just protected by laws and armies.

Tiberius, she began, her voice soft but clear, I appreciate your offer. Truly, I do. And I know you mean well by it. She glanced at Akibrus, meeting his gaze with a mix of gratitude and sorrow. But this isn't just about what Tevene law says or what's proper. It's about what's right for Aria.

She took a step closer to Akibrus, feeling the familiar comfort of his presence. Akibrus and I, we've always tried to do what's best for her, even if it hasn't always been the conventional path. And right now, I believe she needs both of us in her life, not torn between two worlds.

Turning back to Tiberius, she continued, I came here because I thought it was the only way to keep her safe, but maybe there’s another way. One where she can have the stability you offer without losing the bond she has with her father. She hadn’t mentioned anything about not going through with the wedding, no she was still serious about that. Though she’d probably have to mention being someone who had both believed in and practised polyamory. Why did it feel like she was always delivering Tiberius these big reveals, she wasn’t even sure where to start with this one.

@Tiberius Umbra
@Akibrus Blaine
He studied the First Enchanter’s hangdog expression for a moment, then turned his back on both of them – seeking space. There was only so much of that to be had between trellises and paving stones and seven foot hedge walls. At least no one had walked up on them yet.

It was bound to happen eventually. Why couldn’t this be happening somewhere secure, somewhere that he could control? Other than that making a grand appearance in such a place would have been really fucking stupid of Blaine. Tiberius hoped he wasn’t stupid – and those snipes about kittens and Marcher gardens had seemed to show some indication of wit. Yet in these matters you could never be too sure.

“This smacks of the dog thing all over again, Lyric.” He shook his head at her, faux-stern. She clearly had a solution in mind of some kind. He wished she’d just say it so he wouldn’t have to guess. Oh, well. Tiberius turned back around to address Akibrus directly and extemporized.

“Open your eyes, Enchanter. Does she see me as some kind of monster?” However this had started, Tiberius no longer felt that she was under any particular duress. Except, perhaps, in missing the child he’d only found out about a couple minutes ago.

“I clearly cannot relocate to Starkhaven – so you may have a guest room here. Figure out some polite excuse to visit: magical consultancy or some such thing.” He moved to Lyric’s side and gently tipped her chin towards him, admiring the silver dress that did not match his House colors of navy and copper in the slightest.

“This is a favor for you, Lyric, but I expect our agreement to hold paramount. There must not be any question of paternity.”

@Akibrus Blaine @Lyric Oatshield
Akibrus reached for Lyric's hand, as she stepped closer to him. He'd squeeze her fingers, his grasp loose enough for her to pull away if she wanted. She defended their lifestyle; defended having him in their daughters' life. And it infuriated the man, that the mother of his child had to defend his place in that child's life from someone that could give the girl a better life than him, financially.

But he was quiet, staring at the back of Lyric's head as she addressed the Magister. Clever girl. Lyric had always known how to work a room, and yet people usually underestimated her because she was so clumsy, so nice, so trusting.

The other man spoke of something with a dog, and he arched an eyebrow, wondering what kind of 'thing' Tiberius had dealt with involving Lyric and animals. I never claimed you were a monster, Magister. His words were quiet, and his fingers tightened around Lyric's hand as Tiberius touched her chin, tipping her head so that their gazes met.

I am fine relocating with my daughter. But you will not claim her in any right. He stated, tempted to yank Lyric backwards away from the man. He didn't like how Tiberius touched her; as if he owned her.

The last statement said made him snort. It would be easiest to explain my presence, if I move onto the property. He'd go along with it. It let him stay close to Lyric, and ensured that she got to see their daughter.

I can garden, but my expertise is working with magical items and teaching. Did someone in this family require full-time tutoring?

@Lyric Oatshield @Tiberius Umbra
The tension between the three of them was palpable, but they all seemed to agree on one thing: they wanted what was best for Aria. This unconventional arrangement may not have been what any of them had envisioned, but it offered a way forward. Only time would tell if it was the right path.

Lyric looked visibly relieved, things seemed to be progressing to an acceptable point between everyone. She loved Aki, she always would, but their dynamics weren’t exactly traditional, and she hadn’t been Aki’s only lover, as Aki hadn’t been her only lover. Maybe it was just something that felt natural as mages having grown up in the Circle, where relationships were frowned upon, and starting families even more so.

Tiberius, Aki, I appreciate your understanding and willingness to make this work for Aria’s sake. Let’s ensure we maintain open communication, respect, and cooperation in this arrangement. For Aria, and for us, she said, giving both of their hands a reassuring squeeze.

I think it would also be good, for the time being, if Aki and I abstain from sexual relations, at least until after the wedding and once I can ensure Tiberius an heir, that way there won’t be any question. She simply could never see herself having a truly traditional marriage, but she could at the very least conform to one long enough to ensure Tiberius had an heir, she felt she owed it to him with everything he was having to put up with.

@Tiberius Umbra
@Akibrus Blaine
“Of course. You were only sulking because I’m far too handsome, I completely understand.” Truly, the tension in Blaine could string a bow. And as much as Tiberius wanted to push him further, if only to see what would happen … This was not the time or place for it. A three-way truce was victory enough, for now. Or, well, maybe just a little bit.

“And don’t forget, oh so generous too.” He did not, after all, need to do any of this. The prior arrangement with Lyric would have held – and Blaine, if he’d come all this way once, would probably hang around and stage more inconvenient ambushes. It was clearly more expedient to have the First Enchanter contained in one safe, controllable location.

“As you like.” It would still be somewhat questionable to have the future lady of the House playing with some random gardener or tutor’s child. They would see that, in time. He need not argue it now. Tiberius dropped his hand slowly from Lyric’s chin, letting her capture it and impart a squeeze. He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb.

“Least you worry. Blood assay would answer things quickly enough, lovely. But I’d rather not get into that if it can be helped.” A doubt once raised was difficult to put to rest. For one, official records would have to exist to build a case for divorce. It was very much a sort of damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation.

With Lyric speaking so freely, he saw no further reason to avoid doing the same. It pained him, though. Hedge walls were not at all sound proof.

“Yes, well. You need not go that far. You are intelligent people — and at least one of you is a life mage as well. Restrict yourselves to acts that don’t result in pregnancy and we won't have a problem.” Tiberius glanced between them and pulled away from Lyric’s hand at last. He had a strange inkling that he should have been in a towering fury over all this – and yet, he was not.

“I think I’ll walk the maze. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” Thumbs tucked into his jacket pockets, he left them there in each other's company.

@Akibrus Blaine @Lyric Oatshield