A Favour for a Favour, a Drunks Edition
Garryn chuckled softly, shaking his head as he leaned back, absorbing Leaf's words. He appreciated her candidness and the way she balanced her wisdom with humor. It reminded him of the importance of staying grounded, even when things felt overwhelming.

I'll keep that in mind, Leaf. You're right; it’s all about learning and moving forward, even when it feels like the world's against you.

He glanced at his cards, a slight smile tugging at his lips as he considered her challenge.

I think that’s the best anyone can do. Make the best decisions we can and try to live with them. And if life throws us shit, well, we just throw it right back.

He laughed, feeling a bit lighter. The conversation had a way of putting things in perspective. He looked back at Leaf, his eyes gleaming with determination and a touch of mischief.

As for that tab, don't worry about it. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve, and I’m always ready for a good challenge. Let's see if your dwarf and Rivaini can keep up!

He shuffled his cards with renewed energy, ready to take on whatever came next, both in the game and in life.

@Aoife Hawke
It was a blessing and a curse speaking one's mind so candidly though. Leaf had made a great deal of enemies with her choices and words, making what seemed like small ripples created unpassable rogue waves that struck out of nowhere.

The trick is to be flexible, keep your cool when shit does come. It’s not weakness to take a breath before an action. Recklessness can hurt you more in the long term, but we’re not talking about a reactive decision… you’ve thought about it a long time. It’s a calculative, measured and agonised over choice before you.

Gods she felt old talking like some wizened old todger, but still laughed along with him even if her speech was crude. The gauntlet had been laid however and the Champion wasn’t about to shirk from letting down the two best mentors in the art of cards. Aoife smirked, arching a brow at his words and then rolling her eyes at the challenge.

Well, you don’t pen a number of best sellers merely by being a bystander. He kept up well with me often enough, it be a great shame if I let him down this time.

No real stakes were in this game though. The challenge of cards was friendly rivalry while the prize was one equally shared. Leaf wouldn’t charge him the entire tab, not without leaving behind a barrel or two as a gift. Maybe she’d lose and her gift only the down payment, the future was undecided, but she was confident in them both meeting whatever challenges head on, without the shadow of regret hanging over them.

@Garryn Aeducan