[PAST] Breaking Your Resolve — Like a Siren in the Deep
Violence; discussion of infertility; slight sexual themes
Nairn was only five minutes late meeting Ruth at the tavern, and he wasn't terribly surprised by what he found. Ruth, a fresh bruise on his cheek and a man on the ground, bleeding from some orifice or another. He didn't matter, though Nairn had wanted to be the one to beat the shit out of the fool.

You couldn't fuckin' wait? He grumbled, claiming a mug as it was passed across the bar to him. No-one had interfered, probably because the place was Coterie in-and-out, and you didn't get in another man's business.

Taking all my fun, he muttered, shoving Ruth towards a seat. Leave him. I'll make sure he don't get healed. Especially by her, oh the first person they'd beaten up had run to her for healing...

And Nairn had ensured he'd never show his face in Kirkwall again. And none of the rest tried that bullshit. He scowled into his drink, as he took a long sip. She needs a good man, Ruth. Did he say why? Why he'd dumped her. What was so fucked up about the men, that after two or three dates they'd dump her?

@Ruth Yoesif
@Megara Fern

OOC Note: --- Probably can have Ruth dump Nairn off on her step whenever. Tongue Depends how many posts you wanna do with Ruth first, I guess? I'm cool with whatever though.
Ruth had only needed five minutes to plant the fool into the ground. He’d taken a hit, but that had only fuelled the short elf’s resolve of knocking the bastard to the ground. Shoulders rose and fell while his gaze bore into the bastard sprawled across the floor. Nairn might have wanted to do this himself, but Ruth had gotten to the fool first, smirking a little to himself when Nairn finally came through and grumbled.

You were busy, I was left unsupervised. What you expect? Ruth replied, a hand coming up to rub over the blow to his cheek. He’d return the shove, but followed the suggestion and slumped into the chair. Yeah, yeah. He’s not dead, he can suffer for a few days like the last mug.

Both glared into their respective ales, Ruth playing with his own by turning it around a few turns to try and calm himself down. Meg was a good healer, a rare good person that didn’t deserve her heart and feelings being dragged constantly through the mud. Nairn asked the question and the healer scowled. It’s a stupid reason, it’s not her fault them boys can’t get over themselves. Sighing, Ruth pushed his stool back to balance on the back legs, rocking himself a little to mellow his temper. Having a family isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

A sly smirk soon appeared though and he gently probed, Why you care so much? Thought you were avoiding her?

Nairn rolled his eyes, I was on my way and you know it. He grumbled, bumping a shoulder against the other man. It wasn't the first time they'd beaten someone for breaking the healer's heart. Nairn just couldn't let anyone that slighted her get off without some kind of warning.

A raised eyebrow, as he peered at his friend over his mug. What'cha mean, her family won't come here. As far as he knew, she didn't have anyone anymore. Though he'd never asked why her clan shunned her. It hadn't seemed overly important.

Don't even, he grumbled, another drink of ale. Y'know why I'm avoiding her. And it was the same reason that made him care about her. His mug was empty, and he shook it for a moment, before sliding it across the bar.

She's better off without me, y'know. I'm fucked up and she don't deserve that.

@Ruth Yoesif
Ruth mouthed his words sarcastically, rolling his eyes with a huff before settling into his chair. He wasn’t put off by a fight, in fact, he’d actively seek one out if pissed off enough about something or someone.

His brow furrowed though, lifting his head up to stare across to Nairn. What? No you idiot. She can’t… his words faded, eyes glancing around before his hands motioned around his stomach then gesturing away. That. She can’t… have kids. Shuffling in his seat Ruth became visibly uncomfortable sharing another's personal business but he also understood that it might fly over Nairn’s head. You’d think not being able to would make it easier on her but noooo.

Ruth shrugged, ignoring Nairn’s excuse for what it was, an excuse. I said it before and I’ll keep saying it. Fuckin’ stupid plan. His friend was whipped and the two hadn’t even kissed, what a depressing place to be in. Snorting and picking up his ale Ruth shrugged his brows. Yeah. And she doesn’t deserve having her hopes crushed every time she tells a man the truth. Show me who in the C isn’t fucked up?

Nairn furrowed his brows, at Ruth's gestures. Oh! Is that why those assholes have been making her cry? He scoffed, turning on his stool to give the man on the floor behind them a solid kick. Fuckin' jerk. He muttered, taking a moment to wipe errant blood off of the toe of his boot, on the downed man's shirt.

I don't want 'em. And really, that was his dealbreaker. He wanted someone who didn't want children. But as he studied his friend, he considered whether someone who wanted them but couldn't have them might fit his needs. It did mean he wouldn't disappoint her, when he took precautions to avoid pregnancy...

A fresh ale had been placed down in the time it'd taken him to turn around, abuse the man on the ground, and turn back to his friend, and he sipped from it slowly. That was my main reason... Well, and he was terrified of letting himself love someone. Afraid that she might change into someone he didn't recognize if he let her get close enough to him. But the primary reason he didn't date, was the fact he couldn't bring himself to believe he might be a good parent.

He hadn't had the best role models. ...and everyone she dates makes her cry, he shot a glare towards the floor as he said it. I dunno. What if she doesn't like me anymore? He'd been avoiding her for a while; going so far as to find another healer, if he needed healing and couldn't avoid it.

@Ruth Yoesif
Ruth’s head fell back with a laugh, smirk wide as Nairn kicked the fucker laying unconscious on the ground. Bit pointless now given he can’t feel it. He could at least save it till the asshole was awake again. I can wake him up if you like? The healer didn’t mind, fucker deserved it.

Nodding along with his words Ruth rocked in the chair. In his world, he’d always passed off plants or tea to minimise his potential seeding, but had always made his position clear. Ruth was no father, no steady tied down lover, he would disappoint someone like Megara over and over. Seems you’ve more in common than you thought, eh?

Listening, his frustration quickly returned and Ruth planted the chair back onto all four legs. He reached for his pint to take a much needed drink before verbally dressing down the man across from him. The empty glass rested back on the table with a resounding thud.

Nairn. The only fucking reason she even went out with these fuckers is because you avoided her. When, in the whole year or so you’ve been stalking her has she changed in any way towards you? I’ll answer for you. No. And I’m sick and fed up of you coming to me when I’m sank balls deep for your booboo healing when she’s right there. not that he minded taking care of the assassin, but his visits could be better timed.

Only way you’ll know is if you ask her. But wait. He was too much a coward, yes? It was the excuse Ruth expected.

Nairn glowered at the other man, scoffing. Fuck you. He spun his drink slowly, I ain't been stalkin' her... been keeping an eye on her, 'cause she gets into trouble. With the amount of exes they'd beaten to a pulp, she was going to find it harder and harder to date; especially anyone in the C. Nobody wanted Nairn — or Ruth — up their ass because they hurt the healer's feelings.

You're just mad because you ain't skilled enough to rut and heal at the same time, he grumbled. 'Booboo' was a bit of an understatement; Nairn still only sought healer (especially alternative healers than Megara) if he absolutely needed it; if he thought he might bleed out, and couldn't stitch himself up... Though he had a handful of new scars, where he'd done his own stitching instead of going to a healer. It wasn't the prettiest but it'd kept his ass up and moving on assignment once or twice.

Fuck that. Ain't good with words. I'mma have another, and we'll just hope this asshole warns off the rest. He didn't like the idea of her dating anyone else, anyway. But what he hated the most, was how hurt she kept getting. But if she stayed alone... it gave him more time to figure out his feelings, and what lengths he was willing to go for the daley woman.

Oblivious as he was, to the fact the consistent stalking and beat-downs of her exes was certainly a length he'd not go to for any other woman.

@Ruth Yoesif
Ruth’s face split into a shit eating grin. You already did. Or I did… bit fuzzy on the details… He couldn’t remember all too well there had been a few too many bumps and shots that made their one-nighter a tad fuzzy. He gave Nairn a look, Suuuuuure. Cos you ain’t been hounding Bertie about her jobs, no. Not one bit.

Fuck you. You just need to man the fuck up, but who was he kidding, that would involve having to talk to her, explain where his head was at. Perfection takes time and effort, like healing. My rutting as you so eloquently put it, would go better if you weren’t so hung up on avoiding her. You complain about my help every time anyways. "Ugh, Megara wouldn’t use that. Megara wouldn’t give me this draft… Megara, Megara, Megara". He'd toll his eyes and tut for good measure, folding his arms across his chest so sulk into his chair.

After Ruth complained he then listened, gaze rolled over to the barman gesturing for a bottle and glasses. The elf was going to lose his damn sanity, groaning, And what? Force her to be alone? Celibate? Get a grip. Fuck this, if he couldn’t talk then he could certainly sink some courage into him to pay her a visit. Who said you had to use words? Just… go to her door and when she answers, just snog her and see where it goes. Hopefully to her bed and that way everyone could get some goddamn peace for an evening without his sullen face glaring at every smiling jerk in the tavern.

Nairn flushed and snorted, Yeah, yeah, yeah. He waved off mention of their drunken night, not embarrassed that it'd happened, but more embarrassed how poor it'd gone. But then, what should you expect if you're that fucked up?

He was silent as he accused him of hounding Bertie to keep tabs on the elf. It was true, but that didn't mean he needed to acknowledge it. He rolled his eyes, She wouldn't use some of the things you use, though. I'm just trying to help you be a better healer. A not-quite-the-truth statement.

Staring down at his glass, he shook his head. She'll find someone, eventually, who doesn't care about children. He murmured, because he wouldn't admit the idea of her remaining celibate suited him fine, but it was the bit about her being alone that bothered him most.

Ears are quickly turning red, as Ruth suggested skipping using words. Mmm, no-no. I can't just kiss her and— no, he shook his head quickly, and reached to pour himself a glass.

@Ruth Yoesif
OOC Note: If you want to go through them getting drunk af, we can, or you can imply it and Ruth can dump him off. Tongue Up to you!
Ruth leaned over the table, arms unfolding to point at him. No! She just babies you is what it is. He just didn’t sugarcoat shit while Meg would come in all sweet and chirpy, gibbering complete nonsense as if rainbows fell out of her arse.

Nairn was just as delusional though, the man’s comment of her finding someone else earning him a straight-faced look, his brow arching towards the end. Sure, but even then they’d dip the minute they saw you. What fool was going to go toe to toe with the C’s best assassin?

Accepting the mystery bottle ordered, Ruth set to pouring them out a shot each, Why not? He’d not wait for Nairn, tossing his back and pouring himself a fresh pint from the jug. If it took him this bottle or the next, Nairn was going to either have the courage and do it himself or… and increasingly likely, Ruth was going to be dumping him at her door and running away.

It wasn’t easy though, keeping his own wits about the plan was hard enough with Nairn's watchful gaze, and for a spell when Ruth felt his head becoming too fogged, he’d discreetly begin tossing out his shot over his shoulder. When it came time to leave, distracting Nairn from turning down the right street was easy, clasping his arm over his shoulders in a song and spinning them around till they’d meander down the right way. When the assassin finally noticed where they were it would be too late and Ruth’s grip held him fast until he’d stopped knocking.

Good luck, bud, shoving a flask into his hand and booking it out of there, slipping but catching himself in the process.

The argument petered out, as the two men drowned themselves in drink. Nairn was watchful — but at some point, he'd hit a point of no return and stopped paying attention to what the other man was doing. It became about waiting for the next shot — and the next — and...

By the time they were on the street, Nairn had left gold on their table (more than needed, and he'd notice that tomorrow). But drinking with Ruth was always fun; the other man had his demons, but he knew how to have a good time. How to stop being so serious—

He didn't realize they'd spun the wrong way, until they were in front of her house. He tried to scramble off the front step, but Ruth tugged him forward, and he was off-balance enough to actually fall on his ass, glaring as the other man knocked on the door.

Flask shoved into his hand, he sat there, staring after Ruth, who almost slipped trying to make his own escape. Shaking the flask, as if checking if there was anything left in it, he'd shove himself to his feet, leaning on the railing around her porch.

Her porch. Her porch — and her light was on and — he could see her silhouette as she made her way to the door. But he didn't feel panicked; if anything, irritated that Ruth dumped him here after their earlier discussion... But hyperaware of Ruth's suggestion —

— to just kiss her.

He straightened, and tucked the flask away as the door opened. Kissing her didn't seem like such a bad idea, though that might just be the drink.

It was strange, standing at her door. Typically, he'd have slipped through one of the windows, perhaps in the kitchen — or that one time through her bedroom window... But he stayed put, uncertain that he'd be able to get home from here on his own, anyway. Which was probably the point.

He'd have to thank Ruth tomorrow, if he remembered what happened. Even if he didn't remember... well, the elf would get what was coming to him, probably.

@Megara Fern
It had hurt being rejected again for her honesty. Meg had hoped, foolishly, that this time would be different, that her new beau had the open mind to understand her lacking didn’t make her worth any less. With her third attempt now dead in the water she’d been unable to keep it to herself, face giving it all away no matter how hard Meg tried to school her features. Ruth had known the minute he saw her, that sadness in her eyes all too clear to one who’d equally been abandoned more times than he could count.

The rest of her evening was spent at home, repotting plants into larger tubs in an effort to keep busy. She’d tried her best to cheer herself up singing along as she worked, but it felt hollow, especially when glancing around the empty chairs around the table. Lonely. It gave her head too much time to think, to play over the options in front of her. Maybe they had done her a favour? She’d had her doubts with every one of her dates, distracted when a certain member graced the Mess or tavern they were at.

The knock at her door caught her off guard. Eyes glanced at the empty kitchen window, then standing she’d pad over to the other rooms to check before spotting someone's shadow through the glass on her doorstep. Meg stopped dead. No-one came to the front door. Everyone either came through the kitchen window or the bathroom, but the door was only regularly used by her alone. Suddenly one shadow split into two, one half fading away from the door just as she got there.

Surprise was written all over her face soon followed by concern at finding Nairn standing there, Nairn? What’s wrong? You okay? … Is that Ru-? Her gaze switched towards the retreating healer, clueless as to what was going on. Why were they both… well, why was Nairn on her doorstep? Why was Ruth making a run for it?

Nairn shook his head, at her questions, and he didn't cast a glance behind him to see if Ruth was entirely gone. Doing that would just melt his resolve. Stop, he murmured, as he reached for her. One hand settled on her shoulder, as he leaned to kiss her.

If he'd had time to think about what he was doing, and hadn't been quite so drunk, he might have bumped noses or otherwise thought himself into a hole. But for the moment, he held her in place (as if she'd run away from him, pffft), and kissed her. Certainly not the best kiss, given the fact he wasn't the steadiest on his feet (perhaps holding onto her was, in fact, to keep himself steady, we'll never know).

No hic q-questions. He murmured, as he broke the kiss, carefully pushing her inside, following close on her heels. The moment she asked questions, the moment he'd start questioning why he was here.

@Megara Fern
OOC Note: The roll was to decide if he'd kiss her or answer her questions.
Her gaze instantly tracked back to him as he spoke, forgetting the shadow of Ruth slipping deeper into the dark. It then fell on his hand then back up just to have his lips meet hers. Meg blinked in disbelief at the sudden forwardness yet instantly yielded under Nairn’s instruction even as they swayed lightly.

Her hand came up to steady them as the pair gently swayed, something she’d giggle about later given her usual clumsy nature. When he finally broke away, Meg’s tongue lapped over her lower lip before rolling them into a shy smile that fought to burst wide. She couldn’t speak, so nodded, humming an agreement as he backed her back indoors and standing in the small hallway.

The moment the latch clicked over, separating them from prying eyes, Meg reached for his shirt, and using it as leverage lifted herself up to tiptoe the inches needed to kiss him back. Her eyes watched him, fluttering to a close as she softly returned his kiss with a sobering slow one of her own. Even if doubt plagued at the back of her mind Megara decided to cease on the opportunity to at least know what it was like to kiss Nairn, vowing to keep it entirely to herself forever if she had to.

She eventually had to break away to breath, catch her breath from growing too lightheaded, dropping her height back down. Um… Hello Stranger. She felt it an accurate title given their lack of interaction, the playful tease was followed by the flashing of a grin. Nice to see you too.

He flushed, not expecting her to kiss him back — no, again. Hi, he murmured, once she'd broken the kiss she began, a shy grin playing across his lips. His ears were still red, as he took in her home. He's been here before, even with her alone, like this.

No, not quite like this... before, they'd never kissed. He cleared his throat, and rubbed the back of his neck, I wanted... to see you, he finally decided. That wasn't quite right; he hadn't wanted to see her — if anything, he'd been trying to avoid her because he wanted so badly to see her.

He bit his lip; kissing her had gone fine, but Ruth hadn't told him what to expect after that. Uncertainty in his eyes, etched across his face, he let his gaze roam around the living room. Not searching for a way out (after all, he knew all the escape routes available), but more idle. Eventually, he settled on her couch — well, he tripped over his own feet, and landed on the couch.

@Megara Fern